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If you know how to use +<code>eval</code> you can stick any resulting text anywhere you +want.</p> +<p>Take for example, timestamping your output lookups. Let's say I have +a report that runs every 12 hours that I output to a lookup called +"vpn_users.csv," which contains all users who logged on to VPN in that +time. That report might look something like this:</p> +<pre class="spl"><code>index=syslog sourcetype=vpn + | table _time username + | outputlookup vpn_users.csv</code></pre> +<p>I can easily review that lookup like so:</p> +<p><code>| inputlookup vpn_users.csv</code></p> +<p>My boss might be happy that I'm keeping an eye on things, but what's +the historical picture? How do I know what's a red flag and what isn't? +What I might do is combine all of the days reports into one each day, +and then compare each today. But in the original report logic, this gets +overwritten every 12 hours. You could just append forever, but then +you're not looking at just twelve hours, unless you add a time +constraint to your search. How do I get to a daily report without +interrupting the reports already running?</p> +<p>One way to do it is to create a second combined report unique to that +day, for example 'vpn_users-2022_11_17.csv'. The way you insert that +text is with a macro, defined for the current date. For this particular +format, I can define a macro called <code>today</code> with the +following definition, which just gets the current time and formats +it:</p> +<p><code>strftime(now(), "%Y-%m-%d")</code></p> +<p>Now I literally just stick it to the end of my original search, and +set the lookup file to append, so we <em>add</em> new values rather than +overwrite them:</p> +<pre class="spl"><code>index=syslog sourcetype=vpn + | table _time username + | outputlookup vpn_users.csv + | outputlookup append=t vpn_users-`today`.csv</code></pre> +<p>That's just a super obvious implementation though; there's all sorts +of ways you might want to tag your lookups for ease of access.</p> +</body> +</html> + |