# XLStoCSV A simple and mostly useless tool for converting excel files (.xls and .xlsx) to raw CSV format. Basic usage: XLStoCSV.exe /path/to/files Use -h or --help (or just run with no arguments) to display a help menu Obviously, any editing software already has this capability built in, but sometimes (as in my current situation) you get a lot of data in Excel format and you don't want to convert each one manually. This here is a quick and dirty solution using Pandas. You can find executables for Windows and Linux in the "dist" folder If you want to compile from source, I recommend using pyinstaller. Use: pip3 install pyinstaller and then compile using the spec file: pyinstaller -F XLStoCSV.spec (NOTE: YOU MUST USE PYTHON3. PYTHON 2 GIVES ISSUES WITH PANDAS WHEN COMPILED) There is no license for this code. Feel free to re-distribute as you wish. You don't need to credit me, although it'd be appreciated :)