##Fun bullshit aliases # quicker base64 decryption alias based="base64 -d" # color cat, pip install Pygments, if you dont have alias ccat="pygmentize -g -O style=fruity" # sources changes to bashrc faster alias bashrc="source ~/.bashrc" # easy dec to hex, must be single quoted or bash misunderstands alias hexcalc='echo "obase=16;$(cat)" | bc' # vim/gdb like quit alias q="exit" alias :q="exit" ##Necessary aliases # pull input to clipboard alias clip="xclip -selection c" # some more ls aliases alias ll="ls -lh" alias la="ls -Ah" alias lt="ls -Aulth" alias lS="ls -AlSh" alias l="ls" # makes speaker-test less annoying alias speaker-test="speaker-test -t wav -c 2 -l 1" ##Python stuff # virtual env aliases alias venv="source ./env/bin/activate" alias newvenv="python -m venv ./env" # pycharm because they made it weird alias charm="/opt/pycharm-community-2020.3.3/bin/pycharm.sh" # old st config, now I just stuck this in /bin/st # alias st="/usr/local/bin/st -f 'Fira Mono for Powerline-18' -e tmux"