path: root/about/whatami.html
diff options
authormjfernez <>2023-07-11 23:31:16 -0400
committermjfernez <>2023-07-11 23:31:16 -0400
commit5a0d5c2bb7d700343adbef66185675215cc983e5 (patch)
tree84bcec5f6e32f4767ac28ba5b7fc237250cdd010 /about/whatami.html
parent27bc09d8ce0a32cdc2fd5688faeaa380ad94edfd (diff)
HTML generation
Diffstat (limited to 'about/whatami.html')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/about/whatami.html b/about/whatami.html
index 15551ee..30002bf 100644
--- a/about/whatami.html
+++ b/about/whatami.html
@@ -6,16 +6,162 @@
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<p>In case of alien transmission...</p>
-<p>It should be noted for the record I'm a human (<em>homo sapiens sapiens</em>), which by <a href="">most estimates</a> puts me firmly in the category of <em>water-like object</em> at ~60% of my total body mass, with the remaining matter compromised of various arrangements of carbon, oxygen, and potato chips.</p>
+<p>It should be noted for the record I'm a human (<em>homo sapiens
+sapiens</em>), which by <a
+href="">most estimates</a> puts
+me firmly in the category of <em>water-like object</em> at ~60% of my
+total body mass, with the remaining matter compromised of various
+arrangements of carbon, oxygen, and potato chips.</p>